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Show WEEKLY KfcWS-EXpRES- V . The Townsend Plan tax Townsend Plan to the in business transaction avcry country 2 per cent, and from the proceeds pay each American citi-teunder certain stipulations, $200 per month is probably being discussed more than any othet as as a means of solving- our econThe n, - omic difficulties. This plan appeals to the imagin ation as no other proposal does. It' immediately stirs the sympathies, for few there are who begrudge those in declining years comfort and case. It arouses hope of relief in those who are heavily lhden and upon whom the care of the aged falls. There are also millions--twhose avarice the plan silently appeals to children and grandchil dren. who would welcome an opportunity to help Pa" and Ma," or Grandma" and Grandpa" dispense of their $200, each, monthly pensions. Perhaps the greatest applause for the plan comes from this group, for among the oldel generation there is yot that sense of thrift and indopemtence f character which would reverttf from such an unnecessary orgy of taking fend spending as the Townsend Plafi would entail for their ostensible?, sakes. -- It is claimed by sohie ccoitorpi that the spending fpr. recovery" idea is sound. Thejhold that , if there were a constant. and . fdpdd turnover of- the e&rnlngs and prof-- , its of all people Am cofyoraU t'hero cbuld.be no financial congestions and henoe, nfl depressions. They declare, hbwer'pr, that tinder the prevailing economic sys- tern, such an achievement would be most difficult. They pdrntr to the enonpoutrust funds, insurhnee assets, mortgages, Tong-terleans, and other forrtisr of frozen wealth Which aris? ot of savings and ' . . profits. tlie Townsend Plntr pro AUhrfugh in .the poses to tat transaction above form ott wealth, there are yet other transactions arising but of earn m and fncorfies which the flan would scarcely touch in proportion tothw magnitude of to their. owners, such as: unearned increment troth real estate holdings; profits bn watered stock in public' utilities, commercial and industrial corpqvations, Speculations, the fmmciis?et profits made in manipulating nur credit system of .firaneinj?,ajid the.ehor-.mou- s - -- en.-titfe-s, m would absorb the efluivlerft.ofthe per capita incomes of four persons on the 1929 basis of $081. While it is admitted tha.prices would go kyward, arfd the national income f j reach fictitious heights, the 2 pur cert on the total transactions could , never exceed Jhe total income, and to make .. that, as indicated fo 1929,., was ritelf as. $3 a wentb, arevidtes . $ 3,000,000,000. . , .Vtate officials According fo the statement, bf Payments wc.rr xp,irua to one analyst who based his figures October 1? but ftate Auditor Smith hat it oul? .1.929 level, about 26 peo, recently stated ':r ' makv Re to inconTe set any ' impossible woujd text tixe until wm all af thfi ex aide for old people. From hool automata s tyith , la pi. jhx pyramiding, af alt yev ho declares that 45 per cfcnf-v- f the cally taking osts amounting earnings ff the worked Would, enub, and relief when the pan was established, be ta, $500,000 a month, its just an absorbed in.laxcg A thing yvhich ,impossibilitjr tv pajt (oil cannot possibly lw e.scaped.foh the sions. With Ike jtessftt prrftosf cftbea reason that the plan U bcetfen 9 sales tax'.. , plie burden tf