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Show THE! WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. I J VIRGINIA VALEAA t . 'ifv had a grand with his wife and BUCK JONES daughter when they arrived in d New York from a trip. Noah Beery, Jr., joined in; he made the trip east .with Buck for the best of reasons he and Bucks daughter, Maxine, are engaged, you know. round-the-worl- . Ii'll' fvc ' vl - Jr Mil VNLAWrVUV k4 KIWI II TNI MAS im, riTr-TH- i or l TMI ACTS HUUII oriit, ,, a Mary Rogers, daughter of the beloved Will, will probably bs heard on the air In Miss Pinkerton," by Mary Roberts Rinehart A stage ca reer what she really wants Just now, and as shes pretty and tal ented shell probably make a success of It Is Quotation from Charlie Chaplin; I got most of the things I wanted, but I found out after I got them that I should never hnve wanted them In the first place." But Its an much enslcr to feel that way about a thing after you have It I a "Mutiny on tint Bounty" knocked over a lot of records recently; during Us fourth week at the Capitol theater , in New York, there were still people Handing in line for tickets. A swell picture hut I uwrn you girts that, if you dont like brutality, youre going ,ln close your eyes through a good 'part of iL RKO Is tnklng bows on the first I Bream Too Lily Ions picture. Much" and a grand picture It Is. It would be notable, If only for showing an opera star who Is young and pretty and has a lovely figure the kind of opera star youra likely to Ree In the movies hut not In real life, alas I Miss Ions. Brace Moore and Gladys Swnrthnut are making It pretty hhrd for the old fashioned singers who ate everything In sight and then claimed that they had to Jo It because they needed strength In order to slug. Theres a new kind of amateur hour on the nlr. every Tuesday night at fi:::o on VMC!A. The anm tours are society folk and once they get started singing, reciting, or what-not- , they go right on to the end this being the only aiuuU'ur hour that has no gong. Sally Ellers sod Jimmy Punn ars going to work together again; they'll do "Tomorrow Is tho Day" (and that titles so long that It probably will be Changed), and try to make It as successful as Bad Girl." Befc-te- r body." This Invent- ion, credited to learned tant ,. Aitfcns 7Vr tuilimr ft mV rim UnfiU rttm, fir MS tit Lm mi lit frf U.- j mi w.ul ia , It used to be fairly easy for a movie star (or ) to get an honorary fire badge. Then Some oj them went In for red lights and sirens on their cars and now can have an honorary fire badge any more! near-star- no-bo- ... ODDS AND ENDS James Cagneys contract has six months to rhn, but even now IT arner Brothers ore talking to him about e new one . . . Key Francis got hers three months early . . "In Old Kentucky," ITil Rogers last picture, is his best one . . The Polynesian girl who plays opposite Clark Cable in "Mutiny on the Bounty" is studying law el the University of Southern California . Charles Boyer will make on of those French Foreign legion pictures Since Brian Aherne did " I Live My JJfe" with Joan Crawford hes been besieged by autograph seekers Looks very much as if Sylvia Sidney and her bridegroom, whos a publisher, had parted for keeps . . , Iola NegrCs still making pictures In England , . . Its being whispered about that some amateur hours are losing their drawing power, so far as the listeners are concerned : they still draw amateurs who uont to perform f , Copyright. WNU Sorvleo. JetllBf scientists etxidy he progress ant and tbe 1 But Ilia? fs fio! ttr year' gtralst scientific achievement, although that Colo(t Is cmtlFyln o know yonnS while h nel Lindbergh, to conquer, hn fuote "air i, J Curned Ida soncentcated ward science. m cxiahvt-itui- t FRANKLIN 1.UM.I FLAYING fJM C. THE HARMONIA, HIS own mVfNTI0 V. i i Vaatf y more lmportah? tfiah Invention for studying hiimair telescope Is the flew men stud suable will