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Show If Nu THE KING'S PRAISE. SOUTH CAROLINA U. S. SENATOR FR0A Red Hair a Bond Llttls Material to Work On, but OffiRecommends Pe-ru-- na cial Did Hia Best. In a recent published book on the Kaffirs of South Africa the author tei'.s of the practice of 'the native forget his tribute to Titian. It was a chltf-- i of keeping a court praiscr I Catarrh of the Stomach is Generally picture. Wheu he bad completed it which might be translated poet laureCalled Dyspepsia Something to ! : he raid ate abuse biisiiu ss It to go before Produce Artificial Digestion ! 'I have found people the thief and sing his praises. Someis Generally Taken. wherever 1 have been, except one times it happen that this functionI At place. 1 was in Jefferson City recentary is apt to be embarrassed for lack and a Host Pancreatin over to state went peniof Hence, the and In Pepsin, as ly tho enso of the Swazi niarer. of Other Digestive Remedies tentiary. I found every shade of hair klrg Duuu. One day he went out in that prison save red. I felt some- bunting with a hundred warriors, and Has Been Invented. what flattered over this discovery and after a whole days effort lie managed mentioned what 2 had noticed to the to kill only one miserable little hare. These Remedies Cfi Not Reach ths warden. He replied that he couldn't Yet the court praiscr ran in front of Which Seat of the Diffi.-ull- y, account for it except on the ground the king calling out: litinu. tho is Catarrh. Really cunman was too that the king of the Swaziea, the chief of chiefs, has killed a hare. I,et all thu ning to get caught. C. R. Senator M. C. Butler from "It was this turn of Brown's speech, people listen. It was as big as an ox, South Carolina, won Senator from and the adroit way in which it waa M fierce as a lion and as swift as a that Slate for two terms. In a done, that resurrected the old rebel bock. The brave King Bunn killed recent letter to The IVruna Medicine the hare all alone. He hi! led it w..h yell In the hall. from Co., Washington, I). CL, Bays: One of the Johnnies had a shock his assegai. Listen, ye jteople. Ruitu la l'eruna for "1 can recommend of hair that would have thrown a too king has killed a hare. Without atomach trouble. I have and ay help the king has killed a hare. boiled lobster into the shade. He was been using your medicine for a short It was as terrible as a tiger, as large and I feel very muck relieved. period quite popular in the county, end after It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine be he had heard Brown on red hair ha ai an elephant; its eyes were flames ol sides a good tonic." M. C. Butler. and yet Hunu the great king organized the Red Headed Rangers of hasfire; killed thr hare." This Tlie only rational way to cure long Cass comity, and when the returns U to remove the catarrh, l'eruna was repeated over and over, came in on election night Casa county cures catarrh, leruna does not produce while the followed behind king with Brown. for waa almost unanimous nrlilieial digestion. It cures catarrh great gravity. But when Brown was nominated to perforin digesand leaves Butter-Makintion in a natural way. This is vasllv for vice president on the ticket headIn Siberia. better and safer tliau resorting to artied by Greeley the Red Headed RangSiberia, so long stretched before the ficial methods or narcotics. of the organi- imagination of the world as a ers bucked. The leader land of leruna has cured more cases of dyssation told Gov. Brown that if the conbow and desolation, that even now, pepsia than all oilier remedies vention had put him on as the head when the Trans Siberian it cures catarrh simply of the ticket every redheaded man in been built and when theRailway hus wherever located, if catarrh is located C. Butler. U. the United States would have voted in the leruna cures it. 1 f catarrh of that vast is beginning him fastened itself in the throat or for him. The Johnny Reb of Missouri to be understood, country one is rather surI f yon do in itbronchial lulies. IVruna cures it. When prompt, and bii t never enthused over Greeley." prised to henr that more than from t In- - use of Feruiiu, iMUirrh