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Show . o BOUNTIFUI SHERIFFS SALK o Mr. . Bountiful Moto, troit the miifdl fK Tf?U MSTMct TV1K KKCO VJ TRICT tH expected b$c week. . fuStS Francis Jin. , foe vo::Vornia, where e '.! March. ".Mr. TuV;t "evening:. , - C-- i manager v.ii or two and Mr?. V.. re havin? foH eek Mr. tatioA. Thta 1 e t:-- e CuT.f ?.v shnw day ,,; ni iTeaft . Si l 01 Li 1.). t, VI ?' a! I.'un 1 t,$sy in IPundetf. JaA. r;.v m-- ccnaedy. Ono 730 Wednvl it. Succls'rul railufe cj righf at Thurmlfty, LVc. & if rhriet. Sakif. j alined ?!, Vati? fiftY-fir- st tie. Myrtle Kehwn hi 31. mile-sto- ue n- t . . .is-no- , . t r, ;S,r'V U.WW4NCK 2,000.00 2,000,00 'll J l : r.u a I ?K'S Till. w pairs JiuS AbJU FINANCE vpens g . ; . ' . .350.wr j iunt ep:!nse ..uwo.oo u m ,is .pnd.expepso ..! 1.600.00 .' , tooo.oo 9 S.W0.W ' .. .; f ''Vi f n . . . 150.00 20000- : pig. tilXl'lly i . . 11 ?,-a- anl left wifi? for southern' California Saturday. Expect ,tq remain ther.e at least o month. They have gone to, the epast principally for Mr. flucni.ng-- . . hams" health. ". . .The roadmen and many rf the citizens as snow are engaged in moving we have had quite gen- erous fall. . Kulon Burjihigham is remodeling f"and enlarging his home n son'th 4 M.ain street. . . Mrs. Horace Brough parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phippjn', of Logan are spending the winter with Mrs. 'LET US SERVE' you-.- . : For all kinds of . HAIR CURLING : ; ji T CALL .. Beaiity Shoppe. 'Phone 4 H H . g 22S-- J 1 F M4 K 1-- EDWARDS LADIES Mill t delightful, ey.to have, new treatment, which has changed the mental attitude of thousands of women toward A hair coloring. '. Chutol will cover the gtT hairs and blend them into ' : the natural tones of your own hair so perfectly, they T defy detection. The correct . ive oUs in Clairol improve the hair health and keep the . hair in condition. : ". . . .. aO.Ofl lUTrs in Vw fn atrawbertiee; four iAcre. t' 31-V- ll.liVOQ ' lMl(Js $ .l.'.Vbijno . bonds boiuf? 't;2.b0 23L50 i. it 5.00 r hoii.pi I:u ,i k ' UiJlcl.S , ! JOSKIH HOLVI UO.K, hauu either pflrtly furnished or f'lii4ft of .Davis Couiitj, Utah unfiirpishi'd" with, twa stoves and iolmson ft .Wlliiurts .ittorncOs, bottind fiold'waet. Flora K. Moss, . l.rW4 jilionu Bountiful : 45- 20. ' . f.OU RENTkl-ltoom- s' in th hdiueon the new highway SALE Argyle fn West Itonntiftib Apidy Jess.e II. . . . " SHERIFFS - . j25.uk) . '- - :) ( . homl WonJs j, . i)5D.u j : ' ' ... 51-'R- 3. IN TlfF, RKVOND' .. '.' .1-- 1 ,. tae 1 .f Coffee & Roll . ioc s 1 . . ., , minute modes-- , for the street, rbrt. op dress. . In'the way. of seasonible (presses the JCdwards Ladies Apparel Shop always aarries the very latent styles from which to select. They stnd back of alt .goods they sfill and as . a cpnsequenoe the ladies over the adjoining territory have great confidence in the relialJility Of. this store. No matter whether it is a. mornjng, afternoon, or sport garment you desire, you will' find here a very complete stock Thrs is an age ,of oompetitive prices'. The Edvards Ladies Shp is one plate where the women of Silt Lake. Ogden, and. vicinity can lie fitted tint in a dress or Vo&C of the day at reasonable