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Show ( ?J"i - Bountiful ; next Tuesday.- - will v a bjiy Bonnie Adams attended the Otyok where .they a few things that a fight enlist? wlet.car.-JhecolUtes wa alumni club of the. Weber man does that afford him quite the rl, JillJJhen, Gables tour of-- some of Green luncheon the at gouldcr ' lege Festvals in celebration of the be-- 5 satisfaction that is dcriyd from a Ngtic.c, home by 1 ) . returning task well the whatccr house last in Monday. done, job Ogden party have been a new of be Lorraine go year Weaver just returtied to ginning Mr. and Mrs. . Clarence Baird city. They expect weeks. .raced back a: far as 3,000 B. C., may lie. Xhe bettef workman a 'school afer being confined to to three Utah, County State ii derivym spent New Years day at Willard in two jor tk ancient Babylon. They may man is the more pleasure be Jier.home uth scarlet ever! 88 fask es from fiaird. a done. Malcolm with Mrs. Mr. and before yell that. have been held long Vrank Moorhouse has been conIn the CenterviKT!! yMt'nft The only way your body can clean ontf Henry Flint has spent the past Acids end poisonous wastes from youa . Throughout the ages various peo- , fined toe his bed with he flue for ,saiiP aounty. is thru blnod million delicate Ktd- two weeks at Burley, Ida with Thc slipshod pern neer derives I have in my oc filters, buttiny, ples have observed various days beware of cheap. ha nex tjie past week. mmal, is VwklJind drastic, irritating drugs. If functional s New Yeahs D$y. any iriensure from Jiis wyrk. lie lowing deAribea etray d Miss Virginia Bone is hom after his father, William FJint, who Mrs. i.O WltH Kidney or Bladder disorders make you taken( hoJMayS iH. . .uffer 'fronv Oett'ng Up NighU,''is:eVvo'uiT In view of thy many calendars merely woks fortha rake of get- ftiich if not claimed Reriously CWstma-, sOie SUP spending the past sixweeks visitspvnx Anil, Backache. Circles Unde V Rrown, ns. irnv Mr. Ernest wtfich hat'O Loon employed .do ting the jeb done. The essence oj away, will be sold fft pubhc and Mrl Layfen in mothft1, Mrf Utah. AM- her ing Elsenor, h highest cash bidder turned .tom to Ity, Burniug. Smarting or Itching, y at a family dinner "murk the passage of time, much a true workman is net. in him. reWv Got lh Doctor's ru&t&d tnko chances Mrs. Diamond W. L. Rigbys rcfidcLcc fn Centert&a Adaps Idaho. taught calleif tel prescription at their home? confuon fori 'resulted. Different in Blackfoof, Works fast, uf? an Cyatex ville precinct, on the, Tth day or schodi during the absence of Mr. her eurs. In 4 t, old A41 must of Mrs.l5ax It 4. the . new vitality, and Ur Mr. hours of rffach counted have tit) who and of the bring Andersprv hour people is.? years peoples 1930, at th8 E.8G. Kina Jacob January, to fix you up In one guaranteed week o vrancisct). Tooele spefft New Yearday with fsomumme real or imaginary event., age with a competence hao bno oclocJa p. m. . imaiey back on return of empty package jn Mi8 Pauline orehouse enter0818 Sf a cousift, Cystex only helfer Ki9 at day old itA drugalatf) Hitein One two year and the length yf the year itself oo by spending less than, they tained a number of friends at a Mrs. Andersons pareaits, Mrt tinJ He rodo ha and the guarantee protect yo. , d Mrs. Gowrge E. Briggs. , has varied according to the calen-- i mnde. In most instances also these wiih horns and an lyider-bi- l in t,ie Oirtrisenr William It. party at her home Monday aftei same peeplo receive less, than their right ear. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Yeager dar u'cd. . Christmas noone by fakes up was me( Said 1 dont know why estray have returned to Salt Like after sp you mam neighbors who come to eld age , ..The Mdhammedan year, for 27th day o fai? m Sa A fev more cars of cattle were the in visit oathe laid precinct me. I apSurfts asusre was I .t m taken bfr you moon. broke. The in. here. two before fovernwl big problem spend yig Tythe ,is years ; , December, 1935, SouthvrnTnlifrt,.q shipped out of Layton during the when you accepted nie. , 4nslead of tha, sun, and. consists of lives ns in most businesses Is the o Mrs. Goats Jehi Julitt Barley RIC.BY, L. WM. m spent . their home psst week. No, Johnny, you Verent iakefl 52 luparnionths qr onl y54 days. problem of management. Most any last week with her sister, Mrs. G. ingTie ?outh Bountiful Rn Foundkeeplr' for Cdntcrvill Joe son of Mr. 'and Pafe, Mrs. took vo by miqif misUaSrew buslnes be by alstr can Procfnctj consists surprise M. Adams, The bankrupt by falpndar teaclior topic ruh wi Kenneth Page, is ill with scarlet cisty v . take. can life most and 354 but an extra d of management Miss Paulhm Moo rehouse any clhys ordinarily, 1:1! P. n- fever. . . 0 Wionfh is inserted once in 19 years, be bankrupt by mmnvinagemegt. at9 a luncheon last Mr. Stanley Ellison is in from All lacWB re,epectel WORN OUT. fnaking 384 days in these winkers work. Monday at the home of her parfor tq plan the the Nevpda holidays. fR Scientists have proven thaf.By Mfs. years,! as they tore called. Mr. Moore and Mr" Fank Mr. WU. Mr. and. Mrs. E. G. King and ents, A meeting of tire shareholder to rats . I Tie ancient cYptian .year had feeding certain house. Creek onlPl8ii,(l 1 A Crors Wood., Bill Bountiful Cowley will arrive Jjom tpday City Jlill 12 months qf 30 dayh .each, Jbut they cam change the shape of thrir of the Adams Miss Lois entertained Wednesday the purpose after speading the OW Years Irrigation company past month in sixteen friends at a sleigh-ridin- y ftappleVnentar, days were added faces and tho,Iength of their tail. of electing a board of directors and women ar were guests where Honolulu, L the S they accompanied aparty following by a es end, making 3Q5 days. Sim- as business Law. just Salt other such dragging 08? transacting friends U. of U. football team. ludisg liar peceliprjtioS markfff the year It, used to be that If a man. many come bcfM-all around, said riveting the luncheon at the home of her parand white Miss Cora Flint of Ogden spent The holiday colors! red tired out with - of various other people. At one couldnt get three dollars lay he will be held Jpn. 20, 193G at 3 AdM. Mr. Mrs. and Golden affair. and ents, the deaerated - thtf week end with her weakness an , school !mutffully would here tuil(htwo work a dollars for ?time (fr .another every dy In the parents day. oclock Jn, the Stoker ams Tuesday ewning. Tte gueste Juncheon was served. antf They sbouldf Mr. a pain? Oscar delightful ' year two Flint. he a dollars If Mrs, couldnt New leeft considrd Tears (jet a know that Lydi Barbara Jane Rosm'ait, a . were, ga , and !. i -j pec. U. BEBEK, . Games wre plyed G. Pinkhams TabDayacoorrlipg to,strao calendar or day ho would weft for. one dollar Nd Sand.'l.lmy ttme tvas enjoyed by all. I a few days with the . spending day rather than do nothing. dtheri lets relieve perigene Wood, in Ellison, Relief society Boiie.Ray. II. (?. Talbot family. The West Bountiful Christianity, wants notWng odic pains ana din. Our present calehdarls a maoiji-- 1 Many who followed tjiajt very pracSchoffield, Lois Adanw, will Kiolff its meeting next ?uos-- ; comfort. Small size the world so much as sunny people Miss Beth Call of Boiyitiful is Phyllis only 2 5 cents. . dication of that twtablished by tice died with q competence. FrankMn Knowlton, Jay Willey. train Ilrummond. teachfirs Dorsie Mrs. II. The Williams 7. of Danville, , a few I Wsar. . Jtiliis spending in tlu year 46 B. C. days visiting Mist Jack Cook, Van Adams, Reed day; January . 