become settled in the stomach, results worth of butter Is annually ex- write at um-- to Dr. Jlartinan. giving a l'eruna cures it, as well lu this lueation ported from Sllierla. Its great plains full statement of your ease, and lie will a in any other. afford good grazing, and within three Ixi pleased to give you his valuable adPorn ns, is not simply a remedy for . dysis-psialeruna is a catarrh remedy. ftrr after tho railway was opened vice gratis. of IVruna. Dr. President 1.000 Address cun's dyssisln because it la Hartman, butter manufactories were erected. The government has now un- Tliu Hart man Sanitarium, Columbus, O. generally dependent upon catarrh. dertaken to furnish free instruction on a large scale in dairying and Sparkling Wines. and turn me over. Im done enough aking. At first sparkling wines were only on one side. made In the French province of ChamCure for Backache. Some additional remarks will nevh pagne. In the early part of the 30. Cedar Randolph, Neb., May er be spread on the public records, tho first century experiments but as It was necessary for him to county haa seldom heard of a more to manufacture sparkling wlnea were remain in an excessively hot room .wonderful case than that of Mrs. Lucy mode in Germany. The wince, howfor half an hour after leaving, you can Kicolls of this pluce. For a long time ever, grown in Champagne are best Mrs. s Nicolls with suffered very Imagine the humor of the thing. John suited for this invere purisise, hence most in hack and almost the pains Lb was witty lji his anger. He swore The I- - II. H. and Nall labi llnal-naa- a of the German Hruts manufacturing these left her. has She Collagen, "w romblned Into stantly pains had and had he that that he dropsy on great leal tl at tun and loraM from wines obtain their on Slain Street In Nall Lake CHy, sweat out his life's blood; that be tried doctors and everything, but champagnes and mix thorn with Gerwill rnudni-- l tills year Hammer had water on the brain, and that hia nothing had helped her till she used Champagne to fonitnen-ia- l amt Kaglleh man wines. Dodds Fills. She Kidney says: bnanchao in left of him the shape brains had from Juno la Noplamltaw Dodds Kidney Fills did me so perspiration: that he would now be HIIOIITIIAMt won1 an idiot and stick to the stage for the much good cant tell, It was so TII'KWKITINU AMERICANS KMil.lNII rest of his life. Then he was led derful. My back hurt me all the time. All till MKTtr I doctored and tried everything but WERE WELCOMED TO lUMIKKKKFIKO away for a nibdown. After the bath, continued Mui- did not fee any better. I thought iny doon, Sullivan and I look a walk over life was short on earth, but now I feel the town to one of the open springs, like a new person. I used one box of T K It M S where the water flows from the rock Dodds Kidney Fills and I do not feel hotter than it is possible to drink. the slightest ache or pain. 1 can turn John drew a cupful and as the metal and twist any way without feeling it 1 cannot began to heat through, the cup be- and I feel so proud of it DURING LAST. YEAR. my gratitede to Durld'a came difficult to hold.' " He threw busily an tetileil and aetilin oa the Grain and down the drinking vessel In a minute Kidney Pills for what they have doue Thar Gruzina lomita. nnd am piwiwrous and uliilltd. Sir Wilfiml Lamirr racautlr Mid: A new star and started on a run from the spring, for me. Try on ha ntien on lb tu.riron, and it ia toward il that yelling: inimiiiani wtui Imvea tba km! of hia anrea-t- o aveiy Blind in One Many Eye. honia for hiuiaelf bow Come away, Billy, h 1 isnt half i. tolii.coma and seek a Thai PEER.Y DUOS. Dr. Ernest Clarke of the Central two ia iue Canada. a mile from here. London Ophthalmic hospital in giving Room evidence at an inquest not long ago said that many a persin went through FRKK given away. Krhoola life with only one eye and did not C'liun-ht-e- , Krailumja, Market, dim la, Imi dualretL know 1L A British Judge had lately everything to n Alla and ollwr information found to his astoiiishnu-n- t that he ari-l-For r U1 Unless you decide Immigration. Uliawa, waa blind in one eye, having lived or MiulmnriNl Canadian Cnvrinmmit