lens that he adverse piote Intelligently. Thai universe Ts fnor ImporUnl thuu sny cancer or gUm4 THISInftrament or. Policy ZZCcttr WClLty' e JiW-lnc- Whnrjub That Find Out The Maant of Hyderabad, ft ne ? the numerous rulers whom the Brit-tsIn returtt keej) oh their thrones, for a servility that delivers thelf subjects to the J.ritish, U about celebrate his silver Jubilee a rulef. Americans, because He interest tie Is called absolutely the Hchesi tima J tho world, fichef Aha Rockefeller, Ford or Mellon. Ills Income Is put at $50,000,000 $ n h wioibtk'd rJStl sjftnf AO lit Wuit yifittstf thJlt I s Vlut tiltin' in. h ? fiVg. i it it 4rrd k7 1 art upon, 1 If , igreeeble H tvecaiD, Adrataittton, adACgw, - Hamid met bf 'liiT Cuurikmitfhip,t, a ruck CiC of tbii retry. Out be DiviJcml of the Ut If the Teaor iod wtw Intent dfjthc GiiNXw of Sufi be uTured clftrwtierw, tbb roficy to W year, which might be possible, though Ms real fortune bears bo i4 tfb Ml W MIk M ,K. mtt will k k(, n,aa 4ai mv. Offcv M ki i Policy M i Ik ,1 ISSUED BY INSURANCE ($r COMPANY In- Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family' Welt Being to Unknown tion of Great Britain, and after England has finished with the they might welt yield aw Average per year of $4 1 the Nizam, which would give Oku $50,000,000 Jen r vl new money. h W.j,, m,, AI.cmAai t ,4 ui.a. ,u nrmi.mutu, al- HOW), 000 Hindu subject tinder his rule, thanks to the tolera- r A KcwWm r ,w Antf Mk y iaud . Preparation fiEfORE The British who realize Tint a!f fdanes mean, n they study Italy and Ettilopla, have more thnn 2.01)0 plntici ordered for Immediate use, w ith full equipment and men ready, snd, for every plane In the air, England will have three en the ground, lendy to replace losses. Thus, Britain program Is 8,00J planes, compared with uf yetai) fOUNCED- - BY FRANKLIN a From Youf Doctor If ths Pain Remedy You Take Is Safe; . terest. lie has ? 25 p'XSzp . yott fake any tion you dont know sli about, for the relict of headaches; or the Iain3 of yheumatism, ncurilis of neuralgia, ask your doclot what h in comparison . thinks about it with Genuine Baycf Aspirin. We say this because, before th discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most . Vppin remedies were ad vised against by physicians as beinif bad for the stomach ; or, often, foe the heart. And the discovery of Bayer .Aspirin largely shangej tnedical practice. Countless thousands of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year ' in and out without ill effect, have proved thafthje medical finding nbout its safety were correct. flemembcr thb: Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the. fastest ' methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches 8d all common pain , . . and safe for the average persoa . lo take regularly, Voa can get real 6 aye Aspirin at sin) drug Store simply by neycf asking for it by .the name aspirin" slohc, but always saying BAYHl , ASPIRIN w?ea you buy.. H orgnulzei the first tho city to be puved ; orguulzed the first society stu! to made first the the aoll negro congress against protest rleanlRg system; reorganized (pnited city watch and enused the city to be ef slavery. (The title page of the constitution of Tidoutly policed; and established there thectfys this society Is reproduced above.) tirst acinlemy. Its first library and Its first lie wns the originator of the Idea of a I.engin if Nntlons and the first te advocate a policy of Imping. hospital When the American housewife brandlshas tiei egal condemnation end punishment of a nation broom in nn assault on dirt Bd (rush she can which commits aggressive warfnre. fienstof Iittnmn thin!; Japan thank Benjamin Frnnklin for this Invaluable Not all of Vrankllu's contrlbufions to bis coun- $Ians to conquer the United States ally. According to the story, of which there are trymen and to the world, however, were strictly and the rest of the world. He says several tendons, Franklin saw a whisk broom utilitarian. Many of them were cultural and In , Japan will "seize the Philippines (tint had come from abroad, In' the hands of a these he exhibited the greatest versatility. He as soon ns the opportunity olTers.