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Show I. I . ; 7 . THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. STOCKTON. UTAH, SATURDAY. .I17XK 4. VOL. IV. r EDITORIAL Si a.rd Local DEPARTMENT. ..nn , parsons. teachers and mechanics. At the same, college this winter a short course in agriculture has drawn there Loud young men who want to learn how to grow corn, judge stock and all about soil culture, and every cue of tnom goes back to some farm to put into practice that which be may 'earn. I l ike healing scut on wings of sleep. Or (1mv to the unconscious flowers, 1 cant forgot her melting prayer, EYu vlolo tny rulses badly fly; And lit the still unbroken air. Her gentle tones come stealing by; nd years, and sin, and manhood flee, And leave me at my mothers knee. man's motives, to believe things are ns they seem to be until proven otherwise, to temper judgment with mercy surely this Is quite as good as to build up churches, establish asylums and found colleges. 1nkind words do as much harm aa unkind deeds. Many a heart has been wounded beyond rure, many a reputation haa lecn YOUNG MEN WANTED. stabbed to death, by a few little words. There is a charity which ocuEvery young man in this vicinity lists In withholding words, In keepla wanted! Wanted from the street ing back harsh judgment, in abstaincorners, from the loafers rendezvous, ing from speech. If to apeak is to confrom the Idlers turn demn. promenade; your steps Into the highway of noble aim and earnest work. There are A Startling Teat. prizes enough for every successful To save a life. Dr. T. G. Merritt, of worker, crowns enough for every No. Pa., made a startling honorable head that goes through the test Mehoopany, resulting in a wonderful cure. He smoke of conflict to victory. a writes, patient was attacked with There Is within the young man an violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceraupsprlnglng of lofty sentiment which tion of tho stomach. I had often found Electric Blttera excellent for acute contributes to his elevation, and stomach and liver troubles so I prethough there are obstacles to be sur- scribed them. The patient gained from mounted and difficulties to be van- the first, and has not had an attack in quished, yet with truth for his watch- 14 months." Electric Bitter are posiword and leaning on his own noble tively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indipnrposes and exertions, he may crown gestion. Constipation and Kidney trouhis brow with hdnors. He may never bles. Try them. Only 60c at all drugwear the warrior's crimson wreath, gist. the poet's chaplet of bays, or the It ia popularly- supposed that nothstatesmans laurels, though no grand ing of human contrivance can add to universal truth may, at his bidding, the of death. We fancy, howbe confessed to the world, though It ever.horrors that the published announcemay never be his to bring to a suc- ment in papers that zinc figcessful Issue a great political resolu- ures will eastern be furnished fur gravestones tion to be a founder of a republic s same manufacturer who whose name shall be a distinguished by the the tobacconists with their statstar in the constellation of nations' will render the last heurs of any though his name may never ' be uary of artistic sensibilities decidlieraon heard beyond the limits of his own miserable unless his heirs have neighborhood, yet Is his mission none edly solemnly promised to bury him under the less a high and holy one. But why do so few young men of a plain alab. early promise, whose wise hopes, purThe department of commerce and poses and resolves were radiant as lalair estimates that American tourdisto the colors of the rainbow, fall in Europe and ists $00,000,000 spend The answer Is tinguish themselves? obvious. They are net willing to de- the returning workmen who come to vote themselves to the toilsome cul- the United States simply to acquire them ture which Is the price of success. money to take back withtwo classes annually, the Whatever aptitude for particular purof more than suits nature may donate to her fa- draining theof country Its accumulated money vorite children, she conducts none $162,000,000 How to stop the big drain la but the laborious and the studious to supply. a question now under discussion. distinction. ' J e p - pros-vide- $102,-Ouo.OO-O j -- It r dia-trlc- Charity of speech is as divine a rw NEW