Atrnt to change your kOHM a 1H NN KUh:K. CKN. more than forty years without sus- HKNJ. DAVII-.STKAL AVhM L. likkAT FALLS. MONTANA breakfast food. pecting bis infirmity. of First Man's fought for RELIABLE ASSAYS. How's This? UamictM wlLh 1 rib. Finally the Devil broke away and ure ttyeb um: Thompson's Eye Water I .7:. liuM and Hll.ar., .91.01 on nied.... for IS"irar4 It'.r.un Om offer ITt ran with the rib in his hand. Michael Mm of CBUritl llml runm I run'll tiy Hull f fc unit! hiit r.Cot1 ,0 leill Prompt reuiriiN uu mil muiiIh gave chase, and they ran around the Ciunb Cura. Y. niKNRV ro.. T'llHo o When Answering Advertisements J. j aaavaHOB world several times. Vo, tho uniterkitcuH. live kunwii K J i l.cnry Ogden Assay Co. i7 oavaa. OSLO.T., Kindly Mention This Paper him K mid hin fhrtltoloul vi'ftrs. lnltiiMi Then the Devil saw a hole in a rock urabio In nil fniemrM iraii'Ui fiiuuir.lniiy and he dived in. lint the hole was nbio loenrry out luiy ukii:fiiitniinijii- - hy WaU'IMI. Kiumx A Vkvi too small, and he stuck fast inside, VMtole-nTuIrdn.CI Hnll'n Cfttnrrfi Cum In inkiii iMcriiNlly. fr'ilii leaving only his tail outside. Michael llraetljr mrlMUi'i of ihn upon the blond mid I'rtea couli par ,(iltuoaUIMiii in pulled the Devil's tail to got him out, jnictu. Fold PLOY BOLL LEAGUE GOODS hr nil liniJulfMA. and the Devil yelled inside, but he bottle. Inkollnll'n rnuillj IMiia couldn't get out And. although MichAncient Books. ael tugged for several days, he could j You will play better, be satisfied, The Babylonian and Assyrian books not pull out the Devil, nor could he and Everythey cost no more. Besides reach in and get the rib. So he pulled consisted of clay tablets, priHms and thing our a means new Tar baked sun or the an in Every by cylinders out a knife, cut off the Devil's tail Seorl a for one article defective an OTen almost into hard-I imperishable and hurried on to Heaven. in Every Seeaen What have you there?" cried Al- ness, so that they have come down to SBND FOR ua exactly as they left the hands of lah. Then Michael told hia story, and i the ancients. Allah was very angry. But he made ON THR PIRK. OTERnifARIt ' -the best of it, and fashioned Woman y Mr. Why .laaiiit prop . .Idling Th Rr nl nlglil.UM uiorv Adrn'a tbsn out of the Devils tail instead of First Iluwlilon daytime?" Mans rib. Utas Foote "Bocanu- T!iijnl Ilium In-- For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. Saya an old-tim- e a gambler, turn A prominent club Airs. Danforth, of woman, St Joseph, Mich., tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. " Dear Miis. Pmsisi:-L- ife looks dark indeed when a woman feels that her strength is fading awuyaml ahe has no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I was advised that my poor health waa caused by prolapsus or falling of the womb. The words sounded like knell to me, I felt that mv sun had set ; but Lydia E. Iiuk ham's Vegetable Compound came to me as an elixir of life ; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine daily, and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for the help I obtained through its use." Mas. Flohexcx DaxroBTH, i Miles Are., St. Joseph, Mich. 1007 fotfelt If original of nboon letter proelng fMUWHUi cannot, to produced. politician, who, like everything for or against his luck: There is an affinity between redheads, laugh at the Idea as you may. "I have tested it. They are drawn together irresistibly. 1 recall an Incident in which B. Grata Brown turned his burnished locks to a good account. When he was the Liberal Republican candidate for governor of Missouri his locks were not only golden, hut they hung down over his collar in curly disorder. He had a meeting in Pleasant Hill, one of the Secenh strongholds of the state. "The returned Johny Kec. cere not altogether pleased with the Liberal Republican Idea. But It was that or the straight thing, so they submitted. A newspaper in Pleasant Hill had referred in an ungracious way to Red Headed Brown. When the candidate appeared in the hall, which waa filled for the most part with and bushwhackers, he said in his drawling manner, which was more marked than Mark Twain's drawl, that he had been told that some objection had been made to him because his hair waa red. Twirling some of his locks about his fingers, he went away back and called up the galaxy of redheads who had been famous In history. Brown was scholarly and wining in his manner when he chose to be. 1 shall never 1 red-haire- d d EX. dyn-pept- h g com-lime- d, e prodm-thc-nes- TO WOMEN'." Women would save time and much sickness if they would write to HI rs. I'lnkhani for advice as soon as any distressing symptoms appear. 