Show I I TABOR CANADA ANADA SEASON OF DIG BI enOls CROPS COli Coel Strike Special Correspondence Tibor Tabor Alto Alo Canada Oct big crop for tor this year hll has been and It is 19 til far ahead ot of last years years In Ind and celar cellars are aro tul full here while nt at na namond Itay mond 30 mies mIles distant oats are aro only 40 cents Iler mer hundred Edwards of Sal Salt Lake City hu ha on exhibition somsi extra large potatoes potato a sample of at hi his big crop Tey They grew and matured without irrigation tion antI and are aro said ald to be lS a good rod A a can bo be ton produced threatened strike the Th The Imong among Tabor miners Is rat past ad and an amicable agreement rement ha has been reached bet between the miners and their employers which w will undisturbed labor for tor at least t one year yearL L Last t week I a nn tine LUlo large antelope was a killed down b by the tho rIver chose to 10 lW The Tho animal WI was bagged by ii Campbell who had meat ment dl among his hll ninny friends In Tabor Mishap It H A an Orman linn his hll visit to Utah Contractors Depew and Veale are 1 a hand residence or S J JIt Sit It it amid oud when completed wi will probablY bo be the most mOlt attractive hOme In this Many buildings are re going up tip so 0 ls 1 the price of lumber hut html that only t to foster the thO bull building spirit I Tabor L I noted for tor It itt I el I I mate mat There Thel Ii Is but little We Sit III knees kness i I deaths Ile mire tar a tt 1 I Time dramn we I iso tM the l bor com UI recently WM the tho but best Of ever In time the town Is about hout to L La cro llo In this country rite former Is time the I game is he be more pOPular because ot of tle time ut of Americans |