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Show .r ton. ind' Colombia. Combined population 6,000. Volume Let all' help to make our community a better lie . 1 place in which to live. Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, October 14, 1947 CATHOLIC CHURCH DANCE IS WELL DEDICATION ATTENDED SLATED THURSDAY The dedication of the new Cath-olChurch, the Good Shepherd, will take place October 16, in the afternoon at 4:00 p. m. The Most Reverend Duane G. Hunt, D. D., will conduct the dedication. At 6:00 p. m. a banquet in honor of the ceremony will be held In the church hall. Because of the limited size of the hall it is necessary that the banquet be on invitation omij. Those receiving invitations will be representatives of the community in this area. Many of the diocesan priests will be here to assist Father Sanders during the dedication services. At the banquet. Doctor Colombo wil be master of ceremonies. The priacipal speakers will be Mr. E. S. OConnor, Mr. Frank Hicks, Mr. Jerry Galbreath, and Father Thainas Butler of Price, who is Deem of this section. The committee for the dedicaie en-ti- ra 'i erton no lie Sunny side, Sunnydile o- - . Serving Dnter- - Number Teachers of East Carbon Elementary and Junior High P T A Off To Successful Start Last Wednesday The dance and raffle held Saturday night for the benefit of the band was a highly successful one. TO ELECT OFFICERS THIS WEEK The school gymnasium was paciced solid with a fun loving crowd of people. Everyone seemed bent on having a good time and everyone did have a good time. Of course the highlight of the evening was the raffle. Columbias Steve Anastaskas took home the lovely combination . Lee Alger of Sunny-dal- e won the Marlin rifle just in time for a successful deer season. The Recreation Hall of the Good Shepherd Church here Dragerton was filled to an overflowing capacity last Wednesday evening. The parents and the teachers present were enthusiastic in their praise for starting a PTA at the local in school, one. The complete tabulation of the money earned has not as yet been tion will consist of Doctor Colom- totaled but it did exceed the fond-'e- st bo, Mr. E. S. OConnor, Mrs. Jerry hopes of the originators of the Galbreath, Mrs. Nick Bonaquisto 'dance. Appreciation was express'L of Sunnyside and Father Sanders. ied by Louie Veltre and Doug Bon The choir, under the direction of to all those who so ably assisted in Mrs. E. S. OConnor, will have making this dance and raffle such special songs for the occasion of a grand success. When you see the band out there with their new unithe blessing and the banquet. Father Sanders welcomes every- forms you will know that you had one to the dedication and urges a part in getting them. Theie is all to attend. During the 4:00 no finer community spirit tnan services, Bishop Hunt will give a was shown in this mutual enter- special message to the community. prise. Dragerton Beehive Girls First Aid Team Mr, Harold Hanson and Mr. Gerald Galbreath both spoke the necessity of a PTA. The audience was 100 in agreement with them. The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. Redd of Price, the regional representative of the PTA. She emphasized the objects of the organization which are as folon radio-phonogra- Jimmy Darts Orchestra played long, loud and very well. The folks liked the music and got out there and kicked a few mean legs. The hot dogs, coffee and soft drinks helped to swell the coffer of the band uniform fund. Even the hot dogs had a good time Saturday night, or didnt you ask 1G lows : 1. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, V man and Naomi Stevenson, Fourth Grade; Clara Bagnall, Anna Moyer and Rose Poglajen, Fifth Grade; Blanche Justesen and Vondella Hanley, Sixth Grade. , Those from the Junior High School are as follows: A. W. Anderson, Science; Jeanette Me Alpine, English and Music; Ella Anderson, English; Clifford Mayer, gopj Science; Evelyn Varner, by taking service training. During the last school year courses for teachers were given at Carbon College to which many of the teachers from Dragerton attended. Beginning this month a course in World Economics will be conducted by the extension division of the University of Utah and will be taught in our school building. Most of, our teachers are now en- rolled for the course. The town people who are interested may attend also if they so desire. Five hours credit may be earned. The picture includes the follow, ing named teachers: HeneretU Gantz, Geniel Douglas, Beth All-r- ed and Marjorie Monroe, First Grade; Eva Rose, Esther Tomlinson and Bertha Caster, Second Grade; Flora Ruesch, Marian Busch and Janie Henderson, Third Grade; Marian Lund, Edna Thur Faculty Compares Well With State East Carbon Junior High and