taxation Federal, the continuing state.and locali-aa- d The higher the fricts velieL how tot billions of demand the fewer the transaction? by the believe that eaa saiw prrso the fewer the trart5ttttions(, any poor;, , the lower the stiwidardT of living; the country could stand the addl-ve living, 'ti. rial, taxation necessary thq lower the standard the tew'er ur, civilization wilt, all. every perso ovqr 60 arj of age In other' words, the fcay .unalystg $$00 a month, as ectktenrpteted by and publicists ..se? it, the weight the tfovnsond plan? .. . It is ftuelfy ip tbfi agud Qf the plan, alls tm the vovkers to expect any suoh thing. them ncA on the well-ldcapitalistic ... , groups Vno make the prices and f profits, This would result in the '. Yoii countrys Lecomfng more tiislaved to .on the onp handj .and tQ old peuple, fin the obhef s Is ortft of tbe hand if the whole fchenui did rpt ten It aiyjard with complacency cffoits inflationWith By Ray Ihe Ile-,ai(- . i. ons-thjr- gl . ,. s, C d .... o. imfloweicamp ofkhe Utah Uaughtefs X) Piqneersvvill .meetat the Jienfe ef' , " - , r.wC-Thursd- I Mrs. Julia Gailey. Mrs. Emmi D. Stropg of SalJ Lake, yas tlpe guest of her .son,1' Clifford and faifiily New Years.-Mis- s Ituth Paramore qnd Miss, ThtWe Simmpnson of jyilt Lake are guests of Ms. and Mrs. liow ar4 Tlnomas. , .. 1 , . llis.s Melba Thornley spent- - a few days last week with her aunt Mrg. f. H. Barton in Ogdbn.. Mr. and'.Mrs. Jess.Laytpa ef Clearfield entertained 40 uehts at their home Thursday evening, luded-were Mr.'and Ms- - Oion If. .Iaytoij apd family JVlP. and Mr?. Arthnr Odd and familj'; Mr. apd Mrs Amos Odd and TamiTy, nd Mrs. Chales Odd and family. A.daughter was'botn to Mr, amt Mrs. Cfarence Johnson- - Fridrfy hut died at birth. ; . a Coqpibs of Ogdea was a last week-en- d guest at tbe om of..W t D. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Kerfneth Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Collect and Mr..tfnd M rs. . Lyon, Jlales enjoyqd the a watch pasty at the heme e! Mr. -- nsjckejiiig bloasTjofT to buiTiap-failidg- ovef-ta- or x acf rfigulixte - 1 - v n technique m production. Sonve o( oui- - foremost thinkers are TvfBi CAemif 5ar8us ucunt meoionc wo fit cutcrf Permit greatsk oruss numrer Of Miss-.Eul- AND OhlER TUtfftS TOOTHPASTE re se coMyeNiEkuy cm ir extant? 1 G kiu.i: t their-return- s ... a-- is. wa u ar;iticIT Bo Owwe la MweM tele ear - . L . ANNUAL tlVlNTEUNTB - . PLAN TO ATTEND THE " .- Ogden livestock Show .'.. January 10 to 16 . A fcCa&mmtk ftxLibiUoa of Prize Livestock, Poultry, fteede and W&ot - purobrcl, fat and feeder cattl Lnlrtainent and Amuefiiivl. Feature ,Ac4isa sal f i'?tef-in-l- Paumington Weed Spray Brings Stieep Death Claim , Mr.-an- -- The BouftUful Liv'estoaV eora-ocj'i of Woods Ccoss, petitionevr, alleged 197 bead qf shepp Wcre:. ... i i,v and 100 knore ph- - , kally disabled. Herdsmen were ; te af- -. ot j.i.tified bf thtf haurd, leged. T r:on Cruelty 1 I'ailo-Whjstwt- like tbfi old monthly pensiop fund would: and. Wlriq,.but the false promises come from those tjho could affoyd bqnng held eulrto them by political it, the bulk of it would! be Kkejy demagogues aftd their dupes are? se to conie out (Jf .those whose salar- fantastic asto be nothing Foss than ies and incorpes were much lower cvuul. Pot t)x? 