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Show Tuesday, October 14, 1947 PAGE SEVEN THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Halloween's the Time for a Party; Xte-- FICTION Plan Your Games for Happy Evening ADVENTURE LIMITED By By IDA BREED Corner Clergymen Stopped Buggy Riding en Sabbath in 1793 In Philadelphia, the use and buggy on the 1798 Tmw CAROLYN looked at in the full critically length mirror, then gave her reflection a smiling little nod of approval. The smile was Justified. Her mirrored image showed a lovely young of woman who looked thirty-two, vivid, hardly more than twenty-fiv- e well dressed, confident. She was more desirable than the pretty young Carolyn of eleven years before when she finished colmore-charmin- lege. . That was the Carolyn who, all her senior year at college, had to keep reminding herself that this wa9 earth she lived on, and not really heaven, as it seemed, because of Lee. Lee, who was tall and lean, with Intent blue eyes, delightfully unruly hair. Lee, who loved her and treasured the secret of their engagement. Lee, who was so sweet about wanting to present her to the family as a beautiful surprise after Not even his Commencement adored older brother had been let in on the secret Commencement time was to be the climax of everything that seemed Important to her. Then, with Commencement still three weeks away, it happened. Just toci?v, as she looked at her delightfu1 self in the mirror, it was not to dream; it was with a plan for action. She was back in New York after an absence of two years. Nearly every Spring since her marriage, she had made the trip, and had always stopped off for a brief visit in her old college town. This time she was planning to follow the same course, but with what a difference! One of her old school friends had written her last year that Lee Towne had returned to their alma mater to direct the research work there. So Lee was back and Carolyn But that she could have stopped him with a word, but she did not speak it. This was the Lee whom she had treasured in her heart for eleven years! Lee, still tall, but with shoulders stooped; still lean, but with a d look. Lee, his blue eyes intent now only with a nearsighted, peering expression; his hair hollow-cheste- longer unruly, because there was not enough of it to be, just some wisps borrowed" from one side to cover a pale bald spot. And it was obvious that for all be saw of the life humming around him, he might have had his eye bent to a microscope as he walked. no Nf Cw. n4 Om MU dsiiciwM caused such a decline in church attendance that the clergymen obtained, and held for Lethal Skunk 33 years, official permission to The skunks scent is quite poi- stop all Sunday vehicular traffic sonous. It chokes dogs and other by hanging large chains across the Lively Games Make animals, and the inhalation of a citys principal streets. small dose of it weakens the heart Your Party A Success action and slows up the pulsed while a large dose might cause Skunk unconsciousness. scent OALLOWEEN is the night when causes inflammation of the eyes the witches ride and little and perhaps permanent blindness. children ring doorbells. Its a won- There is even one case of a boy g derful time for and Who was killed by skunk scent. the games you plan should suit the occasion. No. 60. TAYLOR d Mr mm fUST fto Weekly Newspaper Service, 213 West 17th of the horse Street, New York, N. Y. Print name, address with zone, booklet Utla and Sabbath had m yrm. 5 f rop eared cm far Wal l tof fwp il IhiRc mm4 bock tT to Mkd , BUT U. S. SAVINGS BONDS. I J u ,,v sj.fi t.t - party-givin- Call your scavenger hunt a witch hunt with dancing paper skeletons and crosseyed cats among the items to be found. Give a pumpkin to the winners. Dress your fortune tellpr up as a witch and watch your guests flock around. Our booklet No. 60 has party games of all kinds ice breakers, stunts, team games. Send 25 cents In coin for Games for Good. Parties" to Aik Motkar, Ska ffaewi , . . Clobber Girl Is Ibe boking powder with the ktJaacad double action pencil-and-pap- ... Right, In the mixing bowl) light, from TASTER SMOOTNtXt S $ an extraordinary chance to do the very research work that he 'jSINOll OK DOUBLt A little V each nostril quickly In opens up nsssl passages to relieve stuffy transient