figure. PeajSle marvel at the xccdlence of this .merchandise at prices lower han those prevailing in the' average store. , BS.follpW8, COMPANY! , IfKENDRICK SHOE at 124 South Main Locjited in Salt .Lake City Localcdjin Silf Lake t..l24 Sb. Shoes for women are at the MaifU McKendripk Shoe Co. in 411 the T he Mi'Komlrick Shoq Go., fa latest graceful fines .for street undei tlie able dircption of a wear ad also an" extraordinary whoare well informed in assortment of choice '.models are the business and prepared ta offer prescntfcd in many clever new ver.styles in footwear, and sion and delectable colors, suited at the same time fit tkq shoe so to the of general loveliness that it actually fits tifo. foot The Miladys outfit. , , abiliy in this respect hits won for McKendrick Shao Co, has left thi firm riany pafrohs , in this undone to give its custo ' nothing . , . , community. mers the very best and latest ofThis popular tore carries a in shoes at reasonable stock of newest fashions feringsfor every occasion. By an which lftnge frflm the mope con- prices ot'Cnsional .look at this tore's disservative ujofels that are genteel window ,you can predict what and with a, nlcp refihement jto fho play ln'shoes will be. Shoes of fitstyle smartost models , in thp varied ted comfort which are youj armtones of calor which the dejigners chair's greatest rival. A complete sftek 5ut for exclusive and model stock is maintained 'in all models into.shoe, tq satisfy th most and sizes for men, women aju fasffdiqus taste. , , . children. , hoes in a wide varitily : We are glad to, compliment the ofstyles ; that play a leading role id Ihp cor- McKendrick Shoe Co. .upon the rect foot enstume of the well efforts that have been made 'to al843 dfessed ladies ancf gentlemen of ways Located in Lake 232 So. 5th E. supply the custofners with this section ard on 61ft.de their to cordial Tbe 'display at ttfis highrgrade shoes invitation, Candy Company extend i, hich actually popular shoe store at prior to lit lit the foo ; at fair and reasonable , obi and new customers among the merchants to stop when every purse. , . . prices. at ! nt man-ngpyio- te 3 i( andy is k bfion to the city. At this plant the most healthful jof " jngredients are uied in the process of manufftfture. the analysis has proven them ta be absolutely free from anything injurious, cqnsequently they are not oplyhealth giv. ing but health protecting. V Their business increased so that improvements have been made from time to time until today they have a mqdeUndustry. Everytl)ingin the plant is kept scrupulously clean, as it is the policy of the institution not only to make first class candy that will pass inspection, but to turn out candies that are as near an approach to the acme of perfection as modern methods and ' ideas will permit. up-to-da- te If the public could only comprehend how these products are handled by this company, could understand how pure and wholesome they ere, there would not be a family in this vicinity that would not be asking for the candies of this concern. It is a pleasure in this Business Review to direct the attention of onr readera to the Glade Candy Company. . . - Sheriff, Davis County. dcjipsnn & Williams, attorneys