1:15 says, 1 had no ambition at Illiqois, will inb&gwi Norntti class Two not Call. . others are things, . Augustas made sotpe reaiyange-.ing and was terribly nervous. Your Tab- . NorTw o. Lifo is t te fortified by many Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramplbn1 Whitesides, Lynn Whittsides, and the regular meetfrg at mentof th& nuhiber of days in the terested in: Yout business and man and Walter Bmedley. Mrs. Elclc B. Aider of the general lets helped my periods and built mg Layton friendships, To ldve and be lovec and.childrcn were New Years day various months ,o thpt August, family troubles and your up. Try them next month. Mr. Mrs. Adams left and Irvin exi 'is the greatest happiness iJ in attendance. Mrs. dinner guests ol Mr. and Mrs. John boafi.wiil.be , named, for him,' might have as teneo. Smith, Thursday njoroing for Flint, Mich Aldur is & .very splendid speaker R. Hampton of Bpuntffut. . many days ai July, named for Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ellison enterand we urg all offifkrs, teachers Julius, for (jriginally August had It doesnt make any, differentia ETRANOE BUT TKUF .. what tell admit if tained (!0 The a and you number of friend at their members, to be out to hear her. .I-you people calendar Wo days. only -f ncvw usQ ws pilabliHjmd.by hbme New Years ee. Ml, and Mrs. ArOnie L. Iloward type l(J yourself that yob are whipped. A ..new eWtriraf The West Ijayton male cliorus . of Solt Lake but formerly .of South .Gregory in 158(2. small that it can The Jcst friends will went put carjierH, several Bountiful anhounee tbe engage?o, whert wg observe NeW the sadib sang songs ?ver flasily be swallowed, is bow in Clgden, - Year's Day we ment of theii' dairghtep, Ramona, Probate and Guardianship Notjce The choriw may understand if used too frequently, h Synday. used tv take jiiclmrs uf tlu in unde!- direction that it does not mean anything in to Dan K. Rawlihgs, fr., also of Consult Countv- - Clerk or Rejuctiv of Frank .Jlickeq-loope- r. i ' , NEEDED DOCTORS AlJViCe tlm of Iwiqir stmn.vlt, one . advise ftjos't cnn. but any .. particular yeu , is the Salt Lalif, the marfiage to take Signers for Further Tnfomatiow, except that Lake flp.st dijy ,of a year arbitrarily es- ymi yourself iro the only one wlw Mrs. Robert Illck-eyE. Mi He if, Layton, was one To . HovvlUe, place Jan. 18 in the Salt iff. Sumftel Spitz, of FaKfor-nia- . oj David writes: tablished a a convenient means of ran do Ihe deciding. Calif., doctor 1.32 . "Njr prewcrriied Brigham temple. Young rnilio-e.ounivrtsity jin iiifonleil a time. reckoning tie flight students who were feraduatwl la.4t . ve which oT A'bert K. Gre'c.n,.o(hpr- A famous brain specialist gives liollpd, eUctrieut viap lost 17 lbs. Iq 6 weeks. Kruttchen Is Lake charged vitjh disturbing .the vill ijlioty t!u conrse of a p.lafM1 spring, with teaching ccrtificqt?s worth and a3 . A. kiiown it wie Kis as Its In that the Cheerfulness opinion or joyousness, Is average weight gold. , and whotsec6red teaching positions . Mrs. peace t fhe Farmington Bsy QCC Green; deceased. no Illckey paid attention t the heaven under which everything person wlui uses from according to a survey corhpletctf gosslpers who said tht;fo watt no camp, Sitnday mornifig, was .fined Creditors .wifi present claims " " his 'brain power.'. Ik .but poison thrives Jean P. Rich tir safe reduce. She wisely fol- $lf0 b,y Justice of th Peace Wilv't' voicherft to the undarsignedl by Professor Edgar M. lowedwaytb rr?cntly to a esti ..Acwrilin rowat ctacher doctor's advfM. Why don't liam goes without saying that the ter. offices of Bagley, Judi 90 Iniad at Jenson, Hblbrook to the and serva II. the of 7 YOU I m placemeift al tMid the kiKrwn stars of the tor's observations were not made Rav and T. TI. Stahle, Clipper a Get bureau. of Jar wras In Kruschen It 75 o,imty revgaled. days jail, iji? (last Ii9vv?r, that, universe, if placed together, Wlmt do we five for if not to among thos? who prws cars.bn-hiJI4 weeks and coats but a trlfl&. the Bldg., Douirtifnl, Rah. fn or bejail stence will be suspended joi fore would 1'Hl a cube measuring GO per cent of Die applicants have Simply take half teaspoonfu! In cup . make the world, less difficult, for er on curves. the ?8th day of April, A. P-- t teaching positions. Mr. Mill-ci- f of hot water errry morning. All payment of the fine. million miles fuelr way. . 