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Show I "V'J AT OGDEN'S MOST POPULAR PLAYGROUND I BIG MATINEE DANCE ALL AFTERNOON I 1 FREE CONCERT IN THE EVENING I I GRAND BALL AT NIGHT I COME, BRING YOUR LUNCH AND STAY ALL DAY oft; iM A Fine Playground and Many Free Attractions for the Children sIbbbLHLIHBLIBdH comes & rf1Qi -1 ffqrd Dap's Work ? I After a hot day and a hard ?rhid, you're more than ready for a tempting supper in a cool spot. IH Cool, satisfying cheese sandwiches are a delicious addi- I tion to the summer supper because they're rich m nourish-ment nourish-ment and energy-building properties, yet their invigorating snappy flavor helps jaded appetites over the "dog days." Instead of meat tonight, serve cheese sandwiches madt from Banquet Better Cheese. It's always dependably delicious a full flavored cream cheese with the name stamped on the rind. For sale by leading dealers Also ask for Banquet Better Eggs and Butter BANQUET v, ot I RCTTCD Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co, DC I I CK Bait Lake and Ogden CHEESE Does Summer Find You Miserable ? I If You Are Tired, Weak, All Worn Out and Have Constant Backache, lib-It's lib-It's Time You Gave Yourself Attention Ql MMERI At what other time aro Condi- wrong and to lose no time beginning proper Bp-J Bp-J lion &o favorable- for the thorough en- corrective treatment. Very likely it's your n joyment of good health? Summer days, in- kidneys. ! deed, should be your besl .lays: 'lis- na- A lame, achinp back with sharp, darting I lure's happy phi j -time and you owe your- pains, soreness and stiffness arc common :Bgv self a generoue share in the. pleasures of sum- symptoms of weakening kidneys Vou may S W' B mer's outdoor exercise and recreation have headaches and dizziness, too, and per- 1 But you may be crae of coutttlewfolks who haps some annoying bladder irregularities. I mn is missing the joys of health You get up Fortunateh these symptoms are usually J E?r lame and achy; feel week, tired and all easily correctedj if treated promptly. But Bp;.;' played out. Every sudden move brings there is grave danger in neglect. Don't 5 sharp, stabbing pains and when evening wait for some serious kidnev sickness begin MBft comes you fed too nervous and depressed treating your weakened kidneys today with BwjL to rest or relax. Doan's Kidney Pills. Dean's have helped I 8 Arc you one of the unfortunates ? You thousands They should help you. Ask B Mm owe it to yourself, then, to find out what is your neighbor! Kff "Use Doan's," Say These Ogden Folks: K WM. HADLEY, 1083 Twenty-fourth street, I MRS. LEE CHAMBERLAIN, 340 Thirty-sec- I BflFp says ' Whenever I hnc had S.A uttnck of I onj street, says: "I suffered from lnn-ie back 1 HWvN kidney complaint, which w ns usually broughl on I uj kidney double When I swept the noor, I 1 by a cold settling on my ktyneys, I suffered sharp pains shot up from tho small of my back I jRw severely I could hardly get up nfter llHlng be- I ancj nenrlv drove me wild. I could hardly trot H BSi' uvotbeV'iS thM-Hr'';;;,; vc I ; f? I mm kidneys and the secretions werd scanty eno I and worn out and cverytnlne econurd to blur ne- I iHraaH burned In pnsMigv. 1 buy Doan's Kidney I ilN fl fore mv f V1.s. I heard about Poin' Kidney H BSh at Driver's Drug Store for these .tO.. k- H r,s tald ono box drove the pains out of n.y B HB they soon knock tin- p-iln out of my buck and ",3 lulu .. .. BnHl Doan's Kidney Pills I At all dealers 60c a box. Fodter-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. 3. 1 |