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Show I u KEPT ON THE MOVE, EVe JOSEPH F. BERRY. Handkerchief Has Been Around the World Many Times. which The Collin Handkerchief. for fifteen year has been a continuous trawder around ike world, la again in Newcastle, Ind., having been received by Harry T. Collin, a business man. Fifteen years ago ll r.i.ue into the possession of the family aud was started from one member of the family to ai.other. each in turn working It off' ou some other member without his knowledge, in this man-- : er It ha been kept on the go for fieeu years and has been to Manila. Porto Rico. England, and all points In the United States. During the Cof-d-n family reunion in Newcastle last summer it was slipped into the trunk of a New York representative of the Pimily, who several weeks later discovered it apd sent It on, with the result that It went around (he world, rmiehlng Omaha, where a member of The family considthe family I. er It a relic and will keep it traveling ns long as there Is a member of the family living to send it to. It bears q proitor inscription, and each recipient adds a little to It each lima New York Times. NEW METHODIST BISHOP .Newest In Fashions Colored Handkerchief to Be One of Fash-ion- s Vagaries Recipes That Will Give Satisfaction. The cream of tartar. Have three pans of equal else and divide the Rake two dough Into three parts. parts as plain rake; add to tne remaining dough 2 teaspoons molasses, half tcaspoonf'il cinnamon and bnlf teaspnoiiful mnre. Put the dark layer between the two l';ht layers while warm with Jellv between and pies it lightly with the bend lu putting together. fula Fancy Blouu Waist. the 1S30 shoulder la more graceful than this one and none gives better lines. The waist also la admirable In every way and suits all the fabrics of the season. The shallow yoke, the plaits below and the full, drooping sleeves all are features and most admirable ones, while the extensions. In the form of box plaits, over the shoulders make quite the latest of the season.' The model colored is made of champagne oltenne embrolded In ring dole and la combined wltb finely tucked muslin and lace, the use of this last with wool fabrics being essentially smart, but Innumerable combinations might be uggested. The waist la made over a smoothly fitted lining that closes at the center 'front and Itself consists of fronts back and yoke, the closing being Mo form of ten to thirty minutes in one part aud two parts of water. Leather belts or boots which have been water soaked may be softened by rubbing plentifully with coal oil. If the leather la very much soiled wash it first with good hot soap suds. ana-cion- ie Misses' Collarleas Jacket The collarless jacket marks the season for young girls as well as for grown folk and no better model la shown than this one with seams that extend to the shoulders at front and back. The stylish one which served Pendent embroidery trimming is a as a model for the drawing la made of tan colored cloth with bandlnga novelty Just long narrow strips of fine embroidery dropping like a fringe of fancy braid and handsome pearl buttons overlaid with gold, but all tba from the hand of insertion. Where the bodice' blouses over the materials used for jackets suit the model equally well. The mandolin ;:dle in the back there is a fancy lor underlining with a little lace frill, sleeves are new and fashionable but bomaking it look .like a lero. With the linen ahortwalst patterns there come embroidered bands for the collar, cuffs and front piece, and four big embroidered buttons to match. About the best material for an traveling gown la mohair, which cornea now aa sedately plain or aa frivolously fancy aa anyone could desire. It it predicted that the lace and embroidered ehawla of our grandmothers time will be revived for summer carriages and evening wraps. lace-edge- '.. Early Bird. d d three-cornere- d Handkerchiefs Now In Colors. Colon will be more of a feature in womens handkerchiefs than they made Invisible beneath the first plait t tin left of. the front and nt the left shoulder seam. The eleevea are ant in ona piece each and are arranged over the foundations that are fund to form the cuffs, the eatenalou ad (ha left shoulder being hooked Into plaoe after the waist la closed. The quantity of material required flsr (ha medium size la 4K yards 21 tamhea wide, 4 yards 27 Inches wide, ar 111 yards 44 inches wide, with 1 of tncklng, 8)6 yards of appHqna t yards of lace for frills. have been in many seasons. A certain number of colored novelties are sold each year to accompany the colored summer frocks, but owing to the reign of white in general fashions the number of these has greatly decreased during the