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Show Filipino Bands Murder Yanks 'U.M; IFs'eelinsferinniotsoini And Loot Shops World Council Will Stand Or Fall on Public Opinion Neui Insurgent Forces Raid By BAUKIIAGE Anslyit end Commentetor. Here are some more notes frojn-- a renotebook (of course, reporters dont really carrv porters notebooks they write on whatever is handy this is a menu) at the United Nations. Some of the people who are reading; this column attended session of the United Nation. I think I recognized some of you. It was hard to get is because so many nations felt this session was so important that they brought much larger staffs than ever before. These "extra workers couldnt sit in the seats reserved for delegates, nor the news peoples, so they were given seats ordinarily handed out to the public. For those of you who stayed horned and listened to the radio or read the the reports in the paper well, what Imconntrles. pression did you get? The French, Spanish, Chinese and Your impression is highly imporRussian section of the radio divl-aio- n tant, as Ili try to point out later. also are preparing to broadcast There was, and is, this danger, adaptation of one of the U. N. prowhich Trygve Lie, secretary general of the Unit grams which will be offered in transcription to stations unable to ed Nations, the original broadcast in relay a out pointed Th two service most widely rewhich speech stirred all the layed. because of the high quality of are those in Spanish delegates who (to reception, Latin America) and In Chinese. heard it (and you, too, I imagine, if The program all carry tha latest new on work of the assembly and you were listenUnited .Nations bodies, interother sumhe ing) when marized It after- views with delegates, background from recorded excerpts ward ovar the talks, ABC network,- - -- speeches In debate and short feaLie said: . , . tures. of "tha - people As th bickering and obstructionthe world, and ism increased at the current session govern-ment- a S many Baukhago as well, and it became clear that confidence are shocked, frightened end die-th- in the United Nations was being those aama undermined, the Importance of the couraged to find nations which created the United work of the agencies distributing InHe formation concerning the topics disNations ao openly disagree. called for a rebirth of the San cussed by the general assembly, beFrancisco Spirit, the apirit which came mors and more evident The wa ail jfelt in. those hopeful days reason was this: It became clear when the United Nations wai born. ' A" colleague of mine, most restrained and thoughtful commentator (Paulina Frederick, with conhero and siderable experience .abroad) told me something which is worth repeating. She was interview ing Eleanor Roosevelt at a luncheon at Hyde Park. Whatever you may think. of Mrs. Roosevelt' domestic politics you must know in what high regard she is held as a member ot the American delegation to the United Nations. , My colleague asked her if fier the world situation today. I haven't her exact words here, but Mrs. hesrt weren't heavy over Roosevelt replied in the negative. She said we had expected too much too soon from the United Nations. And then abe went oo to point out what ao many of the delegates have said, name- ty, that fanlty and Ineffective as the United Nations may be. It is far better than nothing. Bow many times bav 1 beard that from oven the moat cynical of the reporters and observer beret PAST AND PRESENT PRESIDENTS . . . Unusual Indeed la a pio-tu- r ef the President ef the United States chatting with a predecessor ia his office. The occasion here was the naming by Pfaiident Truman of former President Hoover to the chairmanship of n 12-m- commission to study plans for reorganising the federal 'koverament. Urge Food Conservation; New Battle Shakes U.N. DIATETICS: As the New York Times marked in a recent editorial, 'lt cannot be stressed too often that the struggle brought to a bead in this session of the general assembly is not against th Soviet Union but FOR the United Nation. Th moat striking thing, th editorial added, ia the determination of the United Nations (that means the member nations) to survive. re- One strong phenomenon which to persons not too well acquainted with the ways of such gatherings u the friendly and entirely normal manner in which the delegates to the United Notions who at tn k each ether on I he rostrum, contort m the corridors end lounges pro t ided in the two buildings whuh now temporarily house the executive council end the general assembly, respectively. 