McCormick lor plaintiff, Uah., Bldg.,. Salt Lake City, 'Jlf 45-4- 8 r 4 STALEY'S LUNCH COME WffliRE. .YOU'ARfi , SEes A Bank Account With a record of more than forty-;thre- e -- years 4ffi4f f 44 1 :: , Located in Salt Lake in the Regent Building Ensign tthoto Studio, is a well most costly work In this line and kndwn and a popular art center of there are examples of the artistic the community and the place where ability today in the homes of people of this section know they many of the families in thtr" comwill find' expert professional work munity. But they are also the in all that pertains to modern popular priced photographers and photography, for the studio is of specialized in proving to you that very wide experience in the work. really good work can today "be had They have won wide renown as at a cost. small truly very artists of the first rank and makEnsign Photo Studio has won the ers of photographs that please. admiration of parents Your many been said has it Truly the excellent work they do friends can buy anything you can through In making pictures and portraits give them: except your photoof children. Whether it be an ingraph. And because the proprie- fant in arms or a child in school, tors of the. Ensign .Photo Studio seem to they possess that happy are prepared to serve you of faculty catching them in the most efficient .manner at small most natural way. cost. , exIf a family group most wish You can secure here you modmost phoographed at your home, call cellent photographs at or write Ensign Studio, they will are Of erate prices. course, they be to make all arrangements. and rarest also the for glad prepared - ; . thereunto btfonging. Dated and issued at Farfpinjjton, Davis County! State of Utah, this 20th day of December, 1035. JOSEPH HOLBROOK, ' ENSIGNPHOTO STUDIO Chili 10c ; . right-of-wa- . H. t: of-wa- edm-ple- te : to-wi- Commencing at a point in; the center ot 'a 'certain ' foor rod strct, running 'North arid South, G'A rods South 147.7 rods Ktfht and SOI feqt North from the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter f Scc tion 25, .Township 2. North, Range 1 Wwt, Salt Lake Meridian, United States Survey, being the point of the commencement of the boundary, and running whence North along the center . of mid street 128 feet; thence West., 95.9 rods, to the East line of of the Denver thq right y & Itjo Gfande Railway Company, thence South 9" Vest along the East . lino of said 145.2 feet; thence y E&st J341 feet; thence North 15 feet; thence East 262 feet to the point of commencement, .containing 5.12 acres, more or after deducting less,' net, Btreet. Together with pll im . provements and appurtenahees el visit. .. , .. Thiswell known concern is on of th& mostprpfnineiit: in lliisVetioft of tho stati. Iks plJint i nvidern gnd ev&fy particular a ndsa n i t a ry.t h rough out.' Hie business i8con,; ducted along progressive 'Jines' and ?ire "proud to sayit is ' . . 'credit to t&is part of the state. , , Trt be able Yo 'make certain of getting irisolukly good '. '4 ; vicinity a visit. . or thrPe .himdfed bearing fruit tree peaches, fthe'rries and' . freet.' a'pticnt.s snd also h four roomed. . ' ,jogi tber M'iti all impnoT- - . luuiso and faur and three .foCiiths 4in,l. afunirteiaiiu' liercvs of land; gooff wAter rights. I beivuiit o..luiIongin Cull Nifibi ltacrdcR, phone Bminti- - . ' '' . Uatnd kf I'm'mio.'t on, Utah, this .ful .'