Show AIIIULUIIUIIM LIIIIKli I n At f meellnn of the faculty ThumlAy afternoon I woo delermlned lu hold 1 entrance examinations tin Tueaday Final Wednesday the false and Slash A 5an1l datea for Ihe fresheners class will take eiamlnatlona In irrammar and arlthme tic on Tueaday mud In readlnir I ieltlffff geography anil history on Wrdneerlay Candldalea for the aub freehman claaa < will have all I enamlnatlona on Tneaday Malt fill protestor n1 domeetlo arta is I quite III not bring able to lean 1 nor bed I lab has recent I returned I from a visit I to Kanaaa and Nihrnnka where lyllr the exceaalve hal affected her eetlnue IIr I > n Hugh aailatanl In Kmllah hits blears 00 ihe I ground vital r lie prnmhioa to be an en elli nt man holJ Ing describe from Talhouale college Harvard and fornell and having had Voml I Years successful rn In public arhiml and normal achool work Mr Clause aucceaaor to Irnfopwir lledHrk In tile department of balmily and horticulture ha just arrtie I He I Jn rom Im the flonva Exparovaent lallon In Nw VoikTlTla I airra < iuale of the Mlrhlaxn Airrlcullural college i In III he mine claaa with Irofmnir UIr rank at tornell and line done 1 < oet graduate work Ttiere la I n proepect of 1 good attend Rate The ecreury haa many ln < urla tmardlmr houae keepera rtpirt = morts sepl11cmirpts than can 1 laled There la I a coneederable call fair houaaa for famHIe who waste to move here lo realde for a number > eara for collate advantage All the member of the faculty are home from aummer oullrel PAZ I have len away vlilllHt trtefld on = doing teachora In lltule work aonu lei luring to farmenj Mmf eeetmc the wondera uf Ihe Telfilwatnne Park while a few hnve 1 remained M their nincea nnlehlnx new Work last yeara work or planning |