'afcbil afe heiftg led than those of the pensioners, la U expect .lenefits w?bich pn npt other words, the load of carryipgf possibly be. prep'ide. .' Of all the Schemes' o far the pensions wquU be on the baeks ffco Toansend.plnn- - is- the of the pepple vbo work tot email end wJivst, law ami te icing the xyqrsti. it apincomes, according Ihp to he. pears. the of4axea gaining the grandest ' governing pyramiding the system would 'Miortly break pdmbev of adfiefqnt. Not recognized econotpi.st, whJ .is bpth capakle down, leaving the whole apd honest, believes that, the plan? . bankrupt and demoralized. to th In 1929, according figures edn be biade 46 ork, een to the extienk its pnonuitefs the. national iftcome reached an . Since' pnomise, . time peak of the Townsend Plan provides tgr a . Even the .more moderate oldag pension of $2,400 per year, each, pension plsn aiitady adopted jn for sorile 9, 600., 000 . persons who Several spates bave.bwa highly . have reached the age of sixty, it tll.sappointiftg. . , In isdouri, foe ejwuuple, b sales' will be seen that each pension d, Jufi-pose- - . tb one-fofir- $83,000,-000,000- , .' -- 4 Wt44-44M-Ht.4-t4-- 4 ' '.- . . ' 1st '. Starting January I Used Car Prices Have Come Down. it BUY 1REM CHEAPER-HE- RE. .1934 Chverolet Master Coaehes.are :: $45000 1933 Chevrolet Master Sedans nhe 390.00 1932 Chevrolet Sedans .. '1931 Chevrolet Sedans, 95.oo ' 1930 Chevrolet Coaches, (extra clean) 75.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 175.00 1929 Ford Sedan 165.00 :: .1929 Ford Tudor 150.00 :: ALSO SOME GOOD TRUCK BARGAINS. 4 . . -- e -- a tt-turn- ed -- Liberal Trades. And remember. GM AC terms are much lower. COMPANY f444444M.44.4llMH.44444,4,444-M44,H,4k,Ki444444,H"?,.H4-- 4 BOUNTIFUL PHONE 89 'Ll party was given Tuesctey evening at the holnt of Mr. and Mrs Her nard Cain. Thos gireyent besides Mr. and Hrs.Ci were, Mayor-ElocH. J. Sessions nd Mrs. Session; Mr. nd Mrs. J. H. Stood, Mr.-- and Mrs. Farley Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Drown, Mr. nd Mrs. Harold face, and Mrs. John Raty fef faneroft, Idaho. .Bridge C was enjoyed, hnfwrs being Vfn ly Mr. Sessions and Mrs.. Stood, mulvitht,- An luneheft was served. Farmington iity has ardsfeA n4w snow plow which will bq wort- nocted to the city truck and should b reidy fow operation te about ten da$s. Thi? will relieve the wity of much anpoysmet ci using the teams makes It ery difficult to handle a.ldrge amount ef inqw. Me and Mrs. II. 9. Sessions a nymber of thir friend SaUirdag evening. Fpur tables ot bridge werj.playtd afte9 which a tray luncheon was sarVed. ML Al. Fa bert Bafber and, Mrs. were high couple. FyineraJ services were helFTVeA - Mr. William Payne . Vi,,-- .UWrt., 1 :V 093 ' . Be esijay ift the North .littk Miss Ann LaRue Tefty, 7 ypars of age,daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. GordonQ. Pet- ty, who diei in. a SaltoLajce hos pital, Sunday evening, following an operation fbf appendicitis. T&e services were in charge f Bishop t Gborge A. Welling with inthe Farmington City, cemetery. Mr. Neil West, Ifin of Mr. and Mry. Yours.; WE HAVE A 1936 CALENDAR . FOR YOU." . .' PLEASE CAI.L IN FOR IT: Morrison-Merri- ll . & Co. The Lumbermen : BOUNTIFUL PHONE 9-- J M1-Mar- J. N. West and Mr. Newel Smith, son ot Mr. and Mrs. tyhitv ney Smith, are home spending the Holidays Hrith their parents and friends, aTing obtained to furlough from their naval station at San