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Show i : i ' i . .' I v i i :, . . . , ! .,..- , a r ' i t ' . . s V- I .' V .1 I ! . ' " . - - 1 ' . J - . jr.- ... 1 ' 1 I ' t ,U. 9 tO ' ' " ' j - t l a worn -"'"''t t'"-"i. V I jh ..; a law tu nx j.ast it ha. been .:nut lml-.-:!. f r 'y man to j.a.. a fri..-ua ma tne jo..e, 'i t-e cui. r --huu8 r' '-t n urg- in Chiroira ,v n itit the rnuin tail no rnfiiicy. Tltn'ro la no furce i..iiever lti the r-wtinn. The oiwratiun cf tne BtniHru, rv -r b pninio o- private person, it a vl-""" vl-""" pHvi..-j. We rH"stt to raise ail m. niom-y jieit-fsary to purcliwe an up-to-date treet car fysiem upon eeruticate. hlch are tecial or llinlt-id promlee to pay out of the Income collected from the system. The ' operation ' of public utilities by mo-Blcijialitii mo-Blcijialitii is no untried theory. Whenever a municipality haa taken over a public utility, as to. thla utility, corruption and bribery cease. Ther. la no motive or the corruption of an alderman In case ot a utility operated by he public. if rood result, have been secured In the cltle. of Europe and Australia, whv cannot they be secured In .the cities of New Yoric and Chicago and the other cities ot America? The men of parties who cbarye the citizen, of Chicago Chi-cago or of New York with beina so Inefficient, Ineffi-cient, incapable or di shone t as to be unable to own and operate their own utilities, frame an indictment atalnst the cltisen. of these communities which our people will answer at the poll, with a verdict of "Not aullty." e e e " . i The movement In favor of municipal rimer-ship rimer-ship ot all publlo utilities ha. taken deep root among- the tnteliiaent people of thla country. It I. so paaainc sentiment. It Is here to etav. Municipal ownership and operation of these utilities and rovernmectal ownership of railways, rail-ways, telegraphs and express transportation I. a practical question upon which the people peo-ple must pas. within a very short time, and the politician, and parties who. Ignore this sentiment 4nust be prepares fur a short-lived career before the people. We in Chlo.o .have no feara.ae to the result, re-sult, of municipal ownership.- We are confident con-fident that the 'will of the people can be carried car-ried nto effect, and that, too, without the imposition of a slnle dollar, worth of taxes; and we say to yon men of New York i that jou can, by the exercise of the same determination. de-termination. - bring about municipal ownership owner-ship in your city of any public utility that you may desire furnished by the people of your city without an . increase of. taxation Upon your citizens. ' . - . I conaratulat the Municipal Ownership association as-sociation of New Yo-k and the men who now surround me upon this stare, and in this audience.-apea being pioneer. In this movement-in movement-in the city of .New. York, and I hope that a. great, a nuccess will attend " your effort, as have attended tb 9 efforts of the people of Chicago. ... t ;; ;- t , ' - :' . "I.; MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP i , ' 1 :' ' .DISCUSSED r BY - DUNNE, i surplus of nearly tl ,000.0001. She has so maaad her electric Jltht plant that he haa reduord the eoet of ai0 lainDs from $13t to about A tor aro lamT. P sum the is operatlns both orpanmenU m will as her police. Are and educational department, without scandal, sraft or corruptloibSfae. cheapen nB the cost of utilities f uralshed to thepubllc Bne will have the stoie record of in relatldn to hep street car system. ' V! rt11?0 of Chicago have been educated ??-t0,tlVlf'ct?St . "municipality can ojSfit. n. .'.h pnblL9 utll, ith much sreater satisfaction to the people than can the same mlliue. be operated by prlva."car.H.a.T They have learned wherever a city In any poT-tloft poT-tloft of tb dvlllsed world haa taken over the operation of Its waterworks, raa plant, elec" trio Hrht plant or street railway system that in..Vlry.cMt whm fairly tried the o.t of this utility to tha public haa been reduced, the waea bf the men who operate them Increased nadered U0 mor afflclent servic The only twp serious objections raised during- the recent struggle la Chicago against publlo ownershop of the public uuiltiea iu- I Flrst-That it would tend to build up 't xeat political machine. None of the friends of municipal ownership in Chicago or elsewhere else-where advocates the ownership and opexatloa. ."'-!'' NEW TORK, April 8. Freeh from hia "triumph In the recent municipal election, Edward E.--Xunne. Mayor-elect of Chicago, Chi-cago, last night addressed a large meeting Jn CooperUnlon under tho auspices of the Municipal Ownership -league -of Xew-Tork City. lie told how he expected to carry out hia pl Tees' made 'in his recent cam . palgn la Chicago toi attain 4 munlclpat ownership, of the benefits, 8 he con-reived con-reived them, fit cjty control of publldlitil hies, and HCsed'wIth congratulations A the local league n being pioneers In the movement in Xew York. 2iia.-spe.ecb, was enthusiastically received. Recent ertta- " tinn i.i iew York for municipal ownarship added Interest to Judge Dunne's utterances. utter-ances. -James Graham Pheips Stolles, vice-president of the 1 league, presided. Judge Dunne said in parti - . , j . Msn of. tha East:rWa bring yon tidings 'of great Joy from the men of th West. Tha exploitation of puBHc property by private capital, with Its attendant, greed, extortion and corruption has -bad Its day la American .cities, but that day la about ta and. Kxt Monday Chicago starts upon her mission of '-dislodging private -capital from tb control of our street, car system. Eh hat succeeded In the operation ef her waterworks system. In paying some $3". 000. 000 for Its equipment; has lent H.OO0.OUO from that: "department to tbJ sewer system; Is today, giving tha cheapest water of probably any city In Air r tea, and |