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Show MM. MttOJL flTAlt Handsome Wraps of Rich Velvet e-- 1 I , V . Aits.fiadno hfs wlrlvn Jiundredl , , sf aider n rw Wf!i imy" '' w r. - ,7 . - -- m,,.., i Wx piv4 4 4-'I, A i "W. -- rit T.C s v4 V . ' - CoJtii)li)ifiu t.. t ejsi tislllptrl tr.il (if rul o.ti.l tt0 rti Istur omt the 'ti flag sltil v iti ?. iu flu tanut nly o ) ini fit it .lej.fi lion. Hr hm1 unity 1 .a cii?i.r'.cg a I'Ht'h! . I P'oiifi at M wtml iitiiii.i i r a ' ,iotJcj Mitufy n'cs4 spirt of i. ts .'i:turw. I 1'L men Oiiil w'inl who Ti ;iil IV t Ike t'i S4i itut ions f ne .suiotiy ft ours wh woman ki It seeing f 5t ael-(- Ief. hlt the black velvet, gleaming watrrj and preclou ful which ron Iollcarp Morusc, firs? Ilutnanlsn rthodo House with Jtumanla Hlplstee C, A. t'a.ila. Jo t ... v tl tial ut'i illU . I h' Ktul.i. In- latte i. of ski .piii.oaf i. rf iroi..-iui- iui.oii.ny beiii lu isil Most on. Ua leavltifi States lha aodety hy IliUcJ Englaiurs lVunatt! Here Willi lli ss mm mm tat 111 pulling tikiv lati.'iii oitenlloti. 4 or as Bhort a you please. Am? they re not ali of blaclt telvet, either, though, f eourse, black ta hely enea tirst choice, specially hudi-o-t a for single proridow wardrolwt f wrap Instead anil Jacket and uf format coat o n such g and .bolero ape make up & full quota. for the wons-- a who queens In society.- I'ot .ln stance, a cape of dark grew wlvet s lavished with allvef (o4, ;Inrt VS V li- - Inrls, Iter M a aurprise-th- hare Jumped at 'J1 y the l. If yw concldsloiy thaf Torma? slim fitting at tha a t v at 4b V I Ut iv l:t. Itonorabl and Most l.evrreril W'llllaf Teaipl, archbishop f York and primate of England, ts allow with Mr. Temple, po ilieli coital arrival la New ork on thy ,H. .S. I.reme for flv week visit. SIic Senppr . t . Go..! will, b'l'ia Ihsl I foi.onou G.mIii M'HOIII iv tM ' it. Blood Transfusion Saves a Dojo ef 1 the youthful delinquent. VYhnf will he the altuatfo of the Unit ml State a rentury hence If tier people continue to regard Hilt rteiml, trilling maa 'l tnnr-rlago- ff )w prfr mm drops, o. throat spray, coll for ibo eff Teat To Miss Georgian fop man, socially prominent avlatrlx goo th honor of being th first tnombev of i woma la become Ihlladclphl mayor csblheia Her r win. preetde chit-dri- Pliilly Mayors Cabinet UnJo ti Criminal inurta realize thnl tin chronic deaerlef. Hi man will m. eni .if family responsibility, the Ignorant, Incompetent mother with , ii rapacity for training hef are ones win. are the primarvf tiur ily responsible for man First Woman m - g .W.ltera . mt Tlwis winds. 1 . . m the hurl. i!i-- a I 1 h i J5i stunning bov, Tasfanag it genre Isndor or evening (,t.vtin wa bout The Cuba. w&nK le.the the Mt ahdwn U either) Cubaa riot usual Mack vttfvet trimmed with eff because rwine As a imittet of fact the fashvelvet of which. this rojrt ioned la brown, which, with white. .. It considered very smart. 1 very unujmal velvet it fs, being A reversible weave, lhe uader sld of which Is like long pile duvbtyive. ':- -n The ermlryt 'removable ehemisette la 1-- 4 U ns practical feattirp, prpvldlng doc added yioteatloi agalns wlq-t- r ! druggist la authorized to guarantee t'rcomulsloii nnd to refund you money if you are not satisfied with results from fho very first bottle. Wet cvuoniukjcni right now. (Atlv. ol f tl mftmni f e sure t contrlbut a opuleut wot t a costume. germ-lade- and txpoiled. Even If ether .remedies hart? failed, dont bo discouraged, your tin'll fo lurk vf fifruut-e- l tin i in ihrif forme-tirrm fuiirntal .rnXiuiol noihint ni oie yt .into frou recent, enbl a m . rf-iv- iu ed in honrtUne . k lotKcncd the tli nne tf thri miilt'tt