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Show - WIRE FENCE BIRO'S LARDER. California Songster Makes Use of Queer Storehouse. When the barked lra fence first came Into use in California, cattle owners cursed the Inventor. Not so the butcher bird. The butcher bird Is a creature about he size of a small crow, and ho lives on Insects and smaller birds. At first the formers who Instituted the barbed wire wondered bow so many arses hoppers, beetles, field mice and small birds became impaled upon the barbs of their fence wires. They soon learned, for the butcher bird is not a secretive creature. When ar.d other bugs were plentiful, be gathered great stores and stuck them on the barbs of the fences. When hard times rente, the barbed wire fence was to him like a free lunch counter. Now, In winter time. It Is no rare thing in parts of California to see the butcher bird hopping along the fence wires, continually picking his meals is he skips from barb to barb. grass-bopite- rs Under the caption, "The Union PaRailroad and Louisiana Territory" the new Worlds Fair folder by the advertising department of the Union Pacific, which has attracted such general attention, recites thess Interesting facts: "While the construction of ths Union Pacific Railroad, its trials and triumphs, are a part of the history of the United States, the Important part played by this railroad In the development of the Louiulana Purchase can hardly be estimated. la the building up of this vast domain It haa been one of the chief factors. One hundred years ago the population of the region was estimated at 0,000. Up to the Inception of the Union Pacific (In 1860) It had increased to 8,233.529. In 1900 It numbered over 13,000,000 of Inhabitants. In this wonderful growth, with Its stupendous Increase In all the many-aliiephases of commercial, material and Intellectual prosierlty, the Union Pacific aa a glance at the map will show has had a conspicuous share. It haa opened vast regions of fertile eoutry to settlers, and brought great areas of an unknown and unproductive wilderness into dose communion with metropolitan centers and markets. Thriving cities, towns and hamlets, through Its efforts, have sprung up In every direction. It may be of Interest to know that the total number of manufacturing plants, and the value of their outputs, combined with that of the national products as reported in the census of 1900, give an aggregate production for the Louisiana region of 33,600,000,000 annually, or 233 times the original pur ehaae price. The same census reports (1900) also show the total population to be 1M43.255. of which 8,303,096 inhabitants are living In the stales and territories reached by the Union Pacific. On the 1900 census figures, it is estimated that the true wealth of the Louisiana purchase can be stated at 7 about $13,051,868,359, of which is represented in the states reached by this great railroad." HUMBLE CRITIC WRITES OF WAGNERS MUSIC Easternerj Complains He Purchased Domestic Harmony at Frightful Cost Hereafter Will Stick to . Ragtime. rather easy time trying not to fall In love with a stout, elderly and shopworn princess or prophetess, who was lovely, enough to stop a clock In any climate, or drive the east wind out of Boston. The real things in this music drama are not opWagner's things or eras a. lot opuses were of strong, strenuous young Urom-e- n arrayed in nighties and campaign helmets and armed with ox goads, who butted in periodically with gesticulations and shrieks, while the conductor out In front threw fits, fought with his baton and worked up When Shakcapeare wrote "The man In himself, nor Is moved with concord of sweet sounds. Is tit for treasons, strategems aud polis, he lived in an age that knew only flutes and lutes of that Inoffensive sort; au age when jieople who sang only carolled and trolled about flowers and love and shepherdesses. Shakespeare never beard a piano, nor a Gorman brass band; nobody had invented operas, comic or explosive; It was not considered bad form to admire a ballad; and no one was expelled from society or considered Ignorant and uncouth for liking a melody that hath no music cific 4MUNER TRIM H4 HUMC OH h5 own, First 'German Woman Doctor.. The University of Halle mentions the Interesting fact that this institution was the first In Germany to give the medical degree to a woman. It was In 1764 that the university crested a daughter of Dr. Leporln o! Halle a "doctor mediclde." Her scientific studies had been carried on under the direction of her father, but In the nniverslty halls she had do fended a set of theses that secured her these academia honors. She Is o doubt the pioneer of the modern university movement among the women of Germany. ( Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for Your Reception at 8L Louie, During the Fair, Free. If you intend going to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Missouri. opened by President Roosevelt April 80th, 1904. It will bo very much to your advantage to correspond with Mr. F. H. Worslcy, No. 411 Dooley block, Salt