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Show Tuesday, October f WEEKEND AND TERRACE QUEEN DIDO, GORGEOUSLY APPARELED AND BEJEWELED SPENT CARTHAGINIAN WEEK ENDS HUNTING WITH A GOLDEN BOW AND : SAFETY IS A SIGN OF SKILL PARTES where there Is good roof overhead. If he has the slightest doubt, he sets a prop for CAVE TERRACE PARTES ON THE PALACE Before he lifts his bar to pry,, he makes sure of good footing and spreads his feet apart for proper balance. He uses a bar long enough to allow for the rolling for any falling material. He does these simple things every time he ban down. POOP. WE SERVED BEER.. GOBLETS. IN LOTUS-SHAPENLAD WITH GOLD AND GEMS I D QUEEN ELIZABETHS FAMOUS ROYAL PROGRESSES' lM' TO HER FAVORITES, THE EARL OF LEICESTER $ KENlLWORTHStQA CASTLE. . INCLUDED FIRE WORKSfff DANCmGTCOATS AND MUTUAL GIFTS. J Nw M fl TODAYS WEEKENDS GLAMOROUS. . Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Vaught left October 3rd for an extended trip which will take them to Washing-tto- n, D. C-- , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, New York City, St. Louis, Missouri, and Gary, West Virginia. to return They are expected around the 18th of October. The trip is a combined business and pleasure trip, as they will visit with friends and relatives while Douglas Cox. We are decorating our room back there. Mr. Vaught will atso with Haalloween pumpkins, owls, buy a quantity of merchandise for and cats. We are going to hae the local store, of which he is Contrary to popular belief, cura Halloween picnic. manager, rent high meat prices are not due to any shortage in supply, but rather to the present high consumed purchasing power,'. according to G. Alvin Carpenter, Utah Extension marketing spei State cialist. In a summary of the cattle situation and outlook, Mr. Carpenter 4-- ARE ALSO WITH ROMAN -- BRACELETS AND COCKTAIL RINGS. AND LOVELY & MODERN TABLEWARE. n nrrJic. The most phenominal increase cattle slaughter this year has been in the number and proportion of heifers slaughtered. This will tend to reduce numbers faster ' in succeeding years! In A slaughter of 36 to 37 million head, of Rattle and calves this year, with the usual death losses and practically no imports, would states that, the high'prices paid result in a reduction in cattle for meat noiv reflect the great in- numbers by the end of the year of crease in consumer incomes re- four to five million head. This sulting from the higher level of decrease would bring the number wages and salaries paid and thi of cattle and calves, dowq, to. 76 marked increase in employment. or 77 million head, or to about the More cattle and calves are going number at the beginning of 1942, to slaughter now than in any pre- right after our entry into the war. "At present indications are that vious year, he reported. During the first seven months of . 1947 the strong consumer demand for the total was about five per cent beef will continue this fall. Av exgreater, than, in .the. corresponding tive packer competition can be In for are that cattle pected period of 1945, the previous year of record slaughter. About 50 per slaughter condition. Supplies now cent more cattle and calves are .remaining for slaughter and those to go to the feed lots this fall will being slaughtered this year than smaller than in recent yeais, be in any of the five years preceding There is reason to expect that the war. will be available for U. S. beef exports are small, he fewer cattle as feeders this fall and purchase continued. The total exports so number of cattle going far this year are only about two that the feed lots will be less than into the per cent of the total federally in- a ago. year spected slaughter of beef and veal. So far as can be determined The large increase in slaughter now, cattlemen are selling more this year is being obtained by go- than the usual proportion of cating heavily Into the reserves ot tle from their herds because of cattle normally carried for further the very high prices and the ungrowth, replacements, and expan- certainty as to how long these sion, Mr. Carpenter stated. prices will continue. With demand The usually light weight of for meat at the highest level on steers slaughtered this year is record, most producers feel that further evidence that the present this opportunity should be used to demand and price level are ex- sell cattle closely, even though it erting a strong pull on cattle to may cut down production in the t h e markets. Slaughter steer years immediately ahead, the exweights have been the lightest tension marketing specialist ex since the U. S. D. A. began get- plained. livestock producers generally ting separate weight records on steers in 1938. This year, so fay need to consider the long-tim- e they have averaged nearly 50 trends In production and the probpounds lighter than last year. able meat output in the years -- Ml COM MUTT real-lookin- LIOER smart bodies pockets covered buttons, 4-- The earliest tax supported library in the United States is supposed to have been the town library of Salisbury, Connecticut, established in 1802. The oldest existing library of this kind is said to be the one at Peterbor- - Roaches can be controlled by persistent dusting of floors and beneath cabinets of infested rooms with five or 10 per cent chlordane, or 10 to 50 per cent DDT dust, reports Dr. G. F. Knowlton, . Utah State Exten. sion entomblogist. Apply roach dusts in the evening and leave them on .the floors overnight, he advised. Beneath cabinets and radiators, such dusts may be left for several days, the entomologist suggested. Do not wait until roaches become abundant If a single roach appears in your home, store or office, get busy with the DDT dusts, and get rid of the pest, Dr. Knowlton urged. J which H MEET YOUR FRIEIIDS Who says the boys and girls, young men and young women of today arent just as capable aasthe youth of previous generations At the Utah State H Centennial exhibition held at the state fair grounds in Salt Lake City recently there were hundreds of agricultural and home economic items on display. Spectators seemed agreed that the items were of near professional caliber. The spectators were correct, for each item on display was a winner in H county competition, with all counties of the state represented. Following final tabulation of display items, Miss Fern Shipley, aassistant Utah State Extension H club leader, announced the following totals at the state exhibition: AT THE ooOoo 4-- RICH ZAIIIS, 4-- Prop. There were 528 dresses;. 