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Show ( UyHGtfHMlItHUM,lllimlIUIllittttittluimimuuullllulAltuuutllillu R. M. EDMUNDS, Pnoe. I fEbc flSMtcbcner Iboiisc. How to In an Treat a Book. ifld Enrllnh book the author pub-llah- rd i)i following Unci uf advice to hia riailrn: All you m-'- children Into iliia buck tliitt troilr. toot I write nr you), nt. lilui not, acmh i.ol. ainit Upoll not, will Hub nut. who look arcane not. nut, creaae nut. primitive tools used in their manufacture. The knife used Is seldom more than a bit of ateel barrel hoop ground down to an edge and lashed with thougs of walrua hide to a handle of bone or driftwood. Tear not. Pretty Flag Game. Wear not. A very pretty and interesting game Thumb nut, Kincer not. may be played with a sheet of paper Twlddliiik. or cardboard, on which are painted A lid fiddling. the flags, of all natlona. The aheet And. above ail, O jieople ari'iii and email. may be prepaied by any one that haa Don't iwlnt a little talent for drawing, and, though With your forefinger joint) know, that the eyea for it may entail some trouble, it will Of folka who are wl-Don't (trow under their nails. doubly pay for yourself. Though the notion prevails. It Is not hard to find colored picOf butter, treacle, honey, jam, tures of the flags; almost any good (Jf aandwlehea of beet or ham. Of tea, coffee, nine. beer. or big dictionary contains Of porridge. noun and milk, keep clear: gazetteer Of all aorta of pros, and all manner of such a sheet. They should be copied grog. in proper order on the paper or cardAlso or paint, pitch, tallow, cheese. board and colored in water colon. Of wax uf cobbler and of bees. Of candles and oil. When the copying Is done put a And all thlhm that spoil. number under each flag instead of the While you look Into this book. name of the nation It belongs to, and Don't abuae It. hang the aheet on the wall where the Put neatly. J Discreetly, olayers may see It. Give a sheet of And carefully, use It; paper to each player, with the list of And then You may see it again. d the numbers written down the margin. For Mothers Birthday. Now allot a certain time say half This simple work basket ia made of an hour within which the playere are rope coiled and shajied into tbe pat to write opposite each number the name of the nation to which that particular flag belongs. When the time haa expired each player signs his or her name to the list and hands It to the leader, who examines them all and awards the prize tq the' one having the most names right A miniature American flag, made of ailk, would be a suitable prize to A e. Jeft-han- Convinced at Last. Tomm- y- Smokin' cigarettes Is dead sure lo hurt yer. Jimmy (Ton! Where did yer git din mu inn? Tommy From pop. Jimmy Aw! he wu Jist strlugln' yer. Tommy Nii, he wasn't stringin' me; ho wux strappiii' uie. Bat's how I knows it hurls. Catholic Standard and Tinas. the foreground, and the other "wing made up of the hills iu tbe background as shown in the picture. Now cut out a very small picture, of a alicep and iwste it on the wing In the foreground at point "A." Then cut out a small eagle from fine tissue t Want the denier, "is a won- derful thing; the very latest. It's an A paper. be procured. Thread it with a piece of fine thread about a foot In length and run it lengthwise through the body of the paper eagle. The most important thing of all to secure Is a very strong magnet. You place the theater or table in such a way as to enable you to stand directly behind the stage, where you can use both hands at the same time. Take the magnet in your right hand and place it at the point marked "A behind the mountain and out of sight of tbe audience. star! a to fly The needle-eagl- e toward the Invisible magnet. You instantly check its flight by pulling backward on the thread, the end of which you have grasped In your left hand. Now you gradually move the Invla-ibl- o magnet upward In tbe direction indicated by tbe dotted lines. The astonished audience sees the eagle slowly fly up the mountain aide! This seeming miracle la easily tern shown. After it Is shaped a few coats of shellac are Riven It A knot of bright ribbon on one of the bandlea adds a touch of color. If the basket nrnn inmBiwwwwwwnniiwniiiiniiiniNnimwnwiTwnwnHWWWwmniinnHi I CifHts a Caaptcto Lli&cT Swept the Deck. Gnycmoff I bought a tray of dtv words for fid cents yesterday. Japnluk Say, you take my advleo and stop hitting the pipe before It's late. everlastingly 1 other 51 cards wSKtf ilie deck. also. ii. Preparing meats G: jCERIES and 'i' straight Rivals. I not Guyemoff only git the ray of diamonds, but tbe for the WorcL 2nStreet, frlio StocfcfCfc pcSTcgd Largest Heat tSSiii'Q JFoocio County View from Spectators' Miss Prim O. I Just know you are going to takd