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Show 1 T V DESTRUCTIVE STORM. THE WEEKLY SENTINEL IWT JAUMANf HMUm Cloudburst! in Kansas Cause Much Damage to Property. Cloudburt-tare reported from Newton, Strung City. Florence. Manhattan, St. John and Salina, Kansan. At Lincoln Center more than four inches of water tell in three hours. Heavy rains are iewrted from upstream In the Kuw valley, but most uf the high water trouble is being experienced In the bottom lands between Emporia and Newton. This Santa Fe tracks are a foot under water at Emporia. Strong City, Florence and Newton, and are washed Six hundred out In several plafi-s- . people were forced to leave tbelr homes in Newton. The little town of Klmdale, eight miles from Cottonwood Falls, Is reported as lielng under three feet of water. A severe wind accompanied the rain, greatly damaging fruit and growing crops. At SL John, Sterling and In the country districts around Salina houses wer demolished by tornadoes. d Edward Holmes of Clements and Olsen of Concordia were killed by lightning. UTAH STATE NEWS. It now lucks as though Hbber City is to have a waterworks system. The labor unions of Ogden have decided to hold a grand reunion some time In tho near future. On Saturday of last week the cl titans of I.ehi turned out and cleared the cemetorv of all brush, weeds, etc. There wero forty-twgraduates from tbs Ephraim schools, the largest class from any one district In ' Sanpete o county. Fred Gray and Will Smith, two negroes residing In Ogden, were convicted of driving a horse to death and fined (100 each. The smallpox situation at Mt. Pleasant Is still causing much uneasiness, there being three new cases reported last week. During a heavy thunderstorm, the Sanpete Valley railway depot at Ephraim was struck hy lightning and burned to the ground. There are now 15.000 rattle grazing on the Uintah forest reserve. Permits have been granted for 125,000 aheep to enter tho reserve on July 1. Mrs. Annie Leaker, 70 years old, was stricken with apoplexy while out for a drive In Sait Lake City, and died before a physician could reach her. Mrs. J. M. Doran of Ogden was struck in the eye with a baseball while watching a game on Decoration day, and as a result may lose her eyesight Gross earnings for the Rio Grande system for the second week of May wore $298,600, a decrease of $20,000 compared with the same week last year. Work on the auxiliary plant of the Utah Sugar company at Inland Is well under way. Brick work will start In a few days and be completed within alx weeks. The shipment of wool for the year from this state is expected to reach the 12,000,000 pound mark, placing the wool clip at about the same place as last year. The public la being swindled each day out of more than $300. owing to short measure and short weight men in 8alt Uke City, according to City Sealer IT. P. Richards. There have been 60,000 sheep shear-, A .at jtl a. WauaVi.HiaUiwihewrtaei-Qae- . ral, five miles north of Fountain Green. The clip has averagod $bout even pounds per sheep. Lehl feels quite honored that two of her boys are the valedictorians at the two leading universities of the state Fred Waritnn at the U. of U and F. V. Klrkbam at the n. Y. U. The third annual commencement exercises of the Sanpete county public schools were held In Ephraim Saturday. There were 133 graduates, forty-tw- o coming from the Ephraim schools. A burglar entered the Branch Coop at Lehl and appropriated half a dozen watches and some other jewelry, besides fitting himself out with new clothing, leaving his old clothes behind. There Is some agitation of the question of removing the county seat from Mantl to Ephraim. It being claimed hy some that Mt Pleasant, Fountain Green and Ephraiin, have formed a combine looking to that end. After terrorising a crowd near the poatoffice building In Salt lake City for nearly an hour, biting a boy and chasing the employees out of the basement of the postofflee, an apparently mad dog was killed by a policeman. The United Presbyterian general assembly, In session at Greenville, Pa., decided to operate with the Utah gospel mission and to eqlup and maintain a gospel wagon. Rev. J. E. Milligan was elected to represent the church. The report cornea from Kamas that for once In the history of the valley the fanners are crying enough rain, a recent storm causing Heaver creek to overflow, some portions of the town be, ing turned into lakes. John Kano and William Moore, prisoners at the county Jail at Ogden, made their escape Sunday, and are till at large. The men outwitted the jailer while he was serving lunch to the occupants of the jail. Frederick Ilagshaw, aged 59, employed as night watchman at the