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Show STOCKTON SENTINEL. PUBLISHED AT Utocktun Subscription!: ii V Less area In conflict with Enterprise lode of this survey .. .. Utah 12.00 year "aontha tfcN months MS T5 lira. W. N. Cundry James T. Jxkeman Editor Manager Net area Enterprise No. lode nial lode 0.431 uen-- s 2 18. 774 area Enterprise lode Total and net area Centen- Total and Shoes for Men linear feet, respectively, oi the lodes and surface ground, as suown by the official plat, being Survey No. 5175, situated in the Dugway Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, and described In the plat and field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 50 min. east, as follows, Commencing at corner No. 1 of the York and running thence south 41 deg. 38 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 2 of York. Thence north 42 deg. 11 min. west 1.490 feet to corner No. 3 of York, Identical with corner No. 2 of Contact and with corner No. 1 of Surplus. Thence south 41 deg. 38 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 2 of Surplus. Thence north 85 deg. 4 min. west 1.500 feet to corner No. 3 of Surplus. Thence north 41 deg. 38 min. east 238.4 feet to corner No. 2 of Anaconda 1.490 acres 19. 462 acres 20. 060 acres BMfofT , I Phoenix Indemnity Company, to-wl- : OP AMERICA. 58. 896 acres Net area claimed Bald lode locations mining claims beNOTICE: ing of record In tbe office of the reDuring our abeenre any buaineaa corder of Clifton mining district, Utah, transacted with Mra. W. N. Ciundry as The Enterprise bide in Book will be O. K. The lady will re- 1, follows: 253; Enterprise No. 1 In Book ceipt for money due the office, will take P, page page 57; Centennial lode In Book L orders for Job printing, etc. page 252, also in the oflice of the ReJames T. Jakeman, corder of Tooele county, Utah. Manager. The nearest known locations are the Yellow Hammer (amended) survey No. 4382, and the Cosmopolitan survey No. in 4382. If those having frit lulu or Any and all persons claiming adthe missionary in ai.y jiait of the United vein, lode States will give u tlirlr address we will versely theor mining ground, 2. any portion thereof so de- No.Thence be pleased to send a copy of this paper premise north 33 deg. 34 min. west and applied scribed, surveyed, platted to them during their alienee, complicorner No. 3 of Anaconda to 1.500 feet are unless notified that for, hereby nilHidniiHi forla the in y mentary. If ac2. No. filed are adverse their claims duly will same the proposition eign lands, Thence north 41 deg. 38 min east cording to law, and the regulations hold good, with exception of extra forthereunder, within sixty days from C00 feet to corner No. 4 of Anaconda poatuge. eign date of publication of notice hereof, No. 2. Identical with corner No. 3 of with the Register of the U. S. Land Of- Anscnnda No. L fice at Halt APPLICATION FOR PATENT. City in the Btate of north 41 deg. 38 min. east Utah, they will be barred In virtue of COOThence M. A. No. 3795. feet to corner No. 4 of Anaconda the provisions of said statute. United Sts tea I and Oflice, Salt Lake I hereby direct that this notice be No. 1. Thence south 33 deg. 34 min. east City, March 14. 1904. published in the Stockton Sentinel, at Notice la hereby given that A. K. Stockton, Tooele county, Utah, the 300.5 feet to corner No. 3 of AnaTiernun, whose place of bualneaa end newspaper published nearest the said conda No. 3. Thence north 9 dog.. 41 min. east pnatofflee addreaa are Salt City, mining claim, for a period of nine FRANK D. HOBBS, Utah, has made application for a Unit- week 1.490 feet to corner No. 4 of Anaed Statea patent for the Krd Metal Register. No. 3. First publicatkm April 23, last publi- conda lode mining claim, situate In the Dug-wa- y south 33 deg. 34 min. east Thence 18. Mining District, Tooele County, cation June 794.5 feet to corner No. 1 of Anaconda Utah, consisting of 1203 linear feet on the lode, and surface ground as shown NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR No. 3. Thence south 9 deg. 41 min. west In the field notes and plat of the offiUNITED 8TATE8 PATENT. 