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Show Drugs Subject at Hill Field Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, February 13, 1985 2D Hill Field Support Center are organizations CLEARFIELD Elementary School PTA will hold within the military community a general meeting on Thursday, tht provide advice and aid to Feb. 14. Awareness of drug and the military community in areas, alcohol abuse and better parentof drug and alcohol abuse, sexual ing, sexual abuse and discriminadiscrimination and probabuse, tion will be the themes of the lems encountered with PCS, meeting. for TDYs and Guest speakers will include families. step Mary Hughes from Parent Education Resource Center (PERC) and Representing Social Actions representatives from Social Ac- will be Sgt. Richard Lloyd and tions and The Family Support Sgt. Donald Allen. From the e Center. Family Support Center, Dr. Davis will provide informatPERC is a local state resource concerned with improving paren- ion on this fairly new tal role and related areas. organization. Display booths with Social Actions and The Family pamphlets and other sources of JS i , step-parenti- : k x VfvV ':H X-VX- -- 7C "f kX s'' ;" ,. ; r' ; .":': Elea-nor- :. ', !"' QMtw&mmx DUANE ADDISON ADRIAN WILHELMSEN RHONDA GUTHRIE information will be set up and accessible at 6:30 for those interested. Students from the lakeside area have been chosen for honors by the Elks Lodge. Rhonda Guthrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Buchanan, 151 Locust Drive in Clearfield, has been selected the Elks female Student of the Month for January. Miss Guthrie is an honor student at Clearfield High School, a science sterling scholar, and is in the Weber State College honors botany and microbiology program. She also recently was selected for the Utah High Schools Brigham Young University state science award. 3-- 9, ? n II areas. Following a brief presentation from each group and a program presented by third grade classes, a question and answer period will follow. To culminate the weeks activities, a cake for the faculty was placed in the lunchroom on Friday and surrounded by bunches of bananas bearing the thought, Thanks a Bunch! Throughout the week, the schools halls were decorated to Highway to represent the teachers and each Knowledge, door was embellished by the class with posters and crepe paper. Chairman of Teacher Appreciation Week was PTA Service Commissioner Echo Arneson. room-paren- ts According to June Stanton, Elks program chairperson. Miss Guthrie received a cash award and certificate for being selected student of the month. Adrian Wilhelmsen has been selected as the Roy Teen of the Month for January by the Roy Elks Club. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wilhelmsen, 2441 N. 400 W., Layton. He is a ninth grade student at North Layton Junior High. f I ;; v iC z; Wilhelmsens favorite subjects at the school are writing, science and English. He has been on the school's wrestling team for the past three years and is a member the Spanish Club. He is a First Class Scout in Troop 344 and placed second in the Gateway District for the Mountain Man Rendezvous. Among his favorite hobbies are archery, baseball, basketball, hunting, fishing and camping. He has placed first in his age group in the county archery tour-- : nament and his baseball team placed, first in the city recreation league in 1982-8- 3. Wilhelmsen plans to continue his education and tennitvely plans to become a doctor. ; ; Duane Addison is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Addison. His favorite subjects are Spanish and gymnastics. He is a member of the Spanish club and is on the Usher Squad. He was also on the football team this year. Kyle Matsumura, a senior at Roy High School, is the Roy Elks Teen of the Month for January. Recognized for his leadership roles, Matsumura is Roy High se- - ! ; ; - ' " 773-330- low-inco- pre-scho- ol ar-.'ea- ; s. In order to become a sponsor, an organization must: 6 Dept. Supt. 773-330- MUNICIPAL POOL KYLE MATSUMURA 934 So. 1000 E., Clearfield parli-mentari- an United Nations and state party s for American sergeant-at-arm- Legion Boys State. His scholastic achievements are numerous including being a member of the Roy High Academic Decathalon Team for the past two years and this years general Sterling Scholar for Roy High. He has been on the high honor roll for the past three years and is a member of the National Honor Society. Matsumura is also active in debate. This year he received a first place and best chairman award at the Portia Douglas Forensics Tournament. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Enji Matsumura of Roy. Lauri Anne Rannigan, a senior at Roy High School, is the Roy Elks Teen of the Month of December. Miss Rannigan has been editor of Roy Highs yearbook for the past two years and has been on the schools newspaper staff. She has a 3.9 grade average. A member of the National Honor Society, Miss Ranniagn is listed in. the Society of Distinguished American High School Students and in Whos Who Among American High School Students. She received the Roy High School Pin in tenth grade and the Lions Pride Award as a junior. She is a member of several school Recreation Cashier 773-330- Your Health Is Too! 773-330- 6 8:00-10:0- What does your health and your job have in common! You desperately need both of theml When youre sidelined everybody loses. Since injuries cant always be prevented, wouldnt it be helpful and less costly for all if time and recuperation could be reduced? Its possible with chiropractic Comparative studies of Workers Compensation cases prove chiropractics out-car- P.M. 0 MOM OR DAD AND TOT Classes Start the or. Week of Feb. M&W for 5 weeks Classes held each hour a.m. 