STOCK COMPANY. of the of Dry canyon, went to Sa.t l.ake City Tuesday. Organized to Operate North of tho Honerlne. Mrs. 11. II. lloalcn left for Idaho last Wednesday to join her husband, Anchor rorpo-ation- . who preceded her there some time organized to t, opera .4 in the Suickton mining ago. fas qualified to do business by Rumor says the Ophlr Hill mine and flling Hs articles with the secretary of mill will resume operations soon. This atate amt paying the customary fees. will be good news to residents of The new com jinny is called the Peoria Minina & Milling comimny, and it la Ophlr. rapitalWd for 500.tmo shares. EdMrs. Frances Dyer of Cnncmaugh, ward Qlarey la president and James Ia. ,1s visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. G. Bn an vice presfdcut, the remainCundry, Sr. She is accompanied by ing directors being George Maze. I.in-niCl gey and Sadie G undry. W. N. her husband and baby. Gundryis designated aa secretary and A Farmer Straightened Out. traeauiyr. A man living on a farm near here It !s)he Intention of the lncorpora-tor- a came in a rttort time ago completely to a group of eight claims doubled up with rheumatism. I handed him a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain adjoining the Stockton Gold Mining ft Balm and told him to use It freely and Mtillnrt company's territory north of if not atlcrfled after using it hs need the H'lorine and work. II ia undernot pay a rent for it," says C. P. Kay-de- r. stood- till begin in the near future. of Pattens Mills, K. Y. "A few Runiuii through the property la a days later he walked into the More aa blue line east and west vein identical straight as a Mrlng and handed me a dollar saying, give me another bottle without which haa made the Honerof Chamberlain' Pain Balm. I want it lne Mill other mlnea of the camp thlle a number cf the same in the house all the time for it cured me." For sale by Mercur Drug Ca, crosifflfeures, which have been so prolific pfiire, particularly near their Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stockton. Junrfloii with the east and west vein, The Western Exploration company also jmferep boldly In the claims. It is is shipping ore from the Buckhorn erftliat the plan of operation will belief mine at Ophir, and Tumor aaya a mill be tf s$)k on one of the moat likely and tramway will soon be built. crosfrfiaurea near' its junction with Mrs. H. A. I.ane returned from 8ait the easfland west blue lime ledge. take City Sunday, where she recently GOING TO THE FAIR. underwent an operation for appendicitis. from which she has entirely recovered. The worlds Fair at St. tauls la inand will not really lie ready complete W. C. Alexander and wife are resi- for bnaiiesi before September. It was dents of our town, having come from said by jpne of the atate fair officials: Salt take City last week. Mr. AlexanTell tfo people not to come until Black Is of the der resident manager Septfmttr if they want to see the Diamond Mining company. Fair conpleted. fK H. G. Wright and bride came out from the metropolis Wednesday. Mr. Nevqr Before Did a Great Worlds air Stave a Big Hotel Inside Wright la a son of Mrs. Marshall, who owna the Murhrook group cf mlnea the Grounds. here, the development of which ia unMr.' der the aupervlaion of Wright. the Meana of All. RafeajWithin Made Young Again. heft fee at the Inside Inn. That One of Dr. King' New Life Pills each night for two weeka haa put me In will bf tie expression most frequentmy teens' again writes D. H. Turner ly beffirdat the Louisiana Purchase of Dempseytown, Pa. Theyre the beat Exmjettf(i$.; This hotel ia an Immense in the world for Liver. Stomach and atnicttfeUlH) feet wide and 8(H) feet Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. long, sits 2,257 sleeping rooms, and a Only 25c at all druggists. rusra seating 2,600 persona. When you want a pleasant physic try dining Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- The: hefcis Inside the Exposition lets. They are easy to take and pleas- ground lad operated under the the Exposition manage-me&ant in effect. For sale by Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur, and M. E. Brown, Stock-toUis well appointed gnd fur-H. A. I ane, superintendent j Enreka-Ophi- thcrs voice, how often creeps thing as charity of action. To judge Its radenre oer my lone'y hours, no one harshly, to misconceive no My im n. Afaiffidsgla aura - --Depuration Monday. - May 90, wai generally observed in this town. unldiiW Inside the grounds. Many of the citizens went to Toceie. Tills hotel is in the southwest porAfter appropriate exercises at the tion uf the grounds, not far from the cemetery there was a hall game between Tooele and Stockton, which re- Fiateap of States, and to the north a short jiliitance are the famous Cassulted in favor of the former. cade Gardens Festival Hail and Colonnade of States, which form a part of Major C. E. MItrhener was a Stock-to- n the main picture of the Exposition. visitor this week. The major la a Street railroads hy the door part owner cf the Catherine and go direct to the running StaUnion Railway Shamrock mines, from which some tic n downtown, and the Intramural very rich ore has been taken in the read, inside the grounds, carries past. Others interested In the name from the hotel entrance to all nronertles arc Arthur Brown. E. B. guests of intereat. Here la a cool rejmlnts Orltrhlnw and J. P. Mltchener. Tills treat. where persons can find rest, enis certainly valuable property, from and quietude away from the which the owners will undoubtedly joyment noise and crush of the crowds along mnke a stake" in the future. grounds. Sightseeing at a large Is the most tiresome pleasure, LOWER BERTHS AT HALF RATE8. hecaugfithe mind is buiilly engaged and finds diversion by constantly Special Tourist Sleeper Salt Lake changing scenes, whlie the body is beto St. Louis without change via D. ft coming weary and the visitor docs R. G. and Rock Iaiand System. not realize how tired he is until he Leaves 8:05 p. m. May 30th. Tele- stops to rest. The place to rest Is the phone 245 or write Rock Island office, Inside Inn. The hotel rales cover the 100 West Second South street, for daily admission fee to the grounds, reservations. Berth rate only half of and the registered guest at this hotel la free from the annoyance of pushregular Pullman rates. ing through the crowds at the gales. There are 500 rooms at $1.50 per jier-soCHANGE AT HONERINE. that except The carpenter Is abroad in the death and taxes, nothing but that la not altoland, and many new homes are going gether true. Dr. King! New Discovery np. Not a few cf them are to be occu- for Consumption ia a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousand pied by young people, who have lately can to that. Mm C. B. Van gone through the ordeal of a wedding Metretestify Shepherd town, W. Va says march and marriage ceremony. As a "I had of severe case of Bronchitis and a matter of course there haa been a for a year tried everything I heard of, great of talking "under the roses but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. about the location, the style of archi- King New Discovery then cured me for Croup, Its infallible tecture. the duality and quantity of absolutely. Pneumonia and furniture to he purchased, and how Whooping Cough. Grip, Try It. It's guaranteed they Intend to live when they take Consumption. by all druggists. possession of this modernized Eden, i Could It hut he impressed on their j Those who are farming land that la mini that it does not matter so worth $loo per acre should do a little much whether tho house he built after Money certainly ought to Gclhic or nioneor style of architec- b worth 5 per cent. The interest on ture: whether the furniture Is of the value cf an acre would be $5. To fashionable make or home manufac- grow crops that will require a net ture; whether the walls are huug proflt of this amount will require more with costly tapestry cr with family than ordinary farming. Flfty-dolla- r wardrobe; if love and virtue cement j farming on one hundred-dolla- r land the family circle. It will he a home will not suffice. in the freest sense of the word. The The lumber Industry amounts to body Is hut the dwelling place of the sou;, so. likewise, the house is hut the (i7r..u(i(i.