7 hat's nothing new to pec pie M hu fcut cotwrd congrtts. rt Ditperting of Newt It Vital to U. N. The longer I serve, covering these meetings, the more 1 realize that the most important of all the groups, not excluding the delegates themselves, are those which serve to dispense the news and information concerning the United Nation. would be Impossible, of , It course, for enough people to flait the sessions to affect public opinion greatly. But many ef the people who do come go back with a message which stirs great interest la the organisation In their communities. Proof of (hla interest was contained In the report of the secretary "general. Lie, when he said that information had been sent out nd other steps taken in cooperation with a thousand meetings in the past year. But more Important than any-- , Oiing else are the actual report of press and radio direct from one or the other of the two headquarters, jOr a a result of the many interview with member of the permanent secretariat Here l wbat theyve done with radio alone: During the reneral assembly, the radio division of the depart , ment of public information will broadcast for 12 boors a day. white visiting radio commentators. using facilities leased by the United Nations, will oover Incomt Disparities Waste Less Lips that sincerely frame the food conservation will not word touch such sturdy edibles ai meat poultry and eggs quite so often hereafter. Charles Luckman, head ot President Trurrians citizens food committee, opened the widely heralded waste less campaign by calling on the American people to cut their consumption of those three items, thereby effecting a conservation of grain for Europe. At the same time. It was disclosed that stop-ga- p aid for Europe this winter may run as much aa 800 million dollars 220 million mors that Mr. Truman had estimated earlier. The appeal for Americans to cut down on the amount of foods requiring grain feeding was couched in a program which. If followed, will eliminate the 'traditional race for the last 'chop on the platter It wont be there. five-poi- - Those five dlatetie commandments were: I) Boy cheaper meal cots) 2) Dont serve toe much; 2) Dont overcook meat; 4) Use leftovers; 5) gave wheat in all ether possible ways. future was th possibility that a voluntary program of meatless day and a reduction In the size that under the present structure of of bread loaves would b put into the United Nations, whera a unani- effect mous agreement on the part of th major power before major atepa NEW FIGHT: could be taken, ia required, the only force behind the whole idea la the Recalls Yalta force of public opinion. In the U. N. another scarehead of Ae this 1 being written, the quespossible failure and collapse of that tion of th report of a committee on organization arose a the U. S. and ia being disRussia plunged into a new skirmcussed. Tha plans envisioned by the ish. men on the United Nations who The Issue: Which nation shall sue-- , realize the Importance of strengthceed Poland on the seg force of ening the opinion-forminthe organization, are not too gran- curity council. Poland has representdiose to be practical but they do in- ed eastern Europe and the Slav bloc volve expenses which make their for two years. Russia wants the Intecompletion-uncertaiNations of the Ukraine, which, although an world are all feeling the pinch of gral part of the Soviet Union, have a separate U. N. delegation. U. S. poverty and there la a strong move contention la that th Ukraine la not to cut expenses. a sovereign nation, therefore does t A part ot the not rate a separate status. plan was a Yadlo network In' the background of the affair which would dispense objective was the Stalin Roosevelt Yalta world news for all the world. agreement which gave the Soviet Union three votes in the United NaTo show you bow well the meagre tions. Russia proper, the Ukraine efforts along those lines already and White Russia each has one. have succeeded, I was told by How the U.S.S.R. came to get the radio liaison division that eveli the Russian reporter who, three votes probably happened a like this: Both the as you know, work tor something which are under a strict Ukraine and White Russia, Intensecensorship, which permit no I' ly nationalistic-- , did not like to Ipse news which doesnt suit their their Identities by being merged with greater Russia. The Communist needs, have begun to ask