1.490 feet to corner No. 2 of Anaconda cial survey filed herein, being mineral No. 3. survey No. 6085, and described In said Mineral Survey No. 5065. field notes and plat on file In this ofThence south 33 deg. 34 min. east A. No. 3825. M. fice, with magnetic variation at It deg. 399 feet to corner No. 1 of Anaconda In Land United States the Oflice, 30 min. east, as follows, to wit: No. l. City, Utah. May 23. 1904. Commencing at corner No. 1 of said Salt Thence south 41 deg. 38 min. west Notice Is hereby given that the claim, from which the corner of SecConsolidated tions 3 and townships 10 and Eureka-Ophl- r Mining 238.4 feet to corner No. 4 of Contact Thence south 35 deg. 4 min. east south, range 13 west. Salt Lake me- Company, a corporation organised unridian, bears south 45 deg 15 min. east der the laws of the State of Utah, 1.500 feet to corner No. 1 of Contact, 548.7 feet distant; thence running from with Its of bualneaa at identical with corner No. 4 of York. said corner No. 1 south 01 deg. .03 min. Salt Lakeprincipal place Its Thence south 42 deg. 11 min. east agent and Utah, by City, west 043 feet to corner No. 3; thence No. 1 of York, from said corner No. 3 north attorney In fact, H. A. Lane, whose 1.490 foot to corner running 44 deg. 68 min. west 1203.0 feet to corpost oflice aildreas la Osborn, Tooele the place of11 beginning, containing aner No. 3; thence north 00 deg. .02 min. County, Utah, haa made application net area of 8, .484 acres, the followeast 414.0 feet to corner No. 4; thence for a patent fur the H. P. Stone lode lnS conflicts having been excluded: south 53 deg. 54 min. east 1305.9 feet mining claim, situated In the Ophlr i Snow Bird, Survey 8423, of 0.221 to corner No. 1. the place of beginning. Mining District. Tooele County, Utahjocrea; Black Maria, Survey 3229, of Said claim being located in unaurveyed of 1155.4 feet of the lode, 0.049 acres; Good Luck, Survey 8224, part of tow nship 9 south, range 13 west, consisting of 0.002 acres; Golconda, Survey Halt Lake meridian, and contains 14.361 and surface ground 567.3 feet wide, of 0.077 acres, and Golconda No. acres: said location being recorded in being mineral survey No. 6065, and 3572, The Hook "N, page 640, of records of described in the field notes and plat 1. survey 4355, of 0.358 acre Tooele County, Utah. Adjoining claims of the official survey filed in this of--' presumed general course or direction on this lode are survey No. 4356, flee, with magnetic variation 16 de-- f the veins or lodes Is as shown upon survey No. 4350, ''Cloudy." green 30 mtnutea east, aa follows, to-- j the official plat, on the southwest, and survey No. 4310, wit; Said claims are situated In the un-f Pennant," on the northeast, and "Uou-dola' of corner a No. at surveyed portions township Post 1, Commenclng survey No. 4350. I direct that this notice be published of the claim, marked 1, 6065, whence ' 9 and 10 south, range 12 west. Salt in the Stockton Sentinel, a newspaper U. S. mineral monument No. 6 bears Lake Meridian. The southwest corner of Section 35, published at Stockton, Utah, for the south 76 degrees, 1 minute west period of nine consecutive weeks. 1,419.4 feet, to corner No. 4, lot 147, Township 9 south, range 12 west, PRANK D. HOBBS, Register. Arabella Lode, bean north 47 degrees, bears aa follows from corner No. 1 of Alexander McM aster. Attorney for 20 mtnutea east 1071.4 feet; thence each of said claims: 38 minutes east j Anaconda No. 3, south 74 deg. Applicant. north 44 hirst pub., March 10; last. May 14, 1155.4 feetdegrees No. 2; thence j min. east 6,758.2 feet, corner to 1904. Anaconda No. 1, south 89 deg. south 45 degrees, 22 mlnutea east 667.3 feet to corner No. 3; thence min. east 6,543.4 feet Anaconda No. 2 north 86 deg. APPLICATION TOR PATENT. south 44 degrees, 38 minutes west M. A. No. 3316. 