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Show 0 o o 0 o 0 0 o 90 0 o o S o ti -- .J i n u heres V Sliinf. I 9 wast you t? hnS f serif ii ; 5; men 'T writing of all tV V'i'1 've ai tloninl and any others lne er it ft 111.1, tht wedding. yon Tmfl a fedihtfe ff.tie .Inin guest; roll rtie all iguei?,tnsi pa.it wont d. an$ to wt something w I like ti letter or notH i 1. iiau'ii dum of some ot. iVi..te,. Vo yo woik by eadlg fcat,? iillit. i. wtltlng?" and Tertlft Jjftke.J ,l i Appointed. i'Viuiifg H Not entirely. I.uF a" tlnuft that graphology tf, it" i ii. iasdy. Anyway, do i? Wo ci jou Then jy . PaiiiesVi tiMothoR me bTr f ft, -- o ' e , A i. e 1 r i U., Vlu:N nir to fo. 111601 tSo ht wishes. GOLDEN r M dftM i rt F me njl about dens deatjj. 5TN0PSI , Parllla Palrfat nj to be marru.S tac ix) veil Terrace, T, - ire t ,v Vi!,n , i,, ,i !', K- Lovell,hr j,. i,.r, ereil are Tony darken, u-- t lawyer; Hilda She orf and fete Wilson , ,i n, j j 4 friends of lVrillae br..iPi r. ,, Corey Is vary wealthy, it, a u, ,t,. and Pgrilte t cniy-i.,ftight It Is a true lav meuii. i'wrM-.iS. tiUR;. Including (..ye l.,in., 4V Mrs." tsvells elli .cut John . Gw slight lr if lit. detail. I M.ii .Mll'I-o-ft- 1, o ,oiSel ft I, (lift fWelf, caa yoij solve It? i tryst o. But as 1 look at It Jutl this mlBufCj I must admit ICs a psetty Mask pfoaecL" r;ut you. like a dllflcuJt. prc!tm la tter than axi. easy one? i Wouldnt take on.a?) ensy one. I her aiu others to do that. Then yoflH tate It on? "if i find. It Is a casit Thetes rueh to da Ijefore Jhat can ba.de-clilei- l. , ' 0u, h-- sher f n- . i , li.-- i l wed-iiu- tniatie .1 Tt-it- , Mlsa-Stlieldo- p , 1 111 i l pnh-rrrotw- l, Ml-dtsn- s ft - pre.-cn- X , pns-!!.)- ( m utp-toin- a s. . a d r. , . r r I i.tiin? iis- - 9 ii ii? U' ft V.'ii o fol? f lue? ii'r iu1 a ? f ein i JimiO Ultciies 1 1 Ise Vit.-tjing m lilielm,' tamlbe,. Vai ft AJiUv l,i nfieijct ft .(! furfne. ;euigw (Villi i'rii.ltrtnj vil hi f Alt ft frl ftillifilo If 'nVcl n!n!c.'s!y IS t ret ft x i It. ft lI.r q ?!if if SIMPLE SIMON .ike oft xeaP tlw I tm ci veil ie possili' ctitct elosiv.to till lireU'X tl t ft.le of rake : will rise higlier t'mti 4; nl (ft llelj to burn. MET A PIEMAN if . Amo faOO In vlu-4- ordered three Ok HE NO.W EATS TUMS fourj VtHEN HEARTBURN COMES DON'T SUFFER ANY MORC I ., ft ft 4'?illling tiialvcs rl-ifin it am? easy to rod wtttioi.t cJithut of sxti flonf. Stop SAVING "NO" ftn.-A- tie a) ft ft he efiWsep Taking Afy-fr.'ti f,v Ftnrb'd out on the Olh of Nyvostiher fiitolng fiii? f t llt4f ffrr town. '( Arrtvln; there (jo for- ttfovv, dit'-TyIt celefirateil. mfkslon nnd his litd(f, it (fiakcs got Ills ft ft ft arrival In a spree tltat took him Td .ot?eTi 1iarUiicf Jnttfy, Jleco slk weeks to reeoyeV fion, agM etist fu boiling water grid allow to sttm? MJ Hie sonoy h( hnd. nub! wstcy cools. Strlckeh h his dnnsclener ft ft brietv dav'foh Rogers started bitek Do tmt keep Cy elnnien tn te ftf.rm td the mine for more gold. JK felt Too mud bout tnuc tin room. a If sottift CerrlUe thing .had hgi pi $ lose tlielr !litnmsi. Kivp iiloKstunt iiniV ko to so for It when pgift'dnml reached Slatq. mountain he fouiu) od iU'out (lie roois quite d.imp, ft ft thnt.s eiswvsllde had fwOpt fteer A mit ft mud should ftlfteyt N ud nothfnn Ft fblne and InVa, e tualiM'd to fcluiw that ID huinau kept near (lie fimiace la the cellar. had llvej nd pe.rUhed tlicv. Should ft esrk from tin furnace Sturt a Maze It may he uitkly Itogera hnd kept, stme hifotma-ftowith 1 tu xrnj.t. about