1936. other. . ,ach George Elliott. was nttLve in student affairs at druggidtk. Danres after Mutual In South . Gur wird dollar comes rbm till) FlQra Green and Otla K. Green; . administrators of Die estate of Alft is estimate! I that. tiieftveY-ng- e B. Y. U., being a member of Delta Word "Thaler,' a piece of The nations jf the world lave Gewnqn first bert K. Green, otherwise knovra American cant his Weiglr Phi, .national honorary fraternity. money overstocked themsclm With coipcd in .Bohemia At and written as A. K, Green, dor. Mr. ts in present Miller, meat each year. teaching and manufacturing plants about the year 1BI8. .The United ; . ceased.. the on levei , secondary States silver dollar was first mintln.Duchesnq WERE- ft. fir:t Ddte of , ar in. excess of the wants of'pro- ' publication. was TribM II? toynty. ed in 1794. . graduated from , Auction. On all sides one sees potatoes are eaHy . December 27, A. D., 1936. 4&4 the B. Yi U., last June with' a nia'sthr to South Ajueriea. tbijtive Accomplished results of the tabor ' of. arts degree with lhajor in Get 7 One observer givosas his opinion f a half of cuntury. What ta'striet , . man and in a SAFETY as Acto ipfnor the veasoo 81.QOAN8 history. ly necessary has been done often-- i why there are cording to the survey, there were ti.mes to superfluity. This full sup-pl- y fewer railroad accident than there 39 young: people ftp tween Court? ofr in the 175 gradytes who received certifiof economic? tools to meet the are .automobilo accidents, the fact STATE' OF DAVIS nntj cates COUNTY, 2i for teaching pnd of these 132 years ware killed wants of neatly alj branches of that the engineer w not always . in UTAH . automobile, were ini accidents placed commerce and industry is the most hugging the fireman,. during the positions.. These in CLINTON L. MILLS, plaintifc. nrsf six months ef 193' Drive ark elude theT three year normal grad. important factor in the present in- ANN MARSHALL, WILLIAM vs. walk . The drouth bf 1934 is pbonouhe-ed'b- y uates as well as. tie four year carefully. . dustrial depression. .It fa true that S. MUIR, formerly known as Wil-e Weather Bureau expects tp . secondary graduates.tQne hundred f new processes of 'discovery liam S. Muir, Jr., ROBERT URE bo the most severe of .Th.bcs is t he safe way . manufacture will undoubtedly 70 in and also all other persons , wy. per cent pf the normal graduates any' received positions.. Figures on em' claiming any Bight, titles and, this will art as an amcl-- . yedrs of recorded rainfall. TWO MINUTE SERMON estate or interest or lien upon th ployment released for the year iorating .influence, but it will not real property described in th (By Rev. Geo. Henry) . 1934 by Dr. A.. Rex Johnson, secra leave room for marked" extension WHAT WE THINK complaint adverse to plaintiff B. and tary of Y. U. alumni, rv?al that ,uch as has been witnessed during Some tme ownership and clouding plaintiff! hassnid hit whatever .last 'fifty years, er afford emChronic critic vent of the entire graduating ctass for title therrto, defendants. . SundaV- - He saw a that 'year .only 3 per cpnt failed to ployment to the Vast amount Of we want the next generation to bo THE STATE OF UTAH wo must put into the children of d receive which has been created dur ! SAID DEFENDANTS employment. Seventy