for - Items issued by the United Nopohtburo, therefore, as a bop to their nationalism, granted the two tion because they are so fair, ae objective' that no one could territories a sort of nominal indeaccuse them ef containing proppendence. At Yalta, then, Stalin told Rooseaganda (or any one nation. - The men on Uie staff ot the United velt that he wanted the Ukraine Nations are not all perfect There and White Russia to be repreare a number of weak sisters. But sented in the U. N. for internal F.D.R., being an old on the whole, it is surprising to see reasons. and sympathetic with interhow the majority of them has been view- nal difficulties, agreed. able to develop a world-wid- e whose an whole attitude Thus, the stage was set for one polpoint; icy is based on world understanding of the most serious battles yet to and the perpetuation of peace. develop within the United Nations. newa-paper- poll-ticia- n SAME AS IN 500 AD. Real income" of wage and salary earners continues to drop, while farmers Income still la rising, it has been revealed by a monthly Investor Syndicate survey of purchasing power. Real Income is the relationship of revenue to th cost of living, J Wage and salary earners now have only about 96 cents of buying power ,for each dollar a year ago, while farmer have approximately $1.09. same time, the biggest cause of the wage earners' problem is the sharp rise in the price of food. The average family now pays more than $1,31 for the same amount of food that a dollar bought a year ago. It also pays $1.06 for each dollar on rent, $1.18 to the 1946 dollar for clothing and $1.23 for miscellaneous expenses. 'Thia- - continued divergence between farm and city buying power, the survey pointed out, indicates that a serious unbalance may threaten the stability of our economy. A close balance ia essential. At the RECOGNITION: Playing Safe Not aa a gesture of approval, but rather aa a means of keeping In- formed of internal developments did the United States grant full diplomatic recognition to the Communist-dominated government of Bulgaria. Robert A. Lovett, U. S. acting secretary of state, said that the action meant neither that this country approved nor condofied certain recent actions of the Bulgarian gov- ernment." Although he did not say so, Lovett obviously referred to Bulgarias execution of Nikola Petkov, leader of the opposition to the Communists. Previously, recognition of the Bulgarian government was withheld oa rethe grounds that the gime had been elected unfairly, but now the U. S. felt that It was more important to have an embassy in the country to protect American Interests there. 'pro-Sovi- et -- motors, oara or sails. Their only meant of propulsldtt on the 4,300-mil- e trip had been the Humboldt and South Equatorial current That said Dr. Heyerdahl aa be landed In jSan Francisco en route to indubitable Norwsy, provided proof of the veracity ef his theory. "The fact that we made the journey demonstrates It could have been done around 500 A. D when the Polynesians were first populated, he said. Expert navigators aaid it couldnt be done, that the balsa wood would sink, that it was Impossible; CLARK FIELD, P. insurgent forces have made armed attacks against Americans, looted Rapid Growth ot Guernsey XJ. 8. government property and fired America with characteristic enon a U. S. plane, the 13th air force ergy has selected and imported has reported to General MacArthur. from Guernsey island, over a period Most of the incidents can be of 13,000 head of Guernsey, years, charged to the Hukbalaahps, a guer- cattle. From this relatively small rilla group that never was disarmed number has a population after World War II. The Huks are of registered developed now esti- Guernsey believed by air force officer to mated at a half million. Registrahave Communist support tion of calves each year Is mere The officers said the Huks re- than 13 times the total number of, 0 portedly numbering more than cattle imported. armed men may be striving to discredit If not overthrow, the Horry, May Be Toe Late government of Pres. Manuel Roxasi The first advertisement for a pe-- j and possibly force withdrawal ot troleum product was printed in th U. S. troops from the islands. middle 1850s. It urged prospective U. 8. Officer Killed. buyer to hurry .before this won- -' They reported that seven U. S. derful product la depleted from naarmy men and the infant child of ture laboratory. Yet, despite sima U. S. army officer had been killed ilarly pessimistic