the plnce Irv noteXiook. ft and Mil fell Into thp hnmf of an f eraiifte pec? fontvl With old ntlneh, who bent to Hist ntoua-ialStrip r ThA of Titelted Idea vjlth ilijiilfi iluumlwtft finding the ' mine. He had to illg, about hev W KU Slie. de'S S end there; forfhv miovesllde tun! f) ooveYed tfle whole countryside six? M ark Tv sitis Tt it Shown it? clinnged Its appenfasce, huts? lax be tfatqe en. a tunnel, fragments of iort of A(hofigins tools. Ini win q. bones, and pieces of orel all thrown ttfgetjier by the force T skin Being q t'hihpW, of tte qlMe, , . was creating aphorisms The miner, stillsfled tk given h ?i4 Found what he was hnntlng, eov-re- d his diaries piililMifd In CqnihiU up all yAldenee qt his fllseor-r'y- , tan r full tf t.irtn. 1of example: f Itself, hut Grief csfl take cm (tml went back to Red Clift, Infull value of to the fo. Juy you nuwt get grt an ofitflt together tending l ave woTTtvhnily It with. dlvldv la before itmoverliig t y tntire. Two wix-ks- Have place for everything snd later he Vns klllcA I drnnken row, keep the thing soinewhre else, Tills A Ulan named Jame ITilfhrfi, who It tint tftlfice, tt Is merely not bo without A mun should timf heard the .story, went to the bad Iiqv old proHijectora robin and there morals; Jt t better t none morals al.t. t than fgund pons papers whleht jjnv dk My books are water, tUos of the reel Ions and Ioalnns. lie out lilted af once- - and Went oit, head great geniuses v'o wine. Kverylmdy fug. for Slate niyuntalm A month drinks water. long time t low It tnke nift later lie wns Seen In the hills,. and Could laid that be. would soon retifrn to my temper, hut oneo Nist lown. Then snow aet tn again, and not find'll with s do. H It not Pest Hint we hse tfur be wns njipqrently caught lit a storm on Jils way Jn, for ht& body was nlv-f- t morals wm k days. U gMs.tlirki out iif repair fotliiTl, Siiudsys. Thv imm wler m d pessimist he And JiMtheY wms theipjne, fora 43 kijows too much ; 1 f he t nn 4 e e nffcj It, he know? too llttlo. j9. t J!irl iiid.w Inixketoif iiA fc'i allxeed r inoiftt thirty mai to Punt for gold. They travehsl a far n9 Slate tain, tibar Bed Cllll, tolo.? nnd, here Jliey were successful in tU iP feimrch. The dlsglogs vvPre rich and before lerj they had tAkca flu? about $100, (KXt worth of ore. Snow rime omrlj; to the feglon, nod jmAtsIonS wonldjsoon gjve ou$. No mnn wanted to leave th(.Ilg-gings- , so at las$t lots were csf to deelde wHo should mnk the trip; nud one Buck" lingers was the Vi i! !eu ei$ Ini Acne (eidfl . MOUNTAIN IN'DCTtJWKK, . . social secjetsre the.,. ,, t Can'you lieg.ln at onc?? And t, m, eito ? kefp? rehearsal and MiU-o'.md . tut to get the Tu. lo'. tth,-Youll hwe to do jnotot It the party Is breaking n,. tie nmht . . ,f first, anyliow. feofore the wetlilirg, I start?" And jioNYibs of a T,.headache jtlalne f o vcr w;he tablet nd Py a brief sViry of K all;rlgtit oiie takes one, inclut,n . ' . now." rnt.y Afher the wedding oils rtn Snf up .was married I "Well, mother that Bob hat pll( day, four weoks ago tomorrow. We throat that If m.uin.q .one exci'ix. him, Te ,,lri ,n motwy .trlpi thrbsgh o:i,( planned the bridegroom, or inn ..it (t,.r UasliUigton to niclimo'ntl,, winding mother. Insists Bob we .n i, lMn!4 up at Mirfilen, Ilousa, the oldhome her. In a Baltimore hot p,.,.,, 4y H irdtr fft Unn.. it y lawyer? Iui, of my. husbands fgmllj'." tells rqrillji, iou em.i Yes. Coiyy bd tirrfwt trus: tn of In,iiiif but then mvther. She s n" t !.i!,,it f.line Well, brills yon r,.fl