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. 1 el 1 1 SUMMER Bennett feels many need chirocare. Employers practic should suggest it. Workers should request it. GET THE Dr. is just around the corner, work injuries DROWNPROOF your CHILD What you dont know...hurts everyone! Call him today. FACTS. Insurance Cases Accepted NEW PROGRAMS OFFERED Competitive Swim Team Water Aerobics (excercise in the water.) U.S.S. Dale Bennett Palmer Graduate Dr. BENNETT Read The Classified For Best Results CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 195 E. Gentile, Layton Ph. 546-360- 0 Be a (1) public or nonprofit private school food authority; (2) public or nonprofit private residential summer camp; or (3) unit of local, municipal or county government. Demonstrate financial and administrative capability. Have adequate personnel for monitoring and management of sites Operate the program in areas where at least 50 percent of the children would qualify for free or meals under the Lunch and Breakfast Program, or qualify as a camp. Enter into a written agreement with the Utah State Office of Edreduced-pric- e National School ucation. 7 p.m. The nominating committee will report followed by a program given by fifth grade and com- - bined fifth and sixth grade clas-sc- s. The students have been perfecting their skills on the ukelele and will provide a musical treat for parents and teachers attending the meeting. 7 ADULTS ONLY TUESDAY EVENINGS On-the-J- ob, Syracuse PTA Set to Meet SYRACUSE The general meeting of the Syracuse Elementary PTA will be held Feb. 14 at 2 nior class president, mayor of the Roy City Youth Council, for the 1985 Model Summer Program To Provide Food The Summer Food Service Program for Children will again be available this summer, from May through September, according to Gladys Gardner, specialist. Child Nutrition Programs, Utah Slate Office of Education. The goal of the Summer Food Service Program for Children is to provide children from areas with nutritious meals during summer vacation when school nutrition programs are not in operatin, Ms. Gardner said. This program provided nutrand itious meals to school age children 18 years of age and under, from needy CLEARFIELD Pool Mgr. manufacturer coupon on Come N Get It dry dog food. 20 lb. or i on 3 cans, any variety. Mighty Dog canned dog food. I larger bag. Ltmil one coupon pef item Thts coupon good only on prod purenased RETAILER oct sizes and flavors indicated Carnation win reimburse vou lace value oius 8c submihed in compliance 'th Carnation Pofy Company Store Coupon Redemption datedApm2 1984 a copy of which '5 avana bie on reouesi Send coupons 10 CAHNA Tins COUPONS Bu 171. Pico Rivera CA CONSUMER Cash value 1'?0C COUPON EXPIRES May 31. 1985. 50000 131675 r on any bag or 2 boxes ol Friskies' dry eat iood. CONSUMER Limtl one coupon per item purchased Tins coupon good only onP'od ud sizes and flavors indicated RETAILER Carnation wilt 'eim&urse you lace vame plus 8c it submitted m compliance with Carnation Company Store Coupon Redemption Poncy datedAp'ii? 1984 a copy oi which is avana request Send coupons to CARNATION COUPONS Box 171 Pico CA 90665 Cash value 12QC COUPON EXPIRES. Limit one coupon oer ,tem purchased This coupon good omy on piop. ud sizes and flavors indicated retailer Carnation wii reimburse you face vaue plus 8C it submitted m compliance with Carnation Company Store Coupon Redemption Poncy dated April 2 1984 a copy of which is avana bie on request Send coupons to CARNA- CONSUMER , . J . b'e on i May 31. 1985. TION COUPONS Box 171 Pico Rivera Cash value t?0C COUPON EXPIRES. August 31.1985. i 15C CA 90665 I 50000 131764 15 j S0QD0 4 w The National PTA has desigas National I nated March PTA Drug and Alcohol Aware- IS ness Week while the Utah State !; PTA has designated March as 0 Be a Better" Parent Month.' This t PTA program being presented t will cover and emphasize these Teachers Earn Appreciation WEST POINT Teacher Ap- to a continental breakfast by the preciation Week began Monday PTA board. at West Point Elementary with On Tuesday, each teacher was each of the schools faculty mempresented with an eyelet ruffled bers being placed under arrest shoe sole decorated with a candy for speeding, by a member of the heart and inscribed with the Hall Police. words Thanks for giving your In full view of their classes, the heart and sole to teaching. On teachers were handcuffed and cit- Wednesday, faculty members reed for hurrying around the halls ceived rocky road ice cream at 90 miles per hour, only to be cones topped with toy trucks and freed by the house detective who served with the message, Its a declared that teachers who ran rocky road out there, but keep on around so much for their stu- truckin. And on Thursday dents should not be under ar- teachers were given a corn dog to rest but due for a rest. the tune of Hot Dog! Youre doEach teacher was then treated ing a great job. I t; West Point Elementary Students of Month Named :! t 131125 35C |