(Hio a year, and of this the tenement of the home. We cannot ail farmers receive $103,000,000 for tira- have perfect forms, and rlassic fea-- : her cut from tlielr persrnal property. tures, hilt we can have pure, beautiful If this industry is to he exhausted thej spirits; we cannot all have elegant, result can only be surmised. richly fijrnlshcd houses, but we can If you wish to win success in life, have sunny, pleasant homea. make your besom Mine and Mill Office at Camp in jierseverance friend, experience your wise counselSALINE THEORY. Charge of H. G. Ficher. or. caution yrur elder brother, and The old question of the origin of hope your guarding genius. The business cf the Honerlne Minthe extreme snltncss of the Dead Sea. It ia not the amount of water In ing company ha assumed such a new answer, and it la has that It has become necessary the liotlle. but the fire under it that: row ia order fur scientific specialists Veen It boiling R is the enthusiasm to have some one at camp to keep the le anew on Utah'H saline to of your business mine and mill hooks and take general sea. A Mr. Ackroyd. after allowing and advertising back charge of office work on that end of it that kerpa going. furthat, the soil nml recks ran have the line. To relieve the situation Man-a-e- r nished but a fraction of the quantity W. Y. Snyder will leave for Arrest. Quick of that has collected In the Dead this morning, accompanied Stnrktrn cf Vcrlv-naJ. A. GuPf-dcAla., was Rea basin argues that Hie most by 11. fl. Flrher. who has jieeu ehiof 111 llii a case severe from twice Mil hospital cf salt of fiouree supply ocrnii"(ant in the Western Explorapiles van sing 24 tumors. Aftfr doc- tion Is n'Tnfjilicrie traispovtation by of mid all rerrrdl'. fulled. Buckbns tor companys offices in this city so Meditt-rreneatli-- i This A winds Solve qulikly nrre"tnl further king. Having had the hulk of the Hon- ij(.:i view b believes Is crnfirnied by the tiifi.iiTinialien and cured him. It work to do In connection with rich' k and kill pain. 25c at all his other duties here, the change will fact that thp ratio of chlorine to bro-luithe Tcart Pea la the anmc as druggist. no doubt be a welcome cne to Mr. It would be in the Mediterranean. Fisher, and a great source of satisis first advertisement Placing your rather Jarring should some professor like faction to Superintendent E. J. Rad-dat- z stone foundation first the laying forth and announce that the now of the mine and mill. lull Mug it i the beginning of Pacific ocean had been guilty of sur- to a While a camp Manager Snyder will in a great enter-j'riswhat terminate may it for in" salt reptitiously "blowing mnke a thorough Inspection of the the sa. ting of cur Great Salt Lake! mine workings and probably will order work resumed on the 800-folevel, To to road letters the average girls Too Great a Bisk. con- where monster shcots of sulphide ore would her sweetheart, readily somealmn-t In every mlghborhond vince the thinking man that love is a; were opened at the expense of heavy one ha died from nn r.ttei k of colic or pumping operations and which are .cholera irnrbun, ofttn before medicine specie of Insanity. now understood to he perfectly could be procure I or a pl-.- rickm Competition 1 the life of trade and drained hy the big tunnel. Saturday A reliable reirioy for three Mr. will leave for the nxt dlsecnv rhoud te kept at band. The the death of the Snyder east, where aeveral matters of importrisk I too great for ar.yore to take. u d rn Ch.ob bachefesFimlFt Colic. are usually dd ance require his attention. Chamberlain Diarrhoea Rimdy In rni!nub;'.!y lor who are glad of it. reard saved the live of mrr neojle GREATLY ALARMED than r.ry lieved more pnln'ar.d puff-rlr.LOCALS. other irfdblre in use. It con c.iw .vf a Persistent Cough, but PermaBy depended upon. For vale bv Sbr'or nently Cured by Chamberlain's The demand for livery rigs far ox- Drug On., Mercur, and M r. Cough Remedy. Stockton. ceiled the supply Inst Monday. Mr. II. P. Burhnge, a student nt law. R. C had ber-- trniihbd iu progOne rf tho marked rhn-'s'e- s Mrs. J. W. Lee has gone to Salt In Greenville. five year with a onntlnunu nr four for ress among tho American pcnjde I 1 c'-and City to visit relatives rough whieh h says, "greatly alarmed the leaning toward tho Inrei. the do- - friends. me, musing me to fear that I wns In to vlv of pn'j rn'Ti p !nt ptnrer of prusn-T.'I'-r,- " V. Mis Gertrude I amnhore and Roy vhirhnee. having reen Chau lwrii In know how to cnllivaJ0 it- At n Conch Tlemedv in d were Tooele in married last enrob'd eolloge agricultural 0 try it. Now rend what h say of twenty yrars ngn tlrere wu in :in en- IT I soon fill a remarkaide eh n nee II: rollment of in (( student l'u! just i r" A Me sflke is reiwted in the Oa-- j and after using two boltlr of the twenty-fthat wna taking the straight nericu'-tiir.i- l ive of nt size, was permanently hi