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Show Tuesday, October 14, 1917 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SIX SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS . junior JrocL figure-Praisin- g every borne dressmaker ipeelal features, free pattern printed inside the took. 23 cents. Send your order to: BOBBY SOX CROSS TOWN By m Roland Cot Mart) Links SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN toughest job in sport Isnt a putt in a pinch or emerging from a heel print in the sand. It isn't throwing a pass or pitching to a clutch hitter with the bases full. It isn't umpiring a baseball game. If you care to hear the correct answer it la working as a football official. The baseball umpire has a setup in compari- THE DFPT. 828 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents to coins tor each six-fo- pattern desired. Pattern No Name Addres- s- Yost son. Hurry-uof Michigan told m once that he doubted that any play was ever run off In football that was p Bat, dear. Daddy only want to borrow It (or today! Oh. this remind me what was that Important issue I said we ought to wire our congressman about? j NANCY By Ernie Btuhmiller GOODNESS I NEVER SAW ANYONE EAT CORN SO FAST ;f L ing too holding, By Margarita about good tasting SCOTTS EMULSION quickly, illegal Interference, pass Interference, illegal use of hands or other Infractions. Here you have 22 keen, active, overeager young men scattered over la good part of the field In a game that is packed with penalties. No lour sets of eyes can follow every Infraction, especially on the part of those who know how, when and where to slide by a rule. Id like te say here that no set of officials work harder, train harder or try harder than 90 per cent of all football officials. They are honest, intelligent, and they usually take a deep pride in their work. But they are up against an impossible Job. Having worked five years as a football official In the South, before groping later for the older age of hazy reason, I have found it somewhat difficult to ride officials who have impossible Jobs to handle. There is holding, of one sort or another, on almost every play. Ask some of the players in the line who have been Jerked off balance by a quick hand, a movement that took less than a split second. Or this matter of pass interference in the rush and Jump for the ball or the split second start of the backs or the smart ones who know how to time and beat off side by half a stride. It isn't too easy to say which penalties affect a play and , which dont But this is where the smarter officials come in where in other years, Ed and Tom Thorpe were supreme two of the best football ever ' has known.' too much whistle Certainly and horn blowing can wreck any game, coming from too many callers, who now and then have the idea they are the afternoons main attractions. But this doesnt happen often. An official with sound, sane Judgment In handling a game, where one close decision can make or break either team, is football's major asset But dont let anyone tell you It isnt a tough assignment the toughest one I know in sport The horn Is certainly no instrument of merriment or melody. GranUandBIce d, LITTLE REGGIE say many old folks minus completely some form of pen- i alty off side, start-- t Thousands of happy folks know this! Goodtasting Scott's Emulsion helps yon ward off colda helps you fet well faster anil helps yon keep going strong when your diet needs more natural A AD Vitamins Scott's is a HIGH ENERGY FOOD TONIC-ri- eh 1 8224 I L in natural A AD Vitamins and energy-buildinaturay 4 ott, Try It 1 See how well yoi, feel. Easy to take and digest, Economical. Buy today at your drag store I Ml A STUNNING date frock for Juniors with slim lines to praise a youthful figure, slanted lines boldly accented with unusual novelty buttons. An for certain. than ust a tonic it's powerful nourishment! MORI eye-catch- er Pattern No. 8224 comes In sizes 11. 12. 13, 14, 18 and 18. Size 12, eap sleeve, 3A yards of 35 or The Fall and Winter FASHION contains a wealth of aewing Information for Beware Coughs frca cssaca c:!is That Hang On 'be cause It goes right to the seat ox the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, CbestColdj, Bronchitis And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may he caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people (eei tired weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to remove excess adds and other waste matter from the blood. Yon may suffer nigging backache, rheumatic pains headaches, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling. Sometimes frequent ana scanty urination with smarting and burning is soother sign that something is wrong with the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan's PtU. It is better to rel y on a medicine that has won countrywide sp- travmJ than on something leas favors hty Doan's have been tried and teat ed many veers. Are at ali drug stores. Get Doanr today. SHaES herds are Can I get a transfer? The driver snorted, "MisterT all ou can get on this bus is off I th4 0 All Bowled Over Old King Cole now has more bowls than he ever dreamed about as he called for his Fiddlers Three But and proceeded to get the two big money bowls are the Rose and the Sugar, where the two capacities are 93,000 and 73,000 at $4 a crack. Not a bad financial goal for those lucky enough to crowd into the final picture, although this cash Is scattered around as far as the Rose Bowl Is concerned. Here, no one makes any big killing. Which is the way it should be. College football still has a long way to go in getting away from too much finance. pie-eye- I TASTY, I IN 'it MY PIPE r "I hir. been enjoying Prince Albert in my pipe for years, says Henry Carver. P.A. gives me smoke that a tasty-ric- h stays mild. well-trappe- d By Len KleU GET WITH CRIMP CUT PRINCE ALBERT More than a few followers of the VIRGIL TONGUE-EAS- Y SMOKING COMFORT New Golf Charhpion ancient and green want to know more about Skee Riegel, the new amateur golf champion of the U. S. Skee is much better known in the Far West than he Is throughout the rest of our bunkered domain. The impression seema to b that some rank outsider hae taken aver the amateur throne of golf. This idea is strictly Incorrect. Only n fine golfer conld have won over the Pebble Beach teat, one of the toughest In golf. What sort of a golfer and what brand of a fellow Is the new champion-meaning Mr. Riegel? We took this problem to A1 Clucl, one of the best golf instructors in the country, now in charge at Lakeville, Long Island. "I can tell you this, Ciucl told me. A worthy champion and a fine fellow now wears the crown. Craig Wood and I worked with Skee in 1941, when he had been playing golf only three years. He was then in the high 70s. He had come along in a hurry because he wanted to learn, and he was willing to practice all day. Heref an odd angle on Skee. call Frank Stranahan They Muscle Stranahan or Mr. Muscle. But In my opinion Riegel Is much stronger than Strana- - " ban. They ought to call Skefe, Double Muscle. Ive never seen anyone close to his weight, 183 pounds, with such powerful upper and forearms. Skee la what Pd call a power hitter, or n smash hitter. LIKE THE CRIMP OXT prince Albert SURE ROLLS UP FAST AND EVEN INTO MILD, SWELL-TASTIN- G IMAKINS1 SMOKES Crimp cut Prince Albert g is my choice for cigarettes, says Herbert Martin. And tobacco P.A.s amokee cool and mild. faster-rollin- rich-tasti- "FokTipes or. Tapers PRINCE ALBERT Tea. la -- Mart's Grm4 eOpo. Sated afckts ILI. If |