-Thnwoman acquaintance. He examined It, fopnd sev- was one of Is probable; the first writing among ihllipylne . eral seeds, planted them and (rom this start others a "Sailor Song," "The Mother Country," are In Asia. came the broom earn Industry In this country. My 1lnln Country Joan," and After th Venue Fair riilllppTne Japaft will , But the brooui corn wns not his only contribu- Calls." lie was a leader la the musical world take Mexico, then the west coast of tion to Amerlcnn agriculture or horticulture. He of his time, wrote on musical harmony and the United States, according to SenUitroduced the following useful plants or grains played on several meeicnl Instrument, Including ator Pittman, who. wants to know lnt America from Hu rope; Scotch kale, the kohl the harp, the guitar, the violin, and the harnmnU whether this country will withdraw rah, 1'hUu'se rhubarb and Swiss barley. He or glassychord, which he Invented. This consist- within itself ns Japan advances, t promoted silk culture In Pennslyvanla and In- ed of a series of graduated glass bowls, pierced make a definite stand somewhere. foot treadle. troduced the yellow willow Into America foar bas- hy a spindle and evolved by The west roast would give bins ket making. He taught the farmers of Pennsyl- The musrc was produced by bolding the finger I definite answer aboq( thaV vania t "plaster" tbelr land. He Introduced against the molsteaed glas. ' fowl meadow grass Into England from America here ts an aristocracy svet tft Franklla conceived add organized the Junto, and the "Nhwvtown Pippin" apple Into both Eng the forerunner of all tbs servlet clubs (such as crime Vou read, Haujitwana sings land and France. He waa probably tfie first Rotary, Klwanls, Lions and CIvltaa) of safolt In death bouse." today. . mechltrc.) American to direct attention In a. published writ- Out of this grew the Amerlcnn Philosophical s Five ether fnurilerer ia the same wear thank who can tu the value of education In agricultural sci- clety, America first organization of scientists, house sang th earol srlth him. F.en). vpectaclA ing .People ciln Franklin Hint they dm tint ha if tv carry! ence snd was probably also the first to suggest lie was tht first American economist He was Jingle Beils," and also A Jnmiic frwili Meilige one for distant ylston and the Insurance ef crops against ftornt, plant dis- the first president of the Society (of Political Naeht around pols of LasMV colored, Hill Patterson, ("Holy Night"), which rrus? For he fn vented one for cfose-up- . Jensen eases ami Insect pests. . the first society la the itave ha? Mr hreai fined was $t() S. Inquiries sound trnge coming wltk such lenses In ant made a pair Franklin al the first to propose dyllht United States Interested " Ig promoting the stud from the throats of mivdei'ersi. o'f trtssf bpcause he (ailed f returw tlfein fc r hlhiself. , There are el w murderers Is fft In Jail en kU saving" -- the feasibility of setting filocka forward of political economy. after ' . Among his many other iBtentUmkwfrea tbrw lh Summer and back In the winter In order euth house, snd all enng tosefhee, fetch a ten cent cigar. . ne coflcclvod and established in tMlaJdpTd whlH'l clnck, a lltirary ctialr that could be conbut the cthe five are the first sifcoessful circulating Ubtafy, rh raerbly an mUfic.Inf rm for verted Into a of those we have 'today. He devised a present," fm names mentlnnM. In a from shelves books a, high, library, taking Their rmirder were oat sutfidaaft-?