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Show BEST ADDITIONS TO HOME GARDEN Not Complete Unless Some Permanent Per-manent Vegetable and Small Fruits Are Included. " DIFFERENT CROPS INCLUDED Bulletin of Department of Agriculture Enumerates Various Plants to Be Selected for Supply of 1 Small Truck. (Prepared by tho tinned States Department ; of Agriculture.) A homo garden ls Incomplete unless It Includes some of the more permanent perma-nent vegetables and small fruits ln ad- dltlon to the regular annual vegetables that are usually planted. A bed of asparagus, as-paragus, several hills of rhubarb, a few plants of horseradish, strawberries, strawber-ries, raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, dewber-ries, Logan blackberries, grapes, currants cur-rants and gooseberries, according to locality and available space, are valu-ablo valu-ablo additions to tho homo gnrden. All of tho above might not thrive In any ono locality or on ono type of soil, and caro must be oxerclsod ln making tho selection, says the United States Department of Agriculture In n new Farmers' liulletln, No. 1212, Permn-nent Permn-nent Fruit and Vegetable Gardens, Just Issued, copies of which may be had free upon request. The department says that about 00 out of every 100 tarnis ln the United ! .. . I , C V Home Garden Furnishes Supply of Fresh Vegetables. 'States have upon them some form of a home garden or source of supply of fresh vegetables. Many of these gardens gar-dens Include, In addition to the annual an-nual vegetables, small fruits and certain cer-tain of the perennial or more or less permanent vegetables. ' ' ' This bulletin gives brief Instructions Instruc-tions for the planting and care of the more important small fruits and per--V ennltil vegetables. More complete Information In-formation may be found ln the special bulletins of the Department of Agriculture Agri-culture and of the state agricultural colleges and experiment stntlons. Currants are considered one of the most desirable fruits for Jelly making, and when thoroughly ripened they make an excellent sauce and dessert, especially If mixed with raspberries. Jellies, Jams and marmalades ln plenty can be mnde from raspberries, dewberries dew-berries and blackberries, to say noth- ' lug of the Juices and various products that may be made from grapes. By having a collection of the different small fruits that are adapted to the region one can enjoy a continuous supply sup-ply of good things to eat throughout the greater part of the summer and ln addition have an abundance of preserves pre-serves for winter use. |