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Show 4D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, February 13, 1985 2 Win Honors in DAR Contest Gillman. daughter of Gary and Trudy Gillman of 4327 S. 2325 W Roy, have won second place honors in the state contest. Both girls were winners in their home schools, also. Belinda is a fifth grader at East Layton EleBelinda McBride, daughter of mentary School and Cami is a Jim and Lisa McBride of 2184 E. sixth grade student at North Park Oakridgc Dr., Layton, and Cami Elementary. The Golden Spike Chapter of the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution have announced winners of the society's American History Essay Contest. Entrants were required to write d essay on The to 300 a a bibliogwith Statue of Liberty 600-wor- their papers raphy. Winners read of the local Monday a at meeting DAR and received certificates. State winners will compete for national honors who will receive $ 00 awards. 1 Community Education Classes The following month at classes are offered this McKay-De- Hospital Center. e Cesarean Childbirth Class Staff Photo by Rooney Wright READING messages on dragon poster is Jody Pierce. The dragon helps boost self-estee- m of students at the Syracuse Elementary School through positive reinforcement. Each section of the body car ries positive statements concerning members of the school. Sponsored by the PTA, the project was conceived to enhance the self esteem of each student. Passing in the halls and seeing your good qualities listed for all LAYTON Central Davis Junior High has announced students on high honor and honor rolls for the second term. They are : Seventh grade, high honor roll, Raquel Figgins, James Heath, Emma Dibble, Colleen Wright, Robert Green. Hollee Wardcll, Rebecca Lazenby, Sandra i Sharp, Justine Kawabata, Jennifer Tanner, Becky Wall, Monte Criddle, Patirick Dicker-sonDavid Hortsman. . ,; Jon Evans, Paul Iverson, Amy Moss, Brittany Stromberg. Seventh grade honor roll, Traci Dabb, Melissa Kent, Colette NielsePresler, Tiffany Smith, Tracey Thompson. ; Steven Waggoner, Chris Bone, Joy Bushman, Valerie Droscher, Shawna, Larson, Ann Lutz, Heather Manning, Chris Mansfield, Wendy Wright, Stephanie .Barlow, Kristen Fikstad, Ann n,-Bret Rider. . Mary Greaves, LeAnn Langford, Lori Stoddard, Christina Anderson, Justin Jones, Shawn Morgcnstern, Alyn Scriven, Michelle Brown, Kyle Jacobs, Joshua Pratt, Lana Lowry, Amy Pennock, Annie Whittaker. Ja- - nelle Cornaby, Bryce Gardner, Shalise McKinlay and Samantha Salazar. Eighth grade, high honor roll, Lara Luce, Michelle Preston, Alison Sutton, Chris Trujillo, Deborah Winegar, Kelly Sharp. Jennie Millgate, Tara Petersen, Aaron West, Felina Mestas, Amy Parrish, RubyRae Horne, Kathryn Jacobs, Leisl Carr, Mindelyn Hall, Kael Lomax and Nicole Pe-tro- ff. Eighth grade honor roll, Kathy Bundy, Lori Hansen, John Kristine Miller, Candace Nalder, Natalie Nash, Amy Firth, Andrew Thaeler, Donna Ferne-liuMegyn Nimori, Cheryl Pak-riMelinda McLain, Julie Ott. s, n, Heather Palmer, Kim Palmer, Mathew Denning, Matthew Graham, Aaron Randell, Tamara Reynolds, Chinna Biesecker, Brooke Cahoon, Hugh Parke, Heather Bell and Jennifer Gooch. Nineth grade high honor, Tawnya Madsen, Linda Roberts, Johannah Stock, Kara Crofts, Andrea Bailey, Christina Loe, Tarn-m- i Donette Morgenstern, Golightly, Kirsten Novak, Cora Rhodes. Amy Sutton. 625-276- 7. Center. the world to see has to have a positive effect. The students write about the things they appreciate in their fellow classmates and the good news spreads as fast as the dragon can make his way winding up down and around the halls. Students CDJH Lists Honor 7-- e. Dragon Spreads Good News I guess you SYRACUSE could call it the Love Dragon. Winding its way through the halls of Syracuse Elementary, this friendly dragon spreads messages of goodwill and happiness. couples expecting a cesarean birth. Feb. 12, 7 p.m., 9 p.m.. Green Auditorium. Cost; $10, which is refunded if you delilver your baby at For registration call McKay-DeOffered through the Women's For Tristan Villalobos, Bart Bruce, Jeri Canfiel, Shelly Gibby, Lori Randall, Jana Thurman, Julie Batchelor, Sarah Hansen, Karen Winter, Katheryn Allen, Amy Masters. Audrey Tamekazu, Nanette Budge, Cynthia Gam, Louna Tiffiney Thompson, Cheryl Unzicker and Carol Viau. Nineth grade, honor roll, Robin Christian, Denise Brown, Jayme Eldredge, Jack Ralls, Shannon Rich, Michelle Halls, Stephanie Tinegy, Kerry Kent, Noellle Fitzen, Kimberlee Ford, Post Partum Breast Feeding Class women who have problems or questions about breast feeding after they have left the hospital. Class scheduled for Feb. 19, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Green Auditorium. Cost: $5. To register call 625-27- 6 7. Offered through the For Women's Center. Repeat Parent Class and Childrens Workshop Class for parents experiencing a repeat birth with a class taught simultaneously for their children. Parents review labor and delivery process and relaxation techniques while children learn ways to help with the new infant. Feb. 25, 7 to 8 p.m., Green Auditorium. Cost: $10 for the whole Offered through the Women's Center. family. To register call 625-276- 7. Psychiatric Forum: Step Parenting in Families of Remarriage How to Do it Well Lecture presented by Judy Brady, D.S.W., who will discuss the social, emotional, financial and historical aspects of families of remarriage, focusing on the process of adjustment. Dr. Brady will also discuss potentially destructive issues in family relationships and the means of dealing with those issues constructively. Forum is open to the public and free of charge. March 6, 7 to 9 p.m., Barker Hall. For more information call 625-201- 2. Micheal Gooch. Christine Pope, Lisa Ronnen-kamLinda Rouche, Danielle Whitman, Joelle Wilko, Robins Woods, Daniel Achter, Becky McMillan, Rebecca Osmond, Stanley Banks, Teresa Biorn, No- p, el Bravo. Tiffany Manning, Christine Padilla, Jennifer House, Jodi Pitcher, Alison Trego, Jodi Codie Nelson, Eric Kimberly Truman, Stefanie Holbrook. David Jolley, Corey Schaffer, Elane Call, Chris Curzon, Craig Larsson, and Coree Sullivan. Bid-dulp- McKAY-DE- E h, HOSPITAL CENTER LOOK WHAT followed me home from school! kindergartners Tammy Call and Spencer Nicolas probably told their mothers the day safety dog Mr. McGruff (Lyle Bennett) and Officer Friendly (Gayle Smith) accompanied them home from West Point Elementary School. Earlier McGruff and Friendly, representing the Davis County Sheriffs Department, had spoken to the children about safety as it applies to students who walk or ride buses to and from school. Roy Man Honored at University SPOKANE, WASH. Charles from Roy Esposito, sophomore has been named to the Deans a List for the fall semester at University. Gonzaga is a Jesuit university with an enrollment of approximately 3,500 students. Gon-zag- It offers bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees through programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, and the schools of law. engineering, education, business administration and continuing education. i 725 W. Riverdale C (Around the Comer from Crabtree Auto ) v i |