Vure telling drops to the flofcr dcint ,,s he hold illilut start right. o furthot hack. .him, and so hijvo .9 (if course, I know yoift uuf her In hie firms. Alone, m,fii fur tntt it ttil mentions? on the "ilave trb When did ftmt you decide you the chasfTcur. are ,,rah. Boynton, of fou? to Ject I fiiese !artli? limit . PePilla has f;oi,t,, play people dT?' .her nvilO, VVa No; so far, to nO one but you." of as aoou phosae her father to edmo by plrme were engaged about els with Malcolm. A physician the months, and "Dotit speak of It to anyone else, an flutuniB weplanned Indeed, Mr. Mte. .death resulted from natufil ,uim rddlng from the stard X think It please, for the. irewt. To let It propose to sliut tn.M:j t., When Pbrllia arrives at the V.iloen home shd id greeted by tta.hinie was. in September that we settled get chattered .about might be ;e wouldnt want ?. ; lalden with, ysie titurdi,t him" tin the date ruin nil ppr plans." A x.ti welt,- tliefi Very 'That night she enters Borina's pinni You have plans, thm?" selected yoifr And then you tiiget ghr ,n by. bajgony window end I'.niie Stone gave her be Mai party sflon? quick look. nml? weleoluiug party, and la'll , has her r'emovetl. SVhon Slalcotm s. but rafher .lQwly. the. next day Madame Malden That Mrs. Maldcrt, I u ffulte willing tlie, J shall not di'iien1 oi;a ami sends for him. She professes fr.emt-shi- i. Pore clinftf his men quickly make Mill ali,v Invrstlgalhm I nia after Malcolm thieaens her he whom he Just ; be enough hqew entirely nnsupeeteOf with he madhouse, but Famun. J have thought of a trip t Madame Maldens lawyer, dm iu.t wanted; but I Couldn't settle n ay ' disguise his sustiiciuns. i'm.r mil bridesmaids- ao easily." rornla by motor , f, loaves the greater part of Ami were they at the Aotvse overHo that, tut ?nt tiottl A TjOikJ to Perilla. When h iu i, night, the flight before .the wed little Liter. I CIlTl 9ooft ill til" New Yorh after the funetl, she tn a state, of collapse. Malcolm, ar- tl.nsr hoop!, t want t follow u;i from an I riving later, tells Mrs. l.o, those who do not IntonM me. Nearly til," and Perilla gave that people in ,ane Latimer hint a list of the men who were "Hilda arrive tomorrow. Siji. influenced by Madame i?nre ovprnlght. THeq she told of small have attitude, are pot upir t!i rehearsal .fog tlm ceremony, of Mime nlglit vtirly iirit wi k." llo two Tenney girls coming ov'er, Capital! Not More fli.-- tight, CHAPTER V Continued of Malcolm- and Ilob taking them tlila time, fit make nut the ti.st. home, at which time she .and Hilda Me Jotttsi down some name ti u n the meantime Mrs. Corey M.il the party and went to their tif klip paper. , lien was .golug about the busin room . .that !nn?re'sted her so. MarU-in Why do you want to know these CMAPTCR VI on of her mart.est hroadelntfi she asked Stode. tilings? They ' In and swathed gowns, becoming cant possibly have any bearing on iahT.V sit iutr, I V um v fur?, she directed Hailey, her now the case." TsTStone in hi etinly. sat in thinking chauffe.ur, to Jt number fhe Lust Not nmrti accustomed fo detecThe Maldou matter, at the fibveniies. tives, are you? he said. What stage, win tin most I'li II ii? ii nd Perilla find not kept F.oynToit, hut ifoemi to you may Insignificant a's absolutely lirscriitsble propoitlo: soon at she prove of utmost benefit to 'me." .had dismissed him liq had vet 1neit up jg.vliist. cam home from lii.chmond. p.oyn Hut you doat snspCct any of Nothing to It, In; growled tu him. ton never .fcgew why, and