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Show A MAILING LIST We have set up in type 825 names of heads of families, compiled from the towns of Delta, Delta, R. F. D., Oasis, Der-ernt, Hinckley, Abraham, Oak City, Leamington, and Lynn-dyl. Lynn-dyl. This list is late, has just been revised, and will bo corrected every threo months. We havo made it up in the manner man-ner of having it pointed on yellow slips, which are cut off and pasted on, similar to the method used by the Saturday Evening Post, (mail copies). The Country Gentleman, tho Ladies' Home 'Journal, the Ladies Homo Companion, the Salt " .-s Lake Telegram, and tho Deseret News. It is quick, requires no investment, in-vestment, and can be used with no other tools than a common kitchen kitch-en knifo, a littlo paste, and a rag. We will ;-,ell these- sheets of addresses, ad-dresses, S2i names on each sheet, for fl.OO for each impression. As yon see the name being pasted on the envelope beToro you, any name may be cut out, so that if you wish not. mail your matter to a com-pc''fi'- h:r; name. Wc will add any names for any customer, and keep the list up-to-dale. Economy dictates that such a list should bo quite acceptable to any merchants, as tho entire number of address may easily be affixed in less than an hour, whereas the addresses ad-dresses can not be put on by hand or by typewriter in less than two evenings even-ings of any ono's close attention to the work. At tho Chronicle, $1.00. a ioi Nawhtn. Lambert Is again back Hit Delta, after having had a case of small pox in Pocatello. Nawhm sa.ys hn was housed up close with tlwr.-o germs for several 'weeks, and got quite friendly with them; in fact, trained a quintet of them on the brass foot-rail of the hod to do tricks and perform; he says they urn much more docilo than fleas, never bile back, and retain their cute litle tricks longer. He says but isn't it just like Nawhm to t'poof us like that! This year winter does certainly linger in the lap of spring. Never cussed so much In our littlo life as to wake up every morning and find that II had snowed again or ruined again, and made It all n in it -r: a cliin saw a hat bobbing up and down in trout of the post offico (you know that's a bad hole nny-tinn nny-tinn ). and kicked it up on the sldo walk, when a voice emerged out I it lb' mud witli. "llrh! Cut th' ronio-dv! ronio-dv! Wotcha think this is. yer birth-il-iy! (iidap up Maud. Trot a-long a-long Pelo." and darned if ho wasn't on a load o' hay. Fairly muddy! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. WIddoes arc again b.-n k In Delta, after n ptn..r-oi' ptn..r-oi' some extent which gave them 8 chance to see many other places In comparison, and Mr. Wtddocs tell" tl;,i writer Delta is really hotter off titan (lie others he has seen. In Iowa, the situation during this deflation de-flation on $.100 land Is acute. It' you want the boat range tm (ho iiiarUel i;vt a .Mounrcl- at the IK lta Furniture Co. 2 jrootl iialvaimed Bath Tub five I'eel Ions and twenty-six inches wide, made of heavy iron -only $10.00 at the Delta Furntiure Co. 2 To a limited few, realy In earnest young people, I will take on a few see what a nice pair of shoes young pooplo for a class In shorthand short-hand and "touch" typewriting. |