Dooly block in Salt City, met death In an elevator accident on Sunday. It was to have been Dagshaw's last shift before removing to his farm. the Xk F. Lynch, an employee of Utah Independent Telephone company, waa fatally injured at Ogden. A pole which a gang of men were attempting to raise, fell and struck Lynch upon the bead and fractured liU skull. sun of Mr. Gid(n, the J. S. liringhiirst. of Spring, and lie ih killed in a runnwey. ville, went he field with an older brother In a v;on, when tho team ran away and thmw the little fellow out of the wagon,: breaking his neck. four-year-ol- m. t2 Or-vl- CAUGHT BY TORNADO. Twenty People Injured by Twister Which Strikes Nebraska Town. Additional reports from Tekamah, Nebraska, which was si ruck by a tor nado, Indicate that about twenty persons were Injured, some of them seriously hurt. There were no fatalities. The seriously Injured: Kip Hamblin, Miss Gertrude Denny, Professor J. D. Harness, Miss Gray, M$mle Remington, Joe Hrune and Jesse Spillman. The storm wrecked most of the buildings In Its path, which was a block wide and several blocks long. The opera house two general stores, a blacksmith shop and several residences wero destroyed. A high school (jommencotnent rehearsal was In progress in the opera house when the storm struck the building, carrying away the roof and partially wrecking the walla. A number of pupils were injured. The people of the town had little warning of the romlng storm, and many had narrow escapes. Thu property loss is heavy. BY HUNDREDS DRIVEN FlI0I FROM tions cf Embassador Porter at Paris to the French government, requesting the exerolso cf Ira good offices In obTHEIR taining the release of the captives. Wyoming Sheriff Hat Running Fight With Desperadoea. Sheriff Webb of Natrona county, Wyoming, and posse have fought a battle with outlaws near the Putney ranch In Ute Big Horn mountains. One of the outlaws was wounded and fell from bis horse. A companion lifted him from the ground and escaped with his human burden Into the Bad Lands. The officers followed and news of another battle la looked for momentarily. A number of horses have been stolen from the Teasdale ranch recently, and Sheriff Webb and hla men started In pursuit of the guilty parties about a week ago. at Ottawa, KanFlood sas, are fast Improving, the water receding very rapidly. Communication with North Ottawa, where several hundred persona were driven from their homes, was opened Tuesday with busts and provisions were taken to the unfortunates. Six men moron ed In the Santa Fe depot, who were without food since Sunday, were brought away Tuesday. Many others were removed from the flood district, some of whom had been forced to upper stories or to tbelr house tops. The country west of Ottawa for several miles has been swept clean, crops having been wiped out and much stock drowned. All bridges here have remained Intact, hut train service Is still at a standstill, the tracks for miles being under water. Senator Quay Laid to Rest. For two hours Tuesday, during the funeral services over the remains of Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, business waa suspended throughout the entire Beaver valley. In Beaver, Pa., Senator Quay'a old hume, the streets , were thronged with crowds from surrounding towns, anxious to pay a last tribute to the dead statesman. A private service was held at the house, and under a guard of honor from the Beaver G. A. R. post, the' remains were removed to the Fourth Presbyter church, where for three hours the public waa given an opportunity to view the face of the dead senator. There were florak tributes from all parts of the country. A large allk American flag was draped across the casket and no other decoration marked 1L During the time the body lay In state, several thousand pec-ton-s viewed .the remains. WARSHIPS AT TANGIER i' 8 ST. PETERSBURG. Vlctoryl Our Navy But They Were Our Own Battleehlpik at Last. Minneapolis Journal. Troops for Educational Purposes. Negotiations arc under wny fur the tract of laud on purchase of a the St. Clair river just south of St. Clair, Mich., for the establishing i f an industrial training mid educational institution which will represent an Investment of $5(hi,oiiii. in a measure It will be a pliilnniiinipie enterprise, conducted a.mtg Socialistic lines, i'nrl.er 11. is the originaof Cliii-iigtor of the plan, and among the men mentioned as his associates an Clar nee Harrow and Prnfi-ssc- r Oscar Trigg of Chicago and Hanford Henderson of Chicago. 