Diego, California. Mr. Lewis Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Clark, returned Tuesday to Portland. Oregon where he is studying medicine at the University of Oregon. He spent the Christmas holidays here visiting with his parents and other relatives and friends. Our young people who are attard ing college in other cities of the state were all home for the holt- lays. Among them was, Mr. Alea Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. is attending school at Rice, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mrs. Leone Miller and little eejferrc ,'1 y J Davis Hpad Toll- - Shows. Decrease The-guest- Mr. and Mrs. Charles IL Smith, .'Fatal autojn4ile( accidents ja Mf. and Mrs. Fred W. W.alton and Davis comity decreased from 13 m e 1934 to 12 Th 193R, officers Miss La Vaim Waltoiv Jorce said. skeriffs , Mis. ik O, Reading sptnrt Saturvmla issued tor of-,th- day afiernooft, at the J, Reube Clark, Jr. home in Sal Lake. Mr. Joseph E. Willianw roAupn-v- ! ftojne Monday .corning frotp Giendal, Cal aftet spending Chris! mas with bis sen and family. Mrs. Williams will yimaii thefie until .February. Mrs. Ffx-fcurgte speftt , three days visiting at the home bf Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vinceftt in. Salt Laky and with her aunty Mrs. Maty Ana Lov?tf, wfio is confined at. the Salt. Lake general hospital, ith a broken hip. Her condltioif 13 r,P01,ted fair. Mrs. Lovett spent weekq visitfng Mfa. Biirgmy a hqrk ago. Farmington .. iMrs- - niily Everett and .son, intft-mea- ..L claim t the investigation. 9.1 d Ij tssioit. ' Mountain the tie vVsed tea traffic Tipkels tionS None during the year numbered 1 wqre. issued in 19?4, when as unsuccessful Peqbmbes fees not yetin prisoners released to government , fin Dyhr act charges, two; fees col- -, lected. for service of civil papers, $469.36, and apifroximately 250 . minor saccfdents investigated. ' .. to beep p sechet, Its pretty.hard if anybody else is interested in fip , ing it otit. 1 cars New Years Clearance Sale : 1934 faster Eagle Chevrolet sedan, with trunk, spot . - Chrysler Airflow, heater, Chevrolet pickup 1930 Clfevrolet sedan ... 6 sedan 100? tnoJ f'ytnouh coupe radio, prestone .light, Heater, anti freeze 1934 iSl EM.nvertabl. model Aoupe at - $46500 85o!m $245.00 $245.00 $225J0 -- ! ' coaps beveral very good cars On any of above cars t -- $n5; ixnn ............. we will pay 1936 property tax-b- ay yonr 1936 license plates and fill four tank with' gasoline purchased within TEN DAYS of this date. - Motor, Inc Authorized FORD Dealers BOUNTIFUL . caiftpaigl . . said. Prisoners serving time, in ,th copnty jail totaled 64, wore tfca double the number ia,194, whC-, , onljf 39 were held. 0 QtHer items yi the annual report includes Stolen Cars recovered. 26; fines and forfeitures, with part of , , was conducted officers od wand .chapel for May Happiness and Prosperity Cana.,-Vri- 0 visit with her sister, Steed, for a month, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. WaltoU efitertainfd at a delightful .dinner, Christmas day. vrye, urday ty 4 DOUGHTY CHEVROLET 4 - 35.00 1 i of Miss .Edith Nelson evening fter which refrehuwnt in Clearfield. Friday. were serVedt to .8 girests, MissGrace Tinge .Miss Emma. Pevucea of Ogdew fvturneA froip Logan here sbe has been wan. the' .guest of bliss Melba Thera . seitdirf th holidays ith fclw- - !ey last week, t, tVCSx