1 1 is free, and has put thousands of women on the right road to recovery. The Sanative, Antiseptic, Cleansing, Purifying, and Beautifying Properties of s lu-u- - J10,-000,0- tSOOO "FBEE MEDICAL ADVICE ia riga-imimi- e r Told of John L butter-m- The sympathy shown that old warrior, John L, Sullivan, during his illness proves that he still holds a warm apot in the hearts of the sporting men of the country. The many adventures of John L, would fill a large volume of interesting reading, but probably the funniest affair of hla career was his trip to the Hot Springs some years ago. accompanied by Billy Muidoon. The story is told by the latter: I insisted that nothing would do John but a vaiior bath, the system ideal for beginning a training course, and had a big negro, larger six inches around the chest than Sullivan, shove him inside and close the door. Then came a hoarse sound as the inmate struggled with the thick vapors that choked, the lungs and made breathing difficult In ten seconds John was sweating as he had never thought it it possible for a human being to perspire. Suddenly the glass transom was smashed and Sullivans head and shoulders came through. " HI. there, he yelled to the terror-stricke- n negro, tell the cook to come Business College nine-tceut- Summer School 50,000 Western SIO.OO. Canada Don't cH for Millions. Wheat s lloim-alnul- Flakes e Can-ad- . Assisted by CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are of PricelessValue. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and g dandruff, and the stopping of hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore s, hands, for baby rashes and in the form of baths for annoying irritations, ulcerations, and inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic purest themposes which readiiy selves, as well as for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTICURA Ointment are priceless. Here is the legend told among the Turkish peasants explaining the origin of women: Allah made First Man, then discovered that he was incomplete. I must make Woman, said Allah. So he sent for the Archangel Michael and said to him: I find that Man is Incomplete. Go you to Paradise, take from Man one rib, and from that 1 shall make Woman. So Michael hurried to Paradise and found First Man asleep, and took a rib from him. Then he set out on his return to Heaven. But on hia return he met the Devil, who said: What have you there, MichaelT A bone, he answered, from which Allah shall fashion Woman. Let me look at it, said the Devil. But Michael would not, whereupon the Devil tried to take It, and the two LJ1-in- pOKbt-KHin- m guarantee catalog BROWNING BROS. CO. nnit-ri- ' Um e. mr ,(.l m. : Varli. I rv nr k. Imf 1 rkm lna (In ( rli r,l1 W C.leie l.naSev. IT -.!. i B- (- I1. Cka-t.- Viwrielw'.. SM-- li IJ." r.rMj, u MICROTINE. A positive lor calurrh. cold In h'.MUucbe and the heuil. l.av nil liroru'hliil ufiivii'-in- . Ask Your Druggist for It. SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE. MOUNTAIN TEA MEDICINE CO., 272 Ninth Street. San Francisco, CaL When Ankwrrinq Advertisements This Paper. K.r.ciy W. N. U.. bait Lake-N- o. U3. 1904. .. luw of Ike gruuad., ni-r- ? i .u .IT. I Mr. klaiy Talr. Only fair! Pray, me to lb nonius dmr .lore aiul I pmiuire nrrrr Pi a aulwuiuia lur ,uu or fur AiW-- u r.u.p kaee. roOr.YOrr-r- 'i( Wants to be Wooed WE TBEflT BHD CUBE . mi.v tri:: A. n,nHr CATARRH o.r m Juna. Rytaml Photographs cf Neptune. using an ingetiiuus mcUi'ul fir-- 't employed by Warren do la Hue, hus suc-- pic-- I ceeded In makiu? mres of Neptune, the idiinet farthest from the ear'h. love inward 'em in a (penny way an' sighin'. eielmlla ilk a dogy their up vn If Is dcgruiiin' in nur genilrr. don't kecr how bad ihpy at-- - ainittcn. An' a g.il Hi. i u in t wmh askin' fur aint nuwiae wuth me agravuiln' weary fur to hear this leap year feller, 'Bout It bein' rixiil sin proper fur a gal to brace her Fur to pop the iiucatiun at him, tell hint how ahe hanker lur him. to tho An with lallyiiugKiir limit trv io stir him. Ms T be prnpi-- r in tin- r;ty. 