- J reformed alphabet which was bases! u;u simpi;. ne arin chair Hint 'could bg wed like f desk o Bed or phonetic spelling. Intcvestlny. , table for writing (the moifesn mi arnr rent,in Franklin was Instrumental fa founding ft ,J. tunt" has adiled nother utfe for It), fhe ftulie fcJapar.se tlrplane lege of Pennsylvania, which lateb'bwams tk. omS Key-t- a iurnln i roowi glass and aa electric J.fck V first real university." lie originated (hs elecklled"-Miiclnl I China; many of dhniL of a" friiliar. tive the studies, college alo system and soldiersi socald Japanese . lR you Vnoxv Vhy yvu enjoy Hi fonvontenre group system." He was the first t recoin mnd flrdewvj Chinas fioldlera of all kinds of household utmislls ofeftited hf ta vcn.1t )h the teaching of modern languages, tlw first ( city, dropped bbmbs electricity? Ita iHTiulsc'BenJaniltr f'rankk!rttai In agriculture and In he thof advocate training jrti the first to discover tliat w current flf electricity THRU ITEM Vha w1t and sciences and the first to prescribe athjettee TfO REUEVlMfl can tmi&ngtlxe a piece of stwl Mf.Tound that Engird . nf the as an adjunct to a college education. v ,f Nations dd nhoflt COMtlPATftll' a wire carrying a current of electricity and Benjamin Franklin was the first real Amertf:v that? Jfuf tmlch. Premier Baldwin, wo'und arounj) a piece of Irpn mate's thb Iron a newspaper man and as such contributed nany Justifying the sudden decision tp piagnet li la upon this fundamental j;rlnrldo ' ur e n; firsts" to the profession of Journalism, He fithlopig to satisfy Italy, that the telegraph,, the teU'phom? apd the electric established the first foreign-languagveais the f.nct Cartoon. Snaks Frarfklina newspaper that British ships . motor are based., A ekansing dose today; a smaller , Teare-MoIn America (the Philadelphia Zeltung), llennn alslt Italian ports durfifg ' Jn a world that believed tlurt llghtnln Vas to benefit by all the daylight possible. lie was the first attempt In a colonial paperto Illustrate quantity tomorrow; less each tinte, The rirent That until bowels peed no help tit all. enpln.sdntness. caused by poisonous gases .exploring hi the alf, ridicul'd for the Idea at the time but modern a newt event crude type metal by engraving dangel too close. tests his was famoug Franklin, by Amerh-nnwljh. have adopted his Idea. map of the siege of Loulsburg duriag the was ANY mother knows Ihe reason able to prpve that lightning yind electricity werd He 'started the first thrift campaign In. that with France. He was Jhe first American Awhen her child stops playing, eats wlTat has flow, Inflation, .Identical. Knowing kntey lightning wss. he was Ms maxims of Poor Richard" did more to en two .of bis cartoons are especially is hard to manage. Constipation. and r.o (W'nt little, its abld to control It ns much as, man. Is- - gble to courage thrift And d11arand double Industry In the colonies than noteworthy. One was the snake device with Its e Vionnt f put what a pity so few know the . cash tvittrol any force df Ratline at least to.jhe t axys other thing. circulating com- sensible way to set things rightl , motto of Join or Die," an appeal for unky pared with prosperous 1020. of reduclig Its, hazards, its did Hi by , lie organized our postal aystem and was our The ordinary laxatives, of even. among the colonies In resisting the French snd Is not realized, which Injkulon the Ur. rod, Charles first postmuster-generalightning ecnpso ordinary strength, must be carefully Inventing Indians. Later It was put to good use as a qjm-lihffnkeri, Stelnmetz the nufdero elccitlcal avlzard.f deFranklin was America's first weather man.' to the colonies In the Revolution! darelenk 9r vauts bulging, do not regulated as to dosage. appeal clared to be tjie best and most rbllabl protec. He waa the first to discover that northeast The other was hla Brlttanla A liquid laxative is the answer, Reduced, which tlon we hnje against lightning. " mothers. The answer to all your , strms come out of the southwest. In other words, was Intended to Influence British public scptl-- , Tlussolinl ealls those Another