.45- ' 2i' h d'.i' of RKNT--Thrf, ):jr. FOR .roomed ; -- ' te 44AIBS . l in,tjvn and jiay them TUC GRAY . (F-i- ', Salt XmLSt&'. ou!T ' 1 APPAREl'SliOPj GLADE CANDY COMPANY. . 44-IJ- 2, 2 fei't; Umic nnV!.h ' f,0 f if. them cast 2Gii feet fcu the point tlf cortwienceaient, t iaa li.n net 5.12 acres. or l,s nfur dribictihg' ' 42- Atyyle, phone JUDICIAL RliNY A newly modernix FOR DrxT.KKT GUI HIT -- OF THE cd home to West Bountiful, furm ' 131.36 luomlis) AND nhed or upfurnishod. 5JTATI0 OF. UTArf IN' See P. P. builds ii.7 5,000.00 ? 111,428.20 FOU DAVIS TO t'N'f-42-arrish jn Centervilld, C. W. NEWTON, plaintiff, Vs. V;'FOlt SALE Pale of D. II. IStitofKlKJE, .and W. l'Vnwick. Bountiful. bobslays 42- . ef Civ 1 $ Cininml, 3t is nPcessarp lo KLBF.KT . . . . . . . KLDUKDGE, his wife, and tn mhab Ljntti.f IVnfntlful City that EVA stores, JEIa.lt Lake Stci'e afc45 Soutii I.ain, Tv 0 Operating; ttto REFINING 01 L WASATCH ' n t . et . . . cUe. immediately! . COMPANY a m.v corporation, tlcfefVd-anls-- m V diJCff? Northof Paramount TbeaJtre, stove. lacation At nue shall at tyico unui its puV jdeu j . . . . , latiin.. To' be sold ni SlwilT.'s Sale1 on A. sc. y.tjie Uy ilnuficil of Iouiiliful City, Utah, on the 30th , at 2378 Wushinglon 'Avenue. . . Hie , 18th day. Of January, .A. D., , n 11.1.. ' These popular stores, doe to the unseasonable wtfatlier are. over- 1930, at the hour of 12 o'clock b u.fof ijipiU-c.wiid of Deocmbpr, Roon at the north front door of the luoyor City ibis day .. . . loaded with stock, arid in order to. meet their creditors demands Copnty Court house in the City of f. C. STOCKS, of D&via, Farmington, County are forced tq a juick sale Jot cash. Take advantage of the Mgyor of Bountiful City, Utah State ef Uah, that certain piece or Atie-rt- : t laved of property SrtuUte, in Davis unusual bargains offered at this 5ale, pay tHc. sore fn your Ki.irirr, llOyd ' State of Utah,' described .County, f CJiy Recorder., Ap-p&r- V. r,' .M'hh hh 'd tm--1- Burning-ha- f?1 i .',100. t Wm. . . . .2,350.0,0 .?T).i;mt:uekt ViVr ! y in ' god' Jersey ne SALU-U- ee -- to Utal i !.U3 240.0J) -. t . 75.(10 1 holi-day- sr . . . 225.00 1 Willey wjll ' w-- 14 . - Boq.08 125.00 R0.00 100.00 1 Mrs- - fOR iMP-- . i.f - June. 7,I$:.C0 l ? Mr. atui , Durham cow. Wlll'am Lawsan, 2nd hou aouth f Bamberger station, . . Bountiful. 46 FOP. SALE ilei f'ojnt white . . enameled Electric rangt. Very good condition jou will have to see thi range to appreciate its valud. . BjuiV if ul Light & fowei Go. , 46- FOlt SALU Ioq4 used cooper , ' find eoaj range, A-- l .condition . cheap call ai IVvnrtiful Light & Power re. 46- . t , FOB. S AtC T bole' electric ... rangp! Very fhfap. Apply to Ilenry Schi.lthJoH, Qlpverly ' Grossing, Snurh Bopntiful. Phdne' 45-! iDIt BENT Ten aefes of land in one' piece'; one and one half ' . Went. Salt Lake Meridian, !ri,id yute Sur flu cy, of lh com mo nee moot of the hound ry, and running thence north Ion the center of said utreet 128 feet; thence woi 2U2 feet, there south lj feet, thence. f til 4 1 feet, more nr toM, tj tjie cast Hue of l he iikht-o- f way of the TVfner A Hi Pnvlway Company, ibnnrs nmrtb degrmi went al mg east line 4.r said right Hf-. feet thence cast 300.0H . f -- drgu . l.LOO.OO New-Year- rsii-tf- ' ' . SALE--O- lh north net iurter of See. tj'on 25. Tenship 2 North, of 1 .5f u?4ViS....i.:...l; . if " -- ing ' m I'ofnor . ; W li.