Show PLAIN CITY llrlh ami llntll if V1111141 t 4101140dso 11 Inaeer f > f I 11 1 Lily Hpeclal Ccrr0nd llaln City NVMwr COL Kepi 10WIi Ham Oeddea ttm of Hush added non no-n Ormhim born Iwrrmbcr l Ita In lllaotiow HcolUnd died I August II tm In Plain City Utah after a hotl shAntses wllh family and friends by his Iwdl le At the squide fa fourteen he embrare1 1 this iloeiielln I hid native land and pent about aeven I re praachlrur an1 Aloof look an Aloo-f port In the Auirallo inlMlon I He emigrated lo I Utah In 1UI V a n pioneer he aalelrl In building Plain Oily whore be resided for over tony yearn telling I a lea linn part tnt tn-t As advanceirHrnt of education Keneral lleeptoViomenta and all kind ai Its events for I has old ill well the Aquifer and voat 1iii n friend 1 to thosse In need 1 Ile left two famlll issoviateen 1114rion AM forlyMven BrandchtMn to cherish lilt mtruory and a IIOL of friend funral Portland 1 over his Continued 1 were held In the Plain City meetln huuw on Auc IT at I p I In 1001 Inc the largest funeral ever luold I In the place I Ilia MR et tile pall lostairars Are proprlale and condoling remark were = by Filter I hr arter lrcU nl U 1 W bu1l1rr or the Weber Disk lIn Itln Parr 101dor Wm kn lion 1 J 11 Postry of Uiplts Filters J r 1 f olr si Joseph Perry of asigoolen cl Ii MIIoIn A 1011101 J P Ftk nn still 1 Xbrodusen IAW Kh told A fish tribute 10 the sterling character of Ih departed |