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Show Tuesday, October 14, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Colds Among Laying Flocks Common During Early Fall Dragerton Tribune New DDT Weapon Will Eradicate Published Weekly , .. Bedbugs, Lice Office: Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton 16 or 12R22 Colds, in the laying flock are not uncommon during the early fall but usually are not serious if checked immediately, cautions Dr. More than 75 World War II Lawrence Morris, Utah State Exveterans in Carbon county are tension poultryman. learning a trade by means of the There are several things that training program ar- might contribute toward causing ranged by the state and the Vet- colds, but probably the biggest erans Administration under the factor is the changeable weather Servicemens Readjustment Act. and the sudden change of surMost eligible former servicemen roundings from range to confined and women have learned by now quarters. Dr. Morris explained. Special care should be taken to that to enter training the ventilation in the laying watch VA office must a first visit they and apply for a certificate of j house. It may be necessary to for education and have the windows open on the eligibility north during the daytime,1 but training. Those who plan to take not such training and have made they should be closed at night. such arrangements will need a Cross drafts are especially harmful this time of year. from our school house. The chil- certified or photostatic copy of . First and Second Grades causes of fall One of service their discharge papers colds is athe biggest We have our room decorated for dren in our room, watched the of slight deficiency when applying. .Halloween. Our project is nice. bulldozer go up the hill. It was Vitamins A and D. Every effort It is all free hand cutting from interesting to watch it There are After obtaining the eligibility should be made to increase the certificate, the veteran approaches intake of these two health colored paper. Raymond Gunder- three men working. promotFrank E. Goniotakis. an employer who has the type of f son says It is awful scary. We ing and cold preventing vitamins to business or desires he trade Grade Fifth have owls and pumpkins cm our until the pullets are well adjustWe have just started to study learn. If the employer is willing ed to their new windows. We cut surroundings, he from orange paper. They are plants. They are very interesting to put him on the payroll as an said.- . trainee and the shop because their leaves get the food If colds have appeared, feed hanging up in front. Karleen Balle brought each of needed for the plants from the or office is approved by the state each 100 pullets three tablespoons Is in the defor training of the children a book marker that air as weU as rom the sun. of high potency fish oil (400 D, Some plants live the year sired objective, the veteran turns 1000 3000 A.) The oil should be she made at home.- "Colleen Thomas brought a around, while others die and have his eligibiliy certificate over to mixed thoroughly in about ono wooly bear caterpillar, and Judy to be started yearly from seeds. the employer. The employer fills gallon of grain. This grain should Wesley Link. out a portion of the form certify- be fed on top of the mash, to pre. Rodish brought a green tomato Fifth Grade ing that het is putting the veteran vent loss of any oil. Feed the oil worm. We put them in a glass jar with stones, sand and green We must get our arithmetic In in training. Also he gives the grain mixture once each day for a leaves. We put them in a dark, school the day it is assigned, as name of the training course, the week or 10 days, then reduce the this prevents students from get- length of the instruction period, amount of oil to one cool place. In a few lly tablespoon Bear had spun his cocoon- - We are ting the wrong type of help. Many and the beginning wage usually per 100 birds. When all signs of all anxiously waiting for a Mon- students have not been getting paid to a skilled (journeyman) the colds are gone the oil may be ' their own work. Now they will worker. The certificate is then . arch butterfly. J pnjitted entirely. If the pullets We are keeping our news items have to do their work without tak- sent to the VA regional office. have not had plenty of green on a poster. Our pictures came ing it home. It is the responsibility of the feed on the range it might be a i John Hodge. veteran to select a place of train- good idea to feed the added oil for today, so we pasted them at the Sixth Grade top. ing that has met the requirements several as a precautionary The Columbia sixth grade is, of a state approving agency. The measure. days We have learned a new song, sun studying stars, planets, the It Is Here Comes a employer pays the . veteran a In addition to the oil be sure the and the moon. The study is very specified trainees wage, graduat- birds have some .good quality aled upward as the trainee becomes falfa Third