lake City. Utah. Mr. Worslcy has arranged to have all his parties met at the St. Louis depot and escorted to their lodgings, which wilt be reserved In ndrance. Information relative to passenger ticket limits, hotel rates, rates and all other necessary Information asked for will lie cheerfully given free of charge. This will especially be of benefit to these desiring to travel with Utah parties or In parlies of four or fire. School teachers will also bear aomethlng to their interests by writing above party. stop-over- s, Something Unusual. Little Bessie was so accustomed to seeing the baby crawl around the room on hia hands and knees that ahe thought it was his natural mode of travoling. One day he succeeded In landing up with the aid of a chair, and Bessie, very much astonished, ran to her mother and exclaimed: "Oh, Camma, come quick! Baby Is his hlrd legs." Papers for Employes. A plan of distributing old maga-alnc- s aud papers to employes and residents along the lines In Texas was recently adopted by the Southern Pacific. During the first week 1,600 papers were turned over to thirty-tw- o section foremen, and In this way 376 families were reached. Where the Ladles Propose. Between tho mountains of India and Persia Is s powerful tribe among jwhom an extraordinary custom prevails. Women's rights have apparently received full recognition,. for the ladles of the tribe can choose their tvwn hn'handa. All a single woman baa to do when she wishes to changs her state Is to send a servant to pin a handkerchief to the hat of a man on jettons her fancy lights, and he Is phliged to marry her, unless he can Show Chat he is too poor to purchase at the price her father requires. I ! ier and throwing bricks at those who made a noise. Shakespeare waa quite a fellow In hls day, and knew almost as much as a spouting police geyser; but hfl neither knew nor anticipated the late lamented Herr Wagner of Bayreuth, Germany. Wagner was a man who had a lot of music In himself, but he failed to keep It In. Mnslc worked in hls system like steam; and when It broke out it made trouble. Wagner tried hls music on hls chnm, a lunatic and king; nnd If he was pleased. It was considered a proof that the rest of ua would want It I nm rather shy about saying much about Wagner; every fellow that plays a fiddle, or a month organ, or a cornet, or forty-fivethinks Its up to him to defend him; nnd you are pretty sure to be called names and accused of Anarchy and 'beating your wife if you rouse Under the circumtho Wagnerltes. stances, it is Just. as well to be Judicious and 6 peak soft and low. Some people understand Wagner; some try to understand him; some pretend to understand him; while a vast, vulgar, ignorant majority can neither stand nor understand him. I suppose I am numbered among the last lot; and, while I am willing to concede that Wagner Is great I prefer ConSousa, Creators and fidentially, I think he was born too soon and died too late. The easiest way to distinguish a real Wagncrite from the Imitation is to bear them pronounce the great man's name. The real things Call him Vogner; the Britannia metal Wagnerltes call him Wagner, or Just Waggoner, If they are lately from Cheyenne. When a man haa a wife who can ent frills on a pianola, or who wants to be In the swim, he Just naturally has to get down In hls pocket once In n while and dig np n couple of fives to put the Wagner trust on Easy street As I have said, I dont really enjoy Wagner; but In the end it Is easier and cheaper to take four hours of the great German's spasms than four weeks of your wife's obligatos In C sharp. Four weeks of domestic harmony la cheap at $10; a divorce will cost more than that The last time I sampled Wagners wares It was under domestic duress; and the particular riot which 1 endured was called the Valkyries. There were several characters In It who reminded me of certain statesmen ; they had large voices, long whiskers and These people garments. peculiar didn't make much trouble, though somewhat clamorous; and they had a s, rag-tim- TIME TO ACT. Swedish Invention That Will Provs a Great Convenience. A portable telephone Is the latest thing out, and it Is the conception of a Swedish, not an American, inventoi. The specimens of the device that have been sent to other countries have elicited unstinted praise from Austrian, Russian, Greek and Turkish experts, who have tested them, and, while large demands and inquiries for the new phone have come from Frence, Germany, Italy, Spain, 1 and the United States, those from Great Britain have been even nure noticeable. Within the cylinder of tbe telephone s a small dry cell, the whole apparatus (Including both receiver and mouthpiece) being small enough to go In the pocket. With each Instrument Is a coll of thin copper wire, and It is reckoned that a soldier could easily carry 13,000 feet of this wire wltb him. The uses suggested for the portable ' telephone are innumerable, military considerations being kept specially to the front. Outposts, It Is declared, could by Its aid keep in constant communication