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Show CORN II CHICAGO RISESjN VALUE CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Corn rose in value today, mainly as a result of denials that Germany had capitulated. The market, howeTer, was very unsettled throughout the session. Prices closed nervous c to Sc net higher, with Novemhcr at t.l0 to J1J0SS and December at $1,151,4 to St. 16. Oata finished c to c down and provisions unchanged to 07c lower A general rush to buy look place at the opening open-ing In the corn market. Besides tho eiplicit assurance that reports of Germany's surrender were baseless, auotlicr bullish foclor was talk that a move was on foot to establish a minimum mini-mum price for corn. On the ensuing bulge, though, offerings increased and the market reacted, re-acted, but only to bound upward again. Thla performance was repeated at intervals during the rest of the day. with the downturns becoming be-coming somewhat more pronounced nfter midday, mid-day, owing In a measure to assertions that the German retreat suggested a rout. Gossip that Turkey would conclude a separate peace tended also to stimulate selling at the last. Hedging pressure operated to keep the oats market easy most of the day. Lower quotations on hogs sent provisions sharply downgrade. Support was lacking until the market as a whole enmc within a fraction of the minimum level. ItANGE OF THE LEADING FETCHES. Open. High. Low. Close Corn ov $1.22 1.174 1.19i n-t- i.a; i.i.fc 1.1414 l.isv 0T 661.4 .6714 .fi5'J .66 D-r 6 .66!, .644 .651, J1'0' 35.30 .'.' 35.30 Ja"- ' 39.00 Lard Not- 21.80 24.90 24.62 24 6o Jou.- 23.67 23.30 23.30 Ribs Nor 21.80 21.80 21.42 21 42 Jan 21.00 20.37 20.37 |