Grade interesting in each pen. This not hay Jessie Lee Bill more proficient The VA pays the Our project for - this week Is Only provides ' good quality feed The Columbia school may get a veteran a monthly subsistence al- but also aids in making the town of Centerville. checking pick outs We got the Idea from our Center- tennis court built in the back of lowance of $65 (if without de- and feather picking. ville book. We made a real con- their school building. This may be pendents) or $90 (with depend-- : crete highway. Our Book of f started within a week or so. ents) with the allowance reduced Mike Anastaskas. if allowance and income from Knowledge told us just how to mix The sixth grade has finished one productive labor exceeds $175 a the cemerit We also made sidewalks of concrete. chapter in their geography book month (without dependents) or: Vets Betty Jane Roybal. on the British Isles. We are now $200 (with dependents). - starting in on the chapter dealing Fourth Grade . for taking the Requirements The. adoption of a new reenlistthe school with the British' ATricaif posses-- " training Are: Active service, part Yesterday morning had a surprise.- They are making slons. or all of it on or after September ment policy, designed to attract ofa coasting Jane across the wash Douglas Lindsey. 16, 1940, and before July 25, 1947, experienced At least 90 days service with dis- ficers by increasing the time limit charge other than dishonorable, cn under which they may reenlist less than 90 days if discharge was anfi still retain their former ranks, Was announced recently by the for service-incurrdisability. U. S. Marine Corps, Under the old policy, a former officer or master sergeant who applied for reenlistment more than ninety days after separation from service had to reenlist as a private first class. Under the new ruling (Continued from Page One) these men may be appointed to CAR director, emphasizes evangeliistic work and preventive therapy.. In the Philippines two I. C. L. M missionaries are engaged now in AVON Cosmetics needs represenestablishing a nursery for children tative in Price, Helper, Kenil. of leprous parents and a Christian i.-worth, Emery, Wellington, Winter Quarters, Dragerton, Sunny-sid- e, Residential Schools for exposed Columbia and other nearchildren. In Yunnan Province, Take by towns, immediately. China, clinical work is conducted advantage of the Christmas sellat the Running Leprosarium by ing season just ahead. Write P. the mission's nurse, and plans call O. Box 550, Provo, Utah. for an enlarged center with the of local the generous cooperation -- JU. 4- and government authorities. In FOR SALE piece bedroom India hundreds of patients each suite, innerspring mattress and PHONE G. coil springs. All new and priced week are treated at skin clinics. low. 116 B. Ave. A U. S. ambulance is being used Dragerton to carry the Gospel and healing to outlying village centers. New FOR SALE New 6:50x16 Tire and Tube. 141 Menotti. work is being plannedamong tribal people in the lowlands of Bo- ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to livia. order in my home. Decorated The I. C. L. Mi is entirely debirthday cakes a specialty. Mrs. pendent upon - voluntary support, Walter Whitburn, 167 Grassy nd reports that the recent deTrail. mands for help from many thousands of unreached people exceeds WANTED High Chair, Used. Call the current supply of help in he at 401 Menotti. homelands. It should be possible to eradiClifford cate both - bedbugs and diseasematter spreading lice, with such a potent Entered as second-cla- ss weapon now- available as' DDT, July 7, 1947 at the post, office at declares Dr. G. F. Knowlton, Utah March act of the under Dragerton, state extension entomologist S, 1879. Control results to date reveal that with B little effort and care, CoDr. Contributing Editors man can easily destroy all bedbugs lombo, Ernest Cox, Jean Crosby, - Fred Johnson, Harold Hanson, and human lice, and that most and fleas also are Vernon Lund, Orion Mortenson, livestock lice to DDT, whether very susceptible Emery Olsen, Father Sanders, used as a or dust spray Jean George Poglajen, Betty Chlordane, another new and Perez, Joan Malaby, LaVae insecticide, Patricia Waring and highly encouraging louse effective an makes powder. . Fern Peterson. However, more research is needed Blevln. John Photographer before its general use for louse control will be fully justified. - Jack Publisher - ob on-the-- Columbia School , jack-o-lanter- ns ob ex-G- - . the rank of technical sergeant if they reenlist within one year, or to the. rank of staff sergeant if they reenlist within two years. This sliding scale of reappointment- ranks also applies to noncommissioned officers in the lower ranks. A technical sergeant who reenlists within one year may be appointed to. the rank of staff sergeant, or to the rank of sergeant if he reenlists within two years. A former staff sergeant may be appointed to the rank of sergeant provided he reenlists within a period. In