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Show Tuesday, October 14, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE TnREU (((!$$&' 1r v 8 ' 00 r v r . l- I 1 Released by WNU Features. v T? LLIOTT LEWIS, who is so .Cowell known on the air, may find himself in the movies the first thing he knows. After he did that Radio theatre show with Bette Davis recently she told him he was better than i nine-tent- V i " , Ajar, v" K -. f . - 'V t. J . . . . The spirit of service prevails m Camp Fire, Girls throughout the country extend a helping hand to those in need. Typical example is the Camp Fire Girls camp at Dallas, Tex., where polio cases (shown above) are taught how to swim. YOUTH SERVES FRIENDS IN HEED AND DEED Helpful Sendee Is Watchword Of Camp Fire Girls Program WNU Features . Youth must be served, say the oldsters. Youth serves, reply the Camp Fire Girls. By spreading a spirit of friendliness, by being more neighborly, Camp Fire Girls across the country are going forward extending the right hand of friendship to those in need. In Sherman, Tex., an enviable record of service is. being made by Camp Fire Girls, who are making four trips a month to the Veterans hospital in McKinney, Tex. More than 63 girls have wheeled cases ambulatory pageants, picnics, basebaU games, dances and camp shows. In this way these young people have accumulated more than 947 service hours Each girl pays her own transportation in an army bus to and from the hospital. The older girls wheel the patients; others provide musical entertainment, set up croquet, archery, dart boards and other sports equipment. Still other groups prepare picnic lunches and roast weiners over an open fire. Brighten Invalids Life. Another example of friendly service is illustrated in Portland, Ore., where Camp Fire Girls are active in the an organization composed of people who, by reason of physical disability, are barred from many activities. The club Alphagal Horizon (Qamp Iirei senior group) has adopted one "Chm-Uppas its own special project Club members pay her regular visits, bringing gifts and flowers, thus helping to make her tedious hours of invalidism brighter. Young members of the Readmg-Eerk- s county council of Camp Fire Girls, participate in a project aimed to brmg cheer to patients in a Reading, Pa , hospital. The girls furnish tray favors which gladden mealtimes at the institution. Aid Polio Drive. During this year's financial campaign of the Sliver Bow chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, in Butte, Mont., Camp Fire Girls in that city did their bit to combat polio by addressing s folders. When fire completely destroyed the home of a Battle Creek, Mich., veteran and his wife, a few hours after the birth Of their child, the Camp Fire Girls made a canvass in the commnnity and collected $181.27 for the homeless family. During the Christmas season Santa received a helping hand from Tulare, Calif , Camp Fire Girls, who made puppets for the Childrens hospital in San Francisco. One hundred puppets were made, enough for each patient in the hospital, and each gift was accompanied by a personal greeting card from the young puppet maker. is on Entertainment for shut-in- s the Camp Fire agenda too, as is shown by a project of a Fargo, N D group. The girls visited the Children's Jamestown t Crippled Home and put on a program of solos, dancing, readings and songs. The group also presented the patients with 63 baskets of candy and a donation of $3 from the group Chin-Upper- March-of-Dime- house-to-hoo- se Town ng HELENA, MONT. Once a roar-in- g boom town boasting 10,000 population and the center of s gold field dubbed the richest acre on earth, Diamond City, Mont, would qualify as a ghost town if it werent for a solitary house and a single indi- vidual The individual is E. B. Robison, who for nearly 30 years has lived in the former town a few miles southeast of Helena. For most of the time he has been the only in- habitant Robisons log house, once a drug store and later a stage coach office, is the only building remaining. Other buildings that once lined Confederate gulch have been moved away or can be found 30 buried. Roof-tree- s or 40 feet beneath the earth, washed down by hydraulic operations. Memories still haunt the silent slopes of the gulch, where young trees have started to heal scars gouged by early prospectors. When Robison first went there in 1918 from Idaho, about 15 of the town's still were original conducting small-scal- e operations. The community started about