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Show This Little Girl Got Well Quick "Just after her X third birthday, my little daughter, Con-" Con-" - 4 nie, had a serious t" s t attack of Intestinal J.. flu," says Mrs. H. W. '' Turnage, 217 Cad-V Cad-V walder St., San An- I' V - ' I tonio, Texas. "It left her very weak and pale. Her bowels bow-els wouldn't act right, she had no appetite and nothing agreed with her. "Our physician told us to give her some California Fig Syrup. It made her pick up right away, and now she Is as robust and happy as any child In our neighborhood. I give California Califor-nia Fig Syrup full credit for her wonderful condition. It Is a great thing for children." Children like the rich, fruity taste of California Fig Syrup, and you can give It to them as often as they need it, because it is purely vegetable. For over 50 years leading physicians have recommended it, and its overwhelming over-whelming sales reccrd of over four million bottles a year shows it gives satisfaction. Nothing compares with it as a gentle but certain laxative, and it goes further than this. It regulates the stomach and bowels and gives tone and strength to these organs so they continue to act normally, nor-mally, of their own accord. There are many Imitations of California Cali-fornia Fig Syrup, so look for the name "California" on the carton to be sure you get the genuine. MercoIizedWax Keeps Skin Young Get &o ounce tnd uer as directed. Fine Darticlrn o( aKi kin peel off until ill drfeel uch pimples, liver spot. Uvn nd freeklos dipprr. Skin ia then ol and Telvety. Your fswr looks yer younger. Mrcolipi Was brinm" out the hidden beauty ol your skin. T remove wrfnkl ue one ounce Powdered tiasoIit diaeolved in one-half pint witch hasel. At drug atorea. Start thorough bowel action? ii when you feel dizzy, headachy, g tSl J bilious. Take NATURE'S L -r' REMEDY Nt Tablets. It'a mild. safe, purely vegetable. ,triif and far better than ordi- lU'rtSuH! nary laxatives. Keeps you TO AORROV feeling right 25c C9 ALRIGHT The All-Vegetable Laxative RHEUMATIC PAINSll relieved this V4 1$ J quick way If the stabbing pains of rheumatism are crippling you, rub on good old St. Jacobs Oil. Relief comes in a minute min-ute 1 This famous remedy draws out pain and inflammation. It's the quick, safe way to stop aches and pains of Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago or Backache, Neuralgia or swollen Joints. No blistering. No burning. Get a smali bottle at any drug store. HIGH PRAISE FOR OR. PIERCE'S MEDSCINES vw,, Pueblo, Colo. "I could not praise F y Dr. Pierce's med- f ' icines too highly V .s . A even if I tried, V " said Mrs. J. E. 1 Sweeney of 213 W. Sth St. "I think . - any one who has f ' j used them will agree with me that they are perfectly reliable will do all that is claimed for them, if not more. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is for the general health; impoverished blood, stomach trouble, bronchitis general run-down condition. And any woman who has tried the 'Favorite Prescription' can testify to the excellent excel-lent satisfaction it always gives." Fluid or tablets. All druggists sell Dr. Pisrce's Medicines Fight those colds! When winter begins to break up, wet weather brings on a JV'j 0 annoying colds. Men and women often lose fitness i ' ' during such seasonal changes. It's an ideal time to take Scott's P 'VH' :Ur Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil every day. Doctors find that the $ ' wealth of Vitamin A in this emulsion is stored up by human IVV- , jJ bodies and builds resistance to the common cold. This is the Lv; ; pleasant, palatable way for adults to take cod liver oil. Scott '''j"':'''-7 & Bwne, Bloomficld, N. J. Sales Representative, Harold F. j'V i Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. t i'" ' 'V. LISTEN to the Scott ft Bovm radio program "Adventuring with Count At lr. . ivOft von Lucknttr," on Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. over the Columbia fiL Coatt-to-Coaot Network and Stations KDYL Salt Lake City and KLZ Denver Women ftfpC t? -V -.,.'1 l'--Ifii(li dliD ' iXXih MADE BY THE MAKEBS OF IVOKY SOAP It's easy on bands, it's easy on clotbes, it'a fine j' : -; ' -i- '""'V " a'V '"V for disbes! Docs more work because it makes ) ( ( J .f 509& more ends richer, quicker, longer lasting V " , i'7! . T' - . V ..TV suds. Never balls up; rinses clean, softens water. I --r ' ' ' ,ltH-i;;fyJfc!. .-'': V Procter & Gamble .. ' '...- |