six crowd The church Js this generation. If this is 14. cent summoned ing that perod-th- e of too it Y, the ..You are per exIncoming Hue, hereby tj. graduates day of large seems to mo that tliesff interested n,T1Vm 1,6 ait1' ptofits-iwithin twenly days after Yhy af tfwe enplyyecl werfe in the teaching pro probably .past. (The in the servicq, of this summons upo making and keeping this coun- rhbrcKTi100" 'PeT,lti in tfie f ess ion. foregoing i? taken from the official try should, .dry you, if served within the county ia Mrs. Elias Willard gHd daughter spend their efforts report, of thro United Statps Comh mpUr' which this action is brought; othermissioner of Labor, dated 188G, in getting into trho school instructions thht it wiJlV recognized at omA arrived Friday from Pocatello; Ida wise. within .thirty days after mure of the leaning againgt the the age of zint? bathjtubs, Brussels te tspend. the holidays, as guest of , and defend the above enservice, of alcohol and ks harmful h, .immediately bti-jn-s her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank KNOV THAT lEAOTIFUl RAJS AQQimi 'TUt rK'trM-i- r sarpets, , kerosefie lamps, horse' us? titled to action; and in case of ooiyi-hi, upon tlm system, . J .cars, mud roadst red flannel . under-weaWilkerson, , so to do, judgment will V , ; . , -fanti cotton stockino-s.' Mb Jack Laytog ha rendered . . against ypu according t returned , , . looking at it frou tfie standof' the complaint which the demand home after 'spending the 2 f ieth past point of i r bjrHtander it appears to wjiidi filed hak with the CJerk of been Ir J9 conserves months in 'Sparks, Nevada, visiting ' that we are going at it tJm his said . Court. with Mr. Alvin Lnyton and family. is This action tef 'obtain-wrong way about. Wq brought .. David Sandall, son of Mr. and we to grew up with Wong ideas A judgment quieting plaintiffs Mrs. Len Sandall, has bccit ill the title to the real property described bout the use of qlmhol anj then t in said complaint, said property flu aqd tcnsilitis. past week we .attempt ,te 1'Hl1. stiVotet change them fter tlUI trott Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Scoffiqld being treated in Davis county. ' the$ reach miturjty. . you , Slate justito. of Utah and described s . witertaincd at a family dinner at . I I "f "c,,t i.hei home Kew Years , follows; Cegulo livinR.! ::S day. : .Christ in ,;it,a!ifd i IRC; SKam- a hospital at . a point 68 rods Begipningtat I is Miss, Gladys Cowley 'v,d wav! the fooUef a cliff . 8 feet and 7 inches North from working criff yotu tq tajw ca of lit ,thp Farmers. Uniondm-ing- i K the people who full .over . the Southeast corner of Secon: tlje when the' absence of Mrs. Annette tion 23 Towrikhip 2 North, wise way .would be to JmiKi-i- f jfenc-e- ' gUEsflOMa unj u,-nji .j V Of.c Wiojt fleesom the tirp oT the efiff . Rahge 1 West, Salt Lake Meri. wevevf Mi Lew Khoblaojfi of Los An Item from, dian, running thence West; 3.70 allingover chains to, the East side of a Vdes, is pending th? .holidays, as J: . . a,n HRmigrantf certain 4 rod street; thence 2 Wlint gut-sthis brother, frank Ivliob. . Airces'of 4he coufltrv . V flfi the East side of said North kllail t&U . h hoa awgh. instead of trying .to handle cvpcwi 3.75 chains; , thence street,. , and mtum . tly Mr. andMrs. Alah Uodsofttent paid, ifk 16.75 chains more or less tions ivould hav tiiuJdoM East , ;tt.cr.!.'