l. fit WiV institution t!iron,iK the Joti'ttioit of thi'ie t ithm, the the 111111. tininnilft tiffd tif forliei etui h'liili'inrtt nil. I trhrit ihrf r tlu it'd ulinl the it little hiiirlt rime, mothitif i the future erre - Is .i. Iioo! tn ? inart-ahv- to1 to Haul 0ie 9 ht tfur .fof.fic fit. C'o lust fnuni Ini medicine fit natter !iotf uni have tried tor your cough, chest . cold nr brondilal tiTltation, you can t 'lit cllof now with tlreomtilclon. .: .iorlous trowblo may bo brewifi;! and . ym cannot allord u take chance ' vvlUl anything loss thaH Crcomul simi. which goes light to the seat f th trou'olo to: aid nature nootlio and lical the laljamcd memn branes as the hlcgn piotec tl.p li. oils I to sti'lekeii, ghastly. 1 ,, . , . Still Couglung?..";, rliit lofi sva-Tii- iMol word . tin I'huw ? the dlslrte dVhnf Is the 'f Hie home upon the rU'.l rnitlou iov'rl dren? Whether ITln,nt rowset I.rowt fit ; vwsw tiy . It Tits md tin t.i Bieriigi Wniiiiiii v liii iiiit,ii;l.ii. i.iaM ii oiy tin longer view I lie otuMis as ene l lileti riUTire ttltll it the It'S ilU i tl . I lie pi'icn 111 ttcatll do US to lie "for U'llcr ir wime.- nuf Wile . .' , s. I. tiriimml of iniifc Italia atfmon min 4. hh. rtevens t'apt. mka icoyirapliU aocloty IV'hVnt fin.r.c, - wtitih , t .nl tihi.v 8 e n sfi.'se f.V'S : ' a.l 1 cool! ooUator HP-co- . ivkomt I'.uft.lh first diSsfof Adlcnlc ol,tht ul. clicft J0w I eat as I !fr;. fine toil tuwer felt better, Sitrymir itomnch tnd towels KEAt. lawisii v. t'b Adlerik nvul see how iMUU nil. jjie t ONE dose relieve ..Vi itvl chrov.ic fonstipatloo. SolA. y iiU drngaist. mnl drug deportment, . f . ce! pt.slil i'l we .e rlic .riruiif. of ifie '! . .aiM . oni r f m. WiiHii . .. Jki.'M. ifie Louis, from Detroit, laving fonqiwml Iauila Daeyluh, was U lave faced Me ef reive? aro outstanding fof formal wear, they siijy be most any length a stamt-Equally as startling front f;s Is the point of style Innovation velof hood and nod Doges cal vet from Vlonnet, wbleft chic are wearing. ThI long cape enwrap the figure from head Co foot and the pointed hood lift p over the heal The Importance ef tate!y ctlpes In the evening seen It demonstrated In the magnificent ervet anaerobic to the right lb the group herewith. Ita auperb' styling ' of , U keeping with th elegance floor-lengt- . utoih'i. Spcakin Clieif etratosphere flight, while Louis ttou! With Cu!ua ts flefinitety Off tdn its maklnjr. The lovely m hli Tox lei I part of th dress. Ithinestftne buttons and belt buckle, together ClUi a rhinestone bracelet. 1d the glitter wot whlc? t eao f thl clmracterlsyc In nly. 1arl-alenne- and Orell Aftderso ? kVklt ntourage plight cv4't. it U wot oof flint tt. rap reigns supreme t night but Jt fa equally as high fttshlo !.. taking for grafted ? rturse Thai . ype be tuned to occasion. In tlu:r deand their thelt aoreltj tyllng, tut Irani the wdinurjf parture fealma of tintoM elegant, the el kef wrap as ladles of fashion are earing during the present nom? Cteasoa, afe teaching draumtie rli iaxe which are simply bi'caili MV fug t contemplate. Hon Idea of the ummuittficM atn! , characterize the id which larlng vet wraps that go ft operas am! heaters, ts hotseahows, to lilgtit vluba and to like eociety doing Is given U the model centered in the picture. 