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Show - 1 A THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAn Tuesday, October 14, 1947 Dear Miss Fairfax Spotlighting FRIDAY, SATURDAY sorry for her but have hesitated to talk to her about it. She seems to bear the trouble with outward calm but I know she is nervous and mentally suffering. The other woman frequents the recreation parlor each night. Here is my problem. Should I intervene and try to help my ALL LETTERS TO MISS FAIRdaughter or should I stand by and FAX should, be addressed to Miss let her solve her own problem? Fairfax care of the Dragerton Will you help me decide what Tribune. Let her help solve your coyrse of action I should take9 innermost problem. All names MRS. E. G held in strictest confdence. DEAR MRS. E G We cant live anyones life for them, even our childrens, though it may hurt us very deeply to see them unhappy. I would let my daughter know that I was awaie of her husbands actions and see how she really feels about it all. Life is too short for anyone to live under conditions like that, and I would suggest to her that she have a show down with her husband. If he has no intention of changing his ways, she would be much better off to get a divorce and make a new life for herself She is young and has the best years of her life ahead of her If she doesnn't like your suggesting this to her at least you will have done all you can, and will probably feel better about it. Streets To Re Named At the present time new street signs are being prepared for the streets of Dragerton. Due to the many requests for new street names, the following names have been selected from the large number that were submitted- Menotti Street will be changed to Geneva Drive. 1st East will be changed To A Avenue Grassy Trail Drive. has been changed to Alta Avenue; B" Avenue to Berkley Avenue, C Avenue to Carson Avenue; D Avenue to Denver Avenue; Ryberg Street to Talbott Avenue The new street signs will be i I 1 , erected at the street intersections in the very near future We wish to thank the many people who submitted names. 2s. NEW SADDLE SHOP JUST OPENED All Saddle Equipment and Repairs. Next to Home Bldg., East Main, Price ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE , Leave Price lor Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Columbia 5:30 2:15 P.M. LEAVE FOR PRICE 7:00 5H5 P.M. ragerton ... 11:00 A.M. 6:50 5:05 P-unnydale . 10:50 A. M. 6:40 5:00 P.M. unnyside ..10:45 A.M. :00 A.M. Columbia ... 10:00 AJVi. P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:50 PJVI. 10:45 P.M. 10:45 PJVL PJVI. PJVL 6:05 PJVI. 4:15 PJVI. - . - - the right keys with the right fingers, but dont you dare look at the keyboard. If you do make sure Miss Warner has her back turned. Miss Warner reports that both her first and second year students are doing very well. enjoy it. HENRY FONDA, BARBARA Scenic Road Survey BEL VINC ENT Made By Plane GEDDES, As a means of aiding in the rePRICE, ANN DVORAK STAR location of part of the Hanks-ville-Hi- te road, the state departOffering one of the most unusual love stories to have been ment of publicity and industrial filmed in many years, The Long development used a plane September-25th to make a study of producNight, a Hakim-Litva- k tion, stars Henry Fonda, Barbaia the terrain in the Garfield and Bel Geddes, Vincent Price and San Juan county areas. It is hoped Ann Dvorak. Many months in pro- that the present auto highway duction, this tensely dramatic mo- route which now passes through North tion picture introduces to film au- what is known as the for easier relocated can be Wash sendiences the Broadway acting access to Hite and the Colorado sation, Barbara Bel Geddes. Photographed against a back- river crossing. State road officials ground of a town of the Pennsyl-vama-Oh- io were in the party. Some of the most amazing scensteel area, The Long an RKO Radio release, ery m the state of Utah lies in Night, combines tender romance and keen this region and becomes doubly suspense