Mi-.and Mrs. Etjwin Stenqftlst Mrs. Jess Leonard ond ts chil- and ftimHy of, Trenioriton. . were dren of Cama-- Ida., are visitisg guost pf Mr. and. Mrs. James ' a$ the hoiw of Jtlr. amt Nr. Ion-Jr- d Svjebstdr Sunday. . . IUU. Mrs.'Rulon riUiar of Mr. and .Mr. and Mr. WillhiM Simmqns-an- Og.den spevt New'Yeftrs witk Mr. family of Layton and Mr. anti and Mrs. Frank Williams. Mfs. Arthur tailfy of Roy wefe Miss Marcel Dawson of Laytoft gdests of Mr. apd Mr. W. V. and Miss Cloa Clark of-- Ogden and GaiVy New Years day. Alkyi PerRina weYe guests of Mr. Airs. Jennie Cheokets and Mrs. llenry Grah&m, Monday. rprmTmg-thholiday with her iteughtrv in .Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Parties enterNew Mexico. tained 8 Salt Lake coyples yit thqit Mr. End Mrs. Miles Mutphy and home Tuesday evening. Mrs. George II ill, Jr., ,1 loutA ftinlily p f 5alt Lake are visFtiag rtfihtjves here tfi!s week, YV'tber, died id the Dew hospital Mr. and Mrs. Artftar Taylor Thursday morning of pneumonia. U tfieir hpme in California Her husbahd died just a yew ago. Friday afte skuliug a few weeks Funeral- - sendees will h held Sun . weeks here. Jay in the Kyysville tabernacle. Mr. and Jobja tJloeJ Were he (defen4Rnt, delightfully sensed iy their ehvl Did, yoti know , - ' horn j . Tvun!y-Sfivent- no-a- at the ; i Poiun 'pray employed b conn'v .Trtfuitural agent to de- -. ftfoy noxious weeds bordering leg-- ally designated rhacp tpftite .noat l; South and Socpnd Wd strwc vsiin?d' Friday in fil. ifig of a $1G? claim against- th- - m it is p'robably true that ct considerable jroportjpn bf the tax- -' Every Jhiwnan person' es needed to cover the $1,500,000,-00- 0 to sbe.pnovlsions made far, .! ' t--f. Whiie ce d flqt-terju- r.PM-OOO.OO- a940 pom-nien- . rt . eeV-b-af- e - llad)ock-utttlerwer- . , ,..New Yrarh eve was in camp this year by the enrolleeg whw remained here ofi the fire do-tail. A light lunch vras Served late . in tbe evening, and the bqys theif own entertainmeht i the recreational ball. It wds a sober affair, but it really w4s fuh. Tomorrow morning those who have been on leave will return tb cair.R and the entuo company will it first day f work for the year 1936. During the past - year, we have worked hard--o- re really have put forth honest, effort, and we have obtained results, officers, new errollees and. a new . camp have all made their appear- anen; l.ut what is more. important .. is tbe the new sandarll in ear work ideals that has been attained.. t' cinfit know ahat the futiir ha-in s!orv. but w are eagerly lookin'? forward. . . .. , ns - , l Headquarters Admia-istrato- impli-C'alu- 8 1.4 -- J -- $ entertained some friends TdesdaR . evening a a delightful watch . . , party. A lovely euppey Was-se. at midnight. . j Mr. and Mr. Menril! Ru5fiforth '. entertained at a lovely turkey difr- nef, New Years eVk, Tuesday . evening. The dinnee waa jt receded by a theatre party in Salt Lake. Coven were laid foo twelve gucita,. . RiACRth t ' studying this ciucsti&n, Only a few SOMETHING DOIHO ALL THE TIMl weeks ago, the Wojks Progress Ad ministration under Mr. llarry L.; Hopkins, Inaugurated a National' at'ghler, Arlise, left Eatufday research Program, headed, by Mr. of 8alt I.ake but formesly of Kays-yill- e .ltastusl". Once th trend for a visit with relative And it . Ak ktd 4 loficat fjuatetati ?v(finsp gowt. r, Assistant Gill,. Corririgton announce tha arrival is to end to special there starts,, Southecr. ia tab fore i. JSbe was with him." to study the varidus by Ixirn last week., or rass aVa'ion,. A'our 'Misire-rcoirraoied do What by her of this ijiieslion. The ceun-tr- y yaa ttfaa ty logical '.Mrs. 