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Show ( v AY Sl FIFTY YEARS AGO A young man who practiced medicine In Pennsylvania became famous and , was called In consultation In many j towns and cities because of his sue- cess in the treatment of disease. This was Dr. Pierce, who finally made up his mind to place some of his medl- 1 clnes before the public, and moving to Buffalo, N. Y., put up what he called : his "Favorite Prescription," and placed It with the druggists In every state. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has long been recognized as a tonic for diseases dis-eases peculiar to womankind. After suffering suf-fering pain, feeling nervous, dizzy, weak and dragged-down by weaknesses of Her sex a woman Is quickly restored to health by its use. Thousands of women testify that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Favor-ite Prescription hns entirely eradicated their distressing ailments. More recently that wonderful discovery discov-ery of Dr. Pierce's, called An-urie (for kidneys and backache), has been successfully suc-cessfully used by many thousands who write Dr. Pierce of the benefits received re-ceived that their backache, rheumatism, rheuma-tism, and other symptoms of nric acid deposits In joints or muscles have been completely conquered by Its use. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce," Buffalo, N. Y for trial pkg. of any of his remedies, or write for free medical advice. |