two past summers. Now that the white corner la broken, oolored handkerchiefs are rapidly returning to favor for the summer, at least So far the color portion qon-sliof patterns formed by embroidered dots the "Jewel" effect of the embroiderer. ts 'MWgH Something New. Many of the French blousea are inch ade with an elastic, one-haha width ran In at the waist line. This the blouse Into the figure, and Oil stains should be washed out In leaves It loose and springy for comfort It does away with oold water. To remove Ink or Iron mold stains halts and pins, which are both wet them with milk and cover with and bothersome to adjust salt , Powdered pipeclay, mixed with watSuch logs and 8hlrrlnga on Parasols. AO aorta of trimmings are being er, will remove oil stains from wallmeed on parasols, such as niching, paper. To keep silver which la not often last appliques, shirring, smockings, tucks, ptaltipgs sunburst and aocor-dio- used from growing black keep the arvarieties and insertions of em- ticles In canton flannel bags with broidered bands, to any nothing of mall bags filled with bits of gum camphor packed among them. other designs. Rubber rings which are used on fruit cans often become hard and brittle. To soften them let them soak lf i j&r-eral conference aa one of the eight new bishops, Is a distinguished member of Hie church, who has been editor of the Epworth Herald since 1900. He was horn at Aylmer, Canada, May 13, KOUROPATKIN plain ones can be substituted and are always In vogue. The Jacket consists of fronts and wltk back and double under-argores that allow iff careful and successful fitting. The mandolin sleeves are made in one piece, but the plain ones consist of upper and undera In regulation cost style. The quantity of material required for the medium size (14 yean) la 1)6 yards 27 Inches wide, 2 yards 44 Inches wide or 1)4 yards S2 Inches wide. aide-front- aide-back- s, How to Duat a Room. Soft cloths make the beat dusters. In dusting any piece of furniture, begin at the top and dust down, wiping carefully with the cloth, which can be frequently shaken. Many people have no Idea of what dusting is to accomplish, and Instead of wiping off and removing the duat. It la simply flirted off Into the air, and Boon settles back again on the dusted article. If carefully taken up on a cloth, it can be shaken out of a window Into the open air. It la much lean work to cover up furniture while sweeping than to be obliged to clean the duat out afterward. The blessing of plainness In decoration la appreciated by the thorough housekeeper who attends to her own dusting. s, s. cup ty yean. la a Prisoner. Few people realize that for nearly of Turkey thirty yeara an haa been kept a prisoner at Kourbad-Jl- , on the Bosporus. This unfortun-- ; ate man la the Murad, the! eldest nephew of Abdul Aziz, who-camto the throne In 1870 on hla! uncle's death, but was allowed to reign only three months. He was In weak health at the time and there was a strong party In Constantinople which was desirous that hla brother, the present Sultan Abdul Ilamld, should he caliph. An intrigue was therefore set on foot to declare that Murad was Insane and he was quietly deposed and Abdul Ilamld reigned In his place. The who la now 64 yeara of age, has become seriously 111 and his life Is despaired of. To-da- A Soman servant girl goes to market early every morning to buy the breakfast bread, butter, and milk for ooffee eggs, too, If desired. only enough for one meal. She buys Chinese Craft. The Chinaman la a crafty Individual. He will beat hla neighbor at trade whenever he gets an opportunity. Until the trick wae discovered' In Hong Kong and exposed, one cute Chinaman was a great worry to the shopkeepers. Ducks purchased from hla agents were always bought for their plumpness. Alas! a knife Inserted under the skin would only ' prove that the ducks were filled with air. The Chinaman had used a bicycle pump to fill out the birds, which had been an unusually scrawny lot He went to Jail when they caught him. Calf With Two Heads. calf with two heads was born at the farm of Charles 8. Atherton of Essex Junction, Vt.. April 28. It lived but a few hours. The heads were perfect, and were joined to tlie laxly by a abort, thick neck. Mr. Atherton fed the calf and it received nourishment at both Its mouths. A d young enough to have the wandering feeling In the feet," and thereto Algeria in the fore wandering Could Not Predict Further. One of Rare Species. French army under Lnvcrdo. How far More than two years a friend of An unsalted specimen of the genua away, how unreal those Algerians B. McClellan made a wager of. American, who was introduced to J. must seem with whom he fought on George a dinner for a dozen friends