'cordin' to their high Hum: lrwlii'. tin anxehen butBut you'll r.ivr tin' In with no !ch doin'. tu 'tian t ladyldeax, my Fur, according like nor fillin'. askin wulh An n gal that aint far, by jlng, ain't wuth 'Tlsn't out o' place in leap year fur a gal to make advance docent fcllera fur their comIn pany to ilaiiro. Or to mcDbe take ' m rillin', or to aee em home from parties. Fur the fun it I reversin' o tho tables on th amarUes. ilul Make An' - Mehbe gals Hint's g'ttln' skscry as they llii-ivl'iiini-slippin'. An' kin litl tin- - i minis In ths o' hup r.ipc giippln. Are ckui.-nbfur liyin' as a last resort tu try in It some refusin' that no other gal's 'it tie In; But If sr.y linin' ridir ever ropes this little vriiier He will have to (In the chlnnln' necessary fur tn t 'er: So 1'il Jest ki-- nn attendin to my ml kiilitln'. Fur n gut Hun .ain't wuth askin fur, by grisii. sin't wuth James Jtiirtun Adam in Denver Post tln-j-r- ne X-ra- vi-r- gi-- id the receipts Is mode up from Cheap Performances. The success of tho Berne popular a fund of f t.otx't raised by voluntary theatre experiment Is assured. Twice eirt. 'a week the doors of tho principal playhouse! are open to the public at the j Errperor Her Fifth Husband. II a tu .iicncli-- k of Abyssinia TI.p nominal price of tea is the fifth hiu.band of ills wife, Tailtt, comers. Although theaters arc .xn was i)t:n u proHt beauty. Her by the state in snmc cnuntrir.x. f.rrt lmshnnil was one of King Thco-(!- ( the Swiss arc the first without r aid to bring to the drama the iiu exigiuirrais. lier p.'cond she Cl-rce-l- . was killed by King l:er gent and even educated citi'iis who I nut: .vas rnnioved" and cannot pay abe cheapest rues at the in in UVj she married Mcneiek. The t regular performances. Roentgen Rays Aid Women. The use of Ilocnuen rays in the i.ris nir.id up hospitals of a new field of work for women. Tho service of nursn fur pa: icurs rcaled by and as assistant at the use of them is of a nature, and in Berlin courses of Instruction for nurses ure in he instituted. ; X-ra- y , Amt IliMStM'l. Trf lift. A. J. Mrm Winslow' Snot bine Srmp. Far cMldm Wthlus. porinn timtr'ip.F. rpiiues fluramsilriBaSilsjs psta, rures tfluticwki. 'jgaIrjLU. s NnMtnd Throv fafitM. Kr IMhiwn. Iminrhimniiiil Trcni-bi- liihn lima glfmaeti, TniibB Khuiuk Kilnry f'oin pUuiii Chronu Iriwiviiif WnitiunaDdChi'd Msari 5r?oiit riinJi. Vlm' lMnrii,iat-ir- lllnhia. fi.nai. f Kftln uni liHeuji-di.nrHnmbm III! t.UWI'fN. HIM. FlktU (id ,Hil Truiib h.tf tor iifiprs neiki, lllotyd : Wmmu. Iliy Kotur. f I Tni Kj.i!rvr, 11 li.kiMiiHiiA, tte.. iul Mivuus 10 iiitoii.e TntiiU The French ntronunu'r Tuuchct, by cha-fing- hMH'Mal. FREE IIOIt. sh1 Wrlf Crr. riiniiut Hum nint lympKiii1 INI If o Pay When Cured nr Weak Men or ft ! If ronanftwr frm) sit of Mm weaiin t IKi. win or d NM'ts iy n:itn,.inr priri WK trail Y t AUh I llh WAbl1 o:ii aiihi Mil IKIl.Mi.N Tf inraotn khi Bd lu 1AI.R li i for fnw all. Irt'c, NtoW tn rurlng o'ir uitiHhii Hie uum Tinnntuiy kml' . Khiid MhiiifK. tiMUif pieiura hllllVigiKh k AN T 11 ItMkll H K I RKH IN I'KIIAI?; Rwmtfi It Yumitl biiiny ciiilnthMira Hmr w mi thU 111.1 Aava to prurt o-uf iroubit" la r IMiwrMV p!sH: hf I DRS. SHORES & SHORES. . PfM Mini art I Il VI. iimih.j-V , j' f. I UK rijcttr. Ul.uui Bi'MI. t ( to j; fir !. wt I'r. ui:ir r lliiNitl To Min. IikI h 1'I KHB T I Rnnd.-iys- llrKH. . Socialists. lu M BETTER OVERALLS CANT BE MADE YOUFI LOCAL STORES u d- I ? - - nntnrm u t'o KNKHbRA M T g. a.; vBttlni W. IfCONO SOUTH IT. SALT LAM CITY, UTAH. d SHOULD HAVE THEM. I Ham ij 4 m. 10 I.'. ; if-- All I) M.i! not dc'ti.md toif. t.iH'Miim.ft ne iti.it li'.kiiitiii itffiiM' 'ii. 'i'll. ai'i'tir 10 lauBt mn. int'oirlurQ. VartWrukh" h'uj'l box-oflli'- o u t". liMlU'lil. knl' wlh 'lit i;i t It AmiVAHf.l Mint Bhk |