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Show WILLIAMS GETS TWENTIETH HOMER I o o o o o o o o o o I BABE RUTH ADDS ANOTHER ONE I o o oo o o o o o o I BROWNS MAINTAIN LEAD IN RACE AMERICAN LiKAGrE. W. L. Pet ' St. LoulB 44 29 .603 New Vork 42 32 06 8 I; Chicago . . 37 33 . 529 Detroit 36 34 .514 iM ashington 34 36 .486 Cleveland 32 40 .444 'Boston ...... 11 40 . 437 iPhiladclphla 27 39 .400 YcsterdaCs Results. At Philadelphia New York 9. Phll-j adelphia 8. At Detroit Chicago 6, Detroit 12. At Boston Washington 1 Boston 1 9 1 At Cleveland St Louis 9. Cleveland I6" Today's Schedule Detroit at Chicago. New York at Philadelphia ::KV YORK, Julv 3 Returning home after a long rOati trip. New York joutslugged Philadelphia Sunday and jwon. 9 to 5. Babe Ruth knocked out jhis fourth home run in three games and his twelfth of the season in the eighth inning, with two on banes. Clarence Walker of the Athleiics hit .homers in his first two times at bat,! givintc him four In the last two games) and a total of seventeen for the season. 1 R. H 1". Philadelphia ' 3 9 0 :New York 9 15 0, Batteries; Harris, Moore, Yarrisoni and Perkins; Hoyt and Hoffman. I CHICAGO, Jiih 3. Detroit brokO jChicago's winning streak -of eight ( games Sunday, when they bunched hits! 'off Robertson and Hodgo with bases' 'on balls and errors and won, 12 to ') R. H. E Detroit 12 15 0 .Chicago 6 12 2, ( Batteries, Oldham and Bassler j P.l.-mli' n.--b:p. Robertson. Hodge and; Schalk, Yarvan. 1 I WASHINGTON, July G Johnson was OUtpitChcd by Ferguson Sunday' jand Boston defeated the locals, 2 to 1, ;Collins driving in both the visitors: I runs R. H. iS. Boston 2 8 u I Washington 1 5 1 Batteries: Ferguson and Ruei, John-;son, John-;son, Brlcksoh and Pfclnh H ST. LOF1S. Mo . July 3 The Browns' .chalked Up" their fourth straight victory over Cleveland Sunday, 9 to 5. Williams' Wil-liams' twentieth home run '.cored Shier Sh-ier and McManus ahead of him Wodd lso hit a homer with Stclnnes on 1 base. The locals batted Malls hard, while Kolp was effective In the Pinches. R. II E Cleveland 5 1 fl 1 St. Louis ! 14 1 Batteries Mails. Edwards- Lindsay and O'Neill. Shlnault. Kolp and SeV ereld NATIONAL LEAGUE. jj W. L. Pel lkUl New York 43 24 .642 St. Louis ..." 40 30 571 Brooklyn 40 32 .6b.t I Cincinnati 34 36 .485 Pittsburg .33 35 .4R5 Chicago 33 35 .485 Boston 26 42 . 408. Philadelphia 25 40 .385 IH Yesterday's Resnlta. JH At Boston (First game) Brooklyn JH 8, Boston 6. (Second gamel Brooklyn JM 6, Boston 3. At Pittsburg Chicago 5, Pittsburg . - At St. Louis (First gamel Clncln- LM nati 3. St Ixiuis 8. (Second game) Cincinnati 1, gt Louis 2. No other games scheduled. VkW Today's Schedule. Brooklyn a' New Yot K Philadelphia at Boston. Cincinnati at St. Louis. JLm Chicago at Pittsburg. CINCINNATI. O.. July 1. St. lxuls: L'abi' d a full gam,- en the tii.i.'iTs Sun- LM day by winning both halves of a doubii 'wAm header from the Reds. In the first. 'H game Keck was hit hard in the tirsf two Innings and was driven from th mound, while Pleffer had only one bail round. The Cardinals won easily , to 3. The second game was a pitchers-' battle, in which PerticS had Just I shade the better of Luque, and B Louis won, 2 to 1. R. H E. St Louis 8 11 fl Cincinnati ... 3 10 I Batteries: Pfeffer and Ainsmith. Keck, Markle, Schalk and Vvlngo. Lm Second game: jjjH R. H. F. I St. Louis 2 8 0 ' Lm Cincinnati 1 8 1 Batteries. Pertica and Clemmon-,; Luque and Hargrave. CHICAGO. July 8. The Chicago LW f'ubs took an easy game from Pitts- burg, In which Alexander's pitching VLM played a winning factor. lmw R. H E Pittsburg . ., 1 7 1.. . Chicago 6 12 3 LM Batteries: Hamilton and Goochi mmm Alexandei and O'Parrell VLw BROOKLYN, July 8, Brooklyn woa I botlp ends of u double-header heru km Sunday beating Boston, S to 6 and 6 to 3. The Dodgers batted ' 'eschger out Hj of tho box in the first Inning of the Inst gam,- and retained the lead, de- mW spite a hard uphill battle by the Braves. mWM R. H. E. BOStbn 6 11 0 Brooklyn . . . . 8 13 1 Batteries: Marquard, Oeschger. and O'NSlll, Gowdy; Vance, Mam J. Smith and Deberry. Second game. H R. H. E. I Boston 8 4 1 WWM Brooklyn 6 8 1 Batteries McQuinlln and Gowdy;; Shriver, Decatur. Cadore and Hung-ling. Hung-ling. H |