predictions ever in the series of Incidents to date. since then, reserves of crude petro An American trainer plane was leum and condensates were in--, fired on, but not hit during a creased routine training flight Telephone lines of the 13th air force have been cut so often that It has been forced to use frequency modulation radio channels to make calls to Manila. Six Filipinos toere arrested on charges of looting underground cable connecting Clark field and Manila. Thousands of dollars worth of American property particularly bombs and machine gun ammunition has been stolen every month from air installations In the Philippines. More than 200 Huks have been convicted of crimes ranging up to murder. Another 100 are awaiting trial on murder charges. AC Qualify OH Filter The attacks on army men and Elements are the only elemeats their dependents reached a point where Brig. Gen. Robert C. Oliver, having the acldproof glass cloth 13th air force chief of staff, ordered Collector Tube Trap. Cant rot a bah on night travel on Philippine and thus allow roads. pollution of Keep ia After Dark. engine oil Be All U. 8. personnel are restricted safe. Insist up? to their bases after dark. The curoa this extra few, affecting 7,000 military personprotection. nel hthls area, was lifted when the Filipinos protested it was hurting their business. But that same night an army weapona carrier .was ambushed. One sergeant was killed and a second wounded. The curfhw went back on. Another ambush murder i victim Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! was the child of Capt. Edwin Pough. Plough, his wife and the baby were riding through San Luis in central Luzon at night when hidden assailants opened fire on them. One bullet killed the infant and wounded the wife. Plough also was hit. try this If your When the Filipino military police and American M.P.s went to make arrests, they also were attacked from ambush. Four Filipino police 0a CERTAIN DAYS Of Ment- bwere killed. Do female functional monthly disturbThree suspects seized later named ances make you feel nervous. Irritable. " m weak and tired out at such times? a Major Bondoc as the ringleader Then do try Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegeof the Huk force making the attable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's famous for this Taken regutacks from ambush. Plnkhama Compound helps larly Bondoc wassailed but subsequentbuild up resistance against such distress. Also a treat stomachic ly released In protective custody. tonic I Army authorities said two mem&$::& bers of the Bondoc family were killed recently in a frustrated attempt at an ambush. "5-St- ar GIRLS! 170MEN! I im immay Intruders Hold Back on Robbery to Feed Infant LITTLE HOPE: NEW YORK. There was a slight robbery In a Central There is little or no hop spring- Park West apartment while one or two Intruders squeezed an orange ing in the collective breast of offiSusan Antoincial Washington that the coal short- to quiet ette Fayle. age this winter can be averted. Lt. Comdr. Eddie Fayle of South Current estimates place Coal prohad taken Hempstead, duction as running several million his wife andLong Island,to visit his daughter tons .a month behind exports and mother, Mrs. Mercedes Fayle. The domestic consumption, principally latter was not at the door to welbecause of the coal car shortage. come them for the reason that she This has resulted in winter stockwas tied hand and foot in a storage of instead growpiles depreciating closet Instead, they found two robing, as they normally would. bers. It was hoped at first that some reThe babys hungry cries at this when lief would come winter weath- juncture moved the robbers to acer stops or curtails tion. While one remained to guard and construction, thus permitting di- the Fayies, the other went to the version of sand and gravel ears to kitchen, squeezed an orange and the ;oal fields. However, a railroad fed the baby. spokesman said the diversion of Then they trussed the commander such cars would do nothing but off- and put himRn the closet with his set a normal 10 per cent drop in mother, tied his wife to a chair railroad efficiency In winter. with the baby in her lap, and left with $500 in cash and jewelry, police said. The younger Mrs. Fayle freed herself a short tima later and summoned aid. Less C oal delay in a road-buildin- g Pacific Journey Made on Raft Dr. Thor Heyerdahl, Norwegian enthnologist and zoologist, had a theory that the first Polyblondes who