Show RIGHTS Of W AY AYIN y yIN IN Las Vegas Tonopah Railroad Has Secured Them Through Townsite WILL BUILD ON TO GOLDFIELD a 11 Green GrellI of III Oilier II Special pecla I er el Oct who iho c caine to time tho Bullfrog lis lII from Silt Salt Lake and I hAC Amiele with the exception or of time test fell I tho ho Climb hero to locate have lu U hom l and lull camp Imas hns settled again to the regular fIgular Irest J HO lInen e Clark party the matter ot of a l right ot of way 11 through the lie was settled and there Is now nothing ata stand standing nd ing in III the tho way or of time the rAP I ot of the Las Ian Vegas front from Beatty Limo tho present President Clark say nr th thu last spike pl e antI Ill be driven the tho next 30 days which wilt wll be followed b by another railroad day celebration in III which the citizens or of expect to 10 play 13 the roll ot of hO host t They Ther are going to extend mutt invitation to the whole world to 10 come hero and ha have a good time time tile mines will sill bu be ollen oen to them for In Inspection just as they I were ere when the had their little lion during durin the present General and I gH H E Greene ot of iii Ins Ian Vegas Tone Tono Tonopah pah wan asked today what the would be after arter the spur Is Ia finished to which liu hll replIed 1 It l is the intention tu to push right t on onto to from Senator W tV WA tVA A Clark promised the tho people or of Gold Goldfield field that the road lie he built hullt tUtu Into that camp and his promIse In II to hEl be cur curried vied ried out to the tho letter lm The rIght or of WI way to will viII parallel tutu ot of the Goldfield Tonopah railroad Is through a country countr where tie no ell en problems be encountered Trains he operated Into limb over oer th the Las Vogue curly ar next year and be the shortest route roulo Into that great from either nUth or r Utah The Iho company has hns laying track to a point 15 ot of and tIme the mall mail ng ment ep expects to reach the tho Bullfrog district with whIm Its line not 1101 later than thull Jamm I 1 The Tho La Lame vJ S Tonopah company also lias surveyors In the field to another IIno him to time the Cal nl coppel 1 district rum will leave leavA the main lint lIne lit at time the length will be IL a little over 50 O miles and will off art the tho Tl Tide lc eater road being built b by Borax Smith The district prom promIses lees to become I a copper camp of great grent and It in a race between the 1110 tuo to roads to control time Hade Ihl t relon |