4no-ai-i- Sen-ninh- lob-grap- i : con-i-tio- 1 Make Nine, Successive Gharge Though Exposed to Galling Fire. The detail! of the fighting at Kla Chou emphasize the heroic tenacity of the Japanese In their conduct at Nan Shan hill. Nine successive times the Japan Infantry charged the fortified heights g In the face of a storm of effort In their last they missiles, and carried the forts and trenches, only after a bayonet to bayonet conflict with the Russians, who made a desperate, despairing struggle to meet the oncoming hordes. The final assault of the Japanese, In which they at last succeeded In taking possession, was marked hy the encounmost desperate ter that baa thns far characterized the war. The Japanese left, throughout the entire action until night waa exposed to an enfilading fire from the Russian Infantry, a gunboat on Tallenwen bay and four guna posted at Tafang Chen. At a critical moment the ammunition of the artillery ran low, and It was decided to cast the remaining ammunition into one final desperate assault. Fortunately, however, at the moment this decision was reached the Japanese squadron In Kin Cheu bay, which bed ceased liombardlng when the infantry had first moved forward, suddenly resumed the shelling of Nan Shan hill. death-dealin- hand-to-han- d Japan Sends Sharp Note to China. The Japanese minister at Peking has demanded an immediate reply to the Inquiry previously sent to the Wai Wu Fu, as to whether China la prepared to hold and administer the territory the Japanese have conquered, adding that otherwise Japan must appeal to other, powers to undertake the responsibility at the expense of China. It la reported there that Minister Uchlda has notified government at Peking that Port Arthur will arxin be captured and has asked whether China la ready to resume possession of the district or If Japan shall hold It d . Memorial Day Accident at Salida, Colo. While the memorial exercises were at their height at Salida, Colo., and the, veterans were casting Hewers on the waters of the Arkansas river in memory of the heroic dead, four people were suddenly plunged to death by the breaking of a foot bridge spanning the river at the lower edge of Riverside park. A number of others were thrown into the stream, several of whom are mlKsina. The rest narrowly escaped with their Uvea. The accident waa witnessed by a thousand persons, who seemed powerless to render assistances Car Ronoer Killed by Police. Svhiie being pursued by a detective two men, thought to be freight car robbers, jumped into the river at Cleveland. O., and were drowned or killed. Special Detective Wilson discovered four men in the railway yard acting In a suspicious manner. Two of them pursued by Wilson ran to- ward the river and jumped Into tho swollen stream. Wilson fired a dozen Russia Declares Movement Out of shots at them, when finally one of Place at Thl Time. them cried out, Im shot. and disapThe renewed intimation of peared under the surface. The other foreign man reached a bridge abutment. As mediation in the war are considered he clung there the detective fired In government circles at St. Peters- three shots at him. one of which burg to be entirely cut of place and truck, and he sank into the water. Impertinent, in view of Russias speChurches Decide to Unite. cific declaration in diplomatic circles that mediation was regarded aa The Presbyterian genera assembly being beyond the range of possibility at the of the United States in session at Bufpresent time. Any move In that di- falo. N. Y., declared in favor of union rection can be taken only after a with the Cumberland Presbyterian great change In the military situation church, by a vote so nearly unanimous when Russia's military prestige is re- that it was not counted. The resolustored both because of its effect oa tion adopted Included nut only favorEurope and on her future in the far able action on the report, but recommends certain other steps to he taken east. to secure the union of the churches and to make plain the position of tho RUSSIANS AGAIN DEFEATED. church. Japanese Capture Whole Squadron of MEN SLAIN BY THOUSANDS. Coscacke and- Several Guna. A special dispatch from Rome Assault on Nan 8han Hill Bloodiest Afsays a telegram has been received there fray of Modern Warfare. from Tokio reporting that General Japan paid dearly for her victory at Kurokl has completely defeated Gen- Kin Chou, Nan Shan and Talienwan, eral Kuropatkina forces near losing three thousand men in killed and wounded in the repeated assaults (probably Saimataza or against these strongholds, hut she All the Russian positions east of scored a sweeping and valuable victory g have been abandoned, ac- over the Russians, rapturing fifty cording to the telegram; several guns guns, clearing tho way to Port Arthur have been taken and whole squadrons and Inflicting losses on the Russians, which. In the end. are