would bridal pastjp and Perilla my Sl'an dead., nobody rieiM self. lave been jjreatly gurprlseii to learn stared ut him. . . liK t'lfe, ,iH kill bint that It was because of the quiver Slio wouldn't. I' ever k (ru'li'l fhe Np, but you do," Stohe returned Of an eyelaSh. , fot Iorllla IukI fitiddenlyk turned humi'iii hciii, lovp and truth of Iteachlng am apartment house while and bey eyes gazed at him Perilla. that Its youngster, . rerllld rang he bell, of tire suite in wonder. . . ft' ctmt have been ft fiatural . sfie wanted. AdmlMetf to a smart. iell mb about It," said Ktobe, death; all tlif evidence Is Jgalnst interesting looking living roitru, 1ip gravely. Who was It?" that. No sign of poison ; tm wandered abbu,t, . instead irf M at olk, Its too ridleulouf, but bne of .poisoning. Unions it W.m I Wotil Fail Voel 0I iVig herself. of the ushers, a friend of, fcy givenlilm at tlje, festivities, tlit After a nvuntnt, sheheunf brother, tokl me ltng ago that If to take up this casp, fo I feel now attended that day. I itu1e what pleasanf voice say, "Mrg. Malden?" t ever, married anyone bilt hlii that there la case, f admit my polums act Inter on, and uol ImrYes. she replied, turnlnj, Mr. hed kill the bridegroom or kilt me daclsloh Is, like your ovfn, largely mediately. r wonder If any of tM ,StoneT or kill hlmsclf-r- l dont knpw what based on a hunch." Itlchnmnd people could get at him , I am, replied Flffmin" Stene, ns trd did threaten, but he didn't meap "Then you'll find out If aitfbotfy whllxt be wn 1ft the hotel. Or If h drew one Chair Bearer (Mother. anything I. metrla, anything terl-ou- killed Cerey?" lerllla looked excit- he Uad any emmlcs In ltlclivumd Wjll ydd sit here? ed at the prospect. Hi1b you any who would go so far as to kill Wm. I dont know anything ibont Whats Mu name? . Then there are the wipts at tie reasonable explanahypothesis, any Perilla begaa, but ! Holy Coley. Why, hCa a year tion? tea and the dinner. Washington know a little abost lawyers, nnd 1 of so younger than I atp he's Just I have nL I can thinly of Yione." Suppose ripe at them hnd It lif for feel rather In the position of one boy I" Just then Stone's inan appeared Malden, find had vowej to kill him jvho says to a lawyer, Slycfise 19 Hoys can have hot passloos. Did abd said that MrS. Malden was In his happlpst moment Well, how a very odj orfe, and I dont he over follow up that speech, any, wanted on the telephone. did he do It? Thais for sue to find know that It l a case. when yem became dngnged to Mr. Take it here," Stone said, dis- out. And I could flifd It ,oid If I Well, suppose you tel! Bie'sTieut Malden? , knew or had any Idea It Irad hapmissing the man. IX. Mate It firlef.' "Well, he acted op the day of the After a moment's talk she turned pened. , Very welk then. If yon heard wedilng, but that was only" to Stone and said, "Dillon, from Just then .Mr. fiqrth was anof a bride and groom, oo tiieir weiV Only what?' Malden House, Is over at my home nounced, and Stone, glad enough to ing trip, and one night, when they perilla had been about to aay, and wants to see me. Shall I tell see him, greeted Perlllas PUladel-plilwere alone In a hotel room, she only fooling, but she knew that him to come some other time?" lawyer warmly. called out for help, and the one wns not true. So she said, U was The small and Informal bridge No; tell him to wait there and who went to help her found the lifter we wereanthe car, ready to we will go to see him at once. I'd supper had taken place at perlllas husband dead on the floor, nnd the start, he nut his head In the win like to chat with him." the night before and both men had wife rather bewildered, what would dmv and kissed me In a conspicuIn a fev moments they were at been there. Also Jane Latimer and you deduce? ous, even Insulting way. Hut after.