1,155.4 feet to corner No. 4; thence min. east 6,955.1 feet United Statea Land Office, Contact, north 76 deg. 30 min. east north 45 degrees 23 minutes .west Balt Lake City, Utah, 567.3 feet to corner No. 1, the place 6,005 feet. April 31, 1904. aald claim containing of Surplus, north 73 deg. 29 min. east Notice Is hereby given that in pur- 5.343beginning, In . 6,506.1 feet area of exclusive the acres, suance of the act of Congress, ap- conflict with lot 147 Arabella lode, York, north 62 deg. 31 min. east proved May 10, 1873, "To promote the ; 6,446.3 feet. lot No. Idamonta 2478, Lode, survey resources of development of the mining Said claims are of record in the tha United States, Marcus E. Jones, No. 171, Dwight lode. This claim la located In the unsur- office of the Recorder of Tooele Counwhose poa toffies address is Salt Lake Allen veyed part of township No. 5 south ty, at Tooele City, Utah, as follows: City, Utah, and his Anaconda No. 3, In Book K, page Babcock, whose postofflee address la of range 4 weat. Salt Lake baas and Massena,New York,claiming 1500 linear meridian, and the notice of location 380. feet of the Enterprise, 1394.3 linear feet thereof being recorded In Book 0,' Anaconda No. 1, In Book "N," page of the Enterprise No. 3 and 1500 linear page 441 of the records of Tooele 235. feet of the Centennial vein lodes or Anaconda No. 2, In Book N, page Tha neighboring and mineral deposits, bearing gold, silver, County, Utah. 334, lead and other valuable minerals, with adjoining claims are as follows: Lot Contact in Book ."K." page 450. surface ground of each claim 300 fret No. 147. Arabella Lode, Survey No. Surplus, In Book O, page 14, and In width, lying, being and oltuate 3478, Idamonta lode, lot No. 171, within the Clifton Mining district Dwight lode, survey No. 6000, Mona York In Book N, page 663. The adjoining claims are the Good County of Tooele, State of Utah, have Lode, Francis lode, Survey No. 5064. made application to the United States nd Handbellatar, Survey 3224; I direct that thla notice he pub-- ; for a patent for the said mining claims, llshed In the Stockton at Golconda, Survey 3572; Golconda No. Sentinel which ara mors fully described as to 8tockton. Tooele County, Utah, for I. Survey 4355; Snow Bird, Survey metes and bounds by the official plat 3423 and Black Marla, Survey 3229. herewith posted, and by the field notes the period of nine consecutive week I direct that thla notice be pubFRANK D. HOBBS, of survey, thereon, survey No. 5151. now lished In the Stockton Sentinel at filed In the office of the Register of the Stockton, Utah, the newspaper pubFirst publication. May 28th, 1904.' District of Lands subject to sale at lished nearest aald claims for a period Salt Lake City, Utah, which field notes Last publication, July 23rd, 1904. of nine week of survey describe the boundaries and extent of said claims on the surface as FRANK D. HOBBS. NOTICE. follow to wit: Register. 1, corner or No. at post Commencing L. H. Gray, Attorney. Land Salt Lake United Statea Office, corner of said the tbe northeast being First published May 28, 1904. City. Utah, May 23, 1904. Enterprise lode mining1 claim, and IdenLast July 23, 1904. tical with corner No. Centennial lode To Whom It May Concern: of this survey, from which point Notice la hereby given that the U. B. I M. No. 11 bears north 3 deg. State of Utah haa filed In thla office! When Kiseing Was Universal. .09 min. west 3778.3 feet distant; thence list No. 65 of lands selected by tha ' The Na 1 south I aald State for the running from said corner practice of lip to lip aalutatlon establishment and deg. 38 min. west 1500 feet, magnetic maintenance of an Insane Asylum un-- 1 was fspi-Tlallcharacteristic of Eng-de- r 17 variation deg. east, to corner No. 3, M1 In Tudor times. life Its 12 of "dal Act of Section the 4 No. Congress Which Is Identical with corner t was one of the Centennial lode of this survey; thence approved July 16, 1894. The follow--j universal north 64 deg. 45 niln. west COO feet mag- - lug tracts embraced in aald list are, things noticed