the time of the Civil War. Four southern soldiers made a strike hence the name Confederate gulch. The rush that followed brought the citys population to some 10,000. Seven thousand voted In one election. There werg 32 saloons. Early-da- y miners declared Contreasury. These are all real examples of federate gulch yielded $180 to the the third part of the Law of the pan. But that record was forgotten when German, or Montana, bar Give Service Camp Fire Girls and the results of the overall yielded more than $1,000 per pan. Robison declares $7,000,000 was Camp Fire program which promotes cooperation, understanding and ac- removed from Montana bar. ceptance of responsibility- - among more than 360,000 girls throughout Two-Fac-ed the country. ANNVTLLE, PA. A Camp Fires Membership March, which opened In September, will con- calf was bora to a Holstein cow tinue until November 30, and the or- owned by Harvey Sweigart. The ganization invites girls of aU races calf s head broadens In front of the and- creeds, between the ages of 7 ears to form two distinct laces. Aland 18, to Be Friendly r-- Make though possessing the normal two Join the Camp Fire ears, the animal has four eyes, two Friends noses and two mouths. Girls miner-inhabitan- ts two-head- - 1 Baseball Fan Builds Park for Youngsters DVERLAND PARK, KANS. Reuse he likes to watch the kids ly ball. Christian G. Segner, 62, lit a ball field complete with 700 hts, a grandstand seating rsons, dressing rooms and, as a iwning touch for youth, a soda p stand. iegner, who lives a block away seven im tije stadium,-purchas- ed res and cleared them off. Total it of the whole project, he re ports, was about $15,000. The park, which was. opened in May, has been in operation every night except Saturday. Always interested in youngsters. Segner explains that he just wanted to give the kjds a place to play Occasionally he fills in as an umpire. But the high point comes when a youthful team manager gives him the nod to take over the pitchers mound. . r - j. DY-PRODUC- TS Salt Lake City 4, Utah Phone Branches 49 - Garland 35J3 4533 Logan Ogden 463 So. 3rd West Affiliate UTAH HIDE AND TALLOW CO. Spanish Fork 88 Ileber City 57J r "' Vary the Salad With the Meal (See recipes below.) . I Salad Parade Salads lead the health parade because in them you eat so many trults and vegetables before they let a chance to lose their vitamins and minerals. AU through the ages peopleto have salads turned xcauie they craved t WINFIELD, KANS. Nearly half a century late, Ed Brant finally has received the first nickel he ever earned. Rip-Roari- UTAH f For First Pay Earned Single Inhabitant 4. They say that the average weight of the Columbia crew shooting the Ford picture, Evelyn Keyes-Glen- n The Mating of Millie, increased two pounds in fifteen days. Reason was a three-laye- r cake used regu- - Man Waits 49 Years Now Lives in Once For Your Elk and Deer Skins hs r Back In September, 1898, Brant, then a pupil at the Akron, Kans., school, was paid a nickel by the teacher for sweeping out the room. In his excitement over receiving his first pay, Brant dropped the coin and it colled through a crack in the floor. There it remained for nearly 50 years. When the old school was torn down recently, the tarnished coin was recovered, from the debris. Financially, Brant figures be Is the loser, explaining that the coin will not buy more than a fifth of what it would have back in 1898. We Pay Highest Market Prices of the stars now in pictures, and promised him she would get him in the movies or bust. With her as a booster, it looks like a sure thing. Incidentally, in her new picture, Winter Meeting, Miss Davis is bowing to the wishes of her fans. in DecepThey liked her hair-d- o so she will be seen in at tion, least a few scenes with the same chignon hair twisted in a long knot low on the neck. V- i As Always By INEZ GERHARD V , J -- hlngs EVELYN KEYES larly In scenes during that time. A nevf cake was baked daily, but only h was used before about the camera; the crew devoured the one-fourt- rest. Robin Morgan, belle of "Juvenile Jury," has received many an orchid lately from her unseen public. If you sent her one and would like to know. What happened to it Mrs. Morgan gets the orchids, Robin keeps the pins! ld Barbara Woodells role in The Unsuspected was described In the script as an attractive young corpse. Most of her role consisted of hanging from a chandelier where she had been hoisted after being killed by Clande Rains. fresh from garden and orchard. certain