this dime and get terribly intoxicated. m Itummy llublnson Yer, do, mum. Den yer might hand over a dollar, so T'can take a Turkish hath an' straighten up afterward. Pittsburg Seats. accomplished by holding the thread end so that the attracted needle-eagl- e will be Just far enough away to get the full strength of the hidden magnets attraction without quite being able to touch it, and as the magnet ia raised upward behind the mountain the eagle naturally rises with it The audience sees only the eagle, and, of course, is greatly mystified. If your hand Is steady you may direct the eagle's flight at will, being careful to always keep the magnet out of sight behind the scenes. la to be fitted up with needle book, pin cushion, etc., the same color should be used as appears in the handle bow. It makes a pretty gift for o'clock, and drink no coffee early, and mothers birthday.' I often feel rather faint American Bllnkens, the Dog. Boy. "You never say a word to me, The Eagle and Its Prey. though I tell you heaps of things. This la quite a startling exhibition There the paint's all off my soldiers, and my new boat cannot sail. You'd on account of the lifelike qualities of never have guessed it the gold fish the eagle, which really soars into mld- Autograph Verses. ' Jumped out of the jar, and the cat every blessing God can give May nearly caught a new sparrow. But peace around you while yon Bring why dont you say sonietbingT Why live. don't you, Bllnkens. dear? You seem to understand me; someYour album is a golden spot. " times yon look so sad, and when I In which I'll write, tell yon about the cat, you can hardly A long life, guy with merry dance keep still. How Is it you always frighten her so? And do you have and song. muvli fun with the chickens? Or Be thine always for Joy doth life would you rattier chase the rats? Why, prolong. there, you're iHiighiug. Klinkens if I Wien the golden sun is sinking. was only sure hi what! And o'er a thousund times youre Are you thinking of brother Bob Vlew Behind the Scenes. and the sticks lie throws in the creek? thinking. When your soul from care la free. Are you Just glad to lie with me here air up the mountain crag after the Will you sometimes think of me? by the fire? If you could peep over defenseless sheep. the fence as I do now, dear follow, The eagle may reach his prey or When time that steals our years you'll Qee ike merriest party. Ail the hover about it in the air, in an unsucchildren of Tabby have their coats cessful attempt as lung as the youthaway brushed till they shine, and each one ful operator wishes. Will steal our pleasures, too, , wears a Imw at her ear. for this Is The memory uf the past will stay. A small toy theater stage presents the old cats birthday, and a time for ihe best setting fur the trick, although And h8lf our joys renew. the kittens to be gay. llut you're such it can be done on an ordinary table. a lively dog. Bllnkens, you'd be sure Haa Arithmetic of 1788. You can easily fashion a set of to make confusion, so I'm glad you mountain scenery by cutting out Lewis Farrington of Cabot, Vt., has can't even imagine the party for mountains from colored pictures in In his possession a Pike's arithmetic Tabby's birthday. old magazines and setting them np published in 178K. The book is leather But It's awfully lonely for a little either in the slits of the stage or on bound and in an excellent state of boy to have a flog who never speaks, mall wooden stand niounta, if you preservation. It treats on tbe subeven though 1 love him so. have no toy theater. jects of algebra, plain geometery, trigTwo "wings of mountain scenery onometry,, conic sections and many Esquimau Fun. will be enough that Is, the front other subjects not found in an We ifiay not think Greenland such wing, which Is the mountain side In arithmetic. a nice country to live iu. but the little Esquimau children have lota of fun BARN. THE STARCH-BOand a great many jolly games. One of these games is not unlike our "shinny. only it is played with a stick madri of bone and a ball of sealskin. Another, which demands not a little skill, Is played with two pieces of bone, one flattened, with holes In it, and the other sharpened to a pin point. They are tied together by a string about a font long, and the flat piece, after being thrown In the air, must he caught by one of Its holes on tbe roint of the sharp piece. As the Greenland winters are very long, and snow rovers the ground all fhe time, every hoy and girl possesses a sled. Rome are made of ice, and the way they skim over the hard, smooth snow would surprise you. Others have runners of hone and tops of sealskin, with hacks to lean against. Dogs pull them, and so lszy boys and girls need have no hauling up hill. Sometimes the little folks set up