433 other clothing articles; 150 home . ahead, he advised. Population in this country has increased b 15 million people in the last decade and further increases may be expected. Increased production of meat will be needed if consumers are to get a per capita supply in the future equal to that of the present, even though our meat exports should fall to prewar levels, Mr. Carpenter cautioned. DRAGERTOrj SHOE REPAIR .'X'- WE MACNIFY DON'T YOUR TROUBlES-W- FIND THEM AND E Motor Overhauling Reboring Crankshafts Turned All Kinds Welding Expert Body Repair Parts for all makes Official Inspection Station 355' of Cars and Trucks Cars Picked up and Delivered All Kinds of New Motors Cars Painted FIX THEM I) All Work Guaranteed - v V- IIOVA GARAGE - SUNNYDALE EXPERT PUT THOSE FINANCIAL EGGS SHOE REBUILDING In OUE Baslxct M. 6:00 P. M. MONDAY FRIDAY 9:00 A. M. 12:00 NOON SATURDAY 9:00 A. CONSOLIDATE THE PAYMENTS for that car for that repair bill for that personal loan Next to Rental Office J. F. JONES START SMART y- eco-- 1 4-- Current Meat Prices Not Due To Supply Shortage, Says Specialist in this smooth, wear-everwhere dress. Flattering skirt fullness hugged into a wee g waist by a simulated alligator belt. Note home State Members Have Fine Displays TC PEARLS, FUGREE 4 225 recipe files;, nomic record books, and 40 agricultural record books. These items were all county winners prodets of Utah H club ( boys, girls, young men and young women. Each of these items exhibited at the state fair represented dozens more in its field than were entered in county competition the years efforts of more than 7200 Utah ough, New Hampshire, dates from 1833, ARE YOU A SKILLED MINE WORKER? - I? , ( VAUGHTS UEAVE ON TRIP TO EAST COAST -- Tuesday, October 7, 1917 Roach Control j are a few things the skilled worker always does. He makes sure there are no tools, equipment or material in the path of a quick retreat He stands amenhotepmop Egypt lK 196 When It Is necessary to bar down bad roofs or ribs, there rPCPfy (3756.C) furnishings article, which ranged) all the way from duster cans to dressing tables; 67 baked prod- ucts; 365 quarts of canned goods; Safety Sam sez: Hoots o Culture Mrs. Lund Our study about spiders has First Grade really proven successful. The boys We obey the Safety Patrol. especially have enjoyed catching We walk between the yellow not only the spiders which include two Black Widows but the flies lines. We walk in the pedestrian lane. and other insects to feed our col- When we are in the sixth grade lection, we will be on the Safety Patrol. I Sixth Grade Well wear badges and white Mrs. Handley belts. We have a new student In our Third Grade sixth grade. He is from Colorado. Mrs. J. Henderson We now have 40 in our room. YesWehave decorated our windows terday we received our weekly for Halloween with orange and readers. They told u$ about the black crepe paper and large yel- Inew "austerity program in Eng- low pumpkins. We are also plan- land. People are short on food and Only 20c worth of meat ning to wear costumes and have clothing. is allowed each person for a week. a party on that special date. Three of our girls moved away No one Is allowed to drive a car this week: Rolene Duke to Vernal, for pleasure or to travel to other Leah Jean Harward to Hunting-to- n countries unless on business. We are very happy we live in and Judy lay Kennedy to United States where we do not the , Pennsylvania. Invitations were taken home suffer so greatly from shortages. this week to our parents asking Our class has resolved that we will them to attend the PTA meeting not waste food, either at home or at school. We shall encourage our on October 13. brothers and sisters to save food. rhird Grade By Dennie Brandon. Mrs. Busch Our class studies hard. We are good pupils In arithmetic. Just now we are subtracting numbers with zeros. All of our reading groups are now in Streets and Roads. We have finished the red readers. We have started to study insects and animals that eat grass. We have committees for our studies. The chairmen of the committees are Ross Ulibarri, Mary Ann Draper, Carl Brown, Wayne Dubois and . I Fourth Grade SCHOOL NEWS r TRIBUNE. DltAGEKTm UTAII THEDRAGEETQN li, 1917 - And instead of having them come due at various times during the month . . . Owner and Frop. Make ONE Payment Each Month CVGoLocystz: to BILL WHITE OR BILL WELSH At The Price, Utah, MOTOR CREDIT CO. mill pUlL PAINTS FU1WHI taro Micas - HARDWARE I COMPLETE BUILDERS SERUICE IT VA4KTJS Story row R4E The only LOADS IN YOU. TOP thatTO Governs the TOP thing that is really im- portant to us is to merit the confidence of our customers. For first-da- s radio repairing, bring it here. New Motorola and Strom-berg-Carlso- I LEWIS LADIES STORE (formerly La Mode-A- ) Prce, Utah TIME PAYMENTS Phone Price 275 , LI PRICE: ! SECTIONAL KITCHEN GADGETS rados. n $10.00 TO , $1,000.00 Deal Personally with a Friendly Local Concern OPEN FROM 9:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. including Saturdays for your convenience. DONT WORRY ABOUT MONEY MATTERS GET THE MONEY YOU WANT AT THE MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY HI PRICE - |