-V.- . . f,-- , rS 4 af 1. ciassified Ads in tb,. i hi ,.f fr'r?v sv if. S'at ington, County f if Utah, that c'it.iin piioo r parcel th-- i . I 79-R- 2 4V . 1 . Thonw . 1 to . ' Jvri. ttf 'rent. Mrs. Parker and tance'last Tubsday, Iec. R. feilt Mrt. Brougdi of take,' Thfviee S'.&bl 40 !I ? husband on receiving word of the NeTr Tear Bountiful in f tiird ey ft u Ta '.r.9 V h: 0 0 . spent accident afyl n f htijr return a day with his. children after, wjbicjt he went T wjrtiesj 4he 'iinv v.? 41, r. ago reported that all will J at his Kose, IJowl waicj , Ogden and. (i . reefer and will noon be abfj t went Nt?v V ais on old T ftally, town, honje Morgan, visiting ivy. return home. Mrs. r.irkor is the relatives. and friends quite difficult t! pot to iV. t daughter 0 Mr. and toM. huminf- iVn.a.-Tivo .onions ears ef the wort far' i., game chipjjs g is 4 hara. tfcaiithe siptfj I.,. - a SvLu'i er the line, ovei ped Bambel'ge frojn Mr. and Mf. Thomas Whit an. ' . . nounce the. birth of a daughter at Bountiful 4eifott during the- past him 1me iiis. -- . . : ,. Mrs, week. . of Kaliley. UF.t " . the .$t. . Marks hospital, auF a. school M. resumed Tjre public t'hte,r, thtio, FrncktShop morning. Mrs. White WiV, wcwk Olga faciei, hdt . ! Thursday morning. Si, . ,ryt Mhss Maxine fo.rmerly Mercer. ' MiSs " Ihi Lottje Tharhert one of the at noon; for .New .ore. Mr. and Mrs. Horner an isit will at the . . .Bountiful .friends ttpehe.rs Jurriof, pulailves!. . nounce the mafriaj. of . tlc;FIn f is hor.c LV.v a sdiool in high holy,-C i;ocbUVr,. V'U hospifal . daughter, Susan Marjorie to Allan t hi .state and fihe with 'OutheA California, .C'ty ujet ft. WHhey.son of Mr. o'ncrj4.Ts ji krs. jj. an accideill while mtloving coVn-- Jhcy. wilt .rriia !i. UoJi'iifi'j fn ..Kay Willey, which took, pluV . ! '. about. a month. . hepa .to spend the Chvismas Wis.,.oh Christmas ev. Uiaive. Is. be ff. n tiu'iicd she Tt..Ses-- i will expected Kii"y .Miss Brough left for tm'ca-- t QaU able to.retnrn in allout six weeks. .ay t niig,ih iris ocorlc ij Cp.lirday, fleq, 21, to myt Mr. Willey ' l'ha V.S is pa. University of'.Ulah Mothers .iti'.i a L v .t who is attehding the University of Jr. nmi ?Jrs. cdph will bold their regular Hionth'-!- . n S. Am , ' ijiiV, . Wisconsin. Hy. Willi y is tt praiJ-- . i 2 lurn.g kt ho!iia,s. Wednescia'y-Jan- . meeting irnto from the University f Vah p. m.j in thd girl 'game roonj. at . 1 . .andregeied a piasters degree in 1bilL 14. eye ..ii4 its ihq Union, building. .Ooctor George c'.a r He. . rewired a.siinlir-- Thomas', chemistry. !:k 1, pftisident of t&e'ynivei;- -' Sever s iu,jo mi n ship tp gfl to the University of will address the gatnnng fill' tliose who. de.n ;u vr.. f Wisconsin, "where he ir now forkAiTn. nn! ii.u vci.li you! ,bos the afternoon! Tea will bo during . for a doctors s. at W Sfcjf fEKVILLE AUTO .. HI PAIR: QO. W f wi Un jVurt lu. ?IU- - JJJ EOTl aRPRCiTUIATlONN 1 1 f Jires. ' ;'? FOR THJ. t.ir tiv rtvVbTNWKKT IO T! TtEMT A fiie'ely (ufnkhod bountiful prop.rtv sitiu'p in lS4i CounVOUliCU. 