'W. E. Cailuji etitertafneA may btf free from it today and Mrs. Rhode Robins, of Kaysville. need! to usp the scicktiflc ap- got it i)i the neck tomorrow. . Ibc KayvillpArt club at htr borne aeaintancel" witness Fadie Clark entertained the Mrs, ' replied, "Well," pnftch to its fcrobjems, fii.scnrding . Thursday afternotm.. same lodga. te the hrf loth lnti at a holiday party g fridge nlj ppnftceits, fto matte; how Wong Mrs. E. .1. Boyil W Iturlingt4,i ; . V KA YSVILU-fcir at hoirt theijr appeal. Irtw Friday afternoon. The find di uiift M. Fletcher of ' Korns not too is aas It muck to rteborately trimmed in say that Non,outh, TIL are visiting hi the sahriea pai.d tbo officers of Occident Iwo'rld is in the . A fifie luncheon the colors. holiday our great corporations., Comparatively Sunday vrAim? the family fit home of.thcir slsVrr, Mrsi I)r. Ruth, throesMrved of that whore condition w:i It srwl lr. Mrs. John Webster following whjcfc tferca .Vdpe find family. Mr. Fletcher is little .of this wealth cduM fid tables of' Sf. Iff. Walter. Rampten, has of ti wkielt thd 1.8! were played. annifor-ra.ralsfi h y surplus things hiidgff be yccn.purod by the Townsend weddipg vfeiling his wife at thp hoirtw Miss June Fiamp-- t grqnddauahtcw, cVirns, . u'siv but Lewis returned ta cannot (Sipitalist Mrs.-at the Webster futilmother' hmno. Isinfofd. Thort Her; Tlart, it is claimed, .hence its over .kh Unicm Facific Rerbeley, talifofliia to left ton, and.wJiicH the 30 abd were worker chil'dren Two of'VV, produced in present. fesupre her F,. King art ity accomplishing any construct railroad Challenger train, R'ednes school work after visiting here hieds, .Kelt cinnot buy, IJowever, . Me., and Mrs. Charles T. BurtoR ver sick. tive results, ' fw weeks visit with fior i AUon rorente, Mr. A. an ap- hjy TYmriyng for ft According, ta students of tak tlh,? Townsend Tlnn will not supply fiBteWpbied 15 guests at a vratih Mr. with California func-tithe S.(Tuthern ip trome Clark t that !,. Ifeeir and family. purchasing power Vqidy in pendix .bpcatiop in a Salt Lake Tuesday. problems, over ' and most claimed fm it o buy ...Mr.and Mrs. John W. ThornToy hospital Mrs. John Eaty and Mr. and Carppnfts aon . -Ftruatu taxes was collected frohi people qf Sunday . Loren those and The load families,would come attended Mrs. things. a Mr. Edward Bradley of Baocrot Tettfsosi Mr. dinner M incomes and Nrssmall 'since the depression and family the Mis Maxine Hindley will lcav ore visiting relatives. They came-tThee people had little 'or nothing on. persons of lotf income, and they home of their daughter Mrs. Sfetk and Mrs.