-war- Perllla's new apartment, and she Hilda, together with Bob Coles, Not enough data. Were they In Corey said to forget it, and asked to have Dillon sent to them. Gaskell and Malcolm. ffftfcr did. You see, beside Corey, P.ob It was a pleasant gathering, withSee what yon think .of him," More than any one ever was in seemed like a oh, like a whipper-snappe- she said, In a low voice. Sly staff out being gay, and Stone had de1 used to like him, the world or any two. They but Is not yet satisfactorily completed voted his time to studying the othadored each other, and had been after he got the notion he was and I may take him on as a butler." ers, without appearing to do so. To married only three days. The bus love with me, he was unbearable." Dillon appenred, perfect man- his own surprise he had taken a hand was In perfect health, accord-A friend of your brother? Hes decided liking to young Coles, who nered, and duly deferential. i!ll right? Ing to the doctors." had evinced no undue Interest In You want to see me personally? above To what did you attribute ".Socially hes Perilla, though he was thoughtful reproach Perilla asked him. death?" and And he'b all right, anyhow. He kindly In any way possible. I have seen Sir. Yes, maam. do you think of the Coles What could I do but accept the was Just teasing me." What he advised Lovell, your father, and doctors diagnosis of an upknowi) Now, no other act of Jealousy me to ask you If you would con- boy? Stone asked. and unsuspected weakness of the or dlscontgntment at the wedding sider taking me on as butler." Hes not a had sort. I've known heart. Moreover, I had no opinion, party? None of the other men In Perilla was silent a moment. his for years. Daffy over Mrs. Malsave a a " love with, you? There' only one objection, Dil- den. Sort of moth and star case." A hunch Not that I know of. The best lon," she said. I know your work, asked Stone, help"But lies younger than she Is." Is a brick, Gaskell, fully. "A year or so. Did you glean husband's with my your rfian.tTony lopg stay 4 Ves," and she smiled. I do be- think he had given Hob a talkln Is all the reference you need, anything from your, observations? family lieve a hunch Is the only thing to to. but Bob evaded him at the last" but Im wondering If your 'presGlean Is the word I It was like AH right, Mrs. Malden. call it Now ence will not bring up painful mem- gleaning In a stubble field. Nobody And now Just what Is It you want you to give me a list of all ories of Slalden House," said anything or did anything that and their mortal home want to know? most disinterested ad Dillon no these people, made reply to this, the and Stone remarked, Can't that be couldn't say, for the whole world Who killed him," said perilla. dresses' But yon don't think yon can' adjusted. Sirs. Slalden? Suppose to hearl" promptly, and why." of these peopl You didnt expect pome one to this mao wears a totally different Why do you think he was killed? think that any And please get over that Jump livery; suppose he endeavors to blurt out an Incriminating speech, Tfniv could he be killed with no killer In the room, no weapon and Ing at conclusions. Because I speak change his manner In any minor did