that ho Plerpont Morgan the desert sands and over whom he could write the name of the next mayrecently, facetiousrode. Into the Legion of Honor! or of New York on a slip of paper. ly Inquired: And then the Turks especially the He wrote the name of Mr. McClellan, "Did you ever see dead Turk under whose body he lav, the paper in the safe and won his a wounded and unconscious, all one put genuine monopobet. Mayor McClellan and this grand cold night! They must come hark to list, Mr. Morgan? gucsser were recalling the remarkable him together with his chief Skobe-lefThe banker hesifeat In poll! leal prediction the other shoulder to shoulder a moment tated standing Take an and then replied: with him in hand to hand encounters day. The mayor said: s and with dripping other peep into the dim and distant Yes. I did. I future, old man, and tell me what once met a man Archibald while equally with blood Can't who minded bis Forhes asked them questions and tel- new honor Is in store for me. do It, Mr. Mayor. was the reply. Mr. fahis his to own business. Now York Times. egraphed newsiiapers t Murphy, the Tammany boss, has not mous description of their gore emme taken into his confidence this bossed uniforms. Unique Lanterns. Turks end Algerians, however, time. The luminous insocls of tropical Kotiro-patkimust be but feeble Images to countries give out a much mor-- brilComing Arbitration Congress. compared with those liant light than do the glow worms s Fifty thousand dollars has been of northern countries. Taking advanTurcomans Bokharians, secreat the disposal of the and the rest whom It was placed tage of tills fart, tlie Indians of South his life mission to subdue. The Rus- tary of the treasury for the proper America fasten to their groat toe an of tlic to entertainment the delegates sian will not be able to conquer the individual of one species of light givarbitration congress, Turcomans," said Lord Salisbury. international ing insect. Tims prmided with their The Turcoman barrier will last for whirh will hold Its next meeting 'n unique lantern they can find their our lifetime at least. it was Skolie- the United Stales during the fall. This way over dark rorols and protect leff and then Knuropalkin who rid- Is the first time (lie United States their liaro feet from the many snakes have had the honor of entertaining In which their dled this prophecy. The Turcomans country abounds. The Tlie Internal fonal Arbilra- - first niiSKiiuuiric!. j this bndv. as as to marchex magnificent yielded to the Amilies, lackthat of Lord Roberts on Kandahar linn to give the organization its full ing nil for lloir lamps, often used and to massacres as promiscuous ns title Is eomiNised exclusively of menns u mure-- of light by which tier of pnrliament-- i and national legthore of Caesar in Gaul, iwirs Kouro-patk.to re ul their "licit ins. remember Tope now and islative iodic of the different Euro-- ! the "4,000 men, women and children pcan cuuiiiries. Finish of Years of Toll. delivered to the flesh and blood lust Dr. f'arl Schmidt of Ilcldcllirrg hss Worked Hard for Material. of tl-- i Russian soldiery in one of n-succeeded nrror years of herd In gathi'i-inv- : the material for a re- work in tho- lessons thorough dissuasive (her 2,000 small pieeie.r I S. It. book Crockett lived for cent which,. In the book of Russian colonfragments of papyri- - and translating ial a. slmllatirih, precede the insidious nearly three months with a family of the content, from the f'eplie. Ho muigalerx on the eastern Iyrecan says that lie lias thus been enabled suas'jp of administrative genth-m-ss'frontier; he spent a week In a camp to give (o the worl tin- - fiist accurate Certainly there could hardly for any individual man in any if ('arllats, anl with them ran away and complete account of the nets of previ.-nperiod of the world's hlstnrv from the gendarme; he passed three Paul. The was Inscribed In it. who dwelt i with a a m re varied retrospect than Ihai i among ISO A. D. which comes now to th- - Uusian gen- the rocks at th- - upper end of the Vnl-- . y of Arlege: ir a fortnight among eral, who, a rontinueut away from Went Through Prultry Flock. home, la taking what is perhaps his charcoal burner he disco cn-r- ! that A pet dog turned himself loose In a were and hi stand last mostly they against the enemies of Damariscntta, Mi .. poultry yard the not so very much 'ex' either , aa Mr. sovereign and is fighting instead of chickens In day and si ' ! other, Crockett savs. hunting. rj many sccon-- ' bqshi-bazouk- n f niild-AalaM- o ; - fire-flie- n s s been-preparin- f. mu-din- Ribbon Cake. 8ucceaaful Invention, Dr. Derrick N. Iehmer, Instructor In mathematics at the University of Californio, has been voted the sum of f300 by the Carnegie Institute to be! devoted to hiring assistants In order that he may complete a table ofj "smallest devisors" which he has during the last three years' under a new and successful method.! Dr. Lehmer's achievement Is the discovery of a new and simple process for finding the factors of all numbers up to 10,000,000. The task has been rarely attempted on account of the, enormous labor Involved. Dr. Leh--j mer's method is brief and complete.; While his tables carried out to thej 10,000,000 would take a period of for- a, G-- oi: Two cups sugar. eggs. up of butter. 