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Show 7A Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, February 13, 1985 News Briefs Service Bill Backed by Davis Panel v4- Roy Budget Shows Surplus . Jf ':vm SHELLEY KANCITIS cost-cuttin- g ar In a lobbyFARMINGTON ing effort, the Davis County Board of Health will write a letter to legislators in support of a bill to fund emergency medical services on a local and state level. House Bill 118 already has the countys Emergency Medical Services Council seal of approval. Before the legislature now, the bill is designed to provide funding for improving the services, such as increasing ambulance Reallocated to the capital reserve account, a sizeable share of the funds may go to pay for a new. $50,000 roof at the Roy Recreation. Complex and a down payment for a new fire truck. (See related story page 1A) The surplus primarily results measures from money-savin- g made within city departments and increased tax revenues. Ex Receiving funding by charging The remaining funds would be distributed on a grant application basis, a copy of the bill states. Juveniles Arrested on Drug Charge Three Increased revenue from property, sales and franchise taxes account for $114,000 of the overall na possesion by the Davis County Sheriffs Department early last week. One of the arrests was made at the Weber Basin Job Corps Ceninter, which led to a follow-u- p vestigation and the two other arrests in an Ogden motel, said sheriffs deputies. The juveniles were charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute for value. The charge is a felony for adults. The youths, all 16 or under, were taken to the Moweda Youth third-degr- Figures show a $60,000 increase in projected sales tax revenue reflecting Kirkwoods expectation that sales tax revenues will in- crease 7 percent. His prediction is based on a stronger national economy and increased sales within Roy due to an expanding commerical district. total of $156,578 in revenue increases. Roy City Manager Richard Kirkwood said residential and commercial growth is a primary reason for the added revenue. He noted that Roy has been growing at a rate two and one half times that of the rest of We The Rudd FARMINGTON ... '-K Creek debris basin is being tested for its popularity as a city ice skating rink. nSf Though constructed for grimmer purposes, city officials say they see no reason why people should not use the basin as a skating area now. The City Council agreed to open the basins gates to see what kind of response the rink will get from residents. City Manager Max Forbush said converting the basin to a rink requires no extra work. Creek water is diverted into the basin and then shut off, to freeze on the basin bottom. He added there was enough parking nearby for about a dozer cars. Some residents had been at the rink skating already, he said. Staff Photo by Robert Regan of quail perch in a leafless tree in Farmington, caping the wet and snowy ground for a loftier view. A COVEY es- ?4$AV ju- veniles were arrested for marijua- ed Why Not Skate on Debris Basin? 3 FARMINGTON city-own- surplus. force. a $5 fee on moving traffic violations and bail forfeitures, half the money would be available to counties on a population basis. ber County. An example of the impact of Roy Marketplace Plaza, the citys new $12 million shopping center, on city finances is reflected in the $60,000 increase m utility franchise tax revenue. Kirkwood said much of the increase results from high utility usage at the center. amples of department include not hiring an authorized ROY - Unlike Mother Hubbuilding inspector for a savings of bards cupboard, Roy Citys is $17,000 and a $9,000 reduction not bare. A mid-yeopening of in expected utility costs for the fiscal