Elementary School has the and most capable faculty since the school began here in 1943. With the exception of a few teachers all have had successful experi- ence in teaching. The scholarship and training is as good as the average in the state and county. Of the faculty, 27 are women, of whom all but three are married. The four men are in the junior high school. Mrs. Vonsella Hanley besides teaching arts is assistant to the principal m the elementary school. All of the teachers try to improve their ability to teach by either going to summer school or Home Economics; Ruby Mahalik, Music and History; Allan Ruesch, Science; Myrtle Davis, English; Helen Lamb, History and Art; Mary Crawford, Mathematics and Physical Education; Nordell All-re- d, Mathematics and Physical Education; Lillian Harvey, Literature; Joyce Warner, Typing; and Russell Fryer, Mathematics; Cecil Fryer, Office Clerk; and Harold Hanson, Principal and Band. NEXT PTA " MEETING WED. school, church, and community. 2. To raise the standards of home life. 3. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. 4. To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child. 5. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, arid spiritual education. Mrs. Redd went on to tell of the formation of a new PTA group. The enthusiastic audience that was at the first PTA meeting was eager to complete the organization and it was the recommendation of ' the nominating committee that the officers for the coming year be elected at the next meeting. This will be held Wednesday, October 15, at 7:30 p. m. in the Dragerton School Building. All parents are urged to attend this meeting and help elect the officers for .the coming year. It was stated by Mr. Hanson that although this PJA was being organized in Dragerton its membership was open to all parents whose A nominating committee com posed of Mrs. Lyle Burdick, chair- children attend the Dragerton man, Mrs. Harry Malaby, Mrs. school. John Tomsic, Mrs. James Tobey, Mrs. Ned. Hanson, Mrs; Crosby and Mrs. Hixon was appointed by Mr. Harold Hanson.- This nominating committee was to select a slate of officers to be voted at Che next meeting. The Dragerton Recreation were served by SOciation is moving ahead with its a committee composed of Mrs. Pat community wide plans for social Waring, chairman; Mrs. Ruby entertainment. First on the list is Mahilik, Mrs. William Breedlove, a free sliow for all members.- - If and Mrs. Gerald Galbreath, Jr.jiast minute plans can be worked Mr, Grant Slagenhaupt .was in out w,itn the companies in charge of seating arrangements. Salt Lake City there will be a Father J. A. Sanders, pastor of free show' this coming Monday, the Good Shepherd Church, wel- October 20. Present schedule calls comed the members and guests to for a matinee for the young chilhis new church and extended them dren, and evening .show for all an, invitation to use the recrea- others. No children will be adtion hall for all uf their meetings. mitted at night. Definite word A portion of the meeting was will be obtained on this free show spent in the introduction of the by Thursday, October 18. parents and the teachers. The first free dance is being Worked out but it is necessary to find a convenient night when the school gymnasium will not be In use. More Information will be given out on this at a very early Sheriff Bob Brush is in quite a date. furor. Everyone had better check their closets and get rid of any Steve Anastaskas certainly disextra coats forBob Is making a appointed many people who personal check of' all coats In the thought that they were a sure bet to win the radio. community. RECREATION - ii- - .O, V.V (C) VvVXi- - V-- Along the FOR BUILDING OF NEW HOUSES r V I ROWE . ACTION GENEVA STEEL WINS EVICTION PLANS COMPLETE COMPLAINTS Price City Judge, S. J. Sweet-'rin- g, has handed down judgments ion five eviction complaints --to the f Geneva Steel Co. These suits were brought to evict tenants who are not employed by the Geneva Coal Mines. The complaints stated that the homes in Dragerton were pur chased by the Geneva Steel Co. for thp ,ole purpose of nousmg their employees. Tenants who re- main in their nomes after term. ratlng their employment at the Geneva Mines arejiolating their 'lease agreement. The judgments as handed down by Judge Sweet- - j ' BY HELEN ROWE Officials of John. W. Galbreatn ... & Co. state that they expect' to be' able to announce the contracting swell job and believe me we all firm who has been awarded the it. THANK YOU, new housing project. The speci- - appreciate aU t WERE wondering WHOSE f.cations provide that the work does and ! must be started TWIN MARY or is it MARGARET unn?ediately, that the 100 homes be completed ROBINSON HAVE .i Vr't. a within five months The homes to, Is that