Show APPROACHING ELECTION Will BE INTERESTING York Oct Ocl 28 week from Toes Tle day dllY thero wIll 1 be electIons tn In n 42 S and three Oregon atmil have hae already elected state anti members of time SIx In Im i of tile tle states k I mind othor fri cr In lit J Ie It tilso Il a litre tn In lQ state or Jus jun of the cOurt lii two lieu con fon n ire to 10 h Itt elected Ok Oklahoma mahoma lahoma Is to vote on II a tatu amid mind el ew Mexico Oil eu Joint statehood Time Iho terms t l J 1 States sent IrM D Democrats an and IG 15 3 1107 1 Virginia 1 Ar r kan kansa have hau already alread and a hams hilI mu II which UI elect MaIne MaiM mind Oregon I which the return of ot Of Ih Ia which are to 10 hf be chomen Nov ov G 5 legis legislatures that will elect Staten sen AbCs 14 11 tue Q now III the iliA I h by and eight by Democrats IatA A natIonal house of oC I Is Isto Iso to o ht be 3 rho house Is corn com of anti m 14 Demo Democrats crat ham already Oregon two to and There Ther I tuelon In only ammo eno stateNe time the atm Iopu lIeh ulon n a dIvision of oC time tho statu nominations though imi III several oth r the or DemocratIc cnn can dilates for suite have been motel or by ammo or at more of ef the tho minor parties A As them l I nn South Bouth Carolina leads this year ear wIth the tho greatest number ot of are numerous those thos tick lIck tickets ets In the held beIng Independence CIty Reorganized an Republican Six ot or them however are 10 Penn The Tho have lim III 2 states tb In u 23 a st Labor III hi lists lIets or Popl 8 In III tour and he I In three while Pub lie Ownership I it ticket In one state Thus Tho of ticket In the states s II lam on South Caroline two Ala Alabama bama Florida North Carolina 11 a Hoe three Mon tuna Nevada North lakota Is Ie land hand Utah femur Connecticut Idaho tJ brn ka Now Na re lakatA aketa lIve 1118 Illinois tows lows N New w e ork six M lIchu seven California 12 I Volta eta Time Tho SocIalists In III Connect cut Florida I Iowa I ewa l Men lon N New Nell shire New York Y rk North orth Ohio h e XIt I rime in hi Cole ratio 1 Idaho dahl till 1111 HoOt Indiana India ha luwi lown s sell N re N New v N New York pork Island l Dakota amI file III illinois IMI ana alma Now N ew York Ohl 11 X II The or In CalifornIa Indiana loit and The Tue Independence imi III California Mft and Nl New tim In and Ca Ic p II Minnesota In Ala Texas 11 mi 1 In Tilt he and have hat candidates tot tor In lany districts amul 1 unions or federations h ve eldor ft who are to be I to 10 theIr nue |