year 1985 budget shows buildings. Toal departthe city has a projected $216,664 mental savings are $60,086. Review Correspondent January Lake Rise Slow The SALT LAKE CITY Great Salt Lake rose in January at the slowest rate since 1982, a U.S. Geological Survey guage reading showed Friday. Measurements for the first half of February will be taken in a few days. The lake rose by only three inches last month, geological survey personnel reported. the month, a rise of only 1V4 inch to a level of 4,208.9 feet above sea level was recorded. Januarys moisture level, of normal, contributed .91 inche of moisture to the lake. Nearly 52 inches was the recorded rise during the last two Januarys, the Survey reported. Since the end of the 1984 evaporation period, Oct. 9, the lake 50 CHAIN REPAIR Be an exchange student. If youre between 15 and 19 and want to know about two-thir- ds During the last two weeks of has risen 12'2 inches. Feb. 21 EXPIRES Mail (WITH COUPON) EXPIRES Feb. 21 (Gold International Youth Exchange, send for more information. Silver Chains Only) & Newgate Mall the diamond source 392-999- 1 ickwtd'4 Ttffo.JfemC&u Write: YOUTH EXCHANGE. Pueblo, Colorado 81009 . Home in Roy. t Vandalism Up; Burglary Down In Farmington FARMINGTON Feet first into February walk a little, save a lot up and down our storewide clearance aisles this Friday 10-- 9 and Saturday 10--6 While the citys burglary rate has dropped significantly over recent months, vandalism cases are twice what they were in 1983, said the Farmington chief of police. Val Morton said fourth quarter police reports for the city show while only seven burglary cases were reported during the last recent months, 29 cases were reported during October through December of 1983. We arent really sure why this is. Its not due to any program, he said. While the city handled only' five cases of vandalism during 983s fourth quarter, 10 cases were reported during recent months, Morton said. But calls on suspicious persons, vehicles and circumstances dropped most significantly from 983s winter, he said. While the police department received 46 calls on suspicious events, only 19 have been received this winter, he said. 1 1 'I f Timely fashion It v k 6 33 she calls her own 25 Reg. Maternity Shop (150) selected items $18-54- 5 54" LONG SLEEVE SUCCESSES FOR THE FIGURE Reg. 25.99 Petite Dresses (132) in prints, sizes4-1- 4 (13133) broken OR UNDER 19.99 sizes 29.99 8 ' OR MISSY POPLIN Reg. 22 1 " 59.99 s $120FashionCoats(113)zip-lined8-18sand6-16- SPECIAL FIT LONG SLEEVE BLOUSES WITH RUFFLES AND LACE Reg. "... 14.99 36 PERKY BLOUSES 35 Reg. The selection process should be completed in a few weeks, since interviews were held after last Wednesdays city council meet- 25 ing. Reg. part-tim- abuse, e which is IN SWEATERS 50 in s 36 FLEECE TOMBOY TOPS AND BOTTOMS JUNIORS ADORE Loft Sportswear (173) $10-$1- 5 mixmatch sizes a felony. The charge is punishable by a prison term of up to five years off 9.99 9.99 several styles to choose from Young Attitude (175) SOLID COLOR TURTLENECKS FOR YOUR TODDLERS LIZ CLAIBORNE BELTS: PASTEL SNAKES, Reg. 11. 36 60-$3- 0 Fashion Accessories (240) 1.99 LEATHERS, 3k-- 3 SASHES, widths, LINENS Reg. to $18 Fashion Gloves (270) way to cool' heads, necks 5 Books (830) read-t- o and WH00PSIE ' SOFT AND CUDDLY TODDLER DOLL Reg. 16.99 Toys (860) wearing DAGW00D CLOSET navy-trimm- 1.98 14" TALL 9.99 white sailor outfit PENCILS, SALE-ERAS- ERS, HOUR treats MORE! STICKERS, 50 Off POLY-FILLE- D 89 $40-$5- 5 buys even-bett- er JACKETS AND PARKAS, MACHINE WASHABLE Budget Menswear (962) winter closeouts 19.99-29.9- 9 BLANKET SLEEPERS KEEP BABIES AND TODDLERS COZY Reg. $8 Budget Children (941) assorted footed pastels, 2.99 4 100 SHORT SLEEVE FANCY DRESS SHIRTS TO WEAR Reg. 