JERRYS sweater THAT be constructed will be 3 bedroom S WPAmxrr ..M.rnnrw I homes and will have approximate- M. a new theme song, it is has .. -ly 1000 square feet. The finished fiMiMimrttrAirtii iKiimwiiiiwii include electric homes will The PEP CLUBS theme song electric range, electric Siven to them frigerator, Zelle, Donna to Patsy Leavitt, from left Katheryn right: Reading by the boys Is (A rjng required that the defendants floor a water tank and xuel cu FEUDIN an A FUSSIN, and A pay all court costs. Mahan, Lois Brace, Lois Cox, and Donna Ruskoff. furnace. team. Organized Additional eviction suits are East Carbon is very proud of this girls first-ai- d The new homes wll include more but a year ago with James Wray Jones as instructor this team has floor space than the present three Pendin8 in Hie City Court at the inft'nf'tnwn vampfwhh the ang proven themselves to be champions by winning a first place in the bedroom homes. nt ThedecLsions decided to wait and contest at Helper and first place at the State Meet boys. They Labor Day first-ai- d of in the construction The delay meet the was held 6. This latter by school of the Lake in the Salt City September permission held these homes has been caused by get Utah-Nevaboard for the next game. HERES Safety Society. which Co. the additional Steel I. M. A. negotiation and the Geneva This group is sponsored by the HOPING THAT THEY GET TO a : Expenses for the trip tp Salt Lake City was shared by the M. I. A., has been necessary to secure go East Carbon Rotary and John W. Galbreath & Co. Mrs. Kenneth satisfactory bid. One of the main The students axe enjoying a va- factors influencing an acceptable Smith chaperoned the trip to Salt Lake City. forT thre catjon days while THE bid has been the length of time TEACHERS SCHOOL in qq needed for completion of ICO Salt Lake I City. Thats okay too. housing units. The Carbon third string beat It was also announced that the our m boys of East Carbon by a Dragerton Dormitory will be re- score of 25-- 0. ! modeled into fifty efficiency apait- As we all know '"41fPORT The Colorado River Exploring inents. This remodeling willnot out CARDScome WednesdaExpedition is about ready to take be started until the new homes "OH WELL We didnt want to ygo off. After weeks of careful prepAt been the pres- this week have completed. anyway Muddy aration the good ship ent time the boarding house is beA few of the East Carbon girls is in perfect condition. Waters used by eoal miners who are ing T an assembly Wednesday gave the will make who crew trip The on the waiting list for homes in costumed in were the boys They this year consist of men who are Dragerton and by the men needed football suits doing exercises under fully experienced. in construction work in the area. the direction of Coach Allred It is expected that the efficiency The last expedition taken by this The girls (MRS. McALPINE). crew was two years ago, at which apartment house will accommodate representing the third string sang the down went no small PEP SONGS about families where there are time the group the boys they children. canyons of the Colorado River to ASSEMBLY The represented. The Moab. below 40 remiles a point The present plans call for HAD A TERRIFIC ENDING when modeling to be completed by May, two group who will probably make the girls representng Donald C Co1948. trip includes Dr. Jones, Dr. and Burton If we dont, R., said lombo, Emery Olsen, Jerry Gilwin the game with Carbon today breath, Clyde Roberts, Ray Nayyou can kick us in THE END. lor, Ray McGonigle and Harry Guess what, folks!!!!! ETTER HAROLD REV. C. Malaby. The first school paper will come The Colorado River below Moab out on Halloween with all its fun well-knocatBudge Wilcox, winds its way into a gorge cut injokes under the direction of tle man, was hurt when his car andMISS to the solid rock by the river. The JOYCE WARNER type Horse while left the Canyon road cliffs extend several thousand feet teacher. The East Carbon Pep Club was driving into Range Creek. He above the floor of the canyon. No THANKS for patronizing the organized by a group of girls who GenC. Rev. The Harold a broken Etter, broken neck, suffered one but those who have seen this eral Director of the International ribs and multiple injuries. Gene dance last Saturday night kids and wanted to start a social organi- sight can appreciate its vastness Christian folks we ail know what this zation that would make school life Leprosy Mission will Pressett and several of his men and beauty. The crew will, take OUR to meant BAND. New Uni- -i more interesting. They became so speak this Tuesday evening at the drove a four wheel converted army pictures which will be shown later. forms ( Y I P P I E) WE NEED enthused with the idea that they Church. car With over to Dragerton Community the accident spot. told Mrs. Crawford. She went His topic will center about the chains on all four wheels they THEM. with the girls and helped fruitof faith and along to story conquering drove the only vehicle able them to get started. -- The girls votLoses ful endeavor, . under Gods hand, navigate the wet roads- .