by Erasmus during his 17 deg. east; to corner In a township containing mineral sojourn in England, and Is thus coinSetic3: variation thence north 5 deg. 18 min. east claims of record, vis.: North south- - mented on iu one of his Eplstolae"' 1500 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. east K Sec. 25 4 Township south, - Ileri, aro RirU wIlh angeIl!. face8i g0 east, to corner No. 4; thence south Ij thBt deg. 45 min. east 600 feet, magnetic rTUyWof;Md!lstso re-er them to all ycur muse variation 18 deg. east, to corner No. 1, latea to said tracts Besides, subby descriptive the place of beginning. been conspicuously Beginning at post or corner No. 1. divisions. haa being tha northeast corner of the said posted In thla office for inspection by ; vcl1 tome you are received with a claim, any person interested, and by the Enterprise No. 3 lode mining from which point U. S. I-- M. No. 11 public generally. by all; when you take your leave. bears north 8 deg. 56 min. east 2745.1 Within tbe next with kisses; you icdays follow--j ion are dlsinii-rclode of ing the date of thla sixty feet; corner No. 4 Enterprise 40 notice, nndcr de-- : turn, kiss. are repented. They come 2 inln. this survey bears north deg. of November n visit you. ki- - seti again; they lrau-27- . west 191.9 feet; thence running from Pftrtniental Instructions 1896, (23 I D. 459), protests or volt, you kiss them all round. Should said corner No. 1 south 7 deg. .06 min. west 1394.3 feet, magnetic variation 18 contests against the claim of the Wf,ses ln deg. east, to corner No. 2; thence north state to any of the tracts or 'uud.'.iiee; in Hue, wherever you 83 deg. 16 min. west 600 feet, magnetic slons hereinbefore described, on the Hove Is nothin:; but kissc1' variation 17 deg. east, to corner No. ground that the same Is more valua- vove New York Jouniul. 3: thence north 7 deg. .00 min. east ble for mineral than for agricultural 1394.3 feet, magnetic variation 17 deg. will be received and noted puriiosoB east, to corner No. 4; thence south 83 for report to the General Land Office, Translation cf Some Native Idiom deg. IS min. east 600 feet, variation 18 at Washington. D. C. Failure so to deg. east, to corner No. 1, the place of protest or contest within the time1 In New Britain a missionary, in beginning. translating, was seeking some natlie Beginning at post or corner No. 1. specified will be considered sufficient idiom to convey the idea of a bind- of character evidence the said corner of the being the northwest HVh w'hcnla chIr sl,Pested that Centennial lode mining claim, and of the tracts, and the selection there-- ; I woiihl I''iras0 wa identical with corner No. 1 Enterprise of, being otherwise free from objco--l l!:o lode of this survey, from which point tion. will be recommended for ap-- ' rather to speak to my wife's mother f I. S. 1 M. No. 11 bears north 3 deg. .09 In British than do such a thing. inln. west 2778.3 feet distant; thence proval. D. a FRANK HOBBS, tVliiTbia wanted bis i missionary No. 1 south running from said corner entrchlstB to translate A crown of Register. 85 deg. .03 min. east 000 feet to corner Geo. A. Smith, Receiver. glory that Tadcth net away." This No. 2. from whence corner No. 1 survey First publication May 28th. 1904. was done to the satisfaction of all No. 4383 Cosmopolitan lode and corner Last publication July 28th, 1994. No. 2 same survey Yellow Hammer lode enr.conie.l. but ultimately the mission-ar- y amended bears south 51 deg.42 min. east found to his horror that it 144.3 feet; thence south 5 deg. 38 min. lur-rendered. "A hat that ncvr APPLICATION FOR PATENT. west 1500 feet to corner No. 3. thence wears out. north 85 deg. .03 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 4, identical with corner No. Notice M. A. No. 3822. 3 Enterprise lode of this survey; thence United States Land Office, Danish Holiday Custom. north 5 deg. 38 min. east 1500 feet to Lake A nisi uni prevails among pan nt in City. Utah. May 13. 