Show SENTENCED lu lis HI Ghen Nine 1110 i I e lit ly SIl For Zor Contributing to the tho y or of a girl ti 0 years her Mrs Mr maI Cook 1 a 1 wife wICe h 11 time of tI tiit lie COllI t to nine ii lit hI Ihl he I count jail Sentence was ln leI durin tue good lit of thE Ite lio hn las ras released d Oil on her hel own It lIlA sas that Mrs Ir Cool Cook kept Myrtle Arnold Arnolda a gIrl l yearn 0 of age uge her hel home lit at night and mul led lell her astray netra so en that Aho I Is beyond tIle control or of her mother The Ainold girl woe ordered to th the Industrial school nt at Mrs Ir Cook Ck WOI formerly Gladys Sel Sd Selma ma and to time the III al school hI by time the juvenile last t Tul She Sho lIIS that In Uon by to ft a fellow rellow II by time tha which she ho now beams beal met meet omm the tho street en b by In an officer ot of time the juvenile court Ourt elme staled slated that she chic was married amid that th time court could coull no moo longer 1 hal over her She was brought III on omm the charge or of tug to the delInquency ot of a juvenile however and Ind ed II as stated above after which sentence wn wan ed |