with .turbulent realism. interesting when seen from the Henry Fonda portrays a steel air. The plane party also studied worker who falls in love with a beautiful young girl, only to find unique and little known geologithat an older man has a strange cal addities and structures of the and baffling influence upon her. San Rafael Swell in the center of This rival is played by Vincent Emery county. Thirty-si- x photos Price, and he is somewhat remi- of the terrain were taken by the niscent of the classic Svengah P. I. D. staff photographer for character. Ann Dvorak interpret refeience uses during the laying Price's shapely vaudeville assist- out of proposed road relocations. ant who is consistently unlucky in love. The flying lizards of the MalayThe story is told mostly in ret- an region have a fold of skin along rospect, by the mental images of the sides of the body which enFonda while he is seen barricaded ables them to make gliding flights in his third floor room undergoing from tree to tree. These wings a spectacular police siege. After are often so gorgeously coloied ara -j man, he refuses to be killing that the animals in flight resemble rested, firing through his door to gaily colored butterflies, but the punctuate his meaning The popu- - body is usually of a sober hue and lation of the toVn surges in the' when the wings are folded, the square below to witness the bat-- 1 change s so abrupt that the anitie as police bullets shatter Fon- mal itself seems to disappear. das refuge. The Long "Night is Anatole Litvaks first postwar film He won fame with his direction of Tms Third Grade Above All, City for Conquest,, Mrs. Buschs third grade is very and All This and Heaven Too. The director-produc- er was re- busy. Each child has 4 books. One for Bel book is a big geography book. We Barbara sponsible bringing Geddes to the screen in the cur- are learning about how people rent film, she havmg waited near- in big cities live in skyscrapers. ly a year, despite enticing offers, We drew a picture of the New to make her debut in a film she York skyline We have a library table. On believed would fit her talents. Supporting players of note in thjs table we have many interestThe Long Night, released by ing books. We also had two gold RKO Radio, include Elisha Cook, fish in a bowl. On Wednesday we Jr., Howard Freeman, Moroni Ol- had an accident. One of the gold son, Queenie Smith and a score of others m speaking roles. The script is credited to John Wexley, playwright of The Last Mile. Fourth Grade We have been studying about the Negrito people. They live on in a peninsula called Malaya Asia. We are making booklets about Bunga, a Negrito boy, and building a model Negnta village. After learning how the Negritos live and what they eat, we are happy we live here in America. We are glad that we have a school to go to and that we can go to the store instead of searching for food and living from hand to mouth as those people. Fifth Grade We have a new fifth grade. That is because there are so many fifth grade students. Our teacher is Mrs. Bagnell. We have organized a club in our room. It is a safety club. We want to help make Dragerton a very safe town. We are going to study safety rules and others to learn them. We will try to obey all traffic rules. They were made for our safety. We are going to have guards and patrolmen to help make our school safe and clean. Fifty new geographies were given to the seventh grade today. This is not quite enough for 7B and 7C classes but a few more will be ordeied from the publishers. 