you? of anyone I'm not accusing him. not way possibly a different name If no evidence? Well, yes, I did, and one came I him. want even be will not susijctlng ih. Mr. Stone, thats your part you choose; I'm sure it pretty near It" Who?" of the detective problem I I cant know these peop'e. a far as I can too difficult. And I Imagine that Never mind for the moment; Dillon. Iipcause of his devotion to Including your parents and brother guess it!" of a the list '"it'! addresses In his likely as not. Im mistaken. No. of course not. And we dont Itemeinber, your lute husband, will do nil or word of description power to servp you f line anvihtne knew and any satisfactorily. you guess detective problems. We solve Is not this so. Dillon? you can thick of." (TO DE COSTIM'LU) them" i 'KMl.OOfl.OOO SNOWSLIDE ON SLAT 1JJ I'A from . fascinating fcv Talcs of td!e I. W.lwf Lost Mints CNU 0 wa tin 9i.nl. in COST OF ACCIDENTS toiif cost of accidents Inthe-IniieStapes Jn lftti-- Is estimated at Tie PHANtOMS tl-- ' wont tail yiij,r "Thats a tp'oA girl Nos Ml Oh, T- n lrfl '4 i ii'-f- ori q , a. F fcmt only pie that, disagwe with eon J Many ay Itiat eves milk ive them ft R iatiy toich. TUe v, y best toods nby Icing o t nl main. turn, our stomach, mu Millunm have found that Turns B iickly indigestion. Munch 5 or 4 hasty eating, iqtrr me.ils r wlicnevcr sinokuig, tisl mstss arty, ur some olls-- cause brtngs on ncul iiuliyc-slmTurns contain no harsh alkclir. Iii phyt.feiana have saiS may In-- , rrc.i tli 0 tcistcncy toward acid indigestion antacid widi neutral teis stomach lrwiiX end. but irver the Stomach 01 fcldod. Too S like their nunty taste. Only 10c FOR THE. TUMMY iiilirn. iij TUMS TUMS ARC ASITACiq... mu ftuive, is 1e-Ing- n n rtdl-eiou- s. SALT LAKE'S. tWES? HOSTELRY Ous lobby Is delightfully air cooled durlngihe summer montfs tljd'm fof Every Rosnt A . Bath H90 Rm-ZO- O rolled Ir THE SILVER GUNS1CHT optimist omt - consist hVdeiJiiH,' In g think of our tiltU we Jlilnlt rJ )toW much wn men on their way' to SIXT'V-TWf Callfoinla. goldfields Slx'ty-twmen whw knew nothing of the country, rearing at. Halt Lake tlty, listening to afl ,n.dvlce,won-derltq- ; U tliere werent a pass Uirotigh the Slerfns that tlHy might find If they went the koulheraf route througfi the Colvrudo desert Sixty flieq truvellng to certain death. Death awaited In tliat vajley which bears Its name. But It grew Impatient, and went 'ahead to meet some of the party. They were glad of that, we muy be sure, after their trAubletl wanderings through ur known country, hungry, thirsty, weary. They were miroly ready to die. And by the lime Denth VaU iey had been reached, all ut four of the 05 bud lost their lives. Somewhere In Inyo county thefor-lorfour tnm wandered on. They had conie thus far, and they must reach wealth before they, too. died George Dennis took up hi gun, and sighted along the barrel. Now, nnd setyes Im the other person. - . - Killlfons'. Ate round to Re TfirgcrH'S Eainotyi !( llici world when received about which as genvjrio In for fo be twok-coJlectltn- Huropeua shock recently first famftus have t)cn accepted tf (UI .V) fergorlcs. standard efl, blhllog-nrphlc- s wwp fwund tn piost of them. 4ther the pnfier or Uio tyK or both did net exlttnt the timer the books vfere supposed to hnve Iccnjiriatcd. AnJ In some cases Jti text was take fioijl re vised editions. Collier's. , , Athletic Rf.rd3Tha Have Ilcljl fvY.Afany Years n I'AiHi HOTEL Temple Square gates $1.50 to $3.00 Jlolrl Tempi Sqlur tia Ii llm Sillily