Show t SAN SHANE SHAME moral calamities are aro more to be great physical Last April San Francisco had IL great physical calamity First the tho city was WIlS shaken haken to II Ita very by b a ot Thu Tho ruin start i iby b by the earthquake was by lire It wu was a terrible IlI disaster one coO ot of the tho worst wont over Iwer rise m Imd aid of oC the went vent out 10 t the tho city cit alt all fell that the th people caplo ot of warm were near dear to them use The mighty t and great grent wore Vero the tho one touch of Jt nature naturu that made the Iho whole world kIll The rho Ban Elan af with will heroic energy bo be bogan began gan to rebuild their city Their pluck spirit ver the tho admiration ot of all 1111 cit Celt proud ot of BAR Ban All thIs th the result ot of 1 a great areat phs teal Now a greAt t moral calamity h 15 the but Lut no sympathy goes out to It H e the city mut or fall by its redemption Is III In III hands ot at itt people A reign rohn ot of crime crimI by thu thugs murderers Is b It 10 lio be succeeded b by 1 a reign or of ty by byun un The Tho at the tho behest ot of IL ii bos lies hall un Undertaken to 10 seize the tho or of the dis 1118 district attorney to 10 put luto lOtO the tho hl hip own wn willing tools to do 1111 hili on bad Under colom of law III hr Ia 10 be made mado The decent or of California oro last fast becoming disgusted to IL point beyond the tho Ios IMS high on Oil the tho outrage Benjamin Ide ler Of oe tha University or itt nb it Ie we h have 1 many more bad men In an WI w may tImy have to et ct lid Ild or of of thom them II by ot of I the scaffold this In Iii II a Personal discus sian President Is s a Raying Perhaps do lIol how desperate te un h iti the conspire tors torI 1110 b become Nearly nil all respecting mn men In the city are arc Hency yet he may ho Tho Those e who ate are to him ire viii nIl flud no one knows how strong A or of men myself Included supplied him with what money ho he needs to pu h tile the Hon People who never took look an inter interest pst est In politics arc driven to It b by bythe the recent outbreak the tho like or of which hM has not been boen seen een since the lays days ot of the hut vigilance committee lit at the district Is II r practical slun I of guilt guili Men Ien women children III all the tho hay bay duel aro holly a against aln t him Public feelIng Is wroUght to such a pitch that hoult l he be done any or of the tho reform chiefs I do not believe pu public lion would stop short or of death to tn the perpetrators harley Is n a brave mall mams lie Ile well ws every time lie ho walks Into the courtroom that hI h takes hi life lito Into usIa his hands We by him Ilium These words from the lip or of tM the heit or of 1 a great institution ot of learning must cause conservative and radical men InCh alike to reflect It Is not flat impossible though most improbable that San han se seq a revival or of hante What II a or of the ot of eif gover that bri bel briThe The or of Ian Ban owe It to themselves theIr state their try fry to reicle their city from the tho hands trite which It has hils alien rallen to 10 reestablish Its Ils reputation to make law a anti 1111 tIe ceney to crush out lawless lawlessness ness end to make evil doers In or out or of hunt hUllt their holes ami hide their heads for tor very shame n |