Besides, foods are more attractive and appealing served in their raw state, or in aalad form. Salads may accompany the main course, and then they are served on a aide plate, but alongside the main course. If you want to entertain in a special way, the answer is a salad platter or salad bowL Use fruit or vegetables as your taste dictates. Dont forget the party or dessert salads which are In a class by themselves. These are fuU of fruit end even whipped cream, the fairy princesses of the salad world. Serve them for special occasions as a topping to a meal or aa a party dish. Frozen Banana Salad. (Serves 10 to 12) I tablespoon lemon Juice 1 teaspoon salt ! tablespoons mayonnaise I packages of cream cheese I tablespoons crashed pineapple 1 14 cop maraschino cherries, cat in quarters H cup walnut meats, chopped Posing for still photos In connection with "Man from Colorado, Ellen Drew wore $110,000 worth of two chinchilla coats, an er- I cup cream, whipped furs mine stole and a platina minkand ripe bananas $125,000 worth of assorted jewelry. Drlsp greens Three armed detectives stood by. Add lemon Juice and salt to mayAdd onnaise and stir in cheese. Movie fans have been listening to pineapple, cherries and nuts; fold in Walt Disney's voice for 20 years cream. Add bananas, cut In cubes. without knowing it Its the voice of Turn into tray and place In autoFreeze untU Mickey Mouse. Mickey merely gur- matic refrigerator. gled when he made his debut in Irm, then serve sliced on crisp Steamboat Willie, but with the greens. Heres a pretty salad that may years hes grown more garrulous. ae served either as a special salad Joan Crawfords next film will be or as an accompaniment: "Until Proven Guilty, a dramatic Glnger Ale Pear Salad. love story set against the back(Serves 0 to 8) ground of a spectacular murder I envelopes plain, nnflavored gelatin trial Jerry Wald will be at the helm. 1 No. 2 Mi also can of pears . cup maraschino cherry Juice' Evelyn Knight, the Uss with the 1 tablespoons sugar delicate air and the lovely voice cup lemon Juice who la featured songstress en the 154 cups ginger ale CBS Tony Martin show, is going in Few drops red coloring d Grecian sandals. I maraschino cherries for Shes not too tall, bnt her height haa Soften gelatin in 54 cup of the always been her sensitive point. sold pear juice drained from can. two testa recent screen And in for Bring to a boil 54 cup pear syrup important roles In big pictures she and stir in softened gelatin until lost out because she was toe tall for Add dissolved. the leading men. maraschino cherry juice, sugar, lemon Juice and Helen Traubel, leading Wagnerian soprano of the Metropolitan opera, ginger ale. If a wifl appear on Duffyf Tavern darker color la October 22. Maybe its pure luck desired, add a few drops of red that Miss Traubel is a singer; she attended both her, first concert and coloring. Rinse a her first basebaU game when she shallow pan in cold water; arrange was five. Who knows what might pear halves, cut side up in bottom. have happened if girls could be big Top each with a cherry. Pour gelatin league basebaU players? She went mixture over pear carefully so as to a game every day with her fa- not to dislodge pears. Chill until ther, sat in a box over the dugout. firm. To serve, cut gelatin Into That was In St Louis and last year squares with a sharp knife and place the St Louis Cardinals named her an lettuce. Serve with desired their honorary mascot dressing. When youre serving a heavy din-ae- r, there's nothing better .than a Angela Lansbury's performance In If Winter Comes won her the crisp salad Just bursting with vegecoveted role of the newspaper pub- tables. For example, a chefs salad In is about the best choice, or perhaps lisher in State of the Union which she takes Spencer Tracy a cole slaw. A true chefs salad Is composed away from Claudette Colbert And mainly of some of the salad greens she didnt even test for the role! fiat-heele- ODD AND ENDS Billie Burke bat been signed by Columbia So star in comedies. . , , Rana series of 'tuo-redolph Scots will star in a new transcribed senes, " Frontier Town. . . . Jacqueline Dalys bos an important featured role in RKOs "Mystery in Mexico," her third film to be shot in Mexico. , . . Sente Monicas Palisades perk bad its SjOOlst dummy thrown off its cliffs for Columbias "To the Ends of the Earth; the chamber of commerce begem keeping records wey beck when e the dummiei fell for such producer atTfW. Griffith, Tbomat Im end Carl laemmle. el old-tim- LYNN SAYS: Try Old