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Show ig Per - - verl,rCATIONAL COURSE FOR DELTA n Nei 13 Tentative arrangements have just a on completed for a series of lect-pe lect-pe -os to be given in Delta on March grrd and 2 4th by courtesy of the OIiion Pacific Company, the International Inter-national Harvester Company and cle Utah Agricultural College, mith Mr. Peet of the Railroad ttimpany and Mr. AUred of the In-ernulional In-ernulional Harvester Company .ve been in Delta aud completed rringements for these lectures. j,,rhe lectures will be held under pjo direction of 'the Delta Conimer-UJil Conimer-UJil Club, the local Farm Bureau, ttfd the schools. Among the speakers speak-ers who will be in attendance will si Mr. J. V. Jones, Soil Specialist, 'M recently with the United States , Apartment of Agriculture, Ben R. . jlldredge. Dairy Expert from the . t-tah Agricultural College, Mrs. Ef-' Ef-' c'e S.. Barrows, head of the Domest-! Domest-! 8 Arts and Science departments ot jie Delta schools and V. S. Peet, ; ,'ravelling Agent for the Union Pa-pfic Pa-pfic Railroad. An invitation is be-ig be-ig extended to Joseph Manderfield 'horn we are especially anxious to , 'ecure because of his intimate ac-i ac-i luaintance with local - conditions : 'nd his extensive knowledge of live . tock. An attempt is being made al-i al-i -o to secure an expert on poultry. It is planned to have meetings'at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock on Thurs-" Thurs-" lay and 10:30 and 2:00 o'clock on Friday and to have a special affair in Friday evening. The Commercial t "'luh, local Farm Bureau and the 1 ichools will attempt to secure the ; tttendance of a dancing specialist i or this social function and have al-I al-I eady directed letters to an indtvld-' indtvld-' tal who undoubtedly would make his function m.oct intcrctinrs. At ;:30 o'clock Friday evening the lommercial Club will have a special j unchcon prepared by tho Domestic 3 'cience department of the school - nd at which the visitors will be its - pecial guests. I Among the lectures which will be " :iven during this series will be: ' t Talk on Dairying Mr. Elldredge 'ight the Fly Mrs. Barrows immunities are Made Folks 3 j Mr. Jones e loll and Crop Rotation Mr. Jones i lealth, Keep Vigorously Allvo t ' Mrs. Barrows These num.hcrs will be interspersed Eilh musical numbers provided by lie school chorus and baud and ln- s 'ividual" soloists. . : This undoubtedly is deserving of e lie unoualiil'ed support of every in- e ividual in our community and - oighborhood. i- ' s " ' j ; We have a large lot of seeds tent a j un, first quality, garden select- e in; paid subscribers can have a t ickage of same by calling at The e lironiclo. 3 e J Dr. II. H. Smith has located at s f lla, and will r.uecad to the prac-3 prac-3 la cf Dr. Charles. I - 1 Mrs Lottie Allor has returned to r Mta from Salt Lake City, where e Ir lias been to receive medical r i ''Hlment. a i fS (The Mi.-.snn Vida Anderson and Ailhona Locl-wilh returned Monday frtpm a sojourn of several weeks at Ril-h field and Salt, Lake City. p. M. Ilawlry was a Delta visiter visi-ter this last week. tUrs. J. M. Martcll of Fillmore is a vi "It or in D-lla, the guejt of Mrs. .Jlora L. Cooper. WANTED: A second hand letter let-ter prrrn. of the old fashioned kind wuli i-crew flown nre:;sure for cop-in cop-in on tissue paper. L-t us know at ' h; Chronicle. William Pace returned home fox a visit wiih his parents. He has bt.-n in the V. S. Navy. La-t Saturday night Miss Harriet Ward pave aa darning party at the Ward llotfl. in cf-W-liration of a birthday anniversary. About fifty Kiir ts wen- prf-cnt, and enjoyed dancing and n-freshmf-nts. The Sal! Lake Tribune published that a marriape license wh issued in S 1 1 Lak" County for Mr. A. A. Folsom of Delta, and Miss Laura F. Chrlrtenscn f Hold on. We wih th young people much happiness and long married life. |