reindeer horns on a hillside, and getting on tbelr How Your Bam Will Look. sleds, they try to pass between them, without touching them. This barn l.s just the thing for a ings which are used to protect bottles There are also some funny house from breakage: cut the strings ao that games to pass winter evenings. In rainy day. Older readers can make it one they get on their knees In a circle for the younger children of the house- they will open flat and tack them In d The end hold their toe fn their hands. hold and get a great deal of pleasure position on lop of the box. hole which i found at the The one who goes the fastest wlus the out of it for themselves. back Just under the roof can be covergame. Take a wooden box not longer than ed with the end of the box which was Besides theo eamrs, they have 15 Inches end knock off the inp and removed. Green l's.-npaper makes a sn-uThese their fi.'.'i. one end. Buy at the druggist's a five-ce- snvsl floor covering. walof the from carve fnks fathers lita dissolve red of dye. Yi-inny cut out domestic animals rus. They are of every eoneelvald" tle ofpackni" it in warm water and ruli the bv the score from old books, magaami vilOften entire design. shape on 1'id'i rides. zines or pew-spgii'ior nil over the lu-pers and sand them lages are mrnle, the huts. Mdnrhee. lend and n rule dull un about t;.e ban. tiring as props a With pencil or cnnois. and dugs' pledges heiuc In lines on the Inside to represent i b roi; of cards beat and fast-rue- d perfect miniature. The carving is draw to their barks, as Indicated la lin'd.. tl.e men and I'ten skillfully For the leof take four straw cover the picture. remarkable v.hrr cm considers the .Ffesh Meats Doesnt Like to Guess. I'd rat tier marry the worst man on earth than the best t Pretty Daughter one. Horrified mother Ate you crazy? Good , PORK, VEAL! gracious! Pretty Daughter Not necessarily. know then right from the atirt what I was up against and wouldn't be kept guessing. You see, I'il High Finance. "He's a splendid financier, they say. Why, he can manipu late the assets uf a corporation in which you are interested so cleverly that you continue to feel grateful toward him when you wnke up and find you have lust everything " Imliorl. i. Korget-me-noL- Possible Explanation. "Ignorance." remarked young they say is bliss." "That. replied .Miss Cnnsliquc ''accounts for it. I imagine." Accounts for what?" queried iho youth. "Your apparent blissfulness, she replied. Sap-hea- : ' ; A Boomerang. Stringent What kind of a cigar do you prefer? Wltlcus A dark rigur with a light end. See? Stringent That's all right, too; but when you're smoking it is light at both ends. Disturbing Peace. train- Did your daughter's musit-a- l ing cost you much money?" "8ure. Why. I In have sued me next-doo- Tor neigh-lwr- s r I gTEINMANsf ti ti ti ti ti ti ti. ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti damages." Juvenile Theory. "Nellie." said a lion her to her 5- year-ol.hat's tin reason daughter, you and your liitle broMicr ean'i get along without qttarru'lng?" I don't know, mamma." replied the small miss, "unless i'- 'eimse I lake :.fter you and he takes after papa. ft DRY GOODS COMPANY.... cr 1 ft m ft ft ft ft ft y ajagmaiKA I'Misus qgfygjfM3BKBq LEADING DRY 6000$ STORE OF MERCUR m m WE ARE SELLING Clothing, ft ft Dry ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Goods & Shoes AS CHEAP AS ANY CATALOGUE IN THE COUNTRY. Mail and Telephone Orders Filled Same Day as Re the ft I TELEPPONES 24 TRY US. ceived. 3 3 ft ft ft ft GET THE HABIT AND TRADE AT STEIN FVl A N 9 ft ft ft ft For the Cheapest Line of Good d GENTS FURNISHINGS, HATS AND SHOES - three-cornere- Russia and Japan. It is a sort of a I. tit It? u 'Fur met night say." ai i India1, v lirir-a-bra- ' : ; dw .huirnui. 1 j g',.1":!i,s o u.i CALL AT GOLDEI! GflTE GUSH ar, Partial Eclire. Ernie And did yon hid your faro when he i,b..ed yen? llelle Well ' hud er aiitninobiic a . as STOCKTON. erasa POSTOrriCE. alarm clock with a phonograph attached. Ah! the phonograph yells 'Get up!' I supisise. "Oh, no; you only lurn on the phonograph whi n you go too lied. It tings lulluliies to you and puts you to deep." Schoolboy Years Ago. Here is the account of a day of a German schoolboy of thirteen years, forty years ago: I get np at 5, or even earlier, and work till 7, go to school, play the violoncello at 11, the piano at 12, then dinner, then school again, then coffee and gymnastic exercises, then work again till I ran get fresh air in the garden, which is impossible fn this heat during the day. I eat only a roll from 5 In the morning till 1 TO Best ia this SsclloA. Long-Fel- Thin," said A email sewing needle should NEXT 9)771 Faro. First-Clas- s o o o Mala Street, Msrciir. STOQE. Wm. BILLIB6S, Prop, X tt |