'U'b' M. IKK ty, Mat iff Utah, as tartfncflt, all gun equippsd four live room. Call Bountiful, 84, Mlov, t.lOlt .t wonejr mtf hefthy pla vvil g rvrw v rt 4G Hr. Hichtfd Strhighan)., tVinmiiieirg at a fnin ia IOR center for r ih. if citiri four good Guehnsey of Bountiful City .... red rTfet, runnititf north nn.l cow that has Just freshened with w J93P, ! futur .list, tn,.g her second calf. Kuimira f Parley south, s?.s,; ro.U outh 17.7 fU'they itewiuei i the Budget .a vd nd rod V. Iatrisiv, Centerville. 48-and l?;i .Wh t the cu north ly from the fieri h wot f ihiuatifut i t's;; Vth. i of PT iv , ? - UM)Rf:iXl;. on oM . m.Dkkiv;:. v.ii WAShTFH iHT. ?:?;riniatj e,f OicntNANCE s.rhi i.u! fvniiv, r.-mt- Petilt-- nu'vif':. tSMit, a. TTUKTCN" ;tj Mf.irr fi. v ! ! SI"TS ,,J i.r lfc. tuiAM 1. ? fc'jdA u lthfltrr.?U tir'i street light dvorationt wilj holiday. 11.0 f. IT. taken down next Monday. mee v tne Joseph fiumingham reached f.he. Ihi 6hVj6 A The big special with (Awrge Raft. turned liivne w h hi pi'. Mr, i'l 81 t, el I. 4 ! Shi CqtiVIn't Joan Bennett ! in j? i. Tftk Iy with Wahef Conftoliji tnd hdidayc Mr. er.J Mr, " IV?..,? , Billie &rk. Ban Thetitre Mr. mf Mrs. Evan Bsowa arc Fix'll,t, Idah, .till M m. GjHalf-vyd'f birth l.t. &n jartf'?, j rejoicing oyer th,s A& MTs. Brown wa Mayes, 1. pound daughter. j,1 riu'. end fwnl Mian Jvrline Willfunts-Thby 0 vr. t aafe for winter driving? 0 1 prices and trade- - 4Hf4& . 0 4 uih EvfT f untt she DIS- TIIE VOB ' 'tiH;, .J fit IV t av I j I'-:- , tv .tt l .'.. , i A ANrk WVJA1L tfharfei t an t the tatpayrt? it trens m,t? JUDICIAL Old IMP' y - g, ' tn t hi b tl - U tfwin ?i -- ident wfcen their turned over . a the road. Mr. c? If. w. Uum-- , iaghan hat her pin broken and Irvin- fcurairghaui , .Mrs. broken collar bone and !. ift. . .juries, while Mr. 8urtir.hn, ant lis daughter. Ida, who was drir-iaescaped with minor iijupie$. A blinding etorm a? ,aij y'a y, teen the eause of the aecidjr.t. The wort brought back to the hospital in Cedar C:ty, where they T" s . '4t' 1 j Mi. y:.? ?! i5 ... !!. ;. Those We Lve; Sianf r.!, Ir. ir Trouble jsfogram if ft. the ICrft K. I. eS a. . t his wofuieo nd i whiefe Maynafd ar Buii,ftgfcaM ir hwt Taraif.ihr Dyfianjka .Stanch wife aijd daughter jjf P. Is colored cattson. Friday, e Durningham, widow 4,f Jf J W TlwiC A JaA. "Sunday nd , M, (2 urday Burningham met with sctkius iR trs 'l lh ai ftl,with geed 5 m Calitorn!. Whild cm She Sunday, this aide ornef. IValfe IStringhait? - Are Yow r- VHfMIO Oil W Caldep, SURE OF SATISFACTION ad-vanta- .os perienced service. Davis County SMEDLEYS BARBER SHOP Layton, Utah . 4"M this bank affords its customers the of ample resources and ex- Bank at FARMIN GTOU M17SLOOQDM 114 rroww in-th- ! "J, BOUNTIFUL STATE BAI3 DEPOSITS INSURED The Federal Deposit Insiir&nca Ccrp. Washington, P. C. - , GEORGE W. GRAHAM r' Licensed i MORTICIAN BOCKTim, i BTAB TEC7CO3 HJ-- U W Maximum Insurance For Each Dcpoeitor PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD EH5UZT mm ' '. |