'ftchloparelU designed the wrlglnat of this eery new amt strlk-ing .wrap of American beauty mult resistant eelret. The big buttons r gold simulated coins. The sleeves are bulky at the hiniMer and allot at the wrists. The sldrt lu lines I gathered In the frvut ' JlmeeleMk fesetillr Yat AifreiitTst tiowpttul in 1io'e, f Gen. Job 9, Iershlnf prcswitlng gold medal .if tin Y.lioti;I 'f f. :: ' -- rTt.b-pTn- a loading vole In ?.? v J fobe. Perhaps ifu fhemw snind srhlcfl cling most ? com Mil1 amt xtitlng Interest this e..n tv the velvet wraft o wbjclr designer Imparting anew grandeur in? die wlty auch is queew nJ !i.r t f 1 , iwi V NMhhi ptdy Ike . r.'iquar iivr that .r,s. y s. v' ifmte BESESFM EVERY t w . I'OcrV. if fIrs.,Taa. I ilet:Gaecsv Biy stornacef tla feeling il i ti l lie ll j f inmliJitiioiniosimalckansinM. , flatly eoJucss Cclsfi l..ol Q ,t tomacU, ieadai tie c tiervousfless. I.. Shouh.r.twYork, report: to- nml to then. m..n,n.o Itis e svt.il.lirhmcnl t'ti.i r t e v hi writer . . tit tide, fry Adtcrika. Just ONE dotfr ri.evt stonnscb GAS pisssing oy heart .yoit stery siurujty all nigM. Vil likrfscts mi HOTiiuppw sivironre iml tcinrs out foul mottef yow wa. iaycwr system sonKI nsvM bclit-si'ti.S M niaUer my hat poisontif ni caused GAS, 'sou n f .r inontti tils Il4 iLaeglns sttitub . '' . t- - ' Best comfort. Right f y sj s try h5 bmleftB sle'ey tls. IMrll tih',,,I O il l..rli oti jis a n jr of : SicUe itstlta I So Mils '; .r MirCiu. fottshtr 3S i It SlEEP AFFECTS HEART . ': .'z in V ? gn 0HtIETSitv4': ! ' l. tmti? jal v fifngJvo.sRS sluve ivfilistlrtfcgWout M Mfciw oil 'Vi Anhwei provr c W4ni";njii vflTif Nicholas W( l $OMN3Urtg3 ,v. HEW MENTHOUTOM rn union Prlatiune without book me eingm will be lhe mode, children horn ef the tvliiliim milf be placet! M AVi tlQUID In handy Mil with dropprr M lat Crtemntiloee mnrriattee lee ilitcnnM If the majority, i ea- WANTED TO.BUY tile tilth nly ef the elate Jiortly ajtrj avarl It tnllbr Colt Army BfxShootwn lo b tf In Civil Wr. Would birth and the ftarenti tlirwtrd tif ell iiih lh 44 cnllbr Colt Ilatn PUtoRi rftere.teA might end frtprmiihiliiiei i regard tn md 4 nd pepper-boplatOI. Plea, Frit doarrlblnx wenponi. .tijtlnr condition theie upbringing. There u il' be place will tor yox ,n whluh firlt , of temporary tbod, of neremlf, but DAVID JILffQOWAI? fern yeal home . Mr ami women will 31 Mat 4VU trsel Nw Ter Clip k economically independent of each 'other end thri rlijon4 wifi begin PARKERS end end t will , x . VELVET IS NOTABLE FOR THE AFTERNOON DINNER WEAR hotabte tot aftefnonn and glamorous evenjqg' gowns .and I'H.e Wraps, iatou features qrect cllk velvet, shangeable Bilk velvet. Joilell also mdsrse tha chanaenl'l& velvet fof, formal qreaf.. SlaggJ itpuff uses brocadeJ velv'et forsomo Tqndssme vening. dresses. . . Worfh iyunches woel bath, ?efvet jvJtb Vvrap (ik dinner tillleurs bodices. bloused and skirts aroubd of minuet de tJrfllsurs nipkes Helm, vnfvet generally velvet afnd favors . Schiaparelli pre-Cn his collection. of ents ribbfd vlvet (a H aurnber telvef ? ostume.. ..... , - weTry ! , Jt terrible forecast ; z..;. 4Jff "Zy. Jr iJiscV '''? N v Jr 4t gh . . . y I,-.-. t , 1 Into bracejets. 4iven bqen mad haveflieetf styled Info tailored pearls bracelets to wear wltb, woolly spores . nn,--- ,. -- y, nr m Z-J"- " ' ' I f i(j . - I ; I I mount hL.tive Jew!gy and , necklaces appar a tip from the bar taken have ently of Dyzantlne Jew' baric splendor In designs Iracleu srzstTsz zzszrs" Sl.rte,.s Mrd. bo large i-.- ,d , I st. th. blazing number ot denlgnera 1. rr.. 22. .;d i .Inter wM time. Gold and Jewel dretue. this fall will be ac- Day tented by embroideries, gold braidJeweled Ing.