expected to toof Cossacks cuptured. tal 2,000 men. Crushed by Street Car. Few Russians In Korea. Earnest Lampkin, aged 11, was run and conflicting reports Continuous over and killed by a street car at the movements of the Rusthe concerning corner of Elks and Magnolia streets. sian a are being received from Korean Bellingham, Wash. His sources with wild guesses as to the playmate. Joseph Hill, had his leg men seen. In reliable quarnumber broken and his foot terribly crushed, ters in of Seoul the present Russian but will recover. The two hoys were strength In the province of Ham He-un- g coasting down hill on Magnolia street Is estimated at about 1.000 men, un a small wagon. The inriine Is a with twelve guns. who. it is anticisteep one, and a brick block shuts pated. will he reinforced in the near fuout all view of approaching cars. As ture. The Cossacks claim that C00 cavthey came along with great speed the alry and 4.000 Infantry are now followcar struck them, lampkin being ing In their rear. killed. Jlau-Chcn- Land Purchased Wireless Telegraph Testa. The I'nited Slates hospital ship Solace, leaving Honolulu Wednesday ilternoou for liii.-iiIsland, mude wiro-- !' tests anil kepi in with l in u;cm!"!iis of list nisei- New Yuik r seien'y miles. slo tnainciliii-eoi'Miniiibalieii ".III l lie later Is laid Win h ss Tele aph ci many loi l!H miles At noun of L'li'i ini.es. huisd.iy. at a be lost signal lotto-- V was live linn Wile. i leaving Fan Fran oiiiinuiiii-aiioi' tho Fnlaro lost with the shore ut seventy eight miles post-office- d Landed by Japa. The Japanese have landed another lot of troops at Tsing Tuiise (Cheng Thaits Su). about twenty miles southeast of Takushan. A Chinese junk arriving from thero says that seventy wnrshlps and transports have discharged troops there. One thousand soliUiws had been garrisoned ashore. for the Japanese Itcinforrcments army, which it attacking Port Arthur lr.ive been landed ni.rt beast of Talien-wait- . Their number is unknown. More re-por-ts Russian Officers Greatly Depressed Over Reverses at Nan Shan Hill. A courier who has arrived at Tien Teln from Newchwang saya: While It Ja known that the Russians reports from Mukden giving the losses sustained by them the fighting at Kinrhuu and Nanduring Shan hill and the conditions prevailing, they will not talk on the aubject. The officers are desperately gloomy. "The press bulletin giving the news of the fighting on the Kwang Tung peninsula, with the comments on the victory of the Japanese, waa suppressed on its arrival, but waa when the Russians learned that two copies of it were In posses-slo- u of Englishmen nd were being shown to other people. The Tien Tsin newspapers which reached Newchwang were eagerly snapped up. Knots of officers stood In the streets and in and about the club eagerly scanning the papers. WILL RESENT MEDIATION. n I special from Green River, Wyoming, under date of June 1, says: Floods in tne Creep river and tributaries have cost at least two lives and much damage to property. A messenger has just arrived here with news from the Inundated district It Is his opinion that the death list may be greatly Increased when complete come In. The known dead are: Frank Woodruff, range rider; William Eubanka, range rider. Woodruff waa foreman of the Circle cattle outfit and was drowned while fording Silver' creek, a tribu-- 7 of Green river. Hla hone waa wept from its feet and rolled over him, fracturing hla skull and rendering him Incapable uf making a fight for life. His body waa recovered. Eubanka waa drowned in Green river while running a bunch of horses . through the stream near Barnes Ills body and that of hls horse were swept away and have not been recovered. All the streams of that section are out of their banks and the lowlands are flooded. The Green river. Big Plney. East Fork. New Fork, Ham's .Pork, Silver creek and Soujh Fork are exceptionally high. Aa there are no bridges across these streams above this place and the fords are Impassable, communication with Interior settlements is cut off. It Is not expected that the damage done by high water can be estimated with accuracy for weeks. Attempt of Omaha Brokers to Corner Corn Proves Disastrous. May corn on the Omaha grain exchange had a range of 10 cents Tuesday as a result of what Is said to have been at attempt by a leading member to corner that delivery. A number of brokers who had sold short for some time were forced to buy hack much of their short corn at a price ranging from 4 to 8 cents above the price at which they sold It. assurances on tills point, a poptiun of which has not been made public, and said that every ship except tho Foldi-dwas now ready to go to sea at a moments