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Show IOC Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, February 13, 1985 Lagoon Musical Auditions Today FARMINGTON Auditions for Lagoons Music,, USAs 1985 extravaganza and other Lagoon musical productions are today, Feb. 3, at 2 p.m. at the Lagoon Opera House. More than 60 singers, dancers and musicians will be chosen to perform in live stage shows, said Ron Van Woerden, public relations director. Lagoon shows run the gamut of 1 Vocalists, 18 years and older,, should prepare a song, not to exceed one minute, he said. An accompanist will be provided. Dance exercises will also be held. Musicians are needed. Pianists, drummers, guitar and bass players should come to this audition in order to apply. American music jazz, pop and rock to Broadway and gospel. Music USA is in its fourth season. This years musical will be a tribute to the stars jpf Broadway, Las Vegas, the movies, television and country music. Auditions for Chambridge, Country Side, the Wild West shoot-ou- t and the Costumed Characters will also be held Feb. torms--countr- y, Musicians will be given a rate audition day. 13. sepa- When You Order A Take-Ou- t Pizza At Anthonys, I You Get 3 Things: Staff Photo by Robert Regan merchants are offering sales to make way for spring items. CUSTOMER takes advantage of sales of winter merchandise in a local mall store. Many A PIZZA COUPGNPtZi COWPOtPIZ2A COUPON $ t o Schools Studied Year-Roun- d Continued From Page 1A for modifications such as grams and curnculums more of- ten. Changing to the new system because of costs for planning and preparation, public relations, designing new curriculums and instructions to go year round. 3. Working parents may be inconvenienced arranging for child care during more frequent vacation times. 2. Dropouts arc fewer because work can be made up through remedial courses and is allowed at more times. 10. Childrens behavior is better because of the short breaks from school during the year. Nearly d all schools report reductions in student discipline problems, absenteeism, truancy, and vandalism. 9. ry year-roun- There is a wider variety of vacation times for families. 12. Funds normally going for new schools can go tor new educational programs. Disadvantages listed in the study are: 1. Funds saved may have to go 11. may be expensive Summer activities such as tennis or swimming lessons or scout camps may be cut short or elimi4. nated. Families with children going to traditional schools while other children attend year round may be inconvenienced. 6. Because of the lack of a three month vacation, familys life 5. styles may be altered. 7. Parents and teachers may be prejudiced against the new system and may convey those negative feelings to the students. Public school enrollment in Utah rose by nearly 12,000 in 1984 and is expected to rise 15,000 more next in 1985, the study says. About 61 percent of the enrollment growth this year occurred in four school districts (Jordan, Granite, Davis, and Alpine.) In the next five years enrollment is predicted to climb 15 percent and, in the next 10, 21 percent. If the trend continues as expected, the state will spend more than $1 billion over the next decade to house the number of new students who will be entering the public schools, the study says. Kaysville Woman Wants Traffic Sign for Corner extremely fast through that inter- KAYSVILLE Sally Taylor presented the City Council with a section. She added that there y stop were at least eight accidents on request to place a that corner last summer. 100 East. 100 and South sign at The police are doing as much She stated that traffic travels four-wa- as they can. We really need a y stop, she said. The council will advise the police department and observe the traffic in that area of town. An I Excellent Pizza i A ' Smile Save to Coupons and Receive a f REE LARGE Ol yOW PIZZA CtiOK i I ses Warn LxWft ' 5441444 ) V2iM NOiinOO 17M NOaiTOO ZZ:S J NOolO And A Pizza Coupon Redeemable For A FREE ; Large Pizza of Your Choice IO Anthonys Pizza Coupons) (Ipon Presentingwith Pizzas Coupon large Only For OPEN Take-O- ut 7 Call Days A Week 544-144- 4 four-wa- 505 N. MAIN o LAYTON, UTAH was invested by advertisers in newspapers last year-m- ore than they spent in television and radio combined. That's a vote of confidence in this healthy, growing medium's ability to reach 108,000,000 adult Americans every day. 4 yjF Lakeside Review Newspapers give you more of what you want to know v?'," iiife Wv, r ' V y sV. 4 V ' ' Sri if V , ' Jj&AZi v, i i i ' |