- Telret trimming - - otmassewta. ad . I I I '3sari5?T -- f7fm0 tISrt2L22 odj dlsplaj.tor nnpper clll .ear ,1th ,b. trocb, of Perala.aad Egyptian Inspiration, that only one able for either dinner or evening can be worn at a or two piece 1 the costume Ideal for 1 1 n AJ& y B i imparUinqp, he'aj:-tempte- d ''be-eaus- - ( wear. Other Important puffed aspuffed pect are the short slightly ailhou-ette sleeve and the slim pencil which this gown achieves. In the Latest reports from Paris favor the Thl. U the weat return of slender, svelt Hnw with lection of work ot art, has now become th fullness often placed at the back a Clay Trick, th gown pictured auggest. Eery f ,w Vof ' New Vo7k dtyTnccord . with wlSf I i? tha" utfSeTry I t , or tvAman will be able to without having given two notice of intention, accompa nied with certificates thawing that 7 are lTf lrom ,rtrcMou' diseases, drug addiction and mental taints. Doth l10' hu ness proflCjein M Wb .. 1. I t&a IV A' 2 SC a hearts. f?SSi 1 Wb'Ur--W Even Mosea, the great law'glfer, was confronted with ,he problem thousand of yeans.ngo, when e to deal with dlvortfb of the hardness of ni6n's . i .fid blembhe Ointment 25c. trial .tic If you goa writ ,,Cotlctir,M Dept S, Malden,. Maaa. for BU Try Cutlcyf iu 4 external, A usee, There will be an vmendrprpt I tnf United Statet IConslituJion tijtich will enable congrest to past uniform marriage and divorce lawt and th forty-- , eight Staler will be unable to legislate diversely oft matlire fif tuch para- j If cyTTiwr eliglon , j cobalt ilue, reen, now, Jbe reflected In flrtl- axe and jvlne ruby with gold, combined flchaJ stoaes and rhfeeltones pearls. slayer, end' Clergymeir win take gvnMnk ? ,,tercst Inthe health and fuPura of tlte bride and groom nm their resjmnBlblllJy will t aof ani with fhe mere pArformnifga c? .Uifi mafrlage ceremon. , . Veia and silver .ewhlry is q?pe- In uiothes chilly good. Colors smart , knp-pine- L s w$&t. director wf ltjrf fl fa axlonmtle tha? finttonl fead appointment W ure very architecfur t 3,(X)0 year was Ilka Individual nd Very rosjrroii coy Announced by Mayof-elpC- t 8. Davis youn fulfillment' 1 til pledge try, Wilson ' ta lei wame aorvm . I JtmrrlcW itilt regain I mtigln) wholetome outlook cm the question of marriage; end tbit will be brought mdurniifi abyue through teg,'lalio . Impart! Color anil FaUliig . n. long Before emphatically, the Dlok oj Time line been timed to, Vage 2035 our eatjwiud eanitj will iunr becm'meHoreff. fo, Frick Art Gallerv' Given to New York.' ... kjatifT i HAIR BALSAM SaooTM BwdnlfStopillilr JffvlWk TTsBoauty to tlr.r and Faded Hair aoe and II W at 4 'ruKKiL. I NvJl -- T? I tjprAl Zta TTliwor iliem. Wyt.. I'ntriminif . W.Y. Ideal for uso in SHAMPOO ronnectionwith Parker Hair Balaara.MBkcathas. , I, air .oft and fi. Hr. 60 cent, by mad or at dnij-rialHiacox Chemical Works, I'atfhoiryo. N.X, f America dlvor.a andaeparotlob roeor hf'K A W0 i J f lev, bill the logical consgiptene. fialf-pln- f Designed1,, . v UeJ acrlflc?n Spike, a burty f. f.ernaffl, It. 71 Mac r Loa Angeles. physician la Done, Great to aid his pal, ILac, young declared the transfuslo had lavud the pHen sufftAlng.from pneumpi. sweater continue tV loom as bjs beon 'top styles, Jewelry OiSlgoed to wear with them. , fine Idea In brjceldts ls a flexible banvle of wovfn colored , beads, j r.rowu koa seeds frem Hawaii have t clothe . "j 4 toy Wear With Sweater esi'b-tlall- : yz-'ft;- , . U- By CHER1E NICHOLAS Tl BaMlIaa Be Sure They Properly ( . jCleanse the Blood OUR kidney are constantly filter-- I from the .blood ing waste matter itieam. Butkidney lometimes lag Int-in their work dg nol act a nature to remove impuritie that ended-fail when retained. poison tha system Then ou may suffer nagging backache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up at night, pul lines under tha ayes feel nervous, misara- 5lDmI'tUSeCtay? Us Doani Doan's are especially for poorly funcrecomtioning kidneys. They are mended by grateful users the country over. Get them from any druggist |