notice, and that the was clear. He continued the belief which existed In St. Petersburg that the Japanese will continue their efforts to block the channel before the decisive moment to storm the fortress on the land side arrives, and lias made plans accordingly. In the opinion of the most eoiniietent military critics lie must the land furtilleatfons breached before a general assault can lie risked, and this is nut considered possible in less than ten weeks. Succeed A JAPS DISPLAY GREAT BRAVERY. e - Russia' Victory Floods in Wyoming Streams Hava Cost Two Lives and Much Cairo age to Property. DEFEAT CAUSES GLOOM. titpUak-gav- Cossacks Destroy Jaoanese Depots and Capture Provision Trains, letters form the theatre of war report that Russian raiders lyive succeeded In penetrating as far as Gcn-saand also south of Anju. They have destroyed depots . of Japauese supplies and eaptured provision trains. Koreans are fleeing into Manehurlato escape the hardships of war. Chinese are moving from Kwan ''Tung into northern Manchuria In order to avoid living in territory under Japanese control. RIDERS MEET DEATH IN ATTEMPT TO FORD RIVER. MADE BAD BREAK. t- - WiUmft RANGE FIGHT WITH OUTLAWS. Many Farmera in Region About Ottawa. Kansas, Virtually Ruined, Crops Being Wiped Out and Livestock Destroyed. American Citizen Seized by Insurgent Chief Must be Released. J This cablegram has been received at the navy department from Rear Admiral Chadwick, commanding the South Atlantic squadron at Tangier: The seizure of the American citizen was by an Insurgent chief, so as to bring pressure on the sultan of Morocco to secure the demands of the tribe. Our sense of the gravity of the case Is shown hy the presence of the American squadron, and will undoubtedly cause the earlier yielding by the sultan of Morocco to the demands of the chief, which s the only safe means of relasing the captive. There Is the highest authority for the statement that an attack on Tangier or an expedition against The brigands will be followed by the Immediate murder of the captivea. ESCAPE. WILL SQUADRON At the instance of Secretary 7 fay, Russian Fleet Will Not be Captured If no instructions will be sent, to Rear Admiral Chadwick for the present, Port Arthur Fails. It can be Barely predicted, says a St. pending the result of the representa -Petersburg dispatch, that the Russian THE NEW8 REACHp squadron at Port Arthur will not wait until the last moment before going out. The admiralty seems to entertain no fear. If the situation there becomes desperate, that the squadron will he caught like a rat In a trap. itom-Atoli- tt-- PLAINSMEN PKOWNED HOMES BY HIGH WATERS. Em-pori- s YOCKTOM. WIlEH OUT the And before I go, I'd like to present my friend, Soakenw Tha Coal Man Ice men, who plane to be in tow n for the season! Woman Select Her On Coffin. Dr. Anna E. Iark. said tu have been the first woman admitted to medical practice in New York. Is dead at the bro of 74. Three weeks ngu. wh-- n In i.ilhe jvtTort health, dewitliig care of a nunthcr of p.vients whom she had attei.-h-.-ever sijnee her practical ret': orei-.- several years I NI I t .ill I" nti, rm; i .11 t il n.i i't: lisliment nnd Uhl the she w isheil to a'ran-i'nr.i-i.iland fehi-te.,. I ruin. her - l v.i-r- r scrh-Uidy- di.-u-- ms'-age- ca-i-- t Bluejacketa May Be Landed at Tangier Tornado Strikes Funeral Party. Should Amerlran Interests in TanA tornado struck the little town of gier or other places in Morocco be imthat while kneeling on the Plymouth Ecldrn, west uf Norton, Kansas, ou periled in any way as a result of comthe Kock Island raiiwny, damaging a bridge praying for a relative who was plications growing out of the capture-o- f cliur-h- , five dwellings and destroying drowned five years ago, George Shep-l- a the Amerlran. Perdlcaris, by rcr-tirfell into the Susquehanna and was much fuT: r'''P"r,y. A bandits, it may become necesI eoiulucicd in t! "as ilrowred. lie was n foreigner, hut sary to land marines from the Ameriknowing tho Amerh'an rnt'iui nf ser-- i church at tin.- time ami :;)n persona can man of war now on the way there. i:i a'.iciidr.iicc. A do, n per.-o-n iei s lor the dead on Menu rial day, Thia rontingenry. hrwever. has not hdeei.led to m to the brige and were hurt, r.rjis-- ' Imwcvoj. been .''i.:i j h seriously hy the add.r .ii;;,: v:as tu farm prop-Inrr.y. thinking it appropriate to do so tiltiio p;v,h of the storm bey cud ministration. ns ilirre has been no evitiedy of Ills relative was re-- ., veied. F: k!: ii. Imi no tors of life has been dence that suc h a step win tie ei-'ari l the river the un.y grave it knew. icpuriciL Died While Praying on a Bridge. A Wilkosbarre. Fa., dispatch says 'c-.kiis- j - . n |