1904. corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Dug-waNotice la hereby given that the Variation to all corners of the CentenPcnmurl; of exchanging their children Copper Mining and 8meltlng during the summer holidays. Tl c lij. nial lode 17 deg. east. Said lode n ining claims are located Company, by Its president and authoron nnsurveyed land, which would he In ized nrnt, O. F. Peterson, of Silt t'e ones from the villace-- i go to town township 8 south, range 18 west, If the Ijike City. Ttah, has made applica- am! ar: ail the better and briaht-present system of land survey were ex- tion for a United States patent for thtlr br.nwle lge of eltv life and what1 tended. Anaconda No, 3. Anaconda No. 1. the world Is doing. The Htilo c;i'y The total and net areas of said lode the No. 2. Contact, Surplus and folks nre sent to lie refreshed by the Anaconda Is as follows: mining claims lode York mining claims, consisting country air. and come hack with rosy 3 No. area Total Enterprise 19.306 acres of 1,490, 1,500, 1,500, 1.500, 1,600 and checks and rohnst constitutions. lode iriinit glekneia fend Also Lift XnsnraneCb Yon pay a Installment Flan. Httle each month. XXXfZxX Znaiirs yowaelf accidents. FOB FWRVNRN m formation wnitr to. H. A. NELSON, M, w, 232 lasaral Naoa Guiril Agsit, IM ULT LAKE CITY, fTJUL Bradley & Metcalf CompanyWMi MLWfAUKM. FOR BALI BY -- 3-- i Oeldaa Oala BHUsg THE Uorlds Fair Route THE SOENIO LINE TO i CDnwood Sprlnga, Aipsn, Loadvllle, Fncblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Tanias City, BLLonia, ChleafOt mouumwi . east gad all Us Twa FRISCO SVSTIM TMVMOBB FIST TIMS! MILT BETWIEfe Indiana Kanins Dlsslsslppl WWW. Manias Tennetsii Alabama Oklahoma Mssourl Indian Texas. , M manioLV agurna VMS FOLLOWINO STATKS: ffllnols M MaaMaa al Ofloa Oataa NM M PMNi aai engaa (tea The watf TraBaaaaMsH Use poaaiH Mraadj thrsaffe Ufeo Mfc OFFERS THK BEST SERVICB POSSIBLE YO ST. LOUIS. 34-3- 5, point! al eoMMi r . OCM! Mt BOVEI Through Pullman and OnUnaxy Sleeplnf (ten to Denror, Omaha, Kansas City, 8L Louis and Chicago without ehaafn. Personally Goadaoted Bxoanlau. Dinlnf Oars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Itass redininf chair oara Til ; TUI SOUTHEASTERN LIMITED, toattJO SprlnglUM, isfcam, Atlanta, ail potato la too ' . m. City ," L A. BENTON, & Ai P. D, SALT LAKB CITY not root! toon aa4 Boots. SaallWaaC ytotoWoito, Seatt. F aoobr to htmatlao, Si IUUU A HOT. MARVIN, T. A. . Dtavia. tour Lmi Civv, wh. Aotwv, MNI, Ihiiu Bum. MawnuM, Illinois Central Railway. UIVU.UMTLY tmUlYQRY Unas Of at ttsrssr fe Till RYES A SL Lraia. Oaa! , JCtam. yaBsapolU, Warn Fastto, nL Kama Oltr, X BvaoovUl Zfei phis, An. Tamm. CbMaamtl, Okie fMlsvlUa, w Orlsmm j.U Weakly bM Uuwmgfe KaafevtUs, Atlanta, Os. fackmomvlU Ffc Yluksburg, lClaa sarvlee ball featwaam Cladamall Caaal Territory. nun, south, won ass vomm Handsomely Beetroot Trains Dialog Cere Cura Wtiptig Caiw me Barilmlng Chair Car Aak ticket a aunts for tickets vim tfes ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, Stoma Boated BmgCat-Llbrm- ry . IW.h4lt.lL. J. A. TOLBY, ROBERT E. PICKLE .... STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS (an Um ! Statlow err. au ua leading Ik Tto Miital sad fem tt Coal uonwy lm Mar A fell Hm to Rouen A Ajmcj Troy Stain LuRdij. . Clrar Makar Totowcw mod Otto...... mxviwoavo If CD PM) erui soon. HLiluUn Salt Lake CUA j i Salt Lake and Mercur Qr Railroad SALT LAKB ifXRCUR THIKCARD West. East. Marcmr Arrive 1081 2d! Lnava Leave 1030. ...Summit Jct...J30 'is j sub-dlv- l- i a"U,T I non-miner- al f,-- r I UNIQUE! ENJOYABLE! HEALTHFUL! Utah mt all at tou tomato SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium DaTUC JjAinj Dus feSto BV.JJSorik Safe Rw Lake to Mu Qtf W4 BU a mMUm ih hr tor lm of wow paw Ihtooafe rack Say. a5 c tahMwMahSmlihmllhw OCm lhwln fall fcvvr CtwMuU Mil BUl y'MWUM t IMiia, itosu u to Utaft Mr Tha hhifc Plctu uMLi IVsc Oyum Soy ao4 SiH UdM.... MtRnhtg ....fdtl 035.... Fairfield ....814 Arrive J. O, JACOBS, Gen, hunn-nrSalt Lake City. y |