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Show I TOWN JOYFEST ; Pershing and Dawes to Take Part in Celebration at Marion I ! EX ROUTE WITH PRESIDENT I HARDING TO MARION. O. UNION I TOWN, Ja July3 In high hopes that by evening he would be In his home town for the first time since entering ,the White House. President Hardin? , today started oh the last lap of his automobile Journey to Marion, Ohio. Refreshed by a night's rest at a hotel perched on a mountain top near jhere, the president and Mrs Harding Wore up for an early get-away, They were anxious to arrive in Marion by 1 night, although tho stlffest mileage schedule faced them since tholr departure de-parture from Washington. Approximately Approxi-mately 2f0 miles of the route remained jto be covered in the event the tourists tour-ists are unable to complete their trip jby night. It waf said the would stop for the night within .striking distance of their destination and complete the 'tour tomoi row morning In time, how-evcr. how-evcr. for aftornoon home coming core-monle.s, core-monle.s, In which the president and Oenernl Pershing and Charles G Dawes former budget bureau director, direct-or, both traveling with Mr Harding, are to participate with other speakers. Today s route carried tho president through bituminous .coal fields In Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio where miners have been on strike for several months Since leaving Washington, Wash-ington, Mr. Harding has made no public pub-lic comment on either tho coal strike or railroad situation |