congestion. Invitee rest ful sleep. Relieves sniffly, sneesy distress of bead colds. Follow directions In the package. Try ltt VlZllS tPCt the oven. Va-tro-- VMttHXl most wanted a unique chance for an unmarried man, prepared to devote at least five years to the proj- ect Carolyn remembered how honorable Lee had been in breaking the hews to her. He might have let their engagement continue, he told her; be might have kept on seeing her, deceiving her about their prospects lor marriage, putting it off, or promising to marry her at the end of the five years. But he did not consider that the right thing to do. No, it was only the part of a gentleman to tell her that It was best to break oil. She was not to feel hurt, there was no other girl, just his career. He put anguish into Carolyns heart, but managed somehow to Impress her with the difficulty of his own part in the scene. Even in the pain and shock of losing him, Carolyn told herself that Lee was the finest person she had ever known. That belief had never left her. Three years later she married Jefferson Taylor, a big, broad Westerner, done in shades of brown. She sometimes felt a slight disdain for Jeffs substantial size, remembering Lee's aristocratic slenderness, but she repressed the thought. Lots of fun, Jeff was, and with a practical mind for business that made them enough money to enjoy a pleasantly luxurious life. She loved Jeff, of course. But there was a part of herself that she withheld, one section of her heart and mind walled off, that would always belong to Lee. She never spoke to Jeff of this reservation. Only in secret did Carolyn now and then opeq the door on n that precious part of her, and take it out to dream might-have-bee- over. 4 9 12 Carolyn had to keep reminding herself on, not really heaven. Cry of sheep !. Range To stain Part of a Painters stand 14 Vast age 15 Of late occurrence 17 Network, as of nerves 19 Beneath Ti,Rear part of boat V 22 Gaelic 24 Groove rip regret 39 Note of scale 40 Gratuity 42 Trap 44 Place To break suddenly Small island 50 Confederate 48 51 To fold 53 Above (Latin) Sacred beetle 58 To beat down 61 From within 62 Apple juica 64 High note 65 Industrious insect 6 To worship 67 To immerse No. Vertical Profession of a lawyer 2 Part of to be 3 To blame 1 4 To 5 To transmit provide food 6 Bone 7 Slang: vim 8 Girls nama 9 Relating to the right hand to Carolyn force her gaze away from this changed Lee. What of the distini guished gray at the temples, the impressive look of the scientist that she had pictured! The men at the next table were noticing her concentrated gaze; shq finally forced herself to look away. The next minute, with no more poise than a school girl, she jumped up and hurried away into the next wing of the building to the telegraph blanks. "Leaving for home tonight instead of next week." she began to write. There was something reassuring about the thought of Jeffs bulk; she was glad that her husband was such a substantial person In every way. Such - nice, thick hair, - too, and straight shoulders. She had never been as sweet to him as he deserved, but she would piake it up from now on. Why, he was the finest person that she had ever known! Back at their table, the two curious young men continued to specu- . usually measured against Cutter ia. further ' Worth, lot Angelas, Saa Aatoofe, Seattle late after they had watched Carolyn rush from the room. Did-osee her staring at Johnnjr Towne as if she were fascinated? If it had been Lee, now, you could understand It hes a handsome devil. u AGE IS THE BEST AGET Personality knows no age limits, and a developed personality can go on with undimmed lustre as long as life endures. Indeed, the fulj fruition of a personality seldom or comes much before middle-ag- e older, because it is a long time in building .and each successive day adds a bit of charm, Women famed for their beauty are seldom the very young. Quite often as not they have passed middle-agFrequently they will be what the world calls old. Consider Ninon LBnclos, perhaps the most beautiful and charming woman of history. She was unheard of until she was fifty, yet at eighty she was still sought after by rich and - fashionable gentlemen, who could have taken their pick of the court beauties. It wasn't her youth that gave LEnclos charm. It was her ageless