nesians were blue-eye- d Boated over to their Pacific islands from South America on rafts in about the year 500 A. D. What he did about proving that theory now is history. Ha and a party of six men built themselves t primitive raft of bamboo and balsa wood, climbed aboard and set themselves adrift at Callao, Peru. Exactly 101 days later the scientific group drifted ashore on their at Raroia reef raft, the K i, in the Tuamotu archipelago, center of their target They had used no that wt always moved westward. The raft was 46 feet long and II feet wide a virtually infinitesimal 'craft on which to cross the "yast sweep of the Pacific. With true scientific objectivity, the men ate a little of everything that came their way during the course of the journey fish, small crabs that walked on th ocean, seaweed and plankton. Plankton wa described as a sea life, both, animal and vegetable, which was like shrimp paste. but it wasnt. Cost ef th expedition, estimated He related that the current and at $40,000, was financed by Dr. Heywind aometimes carried the raft at erdahl through funds of his own and much aa 71 mile a day, aometimes by borrowing money. only 9 miles; but ftrut-wa- l at Polenta Patent may be renewed only by; act of congress, a thing practically, unheard of. Patenting of an lm- -j provement does not extend th Ilf of a patent. At the end of 17 yearn after grant of a patent, the In--' ventlon passes into public domain and may be made, used or sold by anyone, Incorporating every feature disclosed In th patent. Sixty- -' five to 75 per cent of the functional components of the modern motor vehicle have originated with independent inventor and are made: complete by independent smaller manufacturers. 10,-00- NEWS REVIEW In tha . U. S. Property, l.take Armed Attacks cn Citizens. WASHINGTON. f Tuesday, October 14, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE TWO Patron Makes Mince Meat Of Cafe Over Hamburger BALTIMORE. The customer definitely was "in a bad humor,. Mrs. Emma Sullivan, a lunchroom waitress, told police a man ordered a hamburger and. meaning no offense, she asked, "How do you want It? "Never mind how I want it. Just cook it,"' was the reply. Then, police were told, he: Picked up a bottle and smashed the glass top of a cash register; smashed a glass pie case; picked .up a seated patron and tossed htm on the floor. And before getting into an automobile and driving away, it was further reported the disgruntled customer struck another man outside the restaurant. . CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT b BUSINESS INVEST. OPPOR; GENERAL Mercantile Business. Garage house and one partly equipped, house. Lots of outbuilding, 40 acres ef land. In oil district. For particulars Write BARRY AaMILLER . Biway Jesse. Utah, er Fh. four-roo- m LIVESTOCK HELP INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION of skimpy milkers by stimulating sluggish Dr. LeGears Cow Prescriptappetites withfeed. A eow tonic gunrantood ion in their to give satisfaction. MISCELLANEOUS SPORTSMEN and DEALERS! Air corps type sunglasses (not surplus). Mens and womens, regular 10 seller, only $5 00. doz. 55.50. Send cash or money order to SAM EATHERLY, 12 10th, Labbaek. Tex. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ACCORDIONS NEW PIANO ....SH5 Swltch Treble 174 SK5, SSS, SM. SM. Sit. 00 Band Instruments on Sale Used MUSIC CO. LINQUIST - B IU Mlaaeapetis, Mina. St. N. POULTRY, CHICKS & EQUIP. GET RID of round and cecal worms In Dr. LeGear s chickens and turkeys with Phenothiaxine Contains Poultry Red Caps. to use. Got Safe. Nicotine. Easy and without upsetting the birds. re-ul- ls .WANTED TO BUY WE BUT AND SELL Office Furniture. File. Typewriters. Machines, Safes, Cash Registers. Add-to- g SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE tSS Seat State Si.. Salt Lake City. Utah Read the Ads Get Well QUICKER From Your Cough le a Co Id HoReyKTar Duo cm rvcO Cough Compound rULELI . " Teen-age- racial blotches skin To cleanse carefully-relie- ve pimply irritation and so aid healing, use these famous twin helps RESIUQLS change to CALOX for the tonic effect on your smile Efficient Colo works 1 Help remove tuo trays: film . . . bring out all the natural lustre of your smile. 2 A special ingredient in Calox encourages regular massage... which has a tonic effect on gums ...helps makes them firm and , rosy. Tone op your smile.-wi- th Caloxl Muds ia famous McKsssea Uhratsries, 113 yours of tbunuaeouticel kune bote m3 WNy w 4247 |