7 A will study The History of Utah the first semester, as new books for all its pupils will cost too much, it is said. At the start of the second semester 7B and 7C will study History of Utah and 7A wlll switch to the new geographies, Our World Today. An introduction to science is be-given in Mrs. Harveys seventh grade science classes. The Erst weeks lessons told of the wonder of mother nature in making such scenic places as the Grand canyon. Field trips are planned to give the students first hand information on the scientific marvels of Eastern Utah. The architectural origin of the minaret, the tower usually attached to a Mohammedan mosque, has been traced back to the lighthouse at Alexandria. Tell your merchant you saw ad in the Dragerton Tribune. STEEL CHANNELS HANDLES SPRAY GUNS FOR YOUR NEEDS BRUSHES OIL THINKERS MIRRORS AND TABLE TOPS CUT TO PATTERN COMPRESSORS-PAIN- DOOR Main PHONE PRICE Tuesday, Wednesday October 14, 15 i T.lV BROTHER AHM8M,lmrx BUTCH' JENKINS PETER LAWFORD BEVERLY TYLER ' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE Art 3 a rn it By Margaret Robinson Miss Warners first year typing students are having a lot of fun learning just where the A B Cl are on the typewriters. - Relax your hands, kids, strike and TRAILING DANG wth JOHNNY MACK BROWN DRIVE TO COLUMBIA 5-1- A.M. 9:30 A.M. IPWU HAVE COMPLETED TRAINING AND HAVE SOME ELIGIBILITY LEFT, YOU MAY ENROLL FOR ADDITIONAL STUDY UNDER THE 61. BILL DISTRIBUTOR FRI SAT., OCTOBER 17, 18 0c OF ARVIN RADIOS AND PRODUCTS A Big Assortment of Magazines - BEER NOVELTIES Honrs: Beer Tavern, 11 a.m.-1- 2 - FOUNTAIN pa; DRINKS Confectionery 5 p.m.-1- 2 I pun. - 'i ' ROBOT and RAYMON ' AJESTIC ah AHATOLE UTVAX Mighty Monarch Of The Air Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah itf Tm free! UmMllaa i ym I TTTEKANS ADMINISTRATION i AK:i DVORAK lilE i.Of!G NlGttT FIRST I1ATI0I1AL BAIIK Utah BAR3ARA CEL GEODES ViNCEHT PRICE RADIO fc::da PRODUCTION by ROBERT ind RAYMOND HAKIM ANATOIl lltVAK DtncM by ANATOLI UTVAX (OK. WflUY Scran ftoy to MCQutt I0T Product I tr iw RHIASEO RKO OOQO AUTO PAINTING BODY & FENDER See Our Fine Selection of RECORDS and ALBUMS F. AIISEIO G GO. SHOP General Merchandise AND Member Federal Reserve. System e Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn Radio V rtCTpC. ' SUNDAY, ONLY OCTOBER .19 GREGORY COLUMBIA PECK cftertha 99 fciggesT Hunting Specials.. PETERS0I1 GROCERY jj - Ammunition Western Knives Gun Cleaning Kits Hunting Coats Woolrich Shirts and Jackets f 8x8 Wall Tents $15.95 $2.25 DEER BAGS Ka-pa- r C.A. Victor, Columbia, Deeea, Capitol, and M.G.M. Records. The Only Store in Eastern Utah with Playing Booths , IBQJOVS Sp atiincj SqqJa Eastern Utah's Fishing and Hunting Headquarters PRICE, UTAH efoL.Vj'Nj', I , W "A'" "NT THE FINEST LINES OF GROCERIES WELDING ALL OF YOU It FOOD NEEDS STEUEHSOirS AT LOWEST PRICES BLOCK Tr? H'nr; . - DRIVE DOWN AND SAVE NORTH OF NICKS CLUB HUB PETERSON, PROP. DRAGERTON 4 V. . !I L AlOlf I AVAOI fal S SHOP ONE RrTC?r:rr.Jnnn I V BODY & FENDER j W, to FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES u O k , O AOVI I ITOir n.1 rnn ft 1 ROBERT FRESTOII KORDA ttk REGINALD DENNY .JEAN GILLIE Directed by Z0LTAN Rrtoiue tore United Aitutt fteduced by Benedict Boeee end Cue, Robmua - p- LOUIE COCOMIGLIO and LEO AMADOR wll he given two free tickets on presentation of this ad. y u y 233 DRAGERTON TREATER KB21Y V i TS E. BERTOT 240 E We Specialize In FROSTED MALTS Quarts 50o Cups Leave Price lor Sunnydale and Dragerton 2:15 PJVI. From Price Return CHARTER TRIP SERVICE Buses chartered to any point in the State of Utah and return. r Phone Price 94 Price- - - hij SAFETY GLASS and AUTO PARTS FOSTERS C0IIFECTI0I1ERY Bus Special Saturday Shopping 9:15 - ave Sunnydale for Price .cave Dragerton lor Price UTAH SCHOOL NEWS FELIXS SADDLE SHOP : fish went down the drain as Beatrice Gallagas was changing the water. We are going to get other fish as we dont want Pinky to get lonely. Our teacher is reading Huckleberry Finn to us. We THE LONG NIGHT Your column has been such a help to me in the past and I am wondering now if you can help me. My children are grown ; my oldest daughter is 22 years old now and she is married. She lives here in the same town that I do. Her husband is not being true to her and it breaks her heart. She has not discussed it with me, nor does she know that I know her situation.- - Her husband is irresponsible and spends a lot of time in the nearby beer parlor. I feel so PAGE FIVE |