Show FALSE CHARGES I The roll have 1111 been hr by the tho ce dd ot of the tho pf ot tho he SAInts SInt I That wag vas being prat I lI el by alid with Ith Uw th or of high church offIcials That the tho church through tM who control real h are tho h dell cle or Influence In this state 3 That tim tho tithing or of the tho church are utilIzed In commercIal tho church liS as m 1 com agaInst tile tho busl S mOil Inch and thereby t a 0 Injustice to tle state Is I to 10 deny or of the theo 1 lie III Idi n re that It If ho deny cleny n and ll them ho proved or of hIr l The Tho venom or o thId tirade III h con cart enough but thu tho logic or of It L Its most characteristic If H I cannot den deny 1 certain mode modee e a nn an or ot of which Ito ho does doc not oven profess to ho be 1 a mom I ber lie ho stands accused and ot of I being all that ht ba had that reasoning hold hall In a 0 court of at Jutte t Would U Jt lie ho an out r n 8 asylum 2 1 d n fl o w ro to formulate the tho following 1 That Immorality Is I beIng rac used by and with the tho of at lt promInent leaders or of the tho party 2 That the tho party PIrt through It Ita I leaders control In this tom IOU nit 3 J That the undA ot of 1110 tIt are nrc for tor purposes for which Were Intended thello chargeR Were ouM Imy ratIonal b avery Int ncr air 1111 t 1 rogue who could riot lIot dl dIsprove provo thell By ot of Ia a It the tha lur tide to disprove eer the Iho other mAy assert rue Tho s th the Church jY bl been n dented denied again Rne aln to provo prove them hors been hoen d lul tor or the simple reason that tr tro not true and cannot bo be proved Noved they faist and In toto rho Iho charge relating to Inter trence In h 1 especially d also and Tile lead Ir r ot Of the tho Church have been careful arMul not to 10 Rive give anybody for tor Just criticism or tend offend any I ne In this matter The accusation Is nt rt thIs time without matlon lallan U It Is falso In Its him tn malicious In III its mothe It Is however It reo sc reds reals tho Iho real atm or of the lion crusade tt t present It is 18 assert dt that the cvar mr I wi waged ged only I INn INIn the Iho leaders or of the But Dut whoa hon the situatIon Is thoroughly this I to 10 be another lvery err blow aimed lit the theON k ON at the head ot of the Church Is dl the tho People It Is 18 the peo Jeo tie that are the object or of the attacks the Cite methods are hut but another ti at the old saying Raying the and the sheep or of the hock 4 hill be scAttered It Is II Just as well 1 bt bi the people at this time to In under land tand clearly the purpOses 1 It 1 their eo that are not ed astray by phrases deluded by false tah r |