Show POLITICS AND RELIGION A friend recently denoUnced an ao ac acquaintance for tor having said ald that Ie IC hu huI I lid n not t know to vote yote In nn an election he would ask Clod for wisdom It If this tIle the friend said is not mixing politics with rell religIon lon what is Yet the Injunction ot of the Apostle to the Iho was ye e do In word wont or In deed do nil all In the name ot of Jesus Here Is Scripture for tor religion riot only wIth politics hut but with everything yo ye do tn In word or orill ill III deed decd Wo are Iro not offering nn an exegesis We Ve only quote 1 it well known passage ot of the tho Is ex cx tile the Chris till 11 1 that nil cli the relations and affairs ot of life should hI permeated by the Christina spirit The tact ot of the matter is III tile the who has no Use uc for religion In his busl busi or In his hili politics has ito religion lit at nil all Is not a to be put PUI on on once co In ill n a while and then hun hung UJ UI In 1 a closet till needed again Ir If It Is Isor ut or no me Ise In tilt tho home arid the tho store it II lB of HO lisa ut at nil aIJI lint Hut have become so 80 in their the they know knon not whet the true relation im III between religion and livery every everyday day life ICe homebody has sold that We love to religion for every stop lieu hns taken Oil on the road to 10 civil Leg a itt origin Tin drama was 11 originally a I to roo function TIte fhe arts of painting amid wel fIrst u associated with worship Music Is or divine origin and andla andIN la IN bc best t suited for or wais hirst mainly COIl Call d III the bUll of Ir hurches Lit It tn ill the tho early wits Will to theology mini time the lives Ios of iH the tho All that thai is 18 best hest In ill our lib crt political anti Our b ot Of 1 a material kind hail haj their rio In the ot mf Man himself Is es II a being This idea ot of lI segregating religIon groin the dally daily life lito on II its arlou dUties is III roily fOlly ither a man believes In or ho he does not It if lie he does ho he I proves It by nil all hit his acts his words mind his his hIli fellow uteri mell |