12.99 Budget Menswear (961)neck sizes YEAR-ROUN- 6.99 15-1- 6 95 WARM ONES CAR COATS, STREET LENGTHS, JACKETS-T- HE Reg. to $100 Budget Coats (91 1) 40 SLIPPERS: ANIMALS, DOLL FACES. MORE Reg. 9.99 Budget Hosiery (922) novelties in sizes 13-12o- ff 19.99 6-- Off OFF 7.99 L 1.99 9 CANNON STERLING CHOICE SAVOY V TOWELS : 5 SOLIDS Reg. 5.99 bath size (60) Reg. 3.99 hand size (36) Reg. 1.99 wash size (72) in Budget Domestics (971) A up all your men and boys 75 seasonal variety, broken sizes off T0PTRIC0T SKIRT GOWNS Fashion Lingerie (324) blue or coral, Reg. $125 Fashion Men 's Clothing (5 12) navy, tan, light blue Family Budget Store 50 3.99 1.99 35 little homemaking goes a long way 20-PSETS IN WHITE REGINA Reg. $120 China (752) versatile, stylish service for 4 49.99 COMBINATIONS 4 F0ST0RIA CAKE STANDCHIP-DIReg. 31.25 Glassware (755) 'reversible' 24 lead crystal 14.99 48 BAVARIAN CHINA ARNOLD PALMER BLAZERS DO MORE THAN PLAY GOLF 20 3.95-4.9- 50 LONG SLEEVE KNIT SHIRTS FROM MCGREGOR OVER 50 Reg. $20 Budget Menswear (963) in 12 solids and stripes OLGA BRUSHED We warm DOZENS OF TITLES ESPECIALLY FOR THE CHILDREN'S off CHOICES IN FAMOUS MAKE B0DYWEAR $39-$4- 2 17.99 12.99 25 KNITTED HATS AND SCARVES WINTER-WAR- MOON BOOTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN SPORTING GOODS Reg. 34.95 adult sizes (24) Reg. 24.95 (514) youth sizes (15) Reg. SWEATERS FOR DESIGNING JUNIORS $16-$3- 6 little of this and that for everyone A 75 ..1.99-4.9- 9 Reg. $6 Fashion Children (41 2) boy girl sizes 2--4 30 Off W00LS-H- ER Reg. felony, after originally being charged with forcible sex- 50 9 PANTS TWILLS, CORDS, CANVAS, Reg. to $24 The Ladder (423) assorted styles, sizes 4 24 third-degr- ual snatch-up- 9.99-14.9- Reg. to 8.95 Fashion Hosiery (280) tights and such A Layton FARMINGTON man pleaded guilty in 2nd District Court last Tuesday to a charge of attempted sexual abuse. Kenneth R. Burt, 40, pleaded guilty to the reduced charge, a second-degre- Designer Sportswear (161) 48 30 Man Submits Plea of Guilty 12 REMAINING WINTER SWEA TERS AND OUTERWEAR Reg. to $60 Fashion Bovswear(521) for now and next year Stationery (630) clearance of many, many items you can use .... CREME DE LA CREME C0L0RSSTYLESFIBERS $40-$8- 0 ......... 19.99 WITH VERSATILE LONG SLEEVES Reg. to$30Sportique (164) broken size prints, solids Reg. The city also has another e attorney to handle criminal cases for Farmington. Fashion Sportswear (162) good color style variety $30-$4- 5 50 ACTIVE ty. off Reg. 13 SWEATERS AND BLOUSES TO ADD TO YOUR COLLECTIONS city. The new attorney will replace Mark Greenhalgh, who moved to Arizona, said Mayor Merrill Pet- Off FAVORITES IN FABRICS FOR WINTER WEAR Reg. $60 Fashion dresses 27 50 t 25 60 ! HELPERS DO A GREAT JOB EXPECTANT-MOTHER'-S FARMINGTON City officials are interviewing prospective e attorapplicants for a for the civil cases handle to ney part-tim- 50 1 Reg. to $25 Women's Sportswear (142) solids, sizes 38-4- 6 Farmington Seeks Lawyer WARMWEAR: LONDON FOG, LAKELAND, ZERO KING, PACIFIC TRAIL Men 's Sportswear (5 1 7) parkas to car coats 59.50 P HAGGAR' AND FARAH 100 WOOL SPORTCOATS Reg. $100 Men 's Sportswear (5 15) gentlemen 's choice always 268JANTZEN, LORD JEFF, .BOSTON TRADERS, GANT SWEATERS Men's Sportswear (51 7) wools, blends, acrylics 49.99 TOUCH OF CLASS' LIGHTWEIGHT BLANKETS 9.99-19.9Fashion Domestics (742) twin to king colors FASHION DOMESTICS 50 Off Reg. $37-$5- 5 48 COUNTRY TEA KETTLES IN BLUE, YELLOW, WHITE, RED Reg. $20 Housewares (761) for any kitchen and a $5,000 fine. Judge Douglas L. Cornaby set a Feb. 19 sentencing for the man and ordered a report from Adult Probation and Parole before sentencing. The charge stems from an alleged Dec. 8 incident, according to the court complaint. 9 14.99 I ! t |