Salad Favorites With New Touches Watercress is especially good with mayonnaise to which a bit of catsup has been added. Sliced radishes and chopped green pepper are also good additions. Asparagus tips on a big slice of tomato seem tastier When served with a blue cheese dressing. Break up the cheese in trench or oil dressing and add enough lemon juice for tartness. ' LYNN CHAMBERS MENI Cream of Mushroom Soup Roast Chicken Sweet Potato Balls Green Lima Beans Ginger Ale Pear Salad Lemon Pie Biscuits with Honey Beverage Recipe given. HATCH YOUR with the exciting NEY COLORS in Afppnn such as escarole, romalne, lettuce, raw spinach, endive, watercress, dandelion greens or celery cabbage. They may be arranged bouquet style Or shredded and tossed lightly with sn ofl and vinegar dressing (sometimes a french dressing) just before serving time. One or more of the following may be added for variety if you want to tease the palate: Sliced radishei, chopped green pepper, diced cucumber, cut celery, sliced stuffed olives. tomato sections, sliced pickle, sieved eggs, rolled anchovies, minced onion rings, garlic salt, celery salt, celery seed, or ja light sprinkle of thyme, curry powder or chili powder. Here are some tempting variations for a pole slaw type of salad; Plain Colo Slawt 4 cupa finely shredded cabbage, 1 tablespoon celery seed, 1 cup hard-cooke- YALLS d cooked salad dressing. Optional additions: 1 tablespoon either dill seed or caraway seed or mustard seed. Carrot Slaw: 2 cups grated or shaved carrots, 2 cups cabbage, 1 teaspoon minced onion, 1 cup bolied salad dressing. Slaw Deluxe: S cupa shredded cabbage, 1 cup diced banana, H cup chopped peanuts, 2 tablespoons catsup and 1 cup boiled salad dressing. Pineapple Slaw: 2 cups shredded cabbage, 1 cup cut, drained pineapple, cup boiled salad dressing, 1 tablespoon celery seed and dash of paprika. Spanish Slaw: 154 cups cut cabbage, 1 cup diced tomatoes, 1 cup diced cucumbers, cup chopped green pepper and cup of boiled salad dressing. Two molded salads that may be served as an accompaniment are t pretty addition to the table: Molded,Grape Salad. (Serves 6) 154 tablespoons nnflavored gelatin 54 cup cold water 1 cup orange Juice 1 cup lemon Juice cup eager 1 cup seeded or seedless grapes 54 cup nutmeata Lettuce Soak gelatin In cold water for 8 minutes. ..Bring juices to a boil add sugar and gelatin. Cool, and when thick, fold In grapes and nuts. Pour Into individual molds and chill until firm. Serve in nests of lettuce. Mixed Fruit Salad. (Serves 6) S oranges, peeled and diced $ slices canned pineapple, diced, or 1 enp pineapple tidbits 1 unpeeled red 'apple, dlcefl 54 cup pitted dates, cut Into pieces 1 cup seeded grapes, cut In half cup mayonnaise 54 cap coconut, shredded, if desired Mix fruits with mayonnaise and chill thoroughly. Serve on shredded lettuce; sprinkle with coconut, if dev sired. Now you e color scheme can extend your house from room to nursery, from living throughout the bedroom to bath. For ACME now makes paints in glorious colors specially designed to match, harmonize or e walls. With the exciting contrast with your new Acme colors for woodwork, furniture, floors and kitchen- and bathroom walls, you can bring all your rooms into glorious color harmony. Acme White Lead Gs Color Works, Detroit 11, Michigan. Kem-Ton- Kem-Ton- - THESE ARE THE PAINTSI WOODWORK ftFURNITURJi Acms Enamel-Kot- a Brilliant finish, May to kaap bright and gisammg. WALLS I CHUNGS in kitchan and a bathroom: Aetna Fuuah aroooth, washabla with Sami-Gloa- lasting luster. FI OO It Si Aetna Floor 8k Porch Enamal givaa naw Ufa to tirad floors; ramata watar and wear. NATURAL WOOD SURFACESi Aema Varno-La- c ataina and varaiahaa in stna aaay oparation. Makaa old wood look bka naw, naw wood like a million. Acbi Bsdsi Paint, too! Giva longar-lottin- baouty g ba- cons Its atpa-dolty mo da to fight action of wind, dust, rah ond mow. Released by Western Newspaper Onion. Serve sliced tomatoes on a bed of lettuce with a dressing to which a few caraway seeds have been added. ' You might also like a half avo- cado dressed with lemon juice served with cubes- - of fresh orange to which just a suggestion of onion has been added. Strips of peeled avocado marinated in lemon juice may be effectively combined with sections of grapefruit or orange, strips of pimiento and grated blue cheese and nutmeata. Ona af Amaricas Great Institutions Fovndad la IS 14 Acms means paints, automobile finishes and insecticides. leader Is alL Largest maker la many fields |