- Several ed her in as their pep advisor. in carrying the Gospel and medical first aid men from the Horse care to some of the millions in Canyon Mine went along to help Carbon High School gridders Mrs. Crawford is looked upon y the orient afflicted with leprosy. in this hazardous rescue. played at'Ogden last Thursday and the members as the mother of the East Carbon Pep Club. She has Kodachrome motion pictures and Budge is coming along in ex- lost to the classy Ogden High team 1 done many things which has im- slides secured by Reverend Etter cellent condition considering the 27 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duran, Drag, during his post war trips to the extent of his injuries. Ogden gave another exhibition .proved this organization. She has Orient in which he traveled about that be must erton, boy, on October 4. Considerable credit helps to rate them as oneof' fought right along with the Pep- Mrs. Mr. and Eugene Bailey, 45,000 miles in over ten months given to Gene Pressett and his the outstanding teams in the state, 'per for the rights which they October 8. on in India, China and the Philip- boys and to the 'first-ai- d boy, men in and had little trouble defeating the now have. She has been with the Sunnydale, Mr. and Mrs. Del Maes, Drag- pines will be shown. Rev. Etter working together to overcome the small Carbon team. Pep Club now for the second year stated that over ten million peo- many obstacles involved in this Dave Faddis filled the quarter- of its existence and we hope that erton, girl, on October 10. back spot for Carbon, and gave she will continue to be our ad. ple In the world are afflicted with rescue , out with the best field general- visor as long as there is a Pep Irene Vega St Co. spent the lat- leprosy. Of these few have reDRIVERS EXAMINATIONS ter part of last week shopping in ceived medical care. ship that Carbon has had in any Club. The program of the L C. L. M. Examination for Drivers Li- - game this year, but Ogden power The club is comprised of forty Salt Lake City for a very important event that will take place of which Rev. Ttter is the general cense will be held in Dragerton proved too great, and the scrappy ninth and tenth graders who have B averages, which is required be October 27, 1947. Dinosaurs were soundly beaten. (Continued on Page Four) very coon.. - i fj e o ,,,,, -l GENEVA B I t. . da - Who Swiped The Sheriffs Coat???? , The East Carbon Pep Club EXPLORING PARTY READY to r t P 4 f' , t , . Budge Wilcox Hurt In Accident Started As Social Organization Rev. Etter To Speak Wednesday Night Carbon f -- - y. i 4 - i , i J fore you can become a member. Last years officers of the club were: President, Patsy Burdick; Vice President, Ellen Thompson; Secretary and Treasurer, Barbara Steel. Cheer . Leaders were Lois Malaby, Karla Woodruff, Delores Frotto, Arlene Ware and Donna Woodruff. New officers tot this year were elected last Tuesday and they are: Zella Crosby; Vice President, President, Pauline Stella; Secretary, LaRae Ellet; Treasurer, Irene Cheer Leaders are Sixkiller. Mary Ann Rodish, Corene Miller and Delores Frotto. The present members are; Shirley Oveson, Beth Leavitt,- - Vivian Naylor, Waunema Thompson, Mer-leStark, LaNelda Brown, Marjorie King, Faye Olsen, Patsy Manne Lee, han, Claudette Wright, Gail Taylor, Rose Cocomiglio, Loraine Brace, Alice Hanson, Mcr-leStevenson, La Dee Peterson, Doris Morrow, Lois Malaby, Mary Kathryn Neumier, Charlet Sleeth, Kathryn Stella, Marlene Hodges, Glenda Civish, Donna Woodruff, ne ne Martha Fayl and Shawna McFarland. H Most of the Peppers are new.J They were asked to join by tHe tenth graders who left last yeat to go to Carbon High School. They made very wise choices and we hope that the new members can live up to the standard of which the old' members' have set. The club is for the purpose of promoting enthusiasm for all games, sports and activities. The club was meant to travel with the team but as a group they have not been able to go as yet because of lack of transportation. The club has a group of bylaws which they follow. If a member should break one, they are discontinued from Pep. So far, we can. proudly say there has been rfo one who has had to drop Pep on that account. The school colors are red and white, so we decided on red sweaters and white "shirts. The East Carbon Pep Club has built up a good reputation and we hope it will --ontinue to do so. , By Donna Woodruff. |