way fn which Franklin protvte3 thf that st Jrms travel In an opposite direction to the ment In favor of the American colonies trying to worries oxtr constipation. A liquid a, can be a and his American home, or, at least, routinsitedfor one winds, lie was the first to discover that the people .with sanctions can be measured. The dose out to Great Britain the and condition egottstlcat. hypocritical," says Italy exactly suited to any oge or need. disaster which might hapen to It, was to or temperature of the Gulf Stream Is higher than point which would result If her harsh policy toward Just reduce the dose each time, until on spite of them. ganize the .first tfre Insurance cotum.iya-h- ( tyan of surrounding water, and the first to have her American children was continued. the bowels are moving of their own Tall QueenElenn. the "1'hlludelphlu Contiihutlvnslilp for thT Biisyrar.ee that'stream charted, lie was the first to dem kings wife. accord and need no help. Nor are these firsts" all that can be cfedlked the ,omh ef Houses, etcj fioiu Loss by Fire." But more vmstrate that ydl on the water will still the to the Italian This treatment will succeed with Benjamin Franklin for, as the Encyclopaedia Soldier for the triumph child and with any adult. Important to Ills felldwlWmis of Philadelphia wifves. He pointed out the advantage, later Brittanies says: A summary of an versatile a Anknown any or Roman clvliir.ntion wus the fg). tl at he established ths first lire Aidopted wa In with Africa." doctors use liquid laxatives. The of building ships genlua Is Impossible." But they are enough To universally, i use the liquid form. If it Iv.1 ' fire. to or credited talk engine company to pruiect the city be not thins He can .Hospitals Is how t the indicate he compartments. apt suggestion that should a their use, it is best for for tomb, And not contfut with that ciilc vntcrprlse, he flth best hint is Unknown that the took Soldier he lie regarded as first In ths homes of his originating the Idea since use. The liquid laxative most aave home also did these tilings for I'hlladelMa (there?)' for It from the Chinese, but he did Introduce the are So, n,rmured: they U11 nt families use is Dr. Caldwells Syrup It." providing uu cxnmple for other clUru to follow); Idea into the western world. C Wtfw Nwptf Ub1o peDsin. Any druggist has it. kluf ndlct law antl-slave- rj strti-- t cd t or song-writer- s, Bayer Asjpiria t to tr f0rc-runne- Its rather a shock, after being told for years that Jean Harlow: hair was really platinum blonde, to have everyone concerned come right out In the open and admit that the Harlow locks are really light brown, or honey brown." ; aac vfver Aiore that ! ) . drome ean he built soind fan: s tie 4ask yet that Is what englecm are about to ds rear NIce, yh. mouth ef the Vaf, a farge ru.r there, 1 Co be mmptetely divert a that aa aerodrome can be fcuiTt where fts watete have flovwd u tho se tor oubtlese eenturlc, Fes some year tlu? enoutli ?, tee gradually slltlb p, end .Vi. ta has beeu forming under the wir. face of tiie water, Now If ts .r poseij la enove he rve bmf ji) yards to $he west, so that the tteltA becomes Jrjr land. )a this will In built aa Important aerodrome. - rums it joum jama, fireplaces and chimneys. Frnnklin contributed to Hie health of his countrymen ly being the originator of tlx modern Science of vent But Ion. lie wus the first to discover the poisonous quullty which repeated give to the nlr In a room.