Show Why You Should I 4 Never Gul a aDorn Corn If fl tie are troubled with corns corn or do not run the risk of blOOd potion b by paring them StatistIcs show that many mans hive occurred this practice c af paring panni corns Simply go to your druggist antS get geta a tew cent Worth of Mint Ics rub a little on any painful corn com or callus the pain will wUl disappear and In a abort time the corn com or 01 callus cal cal- JUt lus will looten locien and lift oft off with the ho root and leaving aU the skin akin Iz 10 a healthy normal condition with the tact that Ice Ice- MInt overcomes such luch as sore aorel tired aching putted or teet and makel them cool eAsy and co- co com I Ii h probably responsible tor Lor the endorsement given riven It bY drug dru- lists To rId ot of every hard corn soft on corn com corn between the toes loea or calluses in such a pleasant and ut ze pay a makes maces It Seem the heIght ot of toll folly for anyone to p pare re a corn and lind people are w warned to top atop It Adv WALL PAPER AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Some az as Low as 5 per roll Some Embossed Papers at 7 per ron roll Cleaner II io 10 can 3 for 25 Builders Builders' e e. e e. e 47 gal quart Calcimine all package 4 47 7 Now ow Showing a Complete Line Llna or of NEW DRAPERIES WE SPECIALIZE IN PICTURE FRAMING FLOOR ANDL G MACHINE l RENTED BY TIlE DAY ARMSTRONG ENGBERG 19 West First South I I fiery Tormenting burning irritations soothed and h healing al ng promoted by PILES PILES and other curable and associated rectal diseases successfully t r rea e a t e d- d safely humanely economically economically eco eco- i and without the dangers of surgery II I. R. R Parsons M. M D. D I Office and Residence 1301 South Sooth East Salt LAke City II fly I UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ROYAL PORTABLE New Low Prices 33 i A small and this latest mode Royal Portable with smut ew carrying case is yours I Pay PaT the thc balance on Cu cur terms Complete Easy Euy ro 0 we U if II bass mIJI Study Built of Jr a J lifetime of writing convenience ROYAL 1 TYPEWRITER COMPANY INC 11 Deason Bldr 2 5 Fast East 2nd nd South Phone Wasatch 3 J SU fV ALL ALL- WOOL L Oj j I II b Cut Cat from liner mill ends W- W l' l I bred to your measure In our ur own shop with tine fine and ready I Ito to put on In addition we gle clYe y you ou a i BOTH FOR ONLY 1000 1 A SENSATIONAl Unclaimed Suits and i Returned b by Out arent 5 I wholesale tailor tn Values aUr lot from 10 to m. m or open RE uti I P 1 BELL TAILORS TAILORS' i ilor for lor cloth m s a out To ro Match te n South and un MaIn WiX Salt Sail LIU Cit la fit III r fr S. nUl art III U Cut t. t and Velt CO Coat i City 7 Ave e Ogden O-deDo t I 1 |