order to maintain their present ranks master sergeants must reenlist within 24 hours, excluding Sundays and holidays. Technical sergeants, staff sergeants and sergeants are allowed a ninety-da- y period in which to reenlist to hold their rank at the time of discharge. Corporals are allowed a total of one year to reenlist with the rank of corporal. An additional feature of the new policy provides that former marines who reenlist within a pectod of ninety days after separation from the service will be afforded the opportunity to reenlist for a period. Enlistment contracts of three and four year periods are also being offered to those wishing to take advantage - two-ye- ar two-ye- ar Piles of moist manure and other te rubbish have been known to Farmers Urged To Dispose Of AH Waste Materials ig-ni- County Agent A. Fullmer Allred today warned fanners to dispose of rubbish accumulations Otherwise," the agent promptly. said, the waste material may dry out and become ideal tinder for a discarded match or stray spark. Many fanners, 'burdened with farm chores, are apt to let piles of rubbish,, leaves and grass lie around for weeks, the county agent stated. Disposal of this waste should come under the heading of farm house cleaning. Not only are the piles a definite fire hazard, but they are unsightly and often breed disease. by spontaneous combustion, he pointed out. Very often farmers touch off the piles by uncovering the damp underlayers. On being exposed to the air, the piles catch on fire. Because of the fire hazard that is always present - around such have appiles, farmers should fire extinguishers handy,' proved the county agent added. Extinguishers are also a must in the kitchen and barns for once a farm fire gets out of hand a farmers life work can be wiped out in a few minutes. , Money may talk, but it isn't as some nearly as folks who suddenly acquired it. loud-mouth- ed NOTICE We will be closed Friday, Saturday, gj and Monday, October 20. Eg October We're Going DEER HUNTING 17-1- 8, e DURflEL GARAGE GOr.lPAflY DODGE' AND PLYMOUTH SALES PRICE, UTAH SERVICE EE of them. Detailed information regarding this new marine corps policy can be obtained by contacting U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting, Room 230, Federal Building, Salt Lake City. days-Woo- A persons liver is plastic, in that it moulds itself to neighboring viscera. -- Marines Announce New Enlistment Policy For DRIVE OUT AND SAVE AT THE ForYour Car, the ed Squeeze Rev. Etter To Speak Wednesday Night READY GET YOUR FOR WINTER DRIVING tip-to- UUi MJDDHGmPHdDri 10-2-- ltc R. HOLT Owner and Prop. -4 On ! Thousand of cars are being forced off the highways and into the junk yard by old age. Thousands more are doomed to go before the fuB flood of new car production catches up with the demand. But thats no reason your car has to go. There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle. If your car is still basically O.K., we can put the eu- p gine in shape with a guaranteed Engineered Set of Pedrick Rings. And even if cylinders are badly worn we guarantee to stop excessive oil consumption. This is an iron clad, written guarantee, that covers both labor and rings. Even though your car has piled up more miles than you ever dreamed it could, even though its battered and worn, there may still be plenty of mileage and plenty of pleasure left in it. Let ns show yon how Pedrick Rings renew engine power, give you real savings in gas and oiL Call us for an appointment. CLASSIFIED All Work Guaranteed Is filEIIDEnUALLS AUTO PARTS 62 NO. FIRST WEST Just Received a Double and Single Hunters Supplies Entry. Red Shirts Caps High Boots Post Binders and Ring Book Ledger Outfits. All Typewriter Accessories ' fca, :,r - RE-BUIL- T 57 West, 1 St. North Phone 521-- PRICE, UTAH J You relax the moment you stretch out gloriously at ease in a bed thats already 11 . . . warm and inviting. Youll slip off to sleep . . with no crushing weight of covers crampjust one light-as-a-feath- er covering that keeps your whole bed warm all over, all night automatically even with windows wide open. And youll wake in the morning rested, refreshed . . . your body recharged with the energy you need to start a new day right.. " Pencil I Be modern! Be wrise! See the HELPFUL and electric bed coverings before you buy youll say "goodbye forever to the and old-fashion- ed CARBOn ELIERY BANK CARBON GROCERY STORE DAVID MENOTTI ; UTAHS LEADING WEEKLY new automatic kind. Desk Pen Sets atr EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE Attractive 0mt-Aiuinr- and D STANFIELD RADIATOR SHOP Sharpeners GJIir REPAIRED, CLEANED RE-CORE- ... all your born days when you sleep under an automatic electric blanket or comforter. ing your arms and legs RADIATORS Just Received Complete Line of .ES, youll sleep as youve never slept in Proprietor Phone 14 R 11 Price, Utah : - Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn 3 Enjoy Better Living Electrically 'P'icm fyoax DccUcx A Utah Power A light Company Mossago |