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Show . j SOCIETY ! Pink Setting for Tea at Home of Miss Sneddon A PRETTILY appointed tea was given yesterday afternoon by Miss Lucille Lu-cille Sneddon at her home on Seventh avenue. Pink cosmos and pink sweet peas In a crystal basket formed the centerpiece for the tea tabic. Pink cathedral ca-thedral candles in crystal candlesticks, tied with pink mallne, were at either end of the table. Yellow chrysanthemums were used to decorate the living-room and library. Mrs. Robert Sneddon and Miss Mary Sneddon assisted In receiving the guests. Presiding at the tea table in turn were Mrs. Ernest McGarry, Miss Irene Tolton, Miss Emily Illggs and Miss Mahel Parker. Assisting in the dining-room were Miss Gladys Pannier, Miss Ruth Mandell, Miss Dorothy Hein, Miss Gladys Thomas, Miss Ella Farrington, Miss Mayre Jolllffe and Miss Lucille Harvey. ' H The Sigma Chi fraternity of the University Univer-sity of Utah entertained at a dancing party last evening at their chapter house, 1 395 East First South street. Alumnae members of the fraternity and freshmen men of the university were guests of the active members of the fraternity. The house, was decorated with autumn leaves and fall IlowerB. The punch table was decorated with a wicker basket of yellow chrysanthemums. The committee in charge included Wendall Uyman, Orson Or-son Wright, Lincoln Ure, Howard Rolapp and Clarence Waring. . The Beta Tbeta Pi fraternity of the University of Utah will entertain in honor of their "rushees" this afternoon. They will molor to Pinehurst, In Ogden canyon, for dinner, and will entertain at a dancing party in the evening at the home of Dale Pingree in Ogden. The committee on arrangements includes Roy Jarman, Russel Keates, Hyrum Plngrec and Dale Pingree. lit Mrs. E. E. Beyer will entertain at bridge this afternoon at her home on Princeton avenue. Mc 3ft , . 4j Mrs. Hugh Rhodes -will entertain the members of the Monday Afternoon club this afternoon at her home on First avenue. ave-nue. All members of the Sunshine auxiliary of the Red Cross are urged to meet at the Commercial club today and tomorrow for all-day sewing. An urgent call has come from headquarters for as many garments as possible before the cold weather. The first meeting of the Saturday Night Dancing cluh is postponed one month on account of the closing order of the state board of health. .'. The Woman's Republican club Red Cross auxiliary has called off lis meeting scheduled for today. Mrs. T. J. O'Brien has left for her home in Dillon. Mont., after a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. H. Murfitt. Mrs. J. W. Martin has been called to Great Falls, Mont., by the illness of her sister, Mrs. S. N. Larkin. Miss Kathleen Roberts, da tighter of Chaplain Brigham H. Roberts, left yesterday yester-day afternoon for Cape May. N. J., where she will be engaged as a reconstruction aid. Mrs. Ethel Partridge Forbes will leave Saturday for Los Angeles to spend the winter. Mrs. John Thomas, formerly Miss Harriet Har-riet Partridge, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Partridge, while her husband is in army service. Mr. Thomas is at present at Fort Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Charles Miller will return the latter part of the month from a hunting trip In the Canadian Rockies. . Mrs. James J. Scott of Los Angeles is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George Benton Wilson. . Mrs. Milton Simon and daughter, Miss Clara Simon, who have spent a number of weeks in California, expect to return in about a month. Miss Rae E. Woodcock- of this city has been called by Mr. Shields, manager of the Red Cross, to go to Ogden and take charge of the dietetics at the new emergency emer-gency hospital which has opened to care for the influenza cases. Society news lor the SuDday editions will not be received by telephone later than 11 "'clock Saturday morning. Such Items must relate only to events ot Saturday or Cor the coming week. Social events of the past week must be ;ent In by Friday night. Club Dotes will not be received by telephone? later than Friday. |