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Show j 1 County News f SOUTH MILFORD Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKnight and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker were dinner guests last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rollins. The occasion occa-sion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Rollins. Dr.. and Mrs. Addison Bybee entertained enter-tained the Rev. Dallas McNeil at dinner at their ranch home last Wed-nes Wed-nes day evening. Marion Fairbanks returned to Baker, Bak-er, California last Tuesday after spending the week-end with the Reuben Reu-ben Jones family. C. A. Rohn was called to Los Angeles An-geles on Friday by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Rohn. Later advices ad-vices were that Mrs. Rohn passed away the following Monday. Mrs. J. W. Underhill of Delta visited visit-ed his daughter, Mrs. Carl Elmer last week. Dumayne Williams, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams Wil-liams slipped and fell to the bottom of their 27 foot well pit early last Sunday afternoon striking his head on a plank. He was unconscious for nearly twelve hours. The bad scalp wound required several stitches, but aside from the shock and some bruises bruis-es he is recovering rapidly from an experience which could so easily have been fatal. Mrs. Ralph Ellingsworth's mother has been quite ill with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas and children moved to Delta on Tuesday to engage in farming on the south tract. The .Social Hour and community com-munity clubs joined in a party at the club house on Monday evening as a farewell to the Thomas family who have resided here seven years. Dancing Danc-ing was indulged in until a late hour when light refreshments were served. Representative W. C. Cates. returned return-ed on Sunday from Pasadena, Calif. The Social Hour club met last Thursday afternoon with a very large attendance. The modern revival re-vival of that old art, quilt making, has seized quite a number of our club members. A delicious two course luncheon was served to members mem-bers and guests being seated at a long table decorated in St. Patrick's day colors and motifs. Mrs. Wm. . Heslington was a guest of the club. The hostesses, Mesdames Jones and Williams were assisted by Miss Clements Cle-ments of Milford and Miss Nella Jones. The club will meet again on Thursday afternoon, March 17 with Mesdames J. G. Weber and Sautter as hostesses. I MLNERSVILLE Mrs. Francis P. Hamblin of Lyman Wyoming, spent a few days here with relatives during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dalley and children of Cedar City, spent Sunday here at the Sidney Carter home. Mr. and Mrs. James Eyre and son Hartley, and Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Osborne Os-borne attended the funeral of their cousin C. W. Hawliday at Richfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nills Binns of American Ameri-can Fork called on friends here during dur-ing the week. Mrs. La Var Isaacson and daughter Lola are spending two weeks at Provo. . Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pearson spent the week-end at Provo. Charles Dalley of Summit called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Robert Hildebrand spent the week-end in Sevier County. Authinell Carter returned home Monday, after attending the Dixie College at St. George. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murdock attended attend-ed the funeral of their cousin C. W. Hawliday. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Marshall are receiving congratulations on the arrival ar-rival of a baby girl born Saturday night. Sunday evening a Pageant, "The Light and life of the World," was presented under the direction of the officers and teachers of the Primary. Reuben and Lew Griffiths of Salt Lake, were in town during the weekend. week-end. The Boy Scouts with their leader Paul Worthen took a five mile hike Tuesday evening. Miss Effie Wood entertained her Bee Hive girls at a party Thursday night, the time was spent in playing "Bunco," first prize was won by Thelma Hall, consolation by Arlene Gray. The following girls were present: pre-sent: Reva Hollingshead, Verle Za-briskie, Za-briskie, Shirley Blackburn, Evelyn Roberts, Mary Goff, Thelma Hall, Arlene Gray, Norma Jameson, Phy-liss, Phy-liss, Norma and Eva Marshall. Wilbur Murdock was the honored guest at a party Thursday evening it being his fourteenth birthday anniversary. anni-versary. Music and games were the diversions after which a dainty luncheon was served to the following guests: Arlene Murdock, Verl Zabris-kie, Zabris-kie, Betty Carter, Mary Carter, Shirley Shir-ley Fotheringham, Zora ' Roberts, June Osborne, Zelma Eyre, Vera Thompson, Donna Murdock, June and Arnnis McGinty, Lyle Dalton, Wells Roberts, Richard Banks, Ward Thompson, Pat Wood, Spencer Roberts, Ro-berts, Leland Dalton, Ual Marshall, Jeff Marshall, Lew and Ellis Carter and the guest of honor. Cleo Hardy was happily surprised Saturday when a number of her schoolmates called at her home, it being her eleventh birthday anniversary. anniver-sary. Progressive games were played after which refreshments were served serv-ed to eight guests. Minersville School Notes The Speech Department gave the following program last Friday in assembly: as-sembly: vocal duet, Carma and La-Mar La-Mar Corbridge; reading, Nona Marshall; Mar-shall; instrumental duet, Mr. Isaacson Isaac-son and Harold Jameson; reading, Clysta Osborne; saxaphone solo, Edwin Ed-win Eyre; dialogue, Garold Gillins and Fern Carter; talk, Mr. Wittwer; a dialogue "The Fatal Dose," Lois Carter, George Young, and Dorothy Banks; march, Helen Pryor. It was a very splendid program and was enjoyed en-joyed by everyone present. Last week was a red letter week for the Minersville High school. Our High school basketball team won, in their last league game, from the Milford Mil-ford high school. The score being 15 to 16. The senior girls were victorious vic-torious over the town girls in a very exciting game which they played last Thursday. Our Sophomore girls can play basketball too; they won from the Milford girls in the game last Thursday at Milford. The score was 42 to 4. The seniors are certainly thrilled over their beautiful class rings. Oh, how everyone envies them. |