1 ouv milk, our, 1 teaspoonful 'nda ? Dr. Lehmer Given Funds to Complete Foemen General Facing Worthy of Hia Steel. It ought to be a source of considerable gratification to Gen. Kouropatkln to have the opportunity of encountering a completely equipped and highly Intelligent enemy. A warrior of hia voracity could hardly have died replete If the scanty fare of hla previous campaigns had not been supplemented by this brawny piece de resistance. For thirty-eigh- t years Kouropatkln fought Bokharians, Algerians, Khokan-dlanTurks, Khlvans, Samarkban-dlanKhirgiilzea, Taahkendiana and Hla foemen variegated were worthy of the arsenal of stars, words tnd crosses which they won for hhq from the czar. They were But that la Just what they wjfry were. Even the Turks, because of the infirmity of their government, resembled a pack of wise animals rather than the army of an organized nation. When Kouropatkln went to SL Petersburg in 1898 aa minister of war he must have felt that he had been not o much a conqueror of men aa a hunter of Inferior breeds. aa he watches Kurokl come toward him over the Manchurian hills with a commissariat department and a chess game plan of campaign, hla heart should bound with the prospect of making his first offering in the Temple of the Real Thing. How many atrange scenes, drawn from strange and widely separated parts of the habitable world, must now through float Kouropatkin's 1874. Aromatic Baths. At a nerve soother there Is nothing equal to an aromatic bath. Take Si) grama of pure alcohol and 2 grams aaeh of essence of thyme and essence at romarln. Tour Into the warm bark water and mix thoroughly. After the bath dry the skin thoroughly, but not too briskly, so that the sedative effects of the hath may be retained. Retire to bed as anna after the bath as possible, and you will sleep. gowns. HELPED BY CARNEGIE INSTITUTE IN REAL WAR. mind! He must see himself as he was in Rub all rusty places on Iron with kerosene oil. In purchoslng tinned goods alwoys km whether the bead of the tin Is concave, a bulging appearance being Indicative of decomposition. A few drops of alcohol rubbed on the Inside of lamp chimneys will remove all trace of greasy smoke when waur alone la of no avail. The lid of a teapot should always be left so that air gets in. Slip In a piece of paper to keep it open. This The same rule prevents mustiness. applies to a coffee pot To prevent a cake from becoming heavy when taken out of the oven always allow the steam tn escape from it This can be done by putting the cake on a wire meat stand. An easy method of cleaning elastic stockings or anklets is to rub them well with a clean cloth dipped In warm flour. Keep on applying clean flour till the articles are quite clean. i 1890. Rualiqs A 8MART LITTLE COAT. This Season's Muslins. . fir this The organdies and season Bhow in the di:r!.:!!,':i- folds patterns of large flowers, i.r fiov-ermassed Into large bouquet.. d,si roses, azaleas, pink roses, bunch s of s of purple lilac and rrqnldto iWc-all the popular blossom prcnlw that the summer girl of 1W1 " ' curry out in CLe large flowered f.V H a hla education In. Milton Academy, Ontario. Dr. Derry entered the ministry In 1874 and rapidly rose In the esteem of the church leaders. He was editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate from 1884 until 1856, and received Rev. Joseph F. Berry of Chicago, who was elected by the Methodist gen- Fancy Eton of all sort make the favorites of the season and are most charming, cither made to match the skirts or of the pretty, soft Bilks that are so much In vogue. This one Is suited to either use but Is shown In champagne colored veiling, with a ppilque of heavy lace and collar of silk overlaid with lace motifs, and m the skir'.. The combination is eminently attractive one and th e style of the garment is peculiarly chic and smart. The coat extensions at the back give a moat desirable slender effect to the figure while the soft folds provided by the tucks below their atltcblnga are exceedingly g raceful and becoming. The quantity of material required for the medium size la 4 yards 21 or 2)4 yards 14 Inches wide. 1 1 s |