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Show LEOaL notices KoUee Is : herobj Ki . n that a special t OUO Sa t ( ompany win bo held on Bat urcUy July 22. at 8 o'clock p n, at tho office 0f the company 817 k"'. , pose of determining wheWer the com -pan ahall continue Icr corooratr. n- R. A. PIERCE. Directors 720 Not ce la hereby given that Me Tinder ' -'" ' ' 1 t private sale n ,1 parcel the following described real - Ulte situate and being in Ogden City ,rtt,er county, siaie of ftah- y rr" w H- ln Block Fifty. lx (58). Plat "A". 0Kdc,i City Survov and commend. ur at u point 1 84.76 toi eaj)t of the southwest cornor of t . Three (3) In said Blok rifiv.i In .aid Plat "A", Ogden Cl.v Surve running U.enao East 79. 2b feet 10 th southeast corner of said Lot Two (2 thence north 198 feet, thence wort 7$ I "-V11: Saturday, July Sh- g'h 1922. and wr tt.-n hi.lQ niit v.- e ,'hi at the bankln? hoJffV SataS.? South Main ftrtStVl&Jg kZTrflR 52? condt'ons of m li -"to b: balance n confirmation Of salht 1 court. AUmlnistratefg foed and xuZt. , ' l t.i ;, furnished nurrni."'ri n . 0 adrolnUtrator. PUA:t ".fecial ncM-nvnt'. !- he ,al1 bv thl arifl all lJ-.-i -n the i.roperiy tn .ludlnsr the year 1921 to n pitjM : and tho purcna.r to pa. ttS .-:.- I taxes for the year 1 9 JJ' 'f ,: l.ld to he In wrltlnr I to or left with lh. n'1m,nlv Ctah SavinB Tru.-xt -omi)aj,B 3I1B South Main street, Salt ijJM Dated thin the rith .la- i i.B t rM s. 1 :: v trust cnSH F,-, D B JtJDD, Aaaliiant Cashier and Trust Admlni-Ui AtoT- ,j t le Kslatc of i.V I tVllJion, deceased -Jnm |