with the main force, and It Is pointed out that It would furnish a valuable means of keeping in touch with headquarters for police and fire For use between railway brigades. coaches on a moving trains, for engineers at work underground or on great public works, for steamers, for cyclist and In many other fields It would be most desirable. were chased off by the scene shifters; and though I was dead tired and stone deaf, I went out and tackled lobsters and Welsh rabbits In a restaurant and cheerfully faced nightmares. I knew when I got the nightmare I'd forget the Valkyries. In my time I have faced Tannhaus-er,-" Lohengrin" and other Wagnerian things; and It looked as If I might acquire the habit and stand around like other weak sisters pretending to be enraptured every time a bull llddlo fell foul of a base drum; but, after the Valkyrie campaign I threw up my hands nnd abandoned Wagner. This Is a shameful confession to make, and argues a defective musical and moral sense. I am willing to admit the trouble lies with me, not Wagner; I have not been trained up to him; and I have neither money, nor strength enough to try. 1 was not distressed when Boston refused to give ,up its dividends to Herr Conried; I was proud to know Boston could control itself even In the face of Wagner; nnd I was secretly and vulgarly happy when Conried and hls Valkyries started for Chicago, where they are to cyclones and explosions. Outside of the music drama, I like Germans and things German; some day Im going over to Germany to see .WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN. where the frankfurters, hofbrau and bull fiddles grow; and Im going to Anticipates If Congressman Wachter look np Herr Wagner's grave. Trouble With Constituents. on monument hls marble have a they chest and hla tomb cemented nnd Representative Wachter of BaltiI shall rejoice. Id like more ran around In circles In the copper-rivete- d Last to come back with the certain knowl- house of representatives edge that he cant get up and start In Saturday Miss Alice Roosevelt, Count again making raw material for brass Cassini, the Countess Cassini, and hands, hand organs and Valkyries. I Secretary Loeb and Mrs. Loeb rode dont want hls sacred remains dis- over to Baltimore In an automobile. Tbe Baltimore papers printed the story turbed. When the last day comes, and peo- and said that Representative Wachter ple are Blow In responding, I know entertained Ihem at luncheon. asWhen Wachter got to the house this where Gabriel can get a first-clas- s sistant to rouse the sleepers and wake morning several members met blm dead hut until that day, I hope no with the cheering cry:' "So you are a Tandal hmd wlu monkef "ltk tke 'Russian sympathizer, are you?" Wachter went up In the air. great man's tomb. Joseph Smith in "Ita false, he said. "I am not n Boston Herald. Russian sympathizer. I didnt enterI dont tain Cassini at luncheon. The Difference In Mankind. I I saw I never him. him. know Tom"Theres men and men," said my the Tout, when he got back to Words failed at this point and Broadway from Jamaica the other Wachter Later In simply sputtered. day. "Just to show you, take Bill the day It developed that nearly all Daly and Bud May. 'Fa wins two the people In Baltimore who emigrated nnd races with Daly and Amberjack, in WachI'm broke. I know him and need a from Russia and Poland live dollar. Thinking he ought to stand ter s district and have votes. Washington correspondence 8L Louis for a touch I asks him for a plunk. "1 ain't got a dollar In change,' says he. Tint heres a dims I can let Wealth. yon have. "I needed money had, and when I Blessed is ths man who sees ths royal splendor Hid In the landscape, though the thick togs roll. Whose heart br Love is kept so warm and tender That fnga or tempests never reach hls or-tur- to-da- A LUNATIC ANKiNfi. d $9,360,-631,38- NEW IDEA IN TELEPHONES. the fiddles and bassoons until the roof quivered. As I understand It, the Vab' kyries were the Carrie Nations of ancient Germany, who were trained to hover over battlefields, keeping tabe on the patriots who went to the front too much; and when these heroes were knocked out by the hated foemeu, the Valkyries swooped down on them and hustled them off to a sort of reservation, called Valhalla, where the departed patriots sat around drinking beer nnd bragging about their war records. A patriot and hero would have to be very dead to enjoy the company of these shrinking young ladles; for, as they floated around in the atmosphere on broneoes waiting for a chance to post-morte- m Btmce mw .AWt m mvwicAuy cwcnciMASONa SRRIlRj Post-Dispatc- h. soul. The flowery hills and dates are robbed of beauty. Earth Is a desert with no fertile spot To him whose life has only toll and duty. To whose lone hearthstone sweat love cometh not. Hls home may be a nalace; yet he loses Tbe sweetest treasure that Ilfs can Impart, Success or failure comes as each one chooses. Whether hia wealth shall bo of purse or heart. Love and contentment goodness, hopes ethereal. To the possessor give tho greatest wealth: For gold becomes a curse, and ail material That robs ua of our birthright heaven and health. Bleared la ths man whose happy soul hath risen From the dead plane of sense, through faith snd trust; Blessed is the man whom Love hath led from prison Where life la heart to heart, not dnst to duet Elisa Lamb Vartyn. e. TUB AA5T TTmE X NSB& WAMc UNPsm pwcypc 5AMP2EP it VMji DUM31 la Against Large Battleships. Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, who has Just retired from his post as commander of the British fleet In Chinese seas, doubts the wisdom of building big battleships. These large vessels, he says, lack in practicability; they are not sailors' ships. When one of them is crippled or sunk the loss Is too great, and Sir Cyprian thinks two ships costing together the same amount would be much better than one of the floating giants. drag out a battered patriot they made butts into May I makes np my mind colse enough to make a D. A. It. con- to try him, but Major Pelham had vention seem liko a prayer meeting in been beaten out and I didn't want to make it too strong, so all I asks for Is comparison. The night I sat shuddering at this a quarter. "T haven't got a quarter, Tom, shrieking sisterhood Frltxl Schell wns one of the Valkyries; bin as she says he, but heres $2, If It's all the eloped from Wagner shortly afterward same to you." New York Times. Girl Diver Does Good Work. and wort into comic opera and brief Miss Inez Callamore, a handsome It Was Wished On. clot lies. I imagine she was cloyed by Johnnys sister has a ring that San Francisco girl of 24. after repeatWarner as much as I was. The difwas given permission to ference between us wns she was paid Johnny la very iond of. He la allowed ed rebuffs, fathoms of water off in descend an or for hour wear sometimes eight to it so, I at to to yell hear her me; and paid Gate Golden for the purpose of the or been has when he has good, very yell. Men are dead easy. examining the hull of a sunken vesI was glad when it was over, when promised to be. One day he sudsel. Four men divers had been there these shrieking Sutherland sisters denly found that he wanted to wear before her. but she accomplished more and little beautiful that gold hand, so he Informed hls sister. She wasnt than all of them put together. Miss Just In the mood, so she told him, as Callamore's father has been a diver be Insisted, that she couldn't take It on the Pacific coast for many years. off because it was wished on." JohnGood Samaritan Rewarded. ny said little and thought much, and Gregorio Zellcb. keeper of a restauthe next afternoon, when hls sister had callers he rushed In and plumped rant in Oakland, Cal., taking pity upon down on an ottoman In the middle the apparently urgent needs of an old 31 r. Bolts' hotter half, a weary expres:eprcsentative Richardson of Mexican. Magin Caetfo. gave him of the room. telle of an old darky living sion coming into her face. a place to sleep for a considreminded hls "Johnny." sister, food andtime. "That's ton ba.l," responded tv.-- , Castro died the other r Nashville who. has according to erable b:id "your cap. dear." sympathetically; In Mb will bequeathed to hls and day, theory, been dying for many, many neighbor, returned the "Oh, hoy. Innocently, bop-v- l he would ho well by this time, which rs. Notwithstanding hls persistent "I can't take it off. Sis; It's wished benefactor alla he possessed, Is no worse? lie to be large Interest in an esproves on. ef that he ts near death's door, No. be ain't no worre." wort on the tate in Mexico valued at several hundarky. Isaac Bolts by name. Is wife, dejectedly, "an at do ki:ir time ' Railroad Tunnel. dred thousand dollars. Costly ho ain't no bettor, it's alius dis way. arently as well anJ One million dollars a mile Is the ho waa forty years ago. Turt he's worse an' den he's letter. estimated cost of constructing a tunBirthplace of Thomas Hardy. .eiontly. rays Mr. Richardson, Isaac IVn he's worso agin. A Ibis d:s way! nel. four miles In length, on the line The mother of Thomas Hardy, the Ton mah soul, honey, o.e t seized 'vlth one of hls "spells." been of the new Moffat railroad, from Dennovelist, died at the age of 91 in the week or so passed, but Tsnac, so- doin' dls way orerslnce l:ia rememver, Colo., to Salt Lake City, Utah. little tliatrhed cottage which sli bad rting to his own statement, grew no ber." Contractors hesitate about bidding for occupied all her life on the heath at Then, after a long pause, ns if in the work, because of the hardness of Bockhampton, near Dorchester, ter. One day a neighbor. In puss-tli- e In Butts domicile, chanced to deop reflection, the darky's w:fe add- the granite through which the tunnel which Thomas Hardy was horn. Mrs. Bolts standing at the gate. ed. In a plaintive tone: Aenre he used to trudge dally to the must be bored. Sticks of dynamite Honey, I do wish ole Bolts 'ud do make little Impression on the rock, national school at Dorchester and latHow Is Ike this morning!" asked somethin' definite!" New York nnd the railroad corananv. Itself, may er to hls work at an architect's offlco neighbor. In the same town. Only tol'sble. only tol'abla," replied Times. have to bulM the tunneL Tired of the Delay Ton-se- e 1 i able-bodie- d to-a- a lb-ti- 1 ob-v- e When the hack aches and you are always tired oat, de- pressed and nervous when sleep Is disturbed by pain and by urinary Ills, Its time to act. The kidneys are sick. Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys quickly and permanently. Here's proof. Mrs. W. 8. Marshall R. F. D. No. 1. Dawson, Ga., says: "My husband's back and hips were so stiff and sore that he could mil get up from a chair without help, I got him a box of Doan's Kidney rills. He felt relief In three days. One box cured him." A FREE Till VL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr. Marshall will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Mi- l burn Co, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all dealers; price 50 cents per box. Has Wireless 8tation. The Italian legation at Pekin haa been provided vlth a Marconi wire-lestelegraph station, which enables direct communication to be maintain ed with the vessels of the Italian fleet in Chinese waters. s Could You Use Mny Kind of a Sewing Machine at Any Price? If there is any price so low, any offer so liberal that you would think of accepting on trial a new drop cabinet or upright Minnesota Singer, Wheeler ft Wilson, Standard, White or New Home Sewing Machine, cut out and return this notice, ana you will receive by return mail, postpaid, free of cost, the handsomest sewing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on tbe Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sewing machines that will surprise you; we will make you a new and attractive proposition, a sewing machine offer that will astonish you. If you can make any use of any sewing machine at any price. If any kind of an offer would interest you, dont fail to write us at once (be sure to cut out and return this special notice) and get our latest book, our latest offers, our new and moat sar-rising proposition. Address SEARS, ROEBUCK ft CO., Chicago, high-grad- p INSECT LIKE A FLOWER. Rsaemblance la 8o Great That Butte flies Are Deceived. Livlngftpeclmens of a queer In seat have lately been shown In Cambridge England. They were brought from Williams. The Rangoon by CapL C. Insect Is a species of mantis, and Its body and legs are both shaped and colored to resemble a beautiful flower. It feeds on butterflies, and while It Is lying in wait for them under n spray of leaves It looks exactly like a blue blossom with a black spot In the center resembling the tube of a coroHa. The black part of Its body la drawn ont Into n long green stalk. The resemblance to a flower Is perfect, and butterflies and other Insects light on It In search of nectar and are immediately seized by Its ratal claws. Philadelphia Record. - a e consumption is an Infallible nedletna for eouxha and colds. N. W. SiWUi Oeau Grove, N. I., Fob. IT, IMA nan's Cun for Manufacture of "Milkstone. Milks tone, or galallth, is manufao tured In the following manner: By chemical process the caBein Is precip Rated as a yellowish-brow- n powder which Is mixed with formalin. There by n hornlike product Is formed. Ths substance, with various admixtures forms a substitute for horn, turtle shell. Ivory, celluloid, marble, ambei and hard rubber. Handles for knivei and forks, paper cutters, crayon pipes, cigar holders, seals, marble, stone ornaments and billiard balls are now made of galallth. Its easy working. elasticity and proof against fir ' make It very desirable. Ask Tour Dealer For Allen's Foot-FusA powder. It rcxis the feet. Cures Corns Bunions, Swollen, ivw, Hot, Callous, Aching SweatingFeetai.u ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Eas- e makes now or tight shoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 emits no substitute. Sample mailed Feu. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. e, Ao-ce- Superstitions of Miner Morfa colliery, in South Wales, la notorious for ita. uncanny traditions The "seven wMstlers were heard there before a great explosion In ths 'COa, and before another in 1SS0, when nearly a hundred miners were In December, 1895, It was sold that they had been heard yet the men struck again, whereupon work and could not be Induced to resume It until the government Inspect or had made a close examination of the workings and reported all safe. Is July, 1902, another instance of a colliery strike, founded upon the earns superstition, occurred in England. Important to Mothers. Frnsine carefully every licit to of C ASTORIA, a ssfs and pars remedy for lufsnts and chiklran, and ssa that U Bears ths flignstus of la Use For Over 30 Year. Ska Kind You Uavs Alwtjt ISunghL France Would Buy Trusts. French economists are asserting . a In- I ;r: that when a Jurious It shoul.l b. i: ,.i ;! by the state and maunped In the interest of the public. Tils quo t ion has gone so far beyond tho theory that tha minister of finance has seriously thought of taking hi hand the reflnt Ug of oil |