King, from which some very rich cured." Pold by Mercur Drug c'uirKO. TI10 rest were litt n Co., MerJ themselves to lie doclcr. lawyers. re is being shipped. cur, and M. E, Brown, Stockton. la said I j riiO at $2.00, Sou Tin- - Inside Inn will J spc-nln- . j o . f'-- e - . v- - Vi Vi t ST. LOUIS h Jont-p- after having spent over coa-Mti- oa ! A x THE STOCKTON CLUB rusrwiw Iwiybodj MIIIWIN MW tf tf tf tf tf. tf, tf tf m m $ to to to to to Stockton. In connection with the la tha short, fast route to St. Louis, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Line Agents about cial Excursion Rates. Aak Short T. J to to to to to to to to to spe- Schumacher, Traffic Mgr. ft T. A. P. ft T. A Salt Lake City M. D. E. Burley, G. P D 8, Spencer, A. G. $12.50 SI. Louis and RATES $50.00 St. return. return. tauia and return via $47.50 Chicago and Chi- cago. I ihcral stopovers aud limits in each direction. To St. Louis and Chicago. Three trains daily. Elegant service. Dost dining cars. 50c luncheons. (Jlmervaticn s.eepers. AY rile or us. 'Plume 213. E. CRAKE, D. P. A. ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. G. A. BIBLE, T. P. A. 1'0 West Second South, Salt City. I." ah. take CHAS. B. SLOAT, Gcn'l Agt., Denver, Colo. Six Hours in Denver te to St. Louis. 7 en-rou- The ion:, Tt PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric Lights, Electric Fans. I chair cars.. Reclining Iszsto l:il!.--.l din-I'C- i- Nice way 10 relieve the Journey of tedimi mere, isn't it? I.ct mo toll you more about il. . COACH IS. rente's daily bait Lake to St. i.i the (uli:rndo cap- Ibirilngti.n ital fnmi 4:f'0 p. m. to 10:25 p. m. 'Ki.'ciir: l.vnvrr" i :irs leave I he unii 11 depnl every limir and wi.l carry yen ill over tlit; city ia two hours for 50 .l. renis. yen may take wiili your I lends there, spend the evening at. Ilieii hens', at lend the crmceit i:i the ciiv park, or do what-ev- i " dictates. Meany nr f.i' while the car por'er I guarding your wrap. You do not have a thing to worry about. KMssmSSOURI etc., 0 tf tf --vtf tf tf tf PACIFIC RAILROAD, UNION .Hi-rvar- Filers, a O tf tf Are you going to the World's Fair? ..If ao, you undoubtedly want to get there as quickly aa possible. THE OREGON SHORT LINE, CHEAP ? COLORADO Fir Firns,TkMt, t tf 1h:-ur;!- i - CM, to THROUGH SCENkT rati).- WSBSOUOI, iu RAILWAY i ! ImlVM Good TratlatBl u Oi Btockloa Main Street. i Missouri Pacific ( J W44W444444W44W4444 - k ifrm tv 1 J tJ ft VIA j i K EAST e. e ...LENTIST... spsradont Is Dsattstry lalaatlA-suit PirtoratA. MsisMNr 0ss ths Itrsst Pirns PastsMca. AB Pomlnvllle of Stillwater, $2000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, Uhout relief, whs advised by hia drug-sl- t, Mr. Alex Itirhard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. lie did hi, and Is a well man today. If troubled with indigestion, bad TIME TABLE. taste in the mouth, luck or apelite or constipation, give these Tablet a trial, and you are certain to be more titan A- M. m. pleased with the result. For stile at 25 I.cave Salt take City, Ar. j. 8:3 :! rents per hox by Mercur Drug Co., Mer:15 " Tooele 4:90 cur, and M. E. Brown. Stockton. 0:25 Stockton 4:20 " Tintlc Junct. " 2:41 Elder Benjamin Goddard, of Salt 11:15 " Mammoth Junct. " !:44 l ake City, delivered a vety Instruc- 11:1 " 11:25 Eureka IK0 tive and Interesting lecture before the U:4t " 1:22 Mammoth Y. M. aud Y. L. M. I. A. laat Sunday 11:65 Ar. Sliver City. Leave 2015 YYalns at Blt Lake make direct evening. Every one present. In their for all points north and east. own hearts, felt like thanking him E. W. QILLETT, and ail wish that he would soon reGeneral PaaatogK Agent. turn and favor them with another J. L. MOORE, such lecture. Osmmerclal Agent. Mr, Minn., If Through Service AND THE n. . 4444H4444t4W44444W J. B. TAIT i STOCKTON TOWN OFFICIALS. TRUSTEES George Brando, president; W. H. Booth, Charles Denton, Henry Thomas, James Kelley. CLERK A. Q. Fyazer. TREASURER James G. Brown. OF THE JUSTICE PEACE AND NOTARY Richard Gundry. irMtarn s-- r. $2.50. NO. 47. the world a Fair representing a total cost et $50,000,000. and as large in size a the Columbian, the and tlie Paris Fairs combined. pro-pnrM- eon-nin'i- M at long lie remembered as a distinctive feature of the larges; Universal Fair ever held in rc-i-i- e HHU R. F. NESLEN, General Agent. 79 Weit Second South Street, qy Salt Lake City. 4) i) 4) 4) 4) 4) 4) 45 , |