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Show ELKS NEW HOME IN S. L. DEDICATED SAJJT LAKE, July 8. In the presence pres-ence of thousands of persons and wlthi fitting ceremonies, tho cornerstone of 'the new Elks' home was laid yesterday yester-day afternoon. Tho ceremony includ-led includ-led the ritual of the lodge, an oration' by Brigadier General U. G. AJexan-, AJexan-, der and patriotic music. W. J. O'Connor, exalted ruler, was j In charge of tho program and he brlcf-! brlcf-! ly outlined the purposse ol the meeting meet-ing and Introduced General I -ander. The distinguished .:,! .-pressed .-pressed appreciation of the compliment compli-ment paid him In inviting him to' speak on such an occasion he not be-' Ing an Elk. Ho praised the spirit of such fraternities and predicted that such organizations! would insure the1 nation's safely In any emergency "During the last war' said Oenral Alexander, "the Elks furnished 7n -ooo men for the American army, andi of theso 1000 paid the supreme ;ac-rlfiee ;ac-rlfiee Tho Elks sent over 13,000 of-' fleers You have proven your faith by your works. The commanding general of the A. E. F., General Pershing, is a member of your order ' on |