.U,e . . , ii.tht" hd .past wi-freptmenl to the West line of the right . George- Raft Joan Bennett. qiajoi portiCn of their asgUst ofaMfS5? lodson effort s of way of the Rio Grande Mrs. Walter Connally " 'VKIiam Xcn. . fyother, Billie Burke Hartley at gqMng tfltir teaching into ?linton. ' Western RR Co.; thence SoutB tha schools in time it would fret in-- . Qiiccfl Jliftnce tai beheaded durinoMrs. fiyrum Layton and daughWesterly along the West ltae n- French Rey. of said right of way, 3.90 olutton?. of , Nev are Dtyirks, ter ee In,f ita pending more or less to a point chains ..Young women training for stenthe holidays as guest of relatives. of thd point of due East ographic positions and positions as Vern Butcher and Zilfa Linford, thence West 12.60 I, beginning; secretaries should remember that both of Kaysville, were married? Thqre is one chains to the point of beginthe first requisite of an acceptable rhe; It makes thing about a toofl Mrs. Maxwell oi Butte, Montana ning, containing 6.19 acres, ' you forget xoifr other troubles. stenographer or office help is more or less; being a part of arrived to visits her , i Thursday If there is anything that dis i SE14 of Section 23, and the a uilljtine.T Mrs. daughter, frank Cain and couhts the value of a stenographer POTPO.tTRI the SW of Section 24, Town- family. (By folk Daniel,) in the eyes of her employer it is k the WOTlStRe,l5ft. y,KB ship and Range aforesaid. Mrs. Luella Humphreys returned MOYLE & MOYLE, lo receieve a letter from her maThere wls cver week from the Dee .answers eooJ ljs J hospital for Plaintiff. Attorneys chine filled with errors. It stamps . n 80 that it couldn't be where she, underwent an P. 0. Address: , Kis her as unreliable, slvoenly and broken. !tronff operation otpn for the country he Watch your step. 810 First National Bank Buildinr. removal of a gojtre. slipshod. Every typist should unPerson a enters affoei . Salt Lake City, Utah. T Miss Bonnie Adams had as hdk derstand that, no letter is compete Sometimes "a mans an immigrant w,!atryhe dinner fighting spirit guestsNew Years day, until it is correct. doesnt come till ha is too xld Miss Nora Holbrook, Howard to .... Stringham, and Joe Kesler. t of Bountiful. ' Mrs. John Watt and Mr. and Mrs. Kennon Whitesides attended 5 JIarfc Antoirfbtte. " . the funeral of Mr. Atkinson at . . . Tremonton "hlch last Friday, Mrn Atkin.earthquakes1116 IstVs Our Service, Home, and Equipment Are Unexcelled son was the father of Mrs. Leland . NEW TEARS DAT ; There ar O . LAYTON Estray Clean Out Acids. wood's cross fsessioneloi . i Sftp-da- as-- A hV (Sla-Tex- ). GR-nh- ex-amji- le, sin-pris- e . ici d'b. g.t enUjr-taine- Notice ong-thir- TIRED, WiS' fr .evening-Fourtee- r-- two-cour- lOAnOITIOQ n mtif H thetft-selv- se e peri--od- ic hs l- 1 & i p.-m- . - . ... d nUiSit TOOK OFF 17 LOS, OF HOLY FAT a 1 - LEGAL NOTICES - if ... , Notice Creditors n Itate one-four- wi-itte- n th one-hq- lf to-d- ;y s se-cur- ed ma-thine- fy L&GANC -- . 4-v- t, HAY -- J ftMINIMHy Xt. , SUMMONS the District ' uil-kno- ccn-'tin- wn ue PROS-PERITY;-T- ho .'he TO-THE- .U-tb'csse- r s . ef-f- WOHEW. ""tun your-failur- ' r r ) i,n,i, .Saturday & S.unday Successful Failure . A t.n.C. IVSTTTett Jj Wednesd.ay & Thurs.' Double Program .. Those We Love Ken Maynar.d in Dynaitiitq Ranch h w-it- to-w- it; '' u - Frl.Sat, and Snn. She Couldnt Take It i.u - 'v0 REX THEATRE 2,iffui,9'4'7r8' Eleven -lt ,-c- '' h-T.. f y .'"; C. - taiui.T , ac-curc- y. , .. Barnes BanMng Company . - ne,Fl0;ida.;: Mnber Federal UNION MORTUARY Merrill R. Holbrook ;, v tleeneed Funeral Director and Mortician Telephcna Bountiful 244 Daj or Night Kayaville, Not 8. Mercury.0 sons by means blada 10. ThecBibie. '.d Watt, : - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooley and ' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook were eeadnff per New Years eve guests of Dr. and yy.x or inII rs. R. C. Robinson at their home U,des Farmington. Miss Alene Smedley and Miss jL,i . 434f-wmwtHiiiiii- im Uih Reserve Sstea And Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for-- ' PabUe Funds Service Abo 'ALAV! Wasatch 2462 36 East 7th So, Your loved oues desire tha espacially when it eosta no bait |