- - Wv E. Gailey enjoyed a. Iwyond their ing SHJ nl familv Wednesday. left for pavings accounts attend the funeral f Ann Ca vtch party at the hmie of Mr. Saturday for ft tw weeks visit in Irr thin aix buying vcp limits. California. She wjll go by way of Rue Tetty who Mr. and Mca. W. F. Collett amt nol Mra. Turner Tueday.. . . period thosq with, tricornes' of oy.er pissed away JSvu-da- y Family were guests of Mr. nd Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Leo Greon ijtef-- ( Su Vratidsco returning from Los $5,000 per annum had an aggreeven'rf. O. M. Gullet t in tgdcn test week. teined a, a party at tlieir hpme in' Angeles, She will visit with numgate net income, above income taxTo The Aged The North .Davis es and surtaxes,- - of nearly , $41, Mohte erous friends and relative. Make board Layton, Fihlay evening. New Years CENTERVILLE noJJ M very delightful f Xmas fheg fecial 000,000,000. . playe.d during th . meeting o--s . ... ., Ap0UfTA$StViiSllrT4 t irti proved . gan m spending tho holiday witA hor mother Mre. R. . . Roberts. . Mr. and Ijrs. fitetling Rollin Mitertgin-eat 9 beautifully ay- -, pointed dinher. Hew Years .da for the Rollins family, Tb tabte was centered with a bowl of yoa buds an vl teflecior. Seventy- si guest were at the lwvely Jtabje, Mr. and Mrs. Say Austin of Sail Lake wore the cot ef tonen guesfs. Mist Vera Smith m visiting few days with hey ateter and fliw--. . ily at NephL Mr. and Mrs. Thdma WiMiam .' tube Cabinet inc- husi-turnir- fg ,Ucti.. Thi. .. ,., l -- exce-ssiv- . . Mrs. rrankie Randall llrs. arl Cettrell and baby low . of kaysviU visited Thursday ..a Friday witl N. aA Mrs. Hard I. gmitA . Mis Gaotgi Robert from , and Mm. Tuesday The famjly of Joha W, Wefcstcr entertained, at the h(ynq.of Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Webster Nelw Ybai;s dqy. 'Cevera were laid fop 41 guests. . Mrs. dHajfes Odd entertained al Xmis party.-lasf- t o her weel? 38 grapd children and ten' of her twelve great grandchildren. This is .vi'cvenh thq children loek forward , to each yeaf. Mr.and Mrs.. William. Market and children spent twp aya last oreelf'; We,ilJvillo with rlitives The Day Vjew club will wioe, Mrs.. .taxes against 4her types of stores nej:t wevk at the. home That has already been suggested la W. P, Epperson. . at leivst one. ?ate, where soe of fjlcna.RobFps, daughter f Mr. lh.e backers of a peciat chain and Mr..GIen Robipi, ha the re tax are casting longirtf eyes ctrickcnpox. on independent groups of Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis flaamussen eh avid iayoft , -- .... ary explosion.. of u. dont fellow tfext door. me plan efforts Many contend thpf furh if lhat to think 'tup Rufst be'inailgurafed in eapfure the ni-- successful, and H pliticmn their hands on' one business, frpits of. monopoly and. other businesa will Re etext in sodme to corrvert and tktm.to profits, ciaT uses, lmt fhey sPe enly tho-- Jn f01! their Ate ntKins. Pob. y ym favor hiRjsf laxeS critvest dangers in Ike- 7owlcq , , os, gasshnb. If 0, . r.in ; bat. it may ewt he lorn Iwfote we is fell over the facl fcav h,li)Pr Deep conct-ror now teve en the that as iaduntry stesfis to le re- - f!in(jy basfrtoss,' the tobaccq tq former production ley- - ness, the .insurance Husine, el, rreaiploymcnt aiM tCw tm- - !.whafev.er business you are in. Or, you mdy favor special punt.ploynhmt does not keep pace witk th?. growth qf the vblume of pro-- . tive taxes agarnst chain store of . CleflrfleU were visiting with rel-- . Ryes this pasjt week. , , Mr. and Mrs. Goldeft Nortel 4ft baby and Tloft and Alberta Aid Of Morgaik spent Tuesday ant Wednesday Witk fikeir granetk. May Be Next -- Clyde .f pen difig vho with Mr. and, Mrs. Howardholidays Davis. and son at Garfiel Utah. Mrs. ward is ) daughter of Mrs. . EveretP. , Grew I?s -- i- DAYTON, UTAH, JANUARY 2, f93B 9 - TELEPHONE 46 - - , V , , .. I .. 4 r . . , r |