- - J le was IW first to coll attenthm bo the folly of keeping fresh air out of hospitals and sick rooms. When most ef fbe world sltpt with bedroom window tightly shut, he wus a vigorous udvocate of open windows, frewti alt ami proper ventilation. Whfn there wero no bnthtuha la Alnerhgin homes and fhe general cnsUmi was to bathe hut seldom. (not even Set unlay night I), Frank Ifn was nQ advocate of froipient tmlhlng ami took a. hot hath twice a week. He also advocated and practiced air bathing, tiie forerunner of the modern sun bath." Although he tiis not the 'discoverer, he ns he first to demonstrate the priiductlon ad cold by vnporatlMt is fact up to that time unknown tb science) thus paving the way for modern "ulr cooling." Frnnkllp was the first to udvocate dressing sensibly, lie made, tests of varloue colored cloths on show wlilch showed that black amt dark colors absorb fhe' heat from the auu's rays does not. He made refotumemla and that tlons regarding wbitd clothes for the tropics ami white cloth helmed for tire troops Iti litdln which were adopted many yeirra Inter by ttm British. He Invented a laundry mangle, which lightened' the burden of ironing elotkea after they hare heen wuslu'd. (Wasltiniion records In bis diary the facf that Re asnw a deimviswatloh vt this Frifc unfurl e! HULADlLPHtJs By ELMO SCOTT WATSON one has suggested that If Wash-lngtoIs supposed to be first III of his countrymen, then the hearts Ij Benjamin Frunklln, whose birthday we observe on Jumiary 17, should If be balled as first In the homes of bis In. his countrymen, becausj a ventlons and adaptations of bis hnve found their way Into well-nigevery American home." Until be Invented the FYnnklln stove, the first successful wood burning fitovp In this country, Americana henjed (or tried to heat) their homes with open fireplaces, of which It hiis been Bald that when you tried to warm yourself, you scorched your front while your back froze." lie also Invented the valunhle contrivance by which a fire consumes Its own smoke, and bis pamphlet, Cause and Cure of Smoky Chimneys," revealed the correct principles Of chimney construction which rid the world df the annoynoce of smoky TMctef Cnrnel ? Rockefeller institute, may be impor- Pcnnljlvania, JM Engineers Will Move Biter I Creale aa Aif droit- - Sin ergh end the Gradual Abolition of Slavery. THE EARLIEST KNOWN PORTRAIT OF r KANKLIN PAINTED BY FEKE IN PHILADELPHIA IN 1748 NOV OWNED BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Lindb- Colonel ! Til Tilt Muv-ouroee- n, fr arated from the ADDIS, OP General AfTerobly of roi thi only artifi- cial heart organs keeping sepwhen alive IN BONDAGE pUts gn(J first" the NEGROES, TO WMICI eighteen months old, and the Oltrl-en- s felt that she was a bit young to go traveling, so she stayed homo with her mother, who hna a gown shop. OBrien received h royal welcome, with newspaper photographers and reporters and all the trimmings, but he didnt want to talk about himself. Ills wife and daughter are his favorite topics of conversation. Or hell talk about James Cagney what a swell guy Cagney Is, and how much he likes to work with hlin. greatest Tl abolition of slavery, AO TNI IBLJIf Of FREE These project will be s tension of the famous Childrens Unit, way built In the park by the children themselves. It Is run entirely by children and has two stations and 1,200 feet of track. It was opened three months ago, and since then 65,000 passengers have ridden in it tiny train, driven by a child. Th work of building the railway wns supervised by engineers ef the Transcaucasian railway. Montreal Herald. orld. tfhaf! the Shole rntVereaUtiflCicSemeDU in rot rtouoTiM tmi - Moscow. Man The Richest Pennfylvania Society, 4 Another man wliod like to hnve a reunion with hla daughter la I'ut OBrien, who mado the trip en8t for business reasons; his daughter, Is Deed1 Ttie Creates CONSTITUTION V A railway tunnel, 3, (KM feet 0f line, and a station compete la ev ery detail are to be built (p thei? spare time by 500 children in llflis Park of Culture and Kest ther " THIS WEEK VHS i Russian Children Are to Build a Railway Tunffel BRISBANE His Countrymen ; i jMovie Radio $ By of rirst in the U "jpt STAR DUST LAYTON. UTAH sle r step-laiTdo- MO fr UPSETS d-. The proper. treatment for a bilious chihf 1 kind-hearte- d e s cs-ten- ar - I''ble ter-tig- coue-irymen- ." WN'u Service. , |