personality. , But perhaps the crowning achieve ment of personality in a woman Is the career of Elizabeth Browning, wife of the English poet. Elizabeth was an invalid from but ' Illness childhood, couldnt quench her spirit nor rob her of her beauty, and the long hours she spent In solitude had enabled her to develop something into her personality that made her irresistibly beautiful. Then came young Robert Browning, tix yeara, her junior, to fall madly in love with her, and aba mind with him. She waa you, but she aroa from her tick bed and they eloped Into the night and were married. For aixteen years they passed a life of unbelievable happiness together. And when the died, at the age of 56, with her head on her busbandt arm, he wrote the next day that her face waa the face of a young bed-ridde- 35 55 -- sat and stared, helpless W 691S WAY AHEAD, TOO! "PERFECT for Complete Home Ms saisattonaf A'B Y THE liEVV UNIVERSAL CLEAN-AI- R NEW... IT'S DIFFERENT... IT'S MORE EFFICIENT I Dont buy a clean- d with these features... die exclusive er thAt will be outmoded in a year. r See this new 100 cleaner Light. .."Instant-Seation.. ."Thread-Pickin- Cleaning! e. 28 To 29 Considers 31 At this time 83 To 34 Exists 35 Still 37 Dance step 46 was earth she lived proof. "Just as good?" why wonder? Why not get Cutter in the first place and be sure? tr. If net available local!), erfer drset fraai Cattsr Laboratories: Berk tie Deever, Fort WHAT circle 13 that it when they say that some other vaccine is "just as good as Cutter Blacklegol or Charbonol or Pelmenal. The very fact A that the quality of many other vaccines is . was going to see him. Accidentally, of course. She had it all planned. .There would be a casual drifting about the campus In her flattering new Spring suit, lingering over a table in Crofton House, where everybody dropped In at tea time. Then when Lee appeared Carolyn had this part rehearsed in her mind she would give just the right look of pleased surprise, just the right degree of invitation o remember. Lee would see what he had missed all these years. What would - happen after they met what did she want to happen? That Carolyn did not quite know, and she stopped short of trying to decide. This was to be an adventure. The" fedventure ' proceeded as if acted from a well prepared script Carolyn chanced into Crofton House at tea time. Two men at a nearby table stared at her with obvious admiration; they were younger faculty members that she did not know Then, somehow, without the of trumpets that would tive seemed fitting to her, there was Lee in the doorway. Without glancing around, he went to a table straight ahead. He passed so near to Carolyn lolatloa Ib Next Horisontal 1 WHEN THEY SAY THAT, MISTER, SMILE! 49 Pronoun Being Foe 18 Lizard 20 To hasten 10 11 16 22 Prepares 52 for publication 23 Tree exuda-- . tlon 25 To surpass 27 Relating to ' the ear 28 Long and , 54 Thickened underground stem South American rodent To peel Aanrer t II 55 Convulsive 56 57 59 60 63 sigh Hint Offer High priest To knock To act Paul SQBBB Ml CHI TIE 4 RJUSii D EEOBtot OOEE slender, SO To mend 32 36 Used to be Beverage 38 Commence- 41 43 45 Golf term bed-ridde- -- ment Sense of taste Encore! In high spirits 47 BBGBOiQGDEiDBB girl lartH 7 wM Me excfosAv post-wa- "way-ahea- "Super-Power- "Tattle-Tal- e Hose l Connec- g g, Nozzle. . . and work-savin- g " Motor. Compare and youll buy a Universal. COMPLETE WIT1 13 SPECIAL ATTACHMENTS A special ksack for irtrj eleacmw ictl" , t N.mkef IT'S BfVSt-7y?-c CLEANER Step by step through the quiet yeara personality developa. And it to start or to crela never loo la ate one out of wnat you have, out of what you are. That la the fascinating thing At lost! Clean your small rugs with no dinging and dragging. A touch of the toe regulates suctioa to prevent dragging. Only Universal has the new You arc way out front, mo, with Universals Automatic Rug-Ajusting Nozzle, "Day-Gl- o Headlight, and "Touch-To- e Handle Control. Suction-Regulato- r. fix CLEARS SPRAYS DEMOTHS SHAMPOOS POLISHES DEODORIZES d Model VC 3702 AMERICA'S MOST COMPLETE mtm) OF HOME CLEANIK8 O FLOOR KAIKTEXAKCE SEE YOUR DEALER ABOUT SPECIAL FALL OFFER! Cimfltli m LIKE hfmr-tktm- d dmrti. d 0!8iTZgJAfb DR WRITE FOR IAME OF YOUR NEAREST LANDERS, FRARY SEALER & CLARK NEW BRITAIN, CONN. 92 |