tlralmliff (ieiully Imm ilier.Yuu will tlwayt find it romfortalrle and aunremely ulull, 1 huronKltly aRffraMa) on ran then fora umleratnl by thia hotel las H Th JIICHLY ItHCOMMENOED why. IV i b fnitrlt of dUtincticn to toQ Yu en aUo spprrrUte At tit ib beautiful fioslefry ERNEST C. BOSSITFR, AfgA to Suffer Mo Need Fleming Sickness" stlnrs"is caused by an Morning condition. To avoid it, acid quist be rid cJ.au such as magnesia. Wljy Physicians Recommend Milnesia Wafers lwr&l International nthletli records hold for long periods. In Amcr-ioa- , that wns a pretty howdy-do- t The Kwrys rccocd for the stundlng sight had come off. It was lost lirond Jump has not ben broken In somewhere on the back trail, and 30 years, and Wcfcrs record for the needles tn liaystucks would be easy dash In 33 years. to find compared w ith that gunslght, In England, Cropland has held What could be do now? lie needed the record for tne run fbr that little aid to aiming. 40 years and Grlitllh the record for There wus grayish metal of some the .walk for G4 years. Cos sort In the ledge at tils side. lliers. It would be soft enough to cut. He tried; he managed to whittle out a crude sight, and to attach It to TIIE the gun. Well, that was better. They needed that gun If thpy expected to eat until they came across wafers are Tliese can 'milk of magnesiq la solid form riuromost pleasant way to tuko it. Each wafeth approximately equal to a full adult dote of liquid Jiuik of magneaia. Chewed thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct aridity in the mouth and throughout tha digestive" ijstem and insure quitk, complete elimination of the waste matters that cause gas, hctulmdws, bloated feelings and s doztyi other discomforts. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of20 and 43, at 35a and 60c respectively, and In sonvenient tins for your handbag containing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately one a.lult doss of milk of magnesia. AO good drug stores tell and recommend them. Start using these delicious, effective anti-acigently laxative wafers today Professional sample sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letterhead. Sslsd Products, Inc., 4402 23rd St., long Island City, N. Y. 35c & 60c Some 300-yar- bottle 20c tin d IW-mll- e 30-mll- e Ier-hap- gold. The next day, after a night spent In the Bhelter of a friendly ledge, the four weary men stumbled on. Two of them died. George Dennis and one other man kept going. At last they reached San Bernardino? If Dennis had not met the old prosector when he did, be might never have known that hideous nightmare which haunted him ever But the experienced afterward. miner saw thut gun saw the saw, too, that U was made of almost pure sliver. Where did It come from? Oh, from a ledge back there In the Death Valley region .somewhere why? He found out why I They connt ed the days since he had mnde tha gunslght, guessed at the miles bolted for the direction. They wenl back, as well as they could, toward the ledge of sliver. But the Southwest Is a large place, and even a square mile can conceal things beyond finding. gun-sig- Thft Original Milk of Magnaaia Wafar RHEWIHKOIUSIE ffiKOTTEIL A Distinctive Residence An Abode...renowned Throushout the West Mrs. J. H. Waters, President ht Salt Lakes Most Hospitable HOTEL Invites You RATES TDE SINGLE Dflotel $2.00 to $4.00 DOUBLE $2 50to$4.50 400 Rooms 400 Baths r' TO FAVORITE FOODS Rlewhonse V. E. SUTTON, General Manager CIIAUNCEY W. WEST Assist. Gen. Manager , |