Show w bar final A UHONd IIIIUIIKII Stegall It t rorrniH n Ifiit writes it letter I I tmlMt Hie Influence of money In I our national land 101 l politics We ontve till him I that the money Palmer I Ings I Wo treatments it distelogrernoto ono our mill lllnni until thrvatini that liberty I vs which all patrlou deolro tu preserve I go It 11ul We d lo not ubllih bl I li oonimunlca lopphl Ion bniauio III U not only Mronily liar a II Intel but contain UD um < rtaln I In t lrr un < U 1 > r oi al c nour of ron Inunl public inn In Addition to UK noldgnt an eta vf tin 1111111 l States 00 The 11 hloll point In law letter In nn end en-d to draw a inroll I btwll tile MM uf Droyfu In franco ami one that or may origin In tho 11 Itrd Mtnlne under disk tile lnllunce of the inuiu mllllunalm Hioludlmi the namca of noted men d Novi T Khom U to taahiui ablo for unrtuan pa Inter parts I Anal politicians in attack we I hen QUIAU Iraht our ecarritioporderst0 contention III 14 ststI that i ih yfuurde el ponded o trotii louii11 I I ml fifty mil joist llano of fr I1 I II I balt o Dresfu Hupp am < tlt X ta tt 1 h I l f t JIK Pt In Sale pIIMj I tll 0101 of Agent Now 17res I Its i ul I an I r 1 I 10 vstat t or tyj t bf o tal 1 4 say Oal 1 11 I ani ln pvi i Ii i 111111 11 r I I Ill 11 101I n 11 I 111 m 1 m is lit inm I b xp 0 x en I yrago I < t h 1 mn via r 11 i om 0I Int lIu lOr 1 < I I r me IIkly I n pr ciP fg a4110t IAIII oul IL nv flat ll 1 pd Val out I I lo I myluilautro I 10 obow 101 Ituall 4 Thu hiiig 1111 I I I 111 0 n h 0 n n f 1 In II pr o41111i I wnd lot 10 nn IN I so 10 1 h t I I mt to I hour by Ih Inn 1I < Iml a r cur olln Ih quill of lb X011tyr nllblnk the rompntleon holdt W e do not good Then U I nothing In the Dr yflla ser that U I l nillled In America jurlnprudeK There may be iMlanco In 1 which 0fI llal and Political UHIUine I way Judicial drtlelon WhDnr 11 And when Kcura It M to be deplored th facts warrant It both th M who POor over ce rta Merrtn Improper offlclala who are ron Paid tho Public and If 1 trolled by It should bo enlivens such In pnlbl < beiunlahed Hot Tlanrra would Areas then be ttcopllonal and contrary lo our ayntem at law and PrIdurc The French government II flat super for lo OUM in tiny reapefl If II is I tile that the former restated lito mtfAy power told t be behind the oWenao of Drryfiu that does not prow be polnl emiiht lo be eelaWlrired The lyflorll hl h render II possible for a man toN to-N condemnMl by a court martial ho cause he MUI not iw h his inovrmwo in the MlUfirtlon of hu Jodrx when ID prosecution was unable to elUMIih his guilt lo ay nothing of the at loud in method employed In the oorxldel of the trial U I one thai amaw IhI civil 1004 l world and l U I almost beyond than pogrom eoaolderalkMi of stands Irsimal In Antlofanm Mai of law Jutice anti the rllkll of accused peraona our fovernmont U treat founded on such notion and formal A similar raw lo that of 1110 Dryfua Investigation c add I not occur under ur Inuuuth n If ihr money power Is I aa potent ON our rrrpnndnt thinks U 1 M an abnormal growth and mail 110 checked und FAre FA-re u practical be ozelmd or ellmllial ml II la Ml part of our national lyi Im 10 o while we off wllh the ntlmrnt hat the OWN of the money power is I frqunl and omlnoua of evil we do Mat loin In the common attack on men he course they have large I capital at their mmand nor do was think that our i vernmonl is raosposaftele for the Im ropr